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Geo-Specific EFT
Training Program
Puja Kanth Alfred
Counseling Psychologist & Certified EFT Practitioner
Phone: +91 9677248146
Are you interested in helping people professionally
with EFT?
Do you want to expertly handle client's issues in
1-1 sessions?
Do you want to work sensitively with clients from
different cultural backgrounds?
Do you want 1-1 tutor support for learning EFT?
Do you want to understand the psychological aspects
behind emotional and physical issues?
Join this Training Program to master all this and more!
What is Geo-Specific EFT?
I have worked with various clients across the globe with diverse cultural and religious
backgrounds. As each person carries a unique cultural blueprint that is enmeshed in
developing issues, Geo-Specific EFT Approach helps to untangle and identify the
core issues.
One of the most important aspects of EFT is the affirmations/ EFT statements. These
affirmations are the key ingredients of the core that are deployed deep inside a
person and work in a stealth fashion. Since people manifest their issues first to
themselves (this is the key) and in different ways with cultural variations which plays
a tricky and specific role, only learning to develop Geo -specific customized wording
in EFT affirmations can elucidate when you find yourself at the Bronx and help you
achieve lasting results.
Geo-specific EFT in essence is a revolutionary approach in EFT that utilizes the
variables like culture, language & religion.
A look at how Cross Cultural variables affect us
Values & Norms
Spiritual &
Geo-Specific EFT , also known as Cross-Cultural EFT, is now a part
of Clinical EFT Handbook by EFT Universe.
I thoroughly enjoyed doing the EFT Level 1 course from Puja. Puja is highly professional , flexible , and
friendly with indepth understanding of the subject.The program is very well structured and Pujas simplicity
in explanation lays a strong foundation to practice EFT.The program gives insights into the technique
self study can never provide.
Lalasa, Chennai (Level 1)
I work and live with different cultures. At times its challenging to not be judgmental and impose my beliefs
and ideas upon the client. I used to feel less confidence in how I structured my EFT statements then.
Culture has a great influence in the beliefs one has about life and is something very important for a
therapist to become conscious of while working with cross cultures.
Working with Puja, since she is also a Psychologist who has designed Geo Specific EFT, I could discuss with
her many possible ways in phrasing the EFT statements for not only different ethnic groups but the issues
that are very uniquely related to each culture and group.
To keep finding the most suitable words to make the EFT statements work with the insight of GEO Specific
EFT has been a very big jump for me as a therapist.
Puja is a very articulate and profound therapist and she is quick to identify the core issues and help me
formulate the necessary set up statements that can best bring a healing for unique cases. I have totally
enjoyed and laughed with her in my sessions so very much.
I thank you Puja!
Swadhe Somoo, Spain (Level 2)
Dear Mam,
I am truly blessed and proud to have such a wonderful trainer like
you.You always inspire me with your wise EFT skills, updated
knowledge and your dedication to work. As I have already done
Level- 1 course with you, I could say that the courses are perfectly
designed and your way of explaining concepts with real life
examples is extremely good.You always try to bring out the best in
me and that is what makes you a fabulous trainer.
The best thing about your courses is the Assignment & practicum
part. EFT is such a powerful tool to redesign our destiny, So when
it comes to higher levels of EFT training, it is most important for a
practitioner to take up challenging issues and work on it which will
help them to gain experience and deeper understanding about EFT
skills. I just love your mentoring sessions in which we used to
discuss about my practicum that I have done with clients and
myself as well that gave me a chance to improve my skills more
I would recommend anyone who wants to improve their
knowledge about EFT to take up your courses because the golden
skills I got from your training can never be obtained simply by
reading even hundreds of EFT books and this is how your training
is unique and difference from others.
Thank you so much for being my inspiration Mam :)
Saranya S,Vellore (Level 2)
Saranya S
How is this Training Different?
 1-1 Tutor Support
 Detailed and Mandatory Practicum Work
 Along with Concepts from Classic EFT (as given by Gary
Craig), you will also learn Geo-Specific EFT
 Learn how to take advantage of Geo-specific native
language, culture and psychology in the affirmations.
 Detailed Course material
 1-1 Mentoring sessions to clear your doubts
Benefits of this Course
 Attending a 1 day workshop is not enough to fully grasp the concepts in EFT.
In this course, you will get in-depth information on how EFT is applied, along
with practicum and mentoring sessions.
 You can practice on yourself or your friends, relatives and clients.
 I have a significant experience in EFT therapy for the past 10+ years and have
handled many kinds of cases successfully.
 My background in psychology helps me to give insight into emotional issues
from a psychological and analytical perspective, essential for acute and chronic
emotional and psycho-somatic problems.
Will I learn the Basic and Advanced core EFT
techniques in this course?
This course provides the core EFT skills as
taught in traditional EFT.
Along with the core EFT skills you will be
taught how to incorporate the cross-cultural
variables in EFT sessions. The case examples
will be explained taking this cross cultural
aspect into account.
Candidates who successfully complete the Geo- Specific EFT course can send a
request for FREE listing on Emofreetherapy website.
Exclusive membership to Geo-Specific EFT Graduates Group for ongoing
mentoring support.
Geo-Specific EFT LEVEL 1
Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and reading hours
required by Trainee : 7 hours
Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and reading hours
required by Trainee : 7 hours
Course materials (FREE with the course)
Geo-Specific EFT level 1 Manual for each module. It has:
Valuable tips for more effective EFT application.
Diagrams, illustrations and flowcharts with examples for better
Actual case studies are explained with focus on aspects and affirmations.
Geo-specific EFT Booklet full of useful tips.
 Reading material provided.
DVD containing 2 Videos by Gary Craig
Sample for all modules
Geo-Specific EFT LEVEL 2
Total Training hours
by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and
reading hours
required by Trainee :
7 hours
Total Training hours
by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and
reading hours
required by Trainee :
Total Training hours
by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and
reading hours
required by Trainee :
7 hours
Total Training hours
by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and
reading hours
required by Trainee :
7 hours
Level 2 Contd:
Course materials (FREE with the course)
 Geo-Specific EFT Level 2 manual for each module.
 Geo-Specific EFT Level 2 Manual has
Valuable tips for more effective EFT application.
Diagrams, illustrations and flowcharts with examples for better understanding.
Actual case studies are explained with focus on aspects and affirmations.
 Reading material provided.
 DVD containing:
2 Audio recordings of Individual treatment sessions by Trainer.
2 Videos by Gary Craig (Free with the Course)
Geo-Specific EFT LEVEL 3
Total Training hours
by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and
reading hours
required by Trainee :
7 hours
Total Training hours
by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and
reading hours
required by Trainee :
6 hours
Total Training hours
by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and
reading hours
required by Trainee :
4 hours
Total Training hours
by Trainer : 3 hours
Total practicum and
reading hours
required by Trainee :
6 hours
Level 3 Contd
Course materials (FREE with the course)
 Geo-Specific EFT Level 3 manual for each Module.
Geo-Specific EFT Level 3 Manual has
Valuable tips for more effective EFT application.
Diagrams, illustrations and flowcharts with examples for better understanding.
Actual case studies are explained with focus on aspects and affirmations.
 Reading material provided.
 E-Book FREE with the course - Geo-Specific EFT Manual for Practitioners
 DVD containing:
2 Audio recordings of Individual treatment sessions by Trainer.
6 Videos by Gary Craig (Free with the Course)
DVD Shipping
Delivery free of cost within India.
Charges Apply for outside India. Contact
me for details.
Certificate Shipping Cost
Free of cost Within India.
Outside India - $ 50
OR, You have the option of getting a pdf
copy of certificate (via e-mail). It's free of
The study materials will be sent by e-mail.
In the tutoring sessions, I will explain each chapter in detail and
also answer all your queries over phone/or skype.
After the tutoring sessions, you will need to complete the assignments and e-mail
them to me.
After this mentoring sessions will be scheduled.
(A detailed guide will be sent if you choose online training)
The In-person Training sessions are very flexible.
You can take the first tutoring session in my clinic and then
decide whether you want to take the mentoring and tutoring
sessions online, over phone or continue in person.
M.A in Psychology.
Certified EFT Intermediate practitioner -1
(EFT universe Certification Program By Dawson Church), 2011
AAMET EFT level 2 Practitioner
(Official Certification Program from Gary Craig's EFT Foundation), 2009
(Advanced Certificate of Completion) EFT level 2, 2004
(Fundamentals Course) EFT Level 1, 2004
Contact Details
Website - http://www.emofreetherapy.com
Mobile - +91 9677248146

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Geo-Specific EFT Training Overview

  • 1. Geo-Specific EFT Training Program By Puja Kanth Alfred Counseling Psychologist & Certified EFT Practitioner www.emofreetherapy.com Phone: +91 9677248146
  • 2. Are you interested in helping people professionally with EFT? Do you want to expertly handle client's issues in 1-1 sessions? Do you want to work sensitively with clients from different cultural backgrounds? Do you want 1-1 tutor support for learning EFT? Do you want to understand the psychological aspects behind emotional and physical issues? Join this Training Program to master all this and more!
  • 3. What is Geo-Specific EFT? I have worked with various clients across the globe with diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. As each person carries a unique cultural blueprint that is enmeshed in developing issues, Geo-Specific EFT Approach helps to untangle and identify the core issues. One of the most important aspects of EFT is the affirmations/ EFT statements. These affirmations are the key ingredients of the core that are deployed deep inside a person and work in a stealth fashion. Since people manifest their issues first to themselves (this is the key) and in different ways with cultural variations which plays a tricky and specific role, only learning to develop Geo -specific customized wording in EFT affirmations can elucidate when you find yourself at the Bronx and help you achieve lasting results. Geo-specific EFT in essence is a revolutionary approach in EFT that utilizes the variables like culture, language & religion.
  • 4. A look at how Cross Cultural variables affect us Individual Communication styles Parenting Styles, Family Roles Values & Norms Spiritual & Religious Orientation
  • 5. Geo-Specific EFT , also known as Cross-Cultural EFT, is now a part of Clinical EFT Handbook by EFT Universe.
  • 6. I thoroughly enjoyed doing the EFT Level 1 course from Puja. Puja is highly professional , flexible , and friendly with indepth understanding of the subject.The program is very well structured and Pujas simplicity in explanation lays a strong foundation to practice EFT.The program gives insights into the technique which self study can never provide. Lalasa, Chennai (Level 1) I work and live with different cultures. At times its challenging to not be judgmental and impose my beliefs and ideas upon the client. I used to feel less confidence in how I structured my EFT statements then. Culture has a great influence in the beliefs one has about life and is something very important for a therapist to become conscious of while working with cross cultures. Working with Puja, since she is also a Psychologist who has designed Geo Specific EFT, I could discuss with her many possible ways in phrasing the EFT statements for not only different ethnic groups but the issues that are very uniquely related to each culture and group. To keep finding the most suitable words to make the EFT statements work with the insight of GEO Specific EFT has been a very big jump for me as a therapist. Puja is a very articulate and profound therapist and she is quick to identify the core issues and help me formulate the necessary set up statements that can best bring a healing for unique cases. I have totally enjoyed and laughed with her in my sessions so very much. I thank you Puja! Swadhe Somoo, Spain (Level 2) TESTIMONIALS
  • 7. Dear Mam, I am truly blessed and proud to have such a wonderful trainer like you.You always inspire me with your wise EFT skills, updated knowledge and your dedication to work. As I have already done Level- 1 course with you, I could say that the courses are perfectly designed and your way of explaining concepts with real life examples is extremely good.You always try to bring out the best in me and that is what makes you a fabulous trainer. The best thing about your courses is the Assignment & practicum part. EFT is such a powerful tool to redesign our destiny, So when it comes to higher levels of EFT training, it is most important for a practitioner to take up challenging issues and work on it which will help them to gain experience and deeper understanding about EFT skills. I just love your mentoring sessions in which we used to discuss about my practicum that I have done with clients and myself as well that gave me a chance to improve my skills more professionally. I would recommend anyone who wants to improve their knowledge about EFT to take up your courses because the golden skills I got from your training can never be obtained simply by reading even hundreds of EFT books and this is how your training is unique and difference from others. Thank you so much for being my inspiration Mam :) Saranya S,Vellore (Level 2) Saranya S
  • 8. How is this Training Different? 1-1 Tutor Support Detailed and Mandatory Practicum Work Along with Concepts from Classic EFT (as given by Gary Craig), you will also learn Geo-Specific EFT Learn how to take advantage of Geo-specific native language, culture and psychology in the affirmations. Detailed Course material 1-1 Mentoring sessions to clear your doubts
  • 9. Benefits of this Course Attending a 1 day workshop is not enough to fully grasp the concepts in EFT. In this course, you will get in-depth information on how EFT is applied, along with practicum and mentoring sessions. You can practice on yourself or your friends, relatives and clients. I have a significant experience in EFT therapy for the past 10+ years and have handled many kinds of cases successfully. My background in psychology helps me to give insight into emotional issues from a psychological and analytical perspective, essential for acute and chronic emotional and psycho-somatic problems.
  • 10. Will I learn the Basic and Advanced core EFT techniques in this course? Yes! This course provides the core EFT skills as taught in traditional EFT. Along with the core EFT skills you will be taught how to incorporate the cross-cultural variables in EFT sessions. The case examples will be explained taking this cross cultural aspect into account.
  • 11. Candidates who successfully complete the Geo- Specific EFT course can send a request for FREE listing on Emofreetherapy website. Exclusive membership to Geo-Specific EFT Graduates Group for ongoing mentoring support.
  • 12. Geo-Specific EFT LEVEL 1 MODULE 1 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 7 hours MODULE 2 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 7 hours Course materials (FREE with the course) Geo-Specific EFT level 1 Manual for each module. It has: Valuable tips for more effective EFT application. Diagrams, illustrations and flowcharts with examples for better understanding. Actual case studies are explained with focus on aspects and affirmations. Geo-specific EFT Booklet full of useful tips. Reading material provided. DVD containing 2 Videos by Gary Craig Sample for all modules
  • 13. Geo-Specific EFT LEVEL 2 MODULE 1 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 7 hours MODULE 2 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 8hours MODULE 3 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 7 hours MODULE 4 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 7 hours
  • 14. Level 2 Contd: Course materials (FREE with the course) Geo-Specific EFT Level 2 manual for each module. Geo-Specific EFT Level 2 Manual has Valuable tips for more effective EFT application. Diagrams, illustrations and flowcharts with examples for better understanding. Actual case studies are explained with focus on aspects and affirmations. Reading material provided. DVD containing: 2 Audio recordings of Individual treatment sessions by Trainer. 2 Videos by Gary Craig (Free with the Course)
  • 15. Geo-Specific EFT LEVEL 3 MODULE 1 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 7 hours MODULE 2 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 6 hours MODULE 3 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 4 hours MODULE 4 Total Training hours by Trainer : 3 hours Total practicum and reading hours required by Trainee : 6 hours
  • 16. Level 3 Contd Course materials (FREE with the course) Geo-Specific EFT Level 3 manual for each Module. Geo-Specific EFT Level 3 Manual has Valuable tips for more effective EFT application. Diagrams, illustrations and flowcharts with examples for better understanding. Actual case studies are explained with focus on aspects and affirmations. Reading material provided. E-Book FREE with the course - Geo-Specific EFT Manual for Practitioners DVD containing: 2 Audio recordings of Individual treatment sessions by Trainer. 6 Videos by Gary Craig (Free with the Course)
  • 17. DVD Shipping Delivery free of cost within India. Charges Apply for outside India. Contact me for details. Certificate Shipping Cost Free of cost Within India. Outside India - $ 50 OR, You have the option of getting a pdf copy of certificate (via e-mail). It's free of cost. DVD AND CERTIFICATE
  • 18. HOW ISTHE ONLINETRAINING CONDUCTED? The study materials will be sent by e-mail. In the tutoring sessions, I will explain each chapter in detail and also answer all your queries over phone/or skype. After the tutoring sessions, you will need to complete the assignments and e-mail them to me. After this mentoring sessions will be scheduled. (A detailed guide will be sent if you choose online training)
  • 19. HOW ISTHE IN-PERSONTRAINING CONDUCTED? The In-person Training sessions are very flexible. You can take the first tutoring session in my clinic and then decide whether you want to take the mentoring and tutoring sessions online, over phone or continue in person.
  • 20. DETAILS ABOUT YOUR TRAINER M.A in Psychology. Certified EFT Intermediate practitioner -1 (EFT universe Certification Program By Dawson Church), 2011 AAMET EFT level 2 Practitioner EFT CERT I (Official Certification Program from Gary Craig's EFT Foundation), 2009 EFT - ADV (Advanced Certificate of Completion) EFT level 2, 2004 EFT - CC (Fundamentals Course) EFT Level 1, 2004 Contact Details Website - http://www.emofreetherapy.com Mobile - +91 9677248146 WWW.EMOFREETHERAPY.COM
  • 21. www.emofreetherapy.com REGISTERON MY WEBSITE: http://www.emofreetherapy.com/Training_EFT.html FOR DETAILSABOUTTHETOPICS COVERED IN EACH LEVEL & COST,VISIT: http://www.emofreetherapy.com/Training_EFT.html