Deborah Meyer has over 15 years of experience in research, project management, and mentoring. She has worked for criminal justice, education, and youth charities. Her experience includes defining project goals, managing budgets and volunteers, recruiting and supporting participants, conducting research, and disseminating findings. She is trained in project management, safeguarding, facilitation, and mentoring vulnerable youth.
Mandy C. Moore has over 20 years of experience as a writer and editor. She has extensive experience editing academic works, novels, short stories and scripts. She currently works as an editor/writer and has previously worked as a coordinator at Occidental College, where she developed systems for managing study abroad programs. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in Writing and has published several short stories.
The document summarizes the research of Caitr¨ªona Honohan on the information-seeking behavior of advisers to policy-makers for homelessness in Ireland. It provides context on homelessness rates and the government's Rebuilding Ireland plan. It describes how the research question evolved and the literature reviewed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with civil servants, charity representatives, and a government adviser. Results showed that personal contacts, databases, websites and libraries were key information sources. Barriers included time constraints and limited access to academic literature. Participants engaged in "satisficing" behavior and emotion played a role in decisions on sufficient information. Suggestions for improvement included data sharing and analysis, better communication, and a central information portal.
Naomi Theriault has over 10 years of experience in development, leadership, facilitation, and mobilization. She has worked for Montreal Hooked on School as a liaison officer, project manager, team leader, and workshop animator helping to develop tools and programs to support school success. She also has experience coordinating field trips and recruitment for non-profits. Naomi holds a Bachelor's degree in Applied Human Sciences from Concordia University with a major in Human Relations and minor in Political Science.
The document announces an event at OISE on November 13th from 5-7:30pm for graduate students to explore career options. There will be breakout panel sessions on topics like community development, consulting, and educational research. Panelists will include professionals from organizations like Deloitte, SickKids hospital, and Pathways to Education Canada. The event will conclude with a networking reception. RSVPs are requested.
The Noel Studio for Academic Creativity will be a 10,000 square foot space located in the Crabbe Library at EKU. It will have two levels and an open layout to encourage collaboration. The Studio aims to advance communication and literacy skills through creative and integrated learning experiences. It will be directed by Dr. Russell Carpenter and supported by a staff including coordinators, consultants, and an advisory committee. The Studio's goals are to engage students, faculty, and community members in critical thinking, teamwork, research, and oral/written communication. It received funding through a donation from Ron and Sherrie Lou Noel.
This document summarizes services and resources provided by OTAN, the Outreach and Technical Assistance Network, which has been in operation for over 20 years. It highlights several ways OTAN supports adult education, including through electronic collaboration, instructional technology, and distance learning. Specific resources mentioned include teaching tools and lesson plans on the OTAN website, ways to incorporate polling, visuals, and interactive exercises into teaching using tools like Polldaddy, VoiceThread, and Glogster. OTAN also hosts Moodle courses and provides support for ePortfolios. Facebook is discussed as a way for adult schools and teachers to connect with students.
The document summarizes the proceedings of the LILAC Conference held in March 2016 in Dublin. It provides background on the Library Association of Ireland Task Force on Information Literacy (TFIL), which was formed in 2011 to advance recommendations on information literacy. The Task Force includes representatives from academic, special, government, school and public libraries. It reviews challenges facing the Irish library sector and a lack of a cohesive national strategy for information literacy education. The vision is for practical, cross-sectoral collaboration to better align library services with national literacy goals and policies through advocacy, research, and engagement with stakeholders.
Fake news: has it changed UK academic librarians¡¯ ideas about teaching Inform...Sheila Webber
Presentation by Chris Thorpe (City, University of London, UK, and Sheila Webber (Information School, University of Sheffield, UK (, presented at the European Conference on Information Literacy, September 2021
Giant Venn Diagram: New Approaches to Educational Partnershipsamtrombley
This document describes a workshop proposal for SXSWedu 2014 on developing sustainable education partnerships. The workshop will explore case studies of successful national, district, and school-level collaborations leveraging funding, resources, approaches, and constituencies. Participants will utilize tools like a "Giant Venn Diagram" to assess partnership fit and design collaborations. The goals are to better understand how to create high-impact partnerships and network to plan innovative education solutions. The facilitator, Allison Trombley, has over a decade of experience managing education programs and partnerships in multiple states. Network- Planning Next Steps with Local Bureaus Bonner Foundation
This document outlines discussion topics for a fall directors meeting regarding ways to improve collaboration across a policy network. It suggests exploring opportunities to better support collaboration through issue briefs, news digests, training resources, and networking students, staff, and faculty. It also notes some challenges like identifying outside groups with policy questions and recruiting reviewers. The overall goal is to discuss strengthening collaboration and resources across the participating organizations.
Amanda Patterson is a 2021 graduate of Yale University with a B.S. in Computer Science and a 3.76 GPA. She has experience developing front-end frameworks using agile design and rapid prototyping. She has held leadership roles coordinating programs and volunteers. Her skills include programming languages like C, Java, Python, and frameworks like ReactJS.
This document discusses using a library induction game called LibQuest to help first-year undergraduate students at Teesside University learn about library resources in a more engaging way. LibQuest uses augmented reality and tasks students to complete around the library. An evaluation found students enjoyed the social and exploratory aspects of LibQuest and it increased their awareness of available resources. Statistics show participation and borrowing increased in the years after LibQuest for students in the Schools of Computing and Health. Future development could include tailoring LibQuest to different subject areas and improving the app experience.
This document is a resume for Ziyong Huang that outlines his education, work experience, leadership experience, skills, and activities. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of Arizona with a GPA of 3.7 and double majors in Marketing and Managing Information Systems. His work experience includes being an investor at PitchVantage and serving on the board of the Eller Global Business Leader Program. He has held leadership roles such as Vice President of Communication for the Eller College Chinese Student Council.
Messenger by Textlocal is a cloud-based, self-serve text messaging platform used by over 165,000 UK businesses to simplify mobile communication with customers. It provides instant access to SMS capabilities with no long-term contracts needed. The platform allows businesses to easily schedule and send messages, set up templates, and integrate messaging into their operations.
This 3 sentence summary provides the high level information from the document:
This certificate recognizes that Nwaka Ogaga successfully completed the CE50180 Technical residential continuing professional development course in October 2011, as certified by the Head of Department of the Department of Chemical Engineering at in January 2013.
The document provides information on various topics related to aviation:
1) It discusses the current scenario of the aviation industry in India and provides statistics on market size and growth.
2) It compares the Airbus A300 and A380 aircraft in terms of size, capacity, performance, technology used, and sales.
3) It lists and describes the exterior and interior parts of an aircraft, including the cockpit, fuselage, wings, empennage, gears, cabin zones, overhead bins, and lavatories.
4) It identifies key parts of an aircraft like the wings, engines, cockpit, fuselage, slats, spoilers, ailerons, flaps,
La rinitis es un trastorno que afecta la mucosa nasal y causa s¨ªntomas como estornudos, picor y secreciones. Puede ser al¨¦rgica o no al¨¦rgica. La al¨¦rgica es la m¨¢s com¨²n y est¨¢ causada por aeroal¨¦rgenos como ¨¢caros y p¨®lenes. Los s¨ªntomas incluyen picor nasal, estornudos y lagrimeo. El tratamiento incluye evitar los al¨¦rgenos, medicamentos t¨®picos y sist¨¦micos, y vacunas para tratar la causa subyacente.
Frankfinn Aviation Research Project 2014-2015 HSE Guru
This project is truly belongs to kuriancredit¡¯s. Can be used free of charge. Selling without prior written consent prohibited. Obtain permission before redistributing. In all cases this notice must remain intact.
? copyright . kuriancredit . 2015 . All rights reserved
Este documento presenta un an¨¢lisis retrospectivo de diferentes terapias para hemangiomas nasales en ni?os. Los resultados mostraron que la observaci¨®n y crioterapia son efectivas para lesiones peque?as y superficiales. El l¨¢ser Nd-YAG y cirug¨ªa convencional tuvieron buenos resultados en lesiones m¨¢s avanzadas, aunque la cirug¨ªa es la mejor opci¨®n para casos destructivos o no controlados. El propanolol mostr¨® resultados prometedores pero se necesita m¨¢s investigaci¨®n. La elecci¨®n de tratamiento depende del tama?o, profundidad y comport
Este documento describe la anatom¨ªa, epidemiolog¨ªa, clasificaci¨®n, evaluaci¨®n cl¨ªnica y manejo de los traumatismos temporales. Las fracturas temporales ocurren m¨¢s com¨²nmente entre las edades de 20-40 a?os y en hombres. Pueden causar complicaciones como par¨¢lisis facial, fuga de l¨ªquido cefalorraqu¨ªdeo, y hipoacusia. La evaluaci¨®n incluye ex¨¢menes del o¨ªdo externo, audiometr¨ªa y posiblemente imagenolog¨ªa. El tratamiento depende de las estructuras afectadas y las
Este documento discute la base gen¨¦tica de la apnea obstructiva del sue?o (SAOS). Explica que la SAOS tiene componentes hereditarios relacionados con la obesidad, la distribuci¨®n de la grasa corporal, las estructuras craneofaciales y el control ventilatorio. Identifica varios s¨ªndromes gen¨¦ticos asociados con caracter¨ªsticas como la hipoplasia maxilar que predisponen a la SAOS. Tambi¨¦n analiza los patrones hereditarios de control ventilatorio, sue?o y ritmo circadiano que pueden influir en la SAOS.
Este documento resume la rinosinusitis aguda y cr¨®nica. 1) La rinosinusitis aguda puede ser viral o bacteriana, y el tratamiento con antibi¨®ticos se inicia si los s¨ªntomas persisten m¨¢s de 10 d¨ªas o empeoran. 2) La rinosinusitis cr¨®nica requiere confirmaci¨®n objetiva y se debe investigar condiciones subyacentes como asma o inmunodeficiencia. 3) El tratamiento incluye alivio sintom¨¢tico, antibi¨®ticos para casos agudos bacterianos recurrentes, y terapia t¨®pica nasal para casos
Eleanor Roper is a dedicated professional with over 4 years of experience in not-for-profit organizations focused on issues like youth unemployment, social integration, poverty, education, and community development. She has strong skills in program management, volunteer coordination, event planning, and communication. Her resume highlights her most recent role as Senior Assistant Manager for The Challenge, a volunteering program addressing social segregation and youth employability in London.
Belete Deribie Woldegies is an Ethiopian professor with over 25 years of experience in teaching, curriculum development, and leadership roles in both governmental and non-governmental organizations. He currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the Ethiopian Civil Service University, where he teaches courses in leadership and manages the Leadership and Good Governance Institute. Previously he held executive roles developing education programs, conducting research, and managing projects for organizations focused on areas such as livelihood support, capacity building, and women's and children's rights. He holds a PhD in Leadership and Change from Antioch University and has extensive training and experience in curriculum development, project management, and community engagement.
This document summarizes services and resources provided by OTAN, the Outreach and Technical Assistance Network, which has been in operation for over 20 years. It highlights several ways OTAN supports adult education, including through electronic collaboration, instructional technology, and distance learning. Specific resources mentioned include teaching tools and lesson plans on the OTAN website, ways to incorporate polling, visuals, and interactive exercises into teaching using tools like Polldaddy, VoiceThread, and Glogster. OTAN also hosts Moodle courses and provides support for ePortfolios. Facebook is discussed as a way for adult schools and teachers to connect with students.
The document summarizes the proceedings of the LILAC Conference held in March 2016 in Dublin. It provides background on the Library Association of Ireland Task Force on Information Literacy (TFIL), which was formed in 2011 to advance recommendations on information literacy. The Task Force includes representatives from academic, special, government, school and public libraries. It reviews challenges facing the Irish library sector and a lack of a cohesive national strategy for information literacy education. The vision is for practical, cross-sectoral collaboration to better align library services with national literacy goals and policies through advocacy, research, and engagement with stakeholders.
Fake news: has it changed UK academic librarians¡¯ ideas about teaching Inform...Sheila Webber
Presentation by Chris Thorpe (City, University of London, UK, and Sheila Webber (Information School, University of Sheffield, UK (, presented at the European Conference on Information Literacy, September 2021
Giant Venn Diagram: New Approaches to Educational Partnershipsamtrombley
This document describes a workshop proposal for SXSWedu 2014 on developing sustainable education partnerships. The workshop will explore case studies of successful national, district, and school-level collaborations leveraging funding, resources, approaches, and constituencies. Participants will utilize tools like a "Giant Venn Diagram" to assess partnership fit and design collaborations. The goals are to better understand how to create high-impact partnerships and network to plan innovative education solutions. The facilitator, Allison Trombley, has over a decade of experience managing education programs and partnerships in multiple states. Network- Planning Next Steps with Local Bureaus Bonner Foundation
This document outlines discussion topics for a fall directors meeting regarding ways to improve collaboration across a policy network. It suggests exploring opportunities to better support collaboration through issue briefs, news digests, training resources, and networking students, staff, and faculty. It also notes some challenges like identifying outside groups with policy questions and recruiting reviewers. The overall goal is to discuss strengthening collaboration and resources across the participating organizations.
Amanda Patterson is a 2021 graduate of Yale University with a B.S. in Computer Science and a 3.76 GPA. She has experience developing front-end frameworks using agile design and rapid prototyping. She has held leadership roles coordinating programs and volunteers. Her skills include programming languages like C, Java, Python, and frameworks like ReactJS.
This document discusses using a library induction game called LibQuest to help first-year undergraduate students at Teesside University learn about library resources in a more engaging way. LibQuest uses augmented reality and tasks students to complete around the library. An evaluation found students enjoyed the social and exploratory aspects of LibQuest and it increased their awareness of available resources. Statistics show participation and borrowing increased in the years after LibQuest for students in the Schools of Computing and Health. Future development could include tailoring LibQuest to different subject areas and improving the app experience.
This document is a resume for Ziyong Huang that outlines his education, work experience, leadership experience, skills, and activities. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration at the University of Arizona with a GPA of 3.7 and double majors in Marketing and Managing Information Systems. His work experience includes being an investor at PitchVantage and serving on the board of the Eller Global Business Leader Program. He has held leadership roles such as Vice President of Communication for the Eller College Chinese Student Council.
Messenger by Textlocal is a cloud-based, self-serve text messaging platform used by over 165,000 UK businesses to simplify mobile communication with customers. It provides instant access to SMS capabilities with no long-term contracts needed. The platform allows businesses to easily schedule and send messages, set up templates, and integrate messaging into their operations.
This 3 sentence summary provides the high level information from the document:
This certificate recognizes that Nwaka Ogaga successfully completed the CE50180 Technical residential continuing professional development course in October 2011, as certified by the Head of Department of the Department of Chemical Engineering at in January 2013.
The document provides information on various topics related to aviation:
1) It discusses the current scenario of the aviation industry in India and provides statistics on market size and growth.
2) It compares the Airbus A300 and A380 aircraft in terms of size, capacity, performance, technology used, and sales.
3) It lists and describes the exterior and interior parts of an aircraft, including the cockpit, fuselage, wings, empennage, gears, cabin zones, overhead bins, and lavatories.
4) It identifies key parts of an aircraft like the wings, engines, cockpit, fuselage, slats, spoilers, ailerons, flaps,
La rinitis es un trastorno que afecta la mucosa nasal y causa s¨ªntomas como estornudos, picor y secreciones. Puede ser al¨¦rgica o no al¨¦rgica. La al¨¦rgica es la m¨¢s com¨²n y est¨¢ causada por aeroal¨¦rgenos como ¨¢caros y p¨®lenes. Los s¨ªntomas incluyen picor nasal, estornudos y lagrimeo. El tratamiento incluye evitar los al¨¦rgenos, medicamentos t¨®picos y sist¨¦micos, y vacunas para tratar la causa subyacente.
Frankfinn Aviation Research Project 2014-2015 HSE Guru
This project is truly belongs to kuriancredit¡¯s. Can be used free of charge. Selling without prior written consent prohibited. Obtain permission before redistributing. In all cases this notice must remain intact.
? copyright . kuriancredit . 2015 . All rights reserved
Este documento presenta un an¨¢lisis retrospectivo de diferentes terapias para hemangiomas nasales en ni?os. Los resultados mostraron que la observaci¨®n y crioterapia son efectivas para lesiones peque?as y superficiales. El l¨¢ser Nd-YAG y cirug¨ªa convencional tuvieron buenos resultados en lesiones m¨¢s avanzadas, aunque la cirug¨ªa es la mejor opci¨®n para casos destructivos o no controlados. El propanolol mostr¨® resultados prometedores pero se necesita m¨¢s investigaci¨®n. La elecci¨®n de tratamiento depende del tama?o, profundidad y comport
Este documento describe la anatom¨ªa, epidemiolog¨ªa, clasificaci¨®n, evaluaci¨®n cl¨ªnica y manejo de los traumatismos temporales. Las fracturas temporales ocurren m¨¢s com¨²nmente entre las edades de 20-40 a?os y en hombres. Pueden causar complicaciones como par¨¢lisis facial, fuga de l¨ªquido cefalorraqu¨ªdeo, y hipoacusia. La evaluaci¨®n incluye ex¨¢menes del o¨ªdo externo, audiometr¨ªa y posiblemente imagenolog¨ªa. El tratamiento depende de las estructuras afectadas y las
Este documento discute la base gen¨¦tica de la apnea obstructiva del sue?o (SAOS). Explica que la SAOS tiene componentes hereditarios relacionados con la obesidad, la distribuci¨®n de la grasa corporal, las estructuras craneofaciales y el control ventilatorio. Identifica varios s¨ªndromes gen¨¦ticos asociados con caracter¨ªsticas como la hipoplasia maxilar que predisponen a la SAOS. Tambi¨¦n analiza los patrones hereditarios de control ventilatorio, sue?o y ritmo circadiano que pueden influir en la SAOS.
Este documento resume la rinosinusitis aguda y cr¨®nica. 1) La rinosinusitis aguda puede ser viral o bacteriana, y el tratamiento con antibi¨®ticos se inicia si los s¨ªntomas persisten m¨¢s de 10 d¨ªas o empeoran. 2) La rinosinusitis cr¨®nica requiere confirmaci¨®n objetiva y se debe investigar condiciones subyacentes como asma o inmunodeficiencia. 3) El tratamiento incluye alivio sintom¨¢tico, antibi¨®ticos para casos agudos bacterianos recurrentes, y terapia t¨®pica nasal para casos
Eleanor Roper is a dedicated professional with over 4 years of experience in not-for-profit organizations focused on issues like youth unemployment, social integration, poverty, education, and community development. She has strong skills in program management, volunteer coordination, event planning, and communication. Her resume highlights her most recent role as Senior Assistant Manager for The Challenge, a volunteering program addressing social segregation and youth employability in London.
Belete Deribie Woldegies is an Ethiopian professor with over 25 years of experience in teaching, curriculum development, and leadership roles in both governmental and non-governmental organizations. He currently serves as an Assistant Professor at the Ethiopian Civil Service University, where he teaches courses in leadership and manages the Leadership and Good Governance Institute. Previously he held executive roles developing education programs, conducting research, and managing projects for organizations focused on areas such as livelihood support, capacity building, and women's and children's rights. He holds a PhD in Leadership and Change from Antioch University and has extensive training and experience in curriculum development, project management, and community engagement.
Lorraine Hirst has over 25 years of experience leading projects in local government, nonprofit, and education sectors. She specializes in services for children, families, disabilities, and social care. Currently she leads the training and development division of Adoption UK, managing contracts, budgets, and a team of regional managers. Previously she has developed youth and family support programs, led training initiatives, and consulted on projects involving stakeholders from various agencies.
Julie Robson has 9 years of experience working in children's services at both practitioner and manager levels in the voluntary, private, and statutory sectors. She is currently a Project Leader for a DfE-funded project supporting settings and schools to improve inclusion for children with special educational needs. Previously she held several manager roles at a children's center, coordinating services and staff. She has strong communication, IT, and management skills and experience developing partnerships between schools and other organizations.
Dereje Bezabeh has over 15 years of experience in monitoring and evaluation, partnership development, social development, and teaching. He holds an MA in Educational Psychology and a BA in Foreign Language and Literature. His most recent role was as a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at World Vision Ethiopia from 2011 to 2015, where he coordinated capacity building and developed M&E tools. He has extensive training and experience in areas such as result-based management, partnership, community engagement, and evaluation.
The document is a curriculum vitae for Sayo Christine that outlines her professional experience in communications roles with various Non-Governmental Organizations in Kenya over the past 7 years. It details her roles facilitating advocacy forums, organizing training workshops, conducting research, and managing social media platforms. She has a Master's degree in Communications from the University of Nairobi and volunteers with an organization that mentors destitute children.
Erica Watson-Currie has over 25 years of experience in evaluation and research, education, customer relations, and communications. She holds a PhD in Communication Theory and has managed multiple evaluation projects, conducted surveys and interviews, analyzed data, and authored various reports and publications. She has taught at several universities and consulted on customer satisfaction, survey design, and strategic branding.
Michael Toronto has over 10 years of experience in program management, project management, and process improvement. He holds a Master's in Public Administration from the University of Pittsburgh and a Bachelor's in Social Work from Brigham Young University-Idaho. His experience includes managing employment programs, facilitating strategic planning meetings, and overseeing a project to improve school safety. He currently works as a Process Improvement Specialist at Utah Transit Authority, where he facilitates meetings and develops process improvement plans.
Michael Toronto has over 10 years of experience in program management, project management, and process improvement. He holds a Master's in Public Administration from the University of Pittsburgh and a Bachelor's in Social Work from Brigham Young University-Idaho. His experience includes managing employment programs, facilitating strategic planning meetings, and overseeing a project to improve school safety. He currently works as a Process Improvement Specialist at Utah Transit Authority, where he facilitates meetings and develops process improvement plans.
David Harry's CV outlines his personal and professional qualifications. He has a Bachelor's degree in Political Science and Public Administration from the University of Nairobi and seeks to build an innovative career using his skills and talents. His experience includes internships in solid waste management, marketing, and policy work. He has strong communication, leadership, and problem-solving abilities and is proficient in Microsoft Office.
Ray Christian V. Batac is seeking an ESL/EFL teaching position. He has a Standard Certificate in TESOL, two years of English tutoring experience, and experience facilitating seminars and workshops. He has six years of project development and implementation experience and graduated with a degree in Business Administration.
This document provides a summary of Terri Nadine Thomas's education, experiences, and involvement. She has a Master of Science in Higher Education from Florida State University and a Bachelor of Arts in Strategic Communication from the University of the Ozarks. Her experiences include serving as a graduate assistant at Florida State University coordinating social justice programs and as a teaching assistant. She has also held internships in student government, residential life, and disability services. Thomas has been involved in several professional associations related to higher education and student affairs.
Katy Taylor has over 15 years of experience in project management, education, nonprofit management, and policy research. She holds a Master of Public Affairs degree and Bachelor of Arts in Spanish and English. She is fluent in Spanish and has strong computer and communication skills.
- Seeks a full-time student affairs position beginning summer or fall 2014 with demonstrated experience developing programs, advising students, and assessing initiatives at Chatham University.
- Possesses skills in oral and written communication, leadership development, program implementation, and working with diverse students as shown through graduate assistantships and internships.
- Holds a master's degree in counseling and a bachelor's degree in psychology and has gained experience in residence life, academic advising, orientation, and community outreach roles at Edinboro University.
Bintou Kamara has over 10 years of experience in community organizing, healthcare, education, and interpretation. She currently works as a French interpreter for the New York City Mayor's Office of Immigrant Affairs, where she plans community events, interprets between English and French, and addresses issues that could impede interpretation. She also works as a community organizer for African Communities Together, where she recruits community members, organizes meetings on jobs and immigration, and tracks local issues. Previously, she held roles as a teacher assistant, home health aide, and receptionist for various organizations in New York.
The internal evaluation report summarizes the Travelling Libraries and Training Centres Project in Mongolia from 2010-2011. Key points:
1) The project aimed to improve access to information, education, and skills training for rural people through mobile libraries and training centers.
2) Evaluations with staff and beneficiaries found that the number and quality of trainings increased significantly over previous projects. Trainings covered topics like business, vocational skills, and civic education.
3) Beneficiaries reported improved knowledge, skills, incomes, and self-confidence as a result of the trainings. Staff also improved their professional capacities through their work on the project.
4) While the project made progress, staff noted
This document is a CV for Tracy Olckers, outlining her professional experience and qualifications. She has over 17 years of experience working in various roles, including 9 years of management experience. She is currently the Day Services Manager at Age UK West Sussex, where she coordinates staff and volunteers, organizes events, and liaises with external agencies. Previously she held management roles at Crawley Community & Voluntary Service, where she oversaw operations and staff. She has extensive training and qualifications in areas such as food safety, management, and IT.
Allyson Dawn Howse has over 15 years of experience in program development, management, and facilitation, with a focus on youth and vulnerable populations. She has worked for various organizations in Canada and abroad, developing educational programs, supervising staff, and engaging communities. Howse has strong communication, leadership, and computer skills, as well as experience in bilingual and international settings.
Anne Millen-Martini has over 15 years of experience designing and implementing curricula in various instructional settings. She has a Master's in Education with a focus on instructional design and eLearning. Her experience includes coordinating programs for US diplomatic missions in Copenhagen and Brussels, managing tutoring programs, and conducting training and instructional design work for government agencies and non-profits. She employs various instructional design models and has experience with a wide range of technologies.
092122-Draft Position Description Consultant VoIST.docxagam rizqi
The document describes a position for a Consultant for Voice of Istiqal (VoIST) in Indonesia. VoIST aims to promote diversity, tolerance, gender equality and interfaith dialogue. The Consultant position involves designing, developing, implementing and evaluating VoIST outreach programs and coordinating knowledge transfer to the VoIST team. The full-time, one-year contract position pays between 210,000,000-280,000,000 Rupiah annually depending on qualifications. Major responsibilities include supervising VoIST operations and programs, managing the budget, developing training plans, assisting with public programs and reports, and engaging target audiences. Applicants must be Indonesian citizens with at least a Bachelor's degree and 4
092122-Draft Position Description Consultant VoIST.docxagam rizqi
General CV March 2016
1. Deborah Meyer
Flat 4, 3 Langley Road, KT6 6LN / 07506 710848
Key skills
Interpersonal & communication, organisation, time management, analytical skills, ability to critique,
rising to a challenge & achieving objectives
November 2013 ¨C Present (2 years, 4 months)
Only Connect: Creative Criminal Justice Charity, rooted in Community
Project Manager ¨C Skills Development, Mentoring and Volunteering
? Defining project scope, resources, goals and deliverables ¨C scheduling projects and
deliverables and ensuring deadlines are met
? Planning and implementing group mentoring project and events, including marketing and
training (for corporate volunteers)
? Delivering 121 work with clients (aged 16+) to support them with entry into education,
training and employment (ETE)
? Forging relationships with local training organisations and employers in order to progress
clients into ETE ¨C often working with CSR managers
? Managing all Only Connect¡¯s Centre volunteers and mentors
? managing project budgets
? Ensuring robust evaluation of projects and sessions
? tracking project deliverables (using Salesforce CRM)
? Ensuring quality is assessed and monitored
March 2011 ¨C October 2013 (2 years, 8 months)
St George¡¯s University of London ¨CTrial Manager
Government funded randomised controlled trial in three Local Authorities. Aims to assess the
feasibility of evaluating an intervention to reduce teenage pregnancy for young women aged 14-18 in
Local Authority Care. The aim was to recruit and support 24 mentors (a female care leaver aged 19-
25) and 48 young women aged 14-18, half of whom would receive a mentor and the other half, their
usual care services (a randomised method).
? Taking lead in ensuring the smooth and effective management of the project, the budget,
Peer Mentors and supervision of a Research Assistant
? Liaising with Local Authorities, advisory group and trial steering committee regarding all
aspects of project.
? Working with Chief Investigator to ensure that the trial is meeting targets, was producing
meaningful output and predicting and planning changes that warrant requests to changes in
protocol, funding or time
? Recruitment and retention of participants, designing data collection tools and carrying out
data collection with professionals and young people i.e. including semi-structured interviews
and focus groups
? Taking lead in writing the final report disseminating data through seminars, workshops and
presentations to a range of audiences including government funding bodies, practitioners,
and academics
Dec 2007 ¨C February 2011 (3 years, 2 months)
Barnardo¡¯s ¨C Senior Research and Policy Assistant
Areas of expertise: education and skills, equality and diversity, child sexual exploitation & poverty
? Managed, and assisted with multi-method research - literature reviews, questionnaires, face-
to-face and telephone interviews, focus groups, data analysis, report drafting, editing and
2. dissemination. E.g. External publication: Evans J, Meyer D, and Pinney A (2009) Second
Chances: Re-engaging young people in Education. Ilford: Barnardo¡¯s.
? Forged partnerships with external partners ¨C lead representative for Barnardo¡¯s on a
partnership project with the National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Young People
and Ecpat UK. The project encouraged participation of young people regarding ¡®what works¡¯
in Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) services to influence services and policy. I organised
committee meetings and activities ¨Ce.g. drawing and photography - to stimulate ideas and
support young people to shape the direction of the project.
? Communicated, liaised with and supported colleagues across the organisation e.g. I acted as
the department lead for a corporate equality and diversity strategy.
? Delivered presentations to a range of audiences including practitioners, academics, and
young people as part of research dissemination.
? Managed interns and supported/mentored junior staff members.
Oct - Nov 2007: Southwark Council (temp post) Researcher
? Researched local demographic information on education, poverty and ethnicity.
? Following, training on developing internet and extranet sites, posted web links.
August - Oct 2007: The Prince¡¯s Trust (temp position) Customer Service Advisor
? Offered advice and information to young people aged 14-30 about education, training and
employment programmes - signposting and referral.
? In-depth telephone marketing research project with young people.
Jan - June 2007: Freelance English teacher - Israel (Following Postgraduate study)
? One-to-one teaching - methods included discussion of political stories in newspaper.
? Used the Hebrew Language School that I attended to advertise
? Offered and delivered babysitting services to adult clients with children.
2000 - 2007: Various customer service roles - developed communication skills.
? Three years at the furniture outlet Pier Retail Ltd
? Three years at shoe outlet Jones Bootmaker Ltd.
? Telephone market research
? Customer service at ING direct bank and Natwest Bank
? Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults ¨C Level 2 ( Catch 22 ¨C Jan 2016)
? Facilitation training (Only Connect Sept 2015)
? Prince2 project management- Foundation and Practitioner (Knowledge Academy, June
? Two day presentation skills workshop (St George¡¯s Uni of London, March 2013)
? Writing for publication (St George¡¯s Uni, Feb 2012)
? Writing research grant proposals (Feb 2012)
? Depth interviewing skills (National Centre for Social Research, Nov 2011)
? European Computer Driving License (ECDL) Units: Microsoft Office Application Word,
Excel, Access, PowerPoint ¨C Internet and Email (Barnardo¡¯s, 2010)
? Equality and Diversity (May 2013)
? Nvivo 9 Qualitative research package (Uni of Surrey May 2012)
Voluntary work
June 2013 ¨C June 2015 Safer London Foundation ¨C Aspire Mentor
Completed training and accepted to programme to mentor young people aged 16-25 who are at risk
of or involved in gangs and offending behaviour. Mentored a young woman, reviewed her strengths
and helped to develop her life skills with the aim of increasing their chances of securing a job or
3. Dec 2010 ¨C Dec 2011 KEEN London
Coach for a charity which offers one-to-one sports and recreational opportunities for children and
young adults with special needs.
July - Sept 2007: Groundwork Thames Valley - An Independent Community Development Charity
which creates economic, social and environmental improvements.
July - Sept 2007: Reading Refugee Support Group
Assisted Refugees and Asylum Seekers at a drop-in Welfare Advice Centre
Greeted and registered clients and managed the office.
1999 ¨C 2004: Volunteer Youth Leader
Was responsible for educational programming and the emotional and physical well-being of groups of
young people. Included work in youth clubs, residential and schools.
2005 ¨C 2006: MSc Social Policy and Planning (pass with merit)
London School of Economics, University of London
Modules included Education Policy; Child Rights, Child Poverty; Race and Ethnicity.
2002 ¨C 2005 BA Sociology 2:1
The University of Birmingham
2000 -2001 A-Levels
Sociology (A) Geography (B) English (C)
1998 ¨C 1999 GCSE¡¯s
Ten grades A - C grades, including English Maths and Science