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Company Profile
Who We Are ?
Geometrix is an engineering company, incorporated in
Year 2010
Our VISION is to become,  FIRST CHOICE  of BIWOur VISION is to become,  FIRST CHOICE  of BIW
Line Builders,Engineering Companies and
Manufacturing units for acquiring automation &
robotic solutions and services .We also provide the
used and refurbished robots to various industrial
Who We Are ?
DEE-Diploma In Electrical Engineering
BE-Bachelor of Electrical Engineering
Other Certifications and Publications:
1)Robotic Advanced level trainings from Fanuc and ABB Robotics.
2)Paper selected and awarded at SAE International USA-Virtual Plant Commissioning
Methodology using Digital Manufacturing And Lean Principles
Director Profile
Methodology using Digital Manufacturing And Lean Principles
3)Deutsche Management Academye Niedersachsen,Celle Germany-Course in Industry
4.0-Application of IT in the modern industry.IT in Production,IT in After Sales.
Total Experience:
19 Years in-Industrial Automation and Robotic application engineering,
Maintenance,Production,Design and Simulation,Project Management,Business
What we do?
Engineering is our passion.
We support world class BIW line builders for automobile ,engineering and manufacturing companies, from
CONCEPT TO COMMISSIONING phase, through following systematic approach.
a) Consultation:
Group discussion, Strategy & RFQ preparation.
b) Pre-SE:b) Pre-SE:
Feasibility & Conceptualization.
c) SE / ME (Product / Process / Facility):
Detailing & verification through simulation using digital manufacturing softwares.
d) Designing:
Jig, Fixture, Conveyors, SPMs, Robotic cells, Press Tools, PLC controlled systems.
e) Manufacturing:
Jig, Fixture, Conveyors, SPMs, Robotic cells, Press Tools & PLC controlled systems.
f) Installation, Commissioning & Proving:
Green field & Brown field project execution.
Simulation Softwares
Technomatrix Robcad 9.1,
Delmia V5,
ABB RobotStudio,
Fanuc Robot Guide
Siemens Plant Simulation
Design softwares
 Catia V5R19
Robotic Expertise
Siemens Plant Simulation
 Allen Bradley
 Delta etc
PLC /Controls Expertise
Robotic system capabilities.
 Robotic spot/Mig Welding
 Robotic Roller Hemming
 Robotic Sealent/gluing
 Robotic Stud Welding
 Robotic Laser Cutting
 Robotic Ultrasonic Welding etc.applications.
 Robotic Ultrasonic Welding etc.applications.
 Layout preparation
 Equipment selection;
 Fixture and peripheral equipment design
 Verification through simulations
 Manufacturing of tools/equipments
 Safety system design
 PLC system design/ control design
 Online robot programming, PLC programming
 Communication Protocol- Hardwiring, Device
Net, Profibus, Ethernet.
 Site implementation and prove out
PLC & Controls capabilities
We have expertise in use of PLC to read digital and analog inputs from various field devices, execute a
user defined logic program, and write the resulting digital and analog output values to various output
elements. Also we developed the system for interaction of the shop floor devices with the top floor for
monitoring as well as controlling.
Networking &
Graphic Terminals
Message Displays
Contactors & relays
Emergency stop devices
2d/3D Vision systems
Hazardous location
Statistical data
job dimensions
Remote I/O
DH Plus
Can Bus
Hazardous location
Pneumatic switches
Isolation systems
Interlock switches
Load switches
Operator interfaces
Presence sensing devices
Two hand control devices
Allen Bradley- Micrologix,SLC500,PLC5,Compact logix, control logix, flex logix, softlogix,
drive logix, guard logix, smart guard etc.
Beckhoff-Servo tools as well as smart controllers and iPCs.
Siemens- S7-Simatic 200,300,400, Mitsubishi, Messung, Delta etc
Fanuc  Fanuc FAPT Ladder-III for robots
Projects delivered
Auto Multi Gauging System of turned jobs with Robotic Auto loading and unloading..
For-ID,OD,Step depth,Ovality,Counter etc..(WIP)
Projects delivered
Validation/Simulation of robotic spot welding workcell for Leading Automobile
OEM through leading BIW Line Builder.
Validation/Simulation/OLP-For BIW Line Up gradations using Robcad for Leading
Automobile OEM through leading line builder.
Projects delivered
Validation Simulation of robotic spot welding workcell in Robcad for leading
Automobile OEM through leading BIW line builder.
Projects delivered
Validation Simulation of robotic spot welding/sealing/stud
welding/marking/PSW and handling workcell in Robcad for leading Automobile
OEM in Europe through leading BIW Engineering organization.
Projects delivered
Simulation -Handling and spot welding-ABB
Robots For Leading FMCG group.
Simulation Of BIW Process and jig/fixture
validation in Robcad for Leading Auto OEM
in Europe through leading Engineering group.
Conceptualization,simulation,design of
Cupboard sheet Robotic bending line for
leading FMCG group.
Pre SE,SE,ME,Manufacturing,E&C of furniture
packing line for leading FMCG group.
Projects delivered
Leather Shoes-Robotic Roughing
and Spraying for leading shoe exporter
Robotic Spot Welding with Fanuc robot for
Leading automobile OEM
Robotic Roller Hemming for leading
automobile OEM.
Robot Programming Services at VW-
Shanghai,China through GAG, China
Projects delivered
Service-Robotic Spot Welding And Material Handling for
Car Closures Line -Fanuc Robots-COMAU India For Maruti
Service-Rear And Front Frame
Welding Robot Programming-
Service-Robotic Roller Hemming-ABB Robots-
(For ABB India & Reno Nissan )
Service-Robotic Spot Welding Nachi Robots
for Wooshin Engineering Pvt .Ltd
Projects delivered
Turnkey-Robotic Laser Cutting System-TACO For Mahindra Xylo Bumper
Turnkey-Robotic Systems and Integration Support-Mig Welding And Material Handling
Machine Tending Cylinder Welding
Projects delivered
Turnkey-Laser Cutting Systems for
Metals And Non Metals/Combined
ABB Robot & Coherent Laser Source.
Turnkey-Robotic Spot Welding
System for car Rear Crash
Turnkey-Robotic flaming
and sealing
Turnkey-Tractor Chassis part Robotic Welding-Fanuc/Motoman Robots for Windal
Projects delivered
Turnkey-Packaging Line Automation Consulting and delivery( system for 1200
Wooden furniture parts) for Godrej & Boyce,Interiao.
Turnkey-Robotic Ultrasonic welding
2-Axis-Turn Table-Sulzer India Ltd
Projects delivered
Kalyani Techno Forge -Robotic Pick & Place
System For Forging Job -
ENDURANCE Die -Casting Machine -Robot 
Trimming Press Integration( ABB Robot)
Western Refrigeration- Robotic sheet metal
bending with KUKA Robot.
Varroc  Friction welding & Deflasher
Machine Robotic Pick & Place system+SPM
for auto job feeding
Projects delivered
Robotic Pick & Place System For Forging Industry-Consulting,concepts and delivery-
Robotic Pick & Place System For hot Job (IBH output to Press Input ) -
Robotic Spraying and foam pouring
concept and delivery
Projects delivered
Robotic Automization Consulting for Disc Spring manufacturing set up.
Clip Sensing POKA YOKE
SYSTEM For Vehicle parts
Cooper Corporation Pvt.Ltd
Consulting for using PLM tools for optimizing the throughput,throughput analysis,
production of mix model varients,contingency planning.
Our Clients
And many moreAnd many more
Thank You
Contacts :
Managing Director
Prafullakumar Khachane
Looking Forward To Have A Mutually Benefited Business Relationship With Your Esteemed Organization
Prafullakumar Khachane
+91 20 32319844
+91 9921001880
+91 7028012552
Web: www.geometrixar.com

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Geometrix_Company_Profile_OCT2016 [Compatibility Mode]

  • 2. Who We Are ? Geometrix is an engineering company, incorporated in Year 2010 Our VISION is to become, FIRST CHOICE of BIWOur VISION is to become, FIRST CHOICE of BIW Line Builders,Engineering Companies and Manufacturing units for acquiring automation & robotic solutions and services .We also provide the used and refurbished robots to various industrial applications.
  • 3. Who We Are ? Qualification: DEE-Diploma In Electrical Engineering BE-Bachelor of Electrical Engineering Other Certifications and Publications: 1)Robotic Advanced level trainings from Fanuc and ABB Robotics. 2)Paper selected and awarded at SAE International USA-Virtual Plant Commissioning Methodology using Digital Manufacturing And Lean Principles Director Profile Methodology using Digital Manufacturing And Lean Principles 3)Deutsche Management Academye Niedersachsen,Celle Germany-Course in Industry 4.0-Application of IT in the modern industry.IT in Production,IT in After Sales. Total Experience: 19 Years in-Industrial Automation and Robotic application engineering, Maintenance,Production,Design and Simulation,Project Management,Business Development.
  • 4. What we do? Engineering is our passion. We support world class BIW line builders for automobile ,engineering and manufacturing companies, from CONCEPT TO COMMISSIONING phase, through following systematic approach. a) Consultation: Group discussion, Strategy & RFQ preparation. b) Pre-SE:b) Pre-SE: Feasibility & Conceptualization. c) SE / ME (Product / Process / Facility): Detailing & verification through simulation using digital manufacturing softwares. d) Designing: Jig, Fixture, Conveyors, SPMs, Robotic cells, Press Tools, PLC controlled systems. e) Manufacturing: Jig, Fixture, Conveyors, SPMs, Robotic cells, Press Tools & PLC controlled systems. f) Installation, Commissioning & Proving: Green field & Brown field project execution.
  • 5. Resources Simulation Softwares Technomatrix Robcad 9.1, Delmia V5, ABB RobotStudio, Fanuc Robot Guide Siemens Plant Simulation Design softwares Catia V5R19 AutoCAD-2012 5 Fanuc, ABB, Kuka, Motoman OTC Kawasaki, Nachi, Panasonic, Comau, Universal Robotic Expertise Siemens Plant Simulation Allen Bradley Siemens Mitsubishi GE-Fanuc Beckhoff Messung Omron Delta etc Eplan Autocad Elect. PLC /Controls Expertise
  • 6. Robotic system capabilities. ONSITE ROBOT PROGRAMERS Fanuc,ABB,KUKA,Kawasaki,Motoman,Nachi, Comau,OTC,Universal Robotic spot/Mig Welding Robotic Roller Hemming Robotic Sealent/gluing Robotic Stud Welding Robotic Laser Cutting Robotic Ultrasonic Welding etc.applications. SPOT WELDING CARRIED GUN MATERIAL HANDLING DISPENSING GLUE/ SEALENT STUD WELDING DISPENSING PAINT SPOT WELDING PEDESTAL GUN Robotic Ultrasonic Welding etc.applications. INTEGRATION Layout preparation Equipment selection; Fixture and peripheral equipment design Verification through simulations Manufacturing of tools/equipments Safety system design PLC system design/ control design Online robot programming, PLC programming Communication Protocol- Hardwiring, Device Net, Profibus, Ethernet. Site implementation and prove out ARC WELDING GLUE/ SEALENTWELDING ROLLER HEMMING PAINT
  • 7. PLC & Controls capabilities We have expertise in use of PLC to read digital and analog inputs from various field devices, execute a user defined logic program, and write the resulting digital and analog output values to various output elements. Also we developed the system for interaction of the shop floor devices with the top floor for monitoring as well as controlling. Control Parameters Electrical. Instrumentation. Flowmeter. Temperature. Networking & communication ControlNet DeviceNet EtherNet/IP Ethercat Operator Interfaces Graphic Terminals Message Displays HMI SCADA Peripherals Contactors & relays Emergency stop devices 2d/3D Vision systems Hazardous location Temperature. Pressure. Level. Robotic parameters Statistical data job dimensions Ethercat DH-485 Modbus Profibus Remote I/O DH Plus Can Bus SCADA iPCs Hazardous location Pneumatic switches Isolation systems Interlock switches Load switches Operator interfaces Presence sensing devices Two hand control devices Expertise Allen Bradley- Micrologix,SLC500,PLC5,Compact logix, control logix, flex logix, softlogix, drive logix, guard logix, smart guard etc. Beckhoff-Servo tools as well as smart controllers and iPCs. Siemens- S7-Simatic 200,300,400, Mitsubishi, Messung, Delta etc Fanuc Fanuc FAPT Ladder-III for robots
  • 8. Projects delivered Auto Multi Gauging System of turned jobs with Robotic Auto loading and unloading.. For-ID,OD,Step depth,Ovality,Counter etc..(WIP)
  • 9. Projects delivered Validation/Simulation of robotic spot welding workcell for Leading Automobile OEM through leading BIW Line Builder. Validation/Simulation/OLP-For BIW Line Up gradations using Robcad for Leading Automobile OEM through leading line builder.
  • 10. Projects delivered Validation Simulation of robotic spot welding workcell in Robcad for leading Automobile OEM through leading BIW line builder.
  • 11. Projects delivered Validation Simulation of robotic spot welding/sealing/stud welding/marking/PSW and handling workcell in Robcad for leading Automobile OEM in Europe through leading BIW Engineering organization.
  • 12. Projects delivered Simulation -Handling and spot welding-ABB Robots For Leading FMCG group. Simulation Of BIW Process and jig/fixture validation in Robcad for Leading Auto OEM in Europe through leading Engineering group. Conceptualization,simulation,design of Cupboard sheet Robotic bending line for leading FMCG group. Pre SE,SE,ME,Manufacturing,E&C of furniture packing line for leading FMCG group.
  • 13. Projects delivered Leather Shoes-Robotic Roughing and Spraying for leading shoe exporter Robotic Spot Welding with Fanuc robot for Leading automobile OEM Robotic Roller Hemming for leading automobile OEM. Robot Programming Services at VW- Shanghai,China through GAG, China
  • 14. Projects delivered Service-Robotic Spot Welding And Material Handling for Car Closures Line -Fanuc Robots-COMAU India For Maruti Suzuki Service-Rear And Front Frame Welding Robot Programming- TVS-Wego Service-Robotic Roller Hemming-ABB Robots- (For ABB India & Reno Nissan ) Service-Robotic Spot Welding Nachi Robots for Wooshin Engineering Pvt .Ltd
  • 15. Projects delivered Turnkey-Robotic Laser Cutting System-TACO For Mahindra Xylo Bumper Turnkey-Robotic Systems and Integration Support-Mig Welding And Material Handling Machine Tending Cylinder Welding
  • 16. Projects delivered Turnkey-Laser Cutting Systems for Metals And Non Metals/Combined ABB Robot & Coherent Laser Source. Turnkey-Robotic Spot Welding System for car Rear Crash Turnkey-Robotic flaming and sealing Turnkey-Tractor Chassis part Robotic Welding-Fanuc/Motoman Robots for Windal
  • 17. Projects delivered Turnkey-Packaging Line Automation Consulting and delivery( system for 1200 Wooden furniture parts) for Godrej & Boyce,Interiao. Turnkey-Robotic Ultrasonic welding 2-Axis-Turn Table-Sulzer India Ltd
  • 18. Projects delivered Kalyani Techno Forge -Robotic Pick & Place System For Forging Job - ENDURANCE Die -Casting Machine -Robot Trimming Press Integration( ABB Robot) Western Refrigeration- Robotic sheet metal bending with KUKA Robot. Varroc Friction welding & Deflasher Machine Robotic Pick & Place system+SPM for auto job feeding
  • 19. Projects delivered Robotic Pick & Place System For Forging Industry-Consulting,concepts and delivery- And Many More ........ Robotic Pick & Place System For hot Job (IBH output to Press Input ) - Robotic Spraying and foam pouring concept and delivery
  • 20. Projects delivered Robotic Automization Consulting for Disc Spring manufacturing set up. Clip Sensing POKA YOKE SYSTEM For Vehicle parts And Many More ........ Cooper Corporation Pvt.Ltd Consulting for using PLM tools for optimizing the throughput,throughput analysis, production of mix model varients,contingency planning.
  • 21. Our Clients And many moreAnd many more
  • 22. Thank You Contacts : Managing Director Prafullakumar Khachane Looking Forward To Have A Mutually Benefited Business Relationship With Your Esteemed Organization Prafullakumar Khachane +91 20 32319844 +91 9921001880 +91 7028012552 Email- praful@geometrixar.com prafulkhachane@geometrixar.com info@geometrixar.com Web: www.geometrixar.com