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Created by Aymen Yahya albaili

Teacher :Carol
GANDHI (1982)
      director: Richard Attenborough
      genre: Drama
      Time :188 minutes
      starring: Ben Kingsley (Mahatma Gandhi)
       John Gielgud (Lord Irwin),Candice Bergen
       Written by: John Briley

       Candice Bergen   John Gielgud   Ben Kingsley
Richard Attenborough
 GANDHI (1982) Director
     Cambridge-born actor/director actually signifies all
       that was once great about British cinema
     He direct many great movies such as Oh! What a
       Lovely War1969, Gandhi1982, Cry Freedom1987,
     He act In a Supporting Role Jurassic Park 1993,
       Hamlet 1996
     recently Attenborough has experienced something
       of a rebirth, acting in films like "Miracle on 34th
       Street" (1994) and "Elizabeth" (1998), while also
       continuing to play a major part in maintaining
       Britains cultural heritage.
Why I choose this movie

     Gandhi is the man who change the
      life for ever
     Gandhis voice speak out for millions
     I like the Gandhis Quotation which
      said in the end of the movie. I will
      say it in the end of this presentation
Academy Awards: OSCARS

  Gandhis film received eight Academy Awards: OSCARS
   Best Picture
   Best Actor - Ben Kingsley
   Best Director - Richard Attenborough.
   Best Art Direction - Stuart Craig, Bob Laing
   Best Cinematography - Billy Williams, Ronnie Taylor
   Best Costume Design - Bhanu Athaiya, John Mollo
   Best Editing - John Bloom
   Best Original Screenplay - John Briley
The story

     The story of Mahatma Gandhi, and his
      rise from struggling lawyer in South
      Africa to famous leader of India. He
      returns to India, where the British have
      made the Indians second class citizens.
      He gets the people of India to rise up
      against the British, in the beginning with
      non-violent protests...
Gandhi Reads Papers in
          Front of His Spinning Wheel

 Gandhi advocated the boycott of the
  machine made European clothing as it
  caused large range unemployment in
  India. He establish making hand-made
  clothes that was inexpensive and suitable
  for poor Indians. besides it showed Indians
  how to be self-reliant. Gandhi worked on
  his spinning wheel till his last days,
Salt March

     when Mahatma Gandhi wished to
      begin a new campaign of national
      civil disobedience, he began with
      salt: all he had to do was to trek
      down 200 miles to the Arabian
      Sea, there stoop and pick up a few
      grains of salt from the pans, and
      the entire nation ignited
civil war

      Gandhi travels to Europe to negotiate
       Indias freedom
      After they are free, there is a civil war
       between the Hindus and the Muslims.
       They are forced to move around so they
       are in separate parts, India and
       Pakistan, and total chaos breaks out.
       Gandhi goes on his fast and refuses to
       eat until he is convinced all fighters to
       stop. This is very difficult, but it is
The story
     Two of those who worked with Gandhi
      were Nehru, who later became Indias
      first prime minister, and Jinnah, who
      later became first governor-general of
     Gandhi continues to provoke the British
      authorities using nonviolent civil
      disobedience, he went in and out of
      prison several times,
Still Proud

      January 30th 1948 Gandhi killed by
       a journalist who was belonged to
       Hindu group which believe that
       Gandhi had mistaken when he
       accepted to give Pakistan for
In the end Gandhi said

       Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of

        truth and love has always won. There may be

        tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may

        seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail.

        Think of it ... always.

       Is goodness stronger than evil? Does love always

        succeed, does justice win? Only because we don't

        let the story end. Only because we don't give up.

        Only because we keep on trying. Only because we

        regular people. Thank you

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  • 1. Created by Aymen Yahya albaili Teacher :Carol
  • 2. GANDHI (1982) director: Richard Attenborough genre: Drama Time :188 minutes starring: Ben Kingsley (Mahatma Gandhi) John Gielgud (Lord Irwin),Candice Bergen Written by: John Briley Candice Bergen John Gielgud Ben Kingsley
  • 3. Richard Attenborough GANDHI (1982) Director Cambridge-born actor/director actually signifies all that was once great about British cinema He direct many great movies such as Oh! What a Lovely War1969, Gandhi1982, Cry Freedom1987, He act In a Supporting Role Jurassic Park 1993, Hamlet 1996 recently Attenborough has experienced something of a rebirth, acting in films like "Miracle on 34th Street" (1994) and "Elizabeth" (1998), while also continuing to play a major part in maintaining Britains cultural heritage.
  • 4. Why I choose this movie Gandhi is the man who change the life for ever Gandhis voice speak out for millions I like the Gandhis Quotation which said in the end of the movie. I will say it in the end of this presentation
  • 5. Academy Awards: OSCARS Gandhis film received eight Academy Awards: OSCARS Best Picture Best Actor - Ben Kingsley Best Director - Richard Attenborough. Best Art Direction - Stuart Craig, Bob Laing Best Cinematography - Billy Williams, Ronnie Taylor Best Costume Design - Bhanu Athaiya, John Mollo Best Editing - John Bloom Best Original Screenplay - John Briley
  • 6. The story The story of Mahatma Gandhi, and his rise from struggling lawyer in South Africa to famous leader of India. He returns to India, where the British have made the Indians second class citizens. He gets the people of India to rise up against the British, in the beginning with non-violent protests...
  • 7. Gandhi Reads Papers in Front of His Spinning Wheel Gandhi advocated the boycott of the machine made European clothing as it caused large range unemployment in India. He establish making hand-made clothes that was inexpensive and suitable for poor Indians. besides it showed Indians how to be self-reliant. Gandhi worked on his spinning wheel till his last days,
  • 8. Salt March when Mahatma Gandhi wished to begin a new campaign of national civil disobedience, he began with salt: all he had to do was to trek down 200 miles to the Arabian Sea, there stoop and pick up a few grains of salt from the pans, and the entire nation ignited
  • 9. civil war Gandhi travels to Europe to negotiate Indias freedom After they are free, there is a civil war between the Hindus and the Muslims. They are forced to move around so they are in separate parts, India and Pakistan, and total chaos breaks out. Gandhi goes on his fast and refuses to eat until he is convinced all fighters to stop. This is very difficult, but it is accomplished.
  • 10. The story Two of those who worked with Gandhi were Nehru, who later became Indias first prime minister, and Jinnah, who later became first governor-general of Pakistan. Gandhi continues to provoke the British authorities using nonviolent civil disobedience, he went in and out of prison several times,
  • 11. Still Proud January 30th 1948 Gandhi killed by a journalist who was belonged to Hindu group which believe that Gandhi had mistaken when he accepted to give Pakistan for Muslims
  • 12. In the end Gandhi said Whenever I despair, I remember that the way of truth and love has always won. There may be tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they may seem invincible, but in the end, they always fail. Think of it ... always. Is goodness stronger than evil? Does love always succeed, does justice win? Only because we don't let the story end. Only because we don't give up. Only because we keep on trying. Only because we regular people. Thank you