舒于舒仍仆亳亶 从: 束仂仍亠从仍仆舒 仂仆从仂仍仂亞, 仗舒仂仍仂亞 舒 亞亠仆亠亳从舒損
亠亟亳仆舒 仍舒弍仂舒仂 CSD 仗仍仆仂 亰 Center for research and education of translational biology and medicine (www.tbm.center ) 仗仂仗仂仆 弍亠亰从仂仂于仆亳亶 从 仆舒于舒仍仆亳 仍亠从亶 亟仍 弍舒亢舒ム亳.
Proteins: structure, packaging, transport and degradation丐舒礌舒 亠于亳从舒
Chemical structure of proteins
- amino acids
- peptide bond and polypeptide chain
Secondary structure
- 留-chine
- 硫-Structure
The globular structure (folding of proteins), the Levintal paradox
- the role of the secondary structure in the formation of the globule
- Globule stabilization, chaperones
- structure of membrane proteins
- unstructured proteins
Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, translocon
Failure in folding, endoplasmic reticulum stress
Regulation, degradation
- limited proteolysis
- proteasome proteolysis
- lysosomal (autophagy, mTOR)
- extracellular proteolysis
The document summarizes research on human taste sensitivity. It discusses the five basic tastes that humans can perceive: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. It describes the taste receptors responsible for detecting each taste: TAS1R receptors for sweet and umami, TAS2R receptors for bitter, PKD2L1 ion channels for sour, ENaC sodium channels for salty, and other receptors for fatty acids and glutamate. It also mentions experiments using extracellular recording systems to study ATP release from taste bud cells and research showing that umami receptor activation increases duodenal bicarbonate secretion.
13. DNA bases: A G C TDNA bases: A G C T
RNA bases: A G C URNA bases: A G C U
DNA bases: A G C TDNA bases: A G C T
RNA bases: A G C URNA bases: A G C U