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Geography and facts about the UK By Jeni Prettyman
Map of the UK
Cities in the UK London is the capital of Britain.  It has a population of over 7 million people. Cardiff is the capital of Wales.  Over 320,000 people live here. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland.  The Scottish parliament can be found here. The Scottish parliament :
Geographical features The highest mountain in the UK is called Ben Nevis.  It is in Scotland. The longest river is the River Severn in Wales/England.  It often floods. The River Severn:
Geographical features The biggest lake is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland. Another famous lake is Loch Ness in Scotland.  Some people believe that a monster called Nessie lives here.
Facts and figures Over 60 million people live in the UK. 83% of the population live in England. The average summer temperature is 15.5 degrees.
Languages English is the 1 st  language of the UK Other official languages are Welsh (in Wales) and Scottish Gaelic (in Scotland)
Two famous places Stonehenge is in south-west England.  It was built 5000 years ago and may have been a church. Tintagel is a castle in Cornwall which may have been the home of King Arthur.

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Geography Of The UK

  • 1. Geography and facts about the UK By Jeni Prettyman
  • 3. Cities in the UK London is the capital of Britain. It has a population of over 7 million people. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Over 320,000 people live here. Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. The Scottish parliament can be found here. The Scottish parliament :
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  • 5. Geographical features The biggest lake is Lough Neagh in Northern Ireland. Another famous lake is Loch Ness in Scotland. Some people believe that a monster called Nessie lives here.
  • 6. Facts and figures Over 60 million people live in the UK. 83% of the population live in England. The average summer temperature is 15.5 degrees.
  • 7. Languages English is the 1 st language of the UK Other official languages are Welsh (in Wales) and Scottish Gaelic (in Scotland)
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