This document contains the lyrics to the song "Snuff" by the band Slipknot. It discusses the breakdown of a relationship and feelings of anger, regret, and loss after the other person has left. The singer expresses that they don't deserve love and asks the other person not to show they still care if they do, as it would only make things harder to deal with.
This document contains the lyrics to the song "Hurt" by Shawn Desman. The song is about a man who regrets not expressing his feelings for a woman sooner, as she is now in a relationship with someone else. Over two verses and repeated choruses, he describes how much pain this causes him ("Why does it hurt so bad?") and comes to terms with needing to let her go, despite feeling they were meant to be together.
This document contains lyrics from the Pantera song "This Love" along with analysis in Greek. It discusses the song's lyrics about a toxic relationship where one person lies about loving the other and causes them pain, discussing themes of twisted love, ending life, and regret over hurting the other person. The chorus repeats lines about keeping this painful love.