Game Over? Improving Engineering Courses via Gamification and Adaptive ContentJoaquim Jorge
Keynote Presentation to 9th International Conference on
Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction
22 July 2015, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Abstract: Gamification has been explored recently as a way to promote content delivery in education, yielding promising results. However, little is known regarding how it helps different students experience learning and acquire knowledge.
In this talk I discuss our experiences with gamified engineering courses and the reactions of students to the gamified experience.
By examining student performance and attitude data collected from several years we identified distinct student types. I will describe different student types, according to behavior and explain how gamification can provide for smarter learning by catering to students with different profiles.
The document discusses gamification and its applications. Gamification is defined as using game mechanics and elements to motivate and engage people. It can be used in education, healthcare, enterprise, and other domains to make activities more fun and encourage behaviors. The document provides several examples of how gamification has been successfully applied, such as to incentivize cooperation at McDonald's and make workplaces more engaging.
The document discusses a quote about how the future is already here but unevenly distributed. William Gibson is quoted as saying "The future is already here - It's just unevenly distributed." No other details or context is provided about the topic.
Foredrag om lydløse mobilsamtaler, mobile apps og litt om utvikling og forretningsmodeller på Medierettskurset 2010 i regi av Juristenes Utdanningssenter.
ºÝºÝߣs fra presentasjon pÃ¥ IJ-seminaret Nordic SuperSearch 2010 torsdag 2. september i VG-auditoriet.
Brorparten av presentasjonen ble kjørt med live demo, så slides består stort sett av screenshots som ble lagt ved som backupløsning.
The document discusses a quote about how the future is already here but unevenly distributed. William Gibson is quoted as saying "The future is already here - It's just unevenly distributed." No other details or context is provided about the topic.
Foredrag om lydløse mobilsamtaler, mobile apps og litt om utvikling og forretningsmodeller på Medierettskurset 2010 i regi av Juristenes Utdanningssenter.
ºÝºÝߣs fra presentasjon pÃ¥ IJ-seminaret Nordic SuperSearch 2010 torsdag 2. september i VG-auditoriet.
Brorparten av presentasjonen ble kjørt med live demo, så slides består stort sett av screenshots som ble lagt ved som backupløsning.