This document discusses raising emotionally intelligent children by teaching them skills in self-awareness, social awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. It outlines the five emotional intelligence competencies and describes appropriate development of these competencies from elementary through high school. It also discusses different parenting styles like dismissive, disapproving, and laissez-faire parenting and how to become an "emotion coach" by validating, labeling, and problem-solving with children during emotional moments.
Parenting an anxious child can feel extremely
challenging. SMG clinician's provide their thoughts and tips about how to best understand,
respond to and approach your anxious child. Youll
learn about how anxiety works and learn strategies
for helping your child overcome her/his fears.
1) Families play an important role in recovery by communicating, listening, affirming support, and holding their loved one accountable through changed behavior rather than empty promises.
2) Unhealthy family rules include rigid control, silencing emotions, isolation, and denial, while healthy families admit problems, share humor and activities, and have clear expectations and responsibilities.
3) Addiction is a chronic brain disease that requires addressing biological, psychological, social, and spiritual needs through abstinence, healthy coping skills, social support systems, and meaning/purpose.
The document discusses several theories of emotional and behavioral disorders from a psychoneurological perspective:
1) Congenital, biochemical, and acquired theories examine biological factors such as genetic disorders, prenatal/perinatal events, biochemistry, and physical brain damage.
2) Psychodynamic theory studies unconscious motivations and the interplay between unconscious and conscious processes. Freud's theories of id, ego, superego and psychosexual stages are described.
3) Erikson's psychosocial theory proposes eight stages of social and identity development influenced by social/environmental factors.
Dr Funke's presentation explains the impact of substance misuse on a persons emotional well being. She addresses the current difficulties facing young people.
The quickstart slides contain a quick walkthrough for creating your first project using Carbide.c++ Edition and its new UI-designer (available as a free trial version). The final project will display an image, offer the possibility to enter text and display this text on the screen. A very short overview of relevant Symbian OS topics is given at the appropriate locations. To train your Symbian OS skills, you have to option to complete the challenge, which is a "Guess-a-number"-game. Basic knowledge about Symbian OS is recommended to complete this challenge.
* Symbian OS naming conventions
* Working with Carbide.c++ Developer Edition
* Creating an S60 project
* Application structure
* Topics: Image control, menu definition, text query dialog, label control
* Short overview about descriptors and leaves
The document discusses two children who are bored and looking for something exciting to do. One child suggests riding bikes, but the other proposes playing with fire for more excitement. The first child cautions against this, pointing out that it could start a house fire and they could get burned, suggesting it is better and safer to play outside riding bikes instead of taking dangerous risks with fire.
A short introduction to Symbian OS 9, followed by a more detailed description of the new Platform Security concept. Explains the relevant topics like capabilities, data caging or Symbian Signed. The slides are based on the new Symbian Signed scheme which launched in Q4 2007. Knowledge of the basic concepts of Symbian OS is recommended.
* Symbian OS 9
* Trust Model
* Capabilities
* Data Caging
* Identifiers (UID, SID, VID)
* Symbian Signed (Open Signed, Express Signed, Certified Signed)
This document provides information about an income tax filing session for first time and returning filers. It discusses what is involved in filing taxes in Canada, including completing a T1 General tax return. It outlines the Scarborough Campus Students' Union's free tax filing program and the benefits of filing taxes such as tax credits. The presentation covers important dates, required documents, and identification numbers. It provides tips for international students applying for an Individual Tax Number and explains the auditor process.
Este documento narra la historia de lvaro, un ni単o que le ten鱈a miedo al mar pero fing鱈a que le gustaba hacer castillos de arena. Un d鱈a conoce a Candela, quien se da cuenta de su miedo y lo ayuda a enfrentarlo de a poco, tom叩ndolo de la mano hasta el agua y jugando con 辿l. Gracias a la ayuda y amistad de Candela, lvaro es capaz de superar su miedo y disfrutar del mar junto a sus primos.
1. Barbie and Ken arrive late for a photo shoot and are transported through time by the camera flash to an earlier studio.
2. They notice the different surroundings and that everything looks old.
3. The same photographer appears and transports them back to the original studio by taking another photo, explaining that he works for a secret government organization experimenting with time machines.
Trisha will create a weekly podcast called "The Lunch Bunch" by filming students at school to discuss events and have a special segment. Each episode will be 1-2 minutes and edited in Avid Liquid before exporting to Flash format and burning to DVD to share with parents at holidays or conferences. The podcast aims to engage students and parents with fun discussions of school topics.
Additional Domestic Resources to Scale-up the HIV and TB Response in South Af...HFG Project
To tackle its substantial HIV and tuberculosis (TB) burdens, South Africa continues to rapidly scale up its response to both diseases. Over the past decade, the government of South Africa (GoSA) dramatically increased its financing for HIV and TB programs.
Rapid scale-up requires credible resource needs estimates to inform budget allocations. In the spring of 2015, South African officials and experts, in partnership with UNAIDS, finalized the detailed HIV and TB Investment Case that laid out the resource requirements for achieving the countrys coverage goals. Next came the complex task of translating the Investment Cases findings into recommended budget allocations in South Africas Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), wherein the GoSA determines its budget plans for the next three financial years.
Through intensive engagement in JulySeptember 2015, the USAID/PEPFAR-funded Health Finance and Governance Project (HFG) supported the GoSA National Treasury (NT) in its analysis of HIV and TB budget bids. Each year, NT solicits bids from other national departments for additional funding or to redistribute resources across departmental programs. In this case, the HFG team validated the National Department of Health (NDoH)s bids against data from the HIV and TB Investment Case and advised both NT and NDoH on how to strengthen the submissions and prioritize investments given general fiscal constraints.
This document discusses the difference between operating a business as a commodity versus operating as a brand. It notes that a commodity is an undifferentiated product or service where customers choose based mainly on price, while a brand creates an emotional connection with customers through its unique identity and values. Operating as a brand allows businesses to attract loyal, passionate customers and charge premium prices, while commodities face more competition and pressure to lower prices. The document encourages business owners to view themselves as brands in order to better connect with customers and grow in a sustainable way.
This document discusses how Process Communication Model (PCM) has helped the author become a better teacher by learning to understand students' personalities and communication styles. PCM identifies 6 personality types (Reactors, Workaholics, Persisters, Dreamers, Rebels, Promoters), each with distinct communication channels, strengths, and ways of experiencing distress. The author no longer judges students for expressing distress in ways aligned with their personality types after learning about PCM. It helps teachers match instruction and support to students' individual needs.
This document discusses how science is now able to confirm what observers of human behavior have long understood - that life experiences, especially early childhood trauma, can impact brain development and behavior. It describes how the brain is organized into different regions responsible for various functions, and how early trauma can affect areas related to emotion regulation, impulse control, and stress response. The rest of the document outlines strategies for supporting students who exhibit oppositional behaviors as a result of early trauma, such as preventing escalation, providing structure, building relationships, and helping them develop skills to regulate their own emotions and thoughts.
The document discusses interpersonal skills and their importance in organizations. It identifies four main components of interpersonal skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skills. It then provides further explanation and examples of self-awareness and self-regulation, which are described as key aspects of being a leader. Effective interpersonal skills such as self-awareness, self-management, and social skills are important for cooperation, trust and effectiveness in organizations.
The document discusses building self-esteem in children. It defines self-esteem as realistic self-awareness and a belief that one is okay. The trainer identifies key ways for parents to build their children's self-esteem including showing them they are valued, spending quality time with them, respecting them, and praising their specific accomplishments. Emotional coaching techniques like listening, acknowledging feelings, and helping children problem solve are also recommended. The overall goal is for children to develop confidence, trust in themselves, and approval of who they are.
This document provides a brain key test analysis for an individual named Kelam Dilema, age 6, from Nissanka College in Sri Lanka. It includes analysis of the individual's brain lobes and functions, fingerprints, learning preferences, and recommendations. The temporal lobe was found to have the highest activation percentage at 23.81%, indicating strong abilities in language, memory, and emotion processing. Suggestions are provided to develop areas of improvement like management, leadership, logical thinking, and emotional control.
Programming For Special Needs My PresentationMs.SHAFAQ BHAT
This document provides an overview of programming for special needs and inclusive education. It discusses several key topics:
1. It outlines cultural, psychological, and developmental factors that influence how children see, hear, and believe, including the role of cultural tales and upbringing.
2. It emphasizes the importance of inclusion and validating the emotions of all students, including those outside typical social circles.
3. It provides guidance on connecting with different student types including "flight kids", "fight kids", and "fool kids" through understanding behaviors, acknowledging emotions, and building relationships.
4. It discusses concepts like emotional intelligence, psychological defenses, and breaking conflict cycles to de-escalate stressful situations and empower
Programming for special needs my presentationMs.SHAFAQ BHAT
This document discusses programming and approaches for working with students with special needs. It provides the following key points:
1. Cultural tales and life experiences influence what we see, hear and believe. An inclusive approach considers those outside typical circles.
2. When connecting with students, it is important to show care, acknowledge emotions, and focus on building relationships rather than solutions. Different approaches are outlined for different student behaviors.
3. A strengths-based approach focuses on traits like achievement, cooperation and empathy rather than deficits. Emotional intelligence involves self-awareness, managing emotions and relationships.
As parents we need to know how to cope up with our own stress and also handle our children
#parentingtips #UmasreeRaghunath #Stressmanagement #stresscopingfor parents
#raisingchildren #communication
The document discusses signs and symptoms of stress in three categories: emotional features, cognitive features, and behavioral/physical features. It then discusses factors that can cause stress and provides examples of both healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress. Finally, it provides information about the IUPUI Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) department, including the services offered and contact details.
Inner child Healing | How to Heal inner ChildGurpreet Singh
The document discusses inner child healing. It describes the inner child as an immature part of oneself that feels unloved from childhood. Common wounds for the inner child include abandonment, guilt, lack of trust, and neglect. Signs of an unhealed inner child include unhealthy relationship patterns. The document recommends techniques for reparenting the inner child such as self-care, play, forgiveness, and guided meditation to connect with and reassure the inner child.
The quickstart slides contain a quick walkthrough for creating your first project using Carbide.c++ Edition and its new UI-designer (available as a free trial version). The final project will display an image, offer the possibility to enter text and display this text on the screen. A very short overview of relevant Symbian OS topics is given at the appropriate locations. To train your Symbian OS skills, you have to option to complete the challenge, which is a "Guess-a-number"-game. Basic knowledge about Symbian OS is recommended to complete this challenge.
* Symbian OS naming conventions
* Working with Carbide.c++ Developer Edition
* Creating an S60 project
* Application structure
* Topics: Image control, menu definition, text query dialog, label control
* Short overview about descriptors and leaves
The document discusses two children who are bored and looking for something exciting to do. One child suggests riding bikes, but the other proposes playing with fire for more excitement. The first child cautions against this, pointing out that it could start a house fire and they could get burned, suggesting it is better and safer to play outside riding bikes instead of taking dangerous risks with fire.
A short introduction to Symbian OS 9, followed by a more detailed description of the new Platform Security concept. Explains the relevant topics like capabilities, data caging or Symbian Signed. The slides are based on the new Symbian Signed scheme which launched in Q4 2007. Knowledge of the basic concepts of Symbian OS is recommended.
* Symbian OS 9
* Trust Model
* Capabilities
* Data Caging
* Identifiers (UID, SID, VID)
* Symbian Signed (Open Signed, Express Signed, Certified Signed)
This document provides information about an income tax filing session for first time and returning filers. It discusses what is involved in filing taxes in Canada, including completing a T1 General tax return. It outlines the Scarborough Campus Students' Union's free tax filing program and the benefits of filing taxes such as tax credits. The presentation covers important dates, required documents, and identification numbers. It provides tips for international students applying for an Individual Tax Number and explains the auditor process.
Este documento narra la historia de lvaro, un ni単o que le ten鱈a miedo al mar pero fing鱈a que le gustaba hacer castillos de arena. Un d鱈a conoce a Candela, quien se da cuenta de su miedo y lo ayuda a enfrentarlo de a poco, tom叩ndolo de la mano hasta el agua y jugando con 辿l. Gracias a la ayuda y amistad de Candela, lvaro es capaz de superar su miedo y disfrutar del mar junto a sus primos.
1. Barbie and Ken arrive late for a photo shoot and are transported through time by the camera flash to an earlier studio.
2. They notice the different surroundings and that everything looks old.
3. The same photographer appears and transports them back to the original studio by taking another photo, explaining that he works for a secret government organization experimenting with time machines.
Trisha will create a weekly podcast called "The Lunch Bunch" by filming students at school to discuss events and have a special segment. Each episode will be 1-2 minutes and edited in Avid Liquid before exporting to Flash format and burning to DVD to share with parents at holidays or conferences. The podcast aims to engage students and parents with fun discussions of school topics.
Additional Domestic Resources to Scale-up the HIV and TB Response in South Af...HFG Project
To tackle its substantial HIV and tuberculosis (TB) burdens, South Africa continues to rapidly scale up its response to both diseases. Over the past decade, the government of South Africa (GoSA) dramatically increased its financing for HIV and TB programs.
Rapid scale-up requires credible resource needs estimates to inform budget allocations. In the spring of 2015, South African officials and experts, in partnership with UNAIDS, finalized the detailed HIV and TB Investment Case that laid out the resource requirements for achieving the countrys coverage goals. Next came the complex task of translating the Investment Cases findings into recommended budget allocations in South Africas Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF), wherein the GoSA determines its budget plans for the next three financial years.
Through intensive engagement in JulySeptember 2015, the USAID/PEPFAR-funded Health Finance and Governance Project (HFG) supported the GoSA National Treasury (NT) in its analysis of HIV and TB budget bids. Each year, NT solicits bids from other national departments for additional funding or to redistribute resources across departmental programs. In this case, the HFG team validated the National Department of Health (NDoH)s bids against data from the HIV and TB Investment Case and advised both NT and NDoH on how to strengthen the submissions and prioritize investments given general fiscal constraints.
This document discusses the difference between operating a business as a commodity versus operating as a brand. It notes that a commodity is an undifferentiated product or service where customers choose based mainly on price, while a brand creates an emotional connection with customers through its unique identity and values. Operating as a brand allows businesses to attract loyal, passionate customers and charge premium prices, while commodities face more competition and pressure to lower prices. The document encourages business owners to view themselves as brands in order to better connect with customers and grow in a sustainable way.
This document discusses how Process Communication Model (PCM) has helped the author become a better teacher by learning to understand students' personalities and communication styles. PCM identifies 6 personality types (Reactors, Workaholics, Persisters, Dreamers, Rebels, Promoters), each with distinct communication channels, strengths, and ways of experiencing distress. The author no longer judges students for expressing distress in ways aligned with their personality types after learning about PCM. It helps teachers match instruction and support to students' individual needs.
This document discusses how science is now able to confirm what observers of human behavior have long understood - that life experiences, especially early childhood trauma, can impact brain development and behavior. It describes how the brain is organized into different regions responsible for various functions, and how early trauma can affect areas related to emotion regulation, impulse control, and stress response. The rest of the document outlines strategies for supporting students who exhibit oppositional behaviors as a result of early trauma, such as preventing escalation, providing structure, building relationships, and helping them develop skills to regulate their own emotions and thoughts.
The document discusses interpersonal skills and their importance in organizations. It identifies four main components of interpersonal skills: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and social skills. It then provides further explanation and examples of self-awareness and self-regulation, which are described as key aspects of being a leader. Effective interpersonal skills such as self-awareness, self-management, and social skills are important for cooperation, trust and effectiveness in organizations.
The document discusses building self-esteem in children. It defines self-esteem as realistic self-awareness and a belief that one is okay. The trainer identifies key ways for parents to build their children's self-esteem including showing them they are valued, spending quality time with them, respecting them, and praising their specific accomplishments. Emotional coaching techniques like listening, acknowledging feelings, and helping children problem solve are also recommended. The overall goal is for children to develop confidence, trust in themselves, and approval of who they are.
This document provides a brain key test analysis for an individual named Kelam Dilema, age 6, from Nissanka College in Sri Lanka. It includes analysis of the individual's brain lobes and functions, fingerprints, learning preferences, and recommendations. The temporal lobe was found to have the highest activation percentage at 23.81%, indicating strong abilities in language, memory, and emotion processing. Suggestions are provided to develop areas of improvement like management, leadership, logical thinking, and emotional control.
Programming For Special Needs My PresentationMs.SHAFAQ BHAT
This document provides an overview of programming for special needs and inclusive education. It discusses several key topics:
1. It outlines cultural, psychological, and developmental factors that influence how children see, hear, and believe, including the role of cultural tales and upbringing.
2. It emphasizes the importance of inclusion and validating the emotions of all students, including those outside typical social circles.
3. It provides guidance on connecting with different student types including "flight kids", "fight kids", and "fool kids" through understanding behaviors, acknowledging emotions, and building relationships.
4. It discusses concepts like emotional intelligence, psychological defenses, and breaking conflict cycles to de-escalate stressful situations and empower
Programming for special needs my presentationMs.SHAFAQ BHAT
This document discusses programming and approaches for working with students with special needs. It provides the following key points:
1. Cultural tales and life experiences influence what we see, hear and believe. An inclusive approach considers those outside typical circles.
2. When connecting with students, it is important to show care, acknowledge emotions, and focus on building relationships rather than solutions. Different approaches are outlined for different student behaviors.
3. A strengths-based approach focuses on traits like achievement, cooperation and empathy rather than deficits. Emotional intelligence involves self-awareness, managing emotions and relationships.
As parents we need to know how to cope up with our own stress and also handle our children
#parentingtips #UmasreeRaghunath #Stressmanagement #stresscopingfor parents
#raisingchildren #communication
The document discusses signs and symptoms of stress in three categories: emotional features, cognitive features, and behavioral/physical features. It then discusses factors that can cause stress and provides examples of both healthy and unhealthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress. Finally, it provides information about the IUPUI Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) department, including the services offered and contact details.
Inner child Healing | How to Heal inner ChildGurpreet Singh
The document discusses inner child healing. It describes the inner child as an immature part of oneself that feels unloved from childhood. Common wounds for the inner child include abandonment, guilt, lack of trust, and neglect. Signs of an unhealed inner child include unhealthy relationship patterns. The document recommends techniques for reparenting the inner child such as self-care, play, forgiveness, and guided meditation to connect with and reassure the inner child.
The subject is a 20-year-old male college student referred for a psychological evaluation for job and internship purposes. Testing revealed a dependent personality disorder with symptoms including clinging behavior, anxiety when separated from his mother, tension over past family disputes, feeling inadequate, and depression. His dependency stems from childhood trauma of losing his father and overreliance on his mother for support and guidance.
Use the concepts and techniques of Emotional Intelligence at the workplaceReema
The document discusses emotional intelligence in the workplace. It explains that understanding emotions allows people to make better decisions and respond appropriately to situations. It states that a strong team requires members who are emotionally intelligent and can manage their emotions. It provides tips for recognizing and expressing emotions in a healthy way at work, such as seeking help from employee assistance programs or maintaining interests outside of work. It includes a case study example of how a person with low emotional intelligence responded impulsively in anger and shot his friend over a minor incident, landing himself in jail for life.
The document provides tips for reducing reactions, such as taking deep breaths, slowing down responses, focusing attention elsewhere, and being aware of inner dialogues and physical tension. Some key strategies include deliberately pausing between feeling and acting, choosing an empowering mantra, controlling your own behavior to respond assertively, and involving another adult if a problem escalates.
Teens need to be seen, felt, heard and received.
Suffering from Grief, and are in bereavement. Thinking of their identity where did I come from, who am I and where am I going? In adolescence this is a trying not only for teens but for parents too.... they need a lot of love, listening and understanding.
Today, I will be helping you understand the teenage brain and how these challenges impact them and how so much of it, is out of their hands on a neurological level and that for parents/social workers/case managers and therapists having this neurological knowledge will effect the way you approach a teen adolescent, especially those touched by foster care and adoption....
This document discusses teaching children about good and bad secrets. It notes that toddlers and preschoolers should not be expected to keep any secrets. When children are older, they can be taught that good secrets are surprises like birthday gifts, while bad secrets involve situations that make them uncomfortable, such as abuse, or when an adult tells them to keep something secret forever. Parents are advised to have ongoing discussions with their children about secrets and whether situations involve good or bad secrets.
Self compassion is defined as being self aware and accepting of one's limitations while also being willing to improve, as well as accepting all parts of oneself and learning from mistakes without self pity or blame. It involves treating oneself with the same compassion one would expect from others. Developing self compassion can be achieved through techniques like mindfulness, challenging negative self talk, learning from mistakes without harsh guilt, and maintaining patience during difficult times.
1) The document summarizes key findings from a research paper on acupoint stimulation in treating psychological disorders.
2) It describes how stimulating acupoints on the face and body can send deactivating signals to the amygdala to reduce limbic arousal caused by an emotional trigger or problem.
3) With the stress response reduced, the hippocampus can then record the memory without the associated stress, potentially altering neural pathways over time so that the memory no longer carries the same limbic arousal.
This document discusses how tapping can help increase feelings of gratitude. It explains that tapping engages the auditory, verbal and kinesthetic senses to more deeply embed good feelings. It provides instructions for a basic gratitude tapping process, where you tap on standard EFT points while expressing short phrases of appreciation. Examples are given like "I'm grateful for the clothes I bought" or "I appreciate my spouse's caring today". The document encourages daily tapping to cultivate gratitude for life's blessings.
This document discusses safety rules for children and child abuse prevention. It provides statistics that show that the majority (60%) of perpetrators of child sexual abuse are known to the child, such as family friends or childcare providers, while strangers account for only 10% of cases. The document recommends teaching children specific safety rules, such as always telling parents where they are going, not taking gifts from strangers, avoiding alleys, and knowing their address and phone number in case of emergency. Children should be taught when it is okay to approach certain trusted adults like police officers or teachers if they need help.
The document outlines 3 safety rules for children about inappropriate touching: Rule 1 states that no one should touch a child's private parts and if it happens, tell a trusted adult. Rule 2 says if the first adult doesn't believe the child, tell another adult. Rule 3 warns children not to threaten telling if someone is hurting them, as it could make the situation worse. The rules are part of a child abuse prevention program and aim to educate children on boundaries and reporting inappropriate behavior.
This slideshow gives an overview of the Geo-Specific EFT Training courses. For details go to
Visit my website to register for the course
EFT is a psychotherapy technique that combines acupressure and modern psychotherapy. It addresses underlying emotional issues through tapping on meridian points while focusing on negative emotions, beliefs, and memories. EFT does not use drugs or distraction, but rather requires focusing on the problem while tapping. Suppressed emotions can surface during EFT but tapping helps provide relief. EFT has been effective for both psychological and physical issues and can be done remotely through online or phone sessions. It teaches self-application for managing new issues that may arise.
Understanding Trauma: Causes, Effects, and Healing StrategiesBecoming Institute
Trauma affects millions of people worldwide, shaping their emotional, psychological, and even physical well-being. This presentation delves into the root causes of trauma, its profound effects on mental health, and practical strategies for healing. Whether you are seeking to understand your own experiences or support others on their journey, this guide offers insights into coping mechanisms, therapy approaches, and self-care techniques. Explore how trauma impacts the brain, body, and relationships, and discover pathways to resilience and recovery.
Perfect for mental health advocates, therapists, educators, and anyone looking to foster emotional well-being. Watch now and take the first step toward healing!
Union Budget 2025 Healthcare Sector Analysis & Impact (PPT).pdfAditiAlishetty
The Union Budget 2025-26 emphasizes enhancing India's healthcare by allocating 99,858 crore to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, marking a 10% increase from the previous year. Key initiatives include adding 10,000 medical college seats, with a plan to reach 75,000 over five years, and increasing funding for the Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission by 41% to 4,758 crore. However, experts express concerns that the allocation may still fall short of the sector's urgent needs. Dr. Bipin Vibhute, a distinguished Liver and Multi-Organ Transplant Surgeon, is renowned for pioneering free liver transplants for pediatric patients up to 12 years old in Pune. As the Program Director of the Center for Organ Transplants at Sahyadri Hospitals, he has significantly advanced organ transplantation services across Maharashtra.
Chair, Shaji K. Kumar, MD, prepared useful Practice Aids pertaining to multiple myeloma for this CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE activity titled Restoring Remission in RRMM: Present and Future of Sequential Immunotherapy With GPRC5D-Targeting Options. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/NCPD/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until February 23, 2026.
legal Rights of individual, children and women.pptxRishika Rawat
A legal right is a claim or entitlement that is recognized and protected by the law. It can also refer to the power or privilege that the law grants to a person. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education
TunesKit Spotify Converter Crack With Registration Code 2025 Freedfsdsfs386
TunesKit Spotify Converter is a software tool that allows users to convert and download Spotify music to various formats, such as MP3, AAC, FLAC, or WAV. It is particularly useful for Spotify users who want to keep their favorite tracks offline and have them in a more accessible format, especially if they wish to listen to them on devices that do not support the Spotify app.
Copy Above link & paste in New Tab
Chair, Joshua Sabari, MD, discusses NSCLC in this CME activity titled Modern Practice Principles in Lung CancerFirst Find the Targets, Then Treat With Precision: A Concise Guide for Biomarker Testing and EGFR-Targeted Therapy in NSCLC. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aid, and complete CME information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME credit will be available until February 26, 2026.
Strategies for Promoting Innovation in Healthcare Like Akiva Greenfield.pdfakivagreenfieldus
Healthcare innovation has been greatly aided by leaders like Akiva Greenfield, CEO of Nexus, particularly in fields like operational efficiency, revenue cycle management (RCM), and client engagement. In order to ensure both operational success and better patient experiences, Akiva's approach combines technological advancements with an emphasis on improving the human side of healthcare.
This presentation provides an overview of syncope, a common medical emergency in dental practice. Created during my internship, this presentation aims to educate dental students on the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and management of syncope with a focus on dental specific considerations.
Distribution of Drugs Plasma Protein Binding and Blood-Brain BarrierSumeetSharma591398
This presentation provides a detailed overview of drug distribution, focusing on plasma protein binding and the blood-brain barrier (BBB). It explains the factors affecting drug distribution, the role of plasma proteins in drug binding, and how drugs penetrate the BBB. Key topics include the significance of protein-bound vs. free drug concentration, drug interactions, and strategies to enhance drug permeability across the BBB. Ideal for students, researchers, and healthcare professionals in pharmacology and drug development.
Personality theory is a collection of ideas that explain how a person's personality develops and how it affects their behavior. It also seeks to understand how people react to situations, and how their personality impacts their relationships.
Key aspects of personality theory
Personality traits: The characteristics that make up a person's personality.
Personality development: How a person's personality develops over time.
Personality disorders: How personality theories can be used to study personality disorders.
Personality and environment: How a person's personality is influenced by their environment.
Dr. Jaymee Shells Perspective on COVID-19Jaymee Shell
Dr. Jaymee Shell views the COVID-19 pandemic as both a crisis that exposed weaknesses and an opportunity to build stronger systems. She emphasizes that the pandemic revealed critical healthcare inequities while demonstrating the power of collaboration and adaptability.
Shell highlights that organizations with gender-diverse executive teams are 25% more likely to experience above-average profitability, positioning diversity as a business necessity rather than just a moral imperative. She notes that the pandemic disproportionately affected women of color, with one in three women considering leaving or downshifting their careers.
To combat inequality, Shell recommends implementing flexible work policies, establishing clear metrics for diversity in leadership, creating structured virtual collaboration spaces, and developing comprehensive wellness programs. For healthcare providers specifically, she advocates for multilingual communication systems, mobile health units, telehealth services with alternatives for those lacking internet access, and cultural competency training.
Shell emphasizes the importance of mental health support through culturally appropriate resources, employee assistance programs, and regular check-ins. She calls for diverse leadership teams that reflect the communities they serve and community-centered care models that address social determinants of health.
In her words: "The COVID-19 pandemic didn't create healthcare inequalities it illuminated them." She urges building systems that reach every community and provide dignified care to all.
Increased Clinical Trial Complexity | Dr. Ulana Rey | MindLuminaUlana Rey PharmD
Increased Clinical Trial Complexity. By Ulana Rey PharmD for MindLumina. Dr. Ulana Rey discusses how clinical trial complexityendpoints, procedures, eligibility criteria, countrieshas increased over a 20-year period.
1. Impact of learnt childhood responses on Present behaviors
As father never allowed
PAST As survival strategy
him to Reply. He was
was to listen.
mostly criticized by his
father when he spoke.
Present A is Nervous in Impact
company meetings with
Belief - "They will not accept my
replies just like my father.
Behavior - Only listening;
Not expressing or offering Low self esteem and
viewpoints. performance.
Copyright 2012 Puja Kanth Alfred.
2. How does EFT help?
As father never allowed As survival strategy was EFT on the
him to Reply. He was to listen. past events
mostly criticized by his
father when he spoke.
Reduces Impact of
negative thoughts and
A is Nervous in company EFT on anxiety/ feelings attached to
meetings with seniors. Nervousness & past memories.
Belief - "They will not
accept my replies just like
my father. Reduces anxiety, releases limiting
beliefs and new behaviors are
Behavior Active Positively Affects his
Listening, Expressing and self esteem and
offering viewpoints. performance.
Copyright 2012 Puja Kanth Alfred.