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Dr. Baljit Singh Khehra
Professor, CSE Department
BBSB Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib
Introduction of Genetic Algorithms
 GA is a computer algorithm that searches for good
solutions to a problem among a large number of possible
 GAs are based on the mechanism of natural genetics and
natural selection.
 In GAs, maintain a population of some feasible solutions
for given problem.This population undergoes evolution in
a form of natural selection. In each generation relatively
good solutions reproduce and relatively bad solutions die,
to be replaced by the offspring of the good.
Problem Description
In TSP, to find shortest Hamiltonian cycle in
complete graph.
Permutation Problem.
NP-Hard Problem.
Fitness Measure
Step 1: Traverse the cities according to the sequence in a
Step 2: Calculate d(ci, ci+1) using equation
d(ci, ci+1) = (x-s)2 + (y-t)2
and find the total distance in the tour
Total distance = S d (ci, ci+1) + d (cn,c1)
Step3: Calculate the fitness of the chromosome in the
population using the equation fit (tk) = 1/Total
Selection Method
 Steady-state selection mechanism is used in this
 In steady-state selection, two chromosomes
from population are selected for crossover.
 The offspring so obtained replace the least fit
chromosome in the existing population.
Partially Mapped crossover
Step 1:Two chromosomes as parent P1 and P2 are
aligned, and two crossover sites are picked
uniformly at random along the chromosomes.
Step 2:Each element between the two crossover
points in the alternate parent is mapped to
the position held by this element in the
first parent.
Step3:The remaining elements are inherited from
the parent without any conflict.
Partially Mapped crossover
Step 4:If conflict occurs, then for the first child:
(a) Find the position of the element,where
conflict occurs, in the second parent.
Pick the element from that position in
the first parent and place it that position
where conflict occur in the first child.
(b) For the second child, parent roles
Swap Mutation Operator
Step 1: Randomly choose one tour and randomly
select two mutation points.
Step 2: Interchange the cities at these two
Overall Procedure of GA to Solve TSP
Step 1: Setting the parameter
Set the parameter: number of cities n, population
size pop_size, crossover probability pc, mutation
probability pm, and maximum generation maxgen.
Let generation gen = 0, maxeval = 0
Step 2: Initialization
Generate pop_size chromosomes (tours) randomly.
Overall Procedure of GA to Solve TSP
Step 3: Evaluate
Step 3.1: Calculate the fitness value of each chromosome .
Step 3.2: if maxeval < max{fit(tk)}
bestsol = findbest {fit(tk)}
and maxeval = max {fit (tk)}
Overall Procedure of GA to Solve TSP
Step 4: Crossover
Perform the crossover PMX on
chromosomes selected with probability pc.
Step 5: Mutation
Perform the swap mutation on
chromosomes selected with probability pm.
Overall Procedure of GA to Solve TSP
Step 6: Selection
Select pop_size chromosomes from the parents
and offspring for the next generation by steady
state selection method.
Step 7: Stop testing
If gen = maxgen , then output bestsol and stop
gen = gen + 1 and return to step 3
Experimental Results
The best tour after 2600 iterations
Problem Size GA
Experimental Results
Performance of the Experiment
Performance of the experiment when n=20:
The size of the solution space:
20! / (20*2) = 60822550204416000
The number of the particles:18
The number of the iterations of the algorithm:2600
The size of the search space: 46800
Search space/solution space: 7.6945E-11%

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Ga for shortest_path

  • 1. GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR FINDING THE SHORTEST PATH Dr. Baljit Singh Khehra Professor, CSE Department BBSB Engineering College, Fatehgarh Sahib
  • 2. Introduction of Genetic Algorithms GA is a computer algorithm that searches for good solutions to a problem among a large number of possible solutions. GAs are based on the mechanism of natural genetics and natural selection. In GAs, maintain a population of some feasible solutions for given problem.This population undergoes evolution in a form of natural selection. In each generation relatively good solutions reproduce and relatively bad solutions die, to be replaced by the offspring of the good.
  • 3. Problem Description In TSP, to find shortest Hamiltonian cycle in complete graph. Permutation Problem. NP-Hard Problem.
  • 4. Fitness Measure Step 1: Traverse the cities according to the sequence in a tour Step 2: Calculate d(ci, ci+1) using equation d(ci, ci+1) = (x-s)2 + (y-t)2 and find the total distance in the tour n Total distance = S d (ci, ci+1) + d (cn,c1) i=1 Step3: Calculate the fitness of the chromosome in the population using the equation fit (tk) = 1/Total distance
  • 5. Selection Method Steady-state selection mechanism is used in this algorithm. In steady-state selection, two chromosomes from population are selected for crossover. The offspring so obtained replace the least fit chromosome in the existing population.
  • 6. Partially Mapped crossover Step 1:Two chromosomes as parent P1 and P2 are aligned, and two crossover sites are picked uniformly at random along the chromosomes. Step 2:Each element between the two crossover points in the alternate parent is mapped to the position held by this element in the first parent. Step3:The remaining elements are inherited from the parent without any conflict.
  • 7. Partially Mapped crossover Step 4:If conflict occurs, then for the first child: (a) Find the position of the element,where conflict occurs, in the second parent. Pick the element from that position in the first parent and place it that position where conflict occur in the first child. (b) For the second child, parent roles reversed.
  • 8. Swap Mutation Operator Step 1: Randomly choose one tour and randomly select two mutation points. Step 2: Interchange the cities at these two points.
  • 9. Overall Procedure of GA to Solve TSP Step 1: Setting the parameter Set the parameter: number of cities n, population size pop_size, crossover probability pc, mutation probability pm, and maximum generation maxgen. Let generation gen = 0, maxeval = 0 Step 2: Initialization Generate pop_size chromosomes (tours) randomly.
  • 10. Overall Procedure of GA to Solve TSP Step 3: Evaluate Step 3.1: Calculate the fitness value of each chromosome . Step 3.2: if maxeval < max{fit(tk)} Then bestsol = findbest {fit(tk)} and maxeval = max {fit (tk)}
  • 11. Overall Procedure of GA to Solve TSP Step 4: Crossover Perform the crossover PMX on chromosomes selected with probability pc. Step 5: Mutation Perform the swap mutation on chromosomes selected with probability pm.
  • 12. Overall Procedure of GA to Solve TSP Step 6: Selection Select pop_size chromosomes from the parents and offspring for the next generation by steady state selection method. Step 7: Stop testing If gen = maxgen , then output bestsol and stop Else gen = gen + 1 and return to step 3
  • 14. The best tour after 2600 iterations
  • 15. Problem Size GA 10 20 30 BEST AVG 56.47 58.81 64.15 45.36 52.89 55.91 Experimental Results
  • 16. Performance of the Experiment Performance of the experiment when n=20: The size of the solution space: 20! / (20*2) = 60822550204416000 The number of the particles:18 The number of the iterations of the algorithm:2600 The size of the search space: 46800 Search space/solution space: 7.6945E-11%