In deze slideshare leer je hoe je om kan gaan met je dagelijkse workflow. In een aangepaste versie het het Getting Things Done systeem van David Allen geef ik je 3 stappen waardoor je meer controle krijgt op wat er dagelijks op je afkomt. Als je deze slideshare hebt bekeken kun je de methodiek toepassen zodat je productiever bent en minder stress ervaart. Je hebt overzicht en dat cre谷ert rust in je hoofd. Je weet wat je te doen staat en ook wat je niet kunt doen. ik wens je veel kijkplezier, en boven alles succes met het in praktijk brengen van de principes die in de slideshare naar voren komen. Ik ben benieuwd naar je reactie.
Een samenvatting van de seminars over de Zeven Eigenschappen van Effectief Leiderschap van Stephen Covey, die ik in 2013/2014 heb gegeven voor ondernemers.
This document discusses OKR (Objectives and Key Results), a goal setting framework used by companies to define, align, and track measurable goals. It consists of an objective, which is significant, concrete, action-oriented, and inspirational, and key results which are specific, time-bound, aggressive yet realistic, and measurable. The document provides examples of OKRs, advantages like exceptional focus and alignment, and steps for adoption such as getting top management buy-in and running a pilot. Reasons for failure include using it only for KPIs rather than strategy or tying it to bonuses. OKRs differ from MBOs in being quarterly rather than annual, bottom-up rather than top-down, looking forward
This document discusses how using Objectives and Key Results (OKR) can help build an agile culture. OKR is an agile goal setting framework that replaces annual static planning with shorter goal setting cycles. It complements agile by helping create a results-focused culture, replacing predictability with results delivery, giving autonomy to self-organizing teams, and helping prioritize the product backlog based on key results. OKR's dual cadence of strategic and tactical goals also enables better alignment across teams.
This document discusses the importance of planning and organizing for store managers. It outlines various time management tools that can help managers stay organized, such as planning calendars, to-do lists, and tickler files. It emphasizes that planning and organizing are essential for personal and professional success, and recommends implementing a program to manage time effectively.
The document discusses different time management strategies and methods. It begins by outlining 7 principles of effective time management, including not procrastinating, identifying distractions, and learning to say no. It then explains the Eisenhower Method, which distinguishes between urgent and important tasks. Finally, it describes the Getting Things Done (GTD) method, which involves collecting all tasks, processing and organizing them, reviewing lists daily and weekly, and taking action. The document provides an overview of these common time management strategies.
Learn everything you need to know to get started with Objectives and Key Results. How to implement them, what you should pay attention to, and how the methodology is being applied in Europe today.
Time management is defined as managing time to make the most of it. Some common myths about time management include thinking there is too much to do, that there is always plenty of time to complete tasks later, or that small tasks are not important. An effective time management plan involves setting goals, identifying time wasters, using tools like planners and calendars, prioritizing tasks, setting time limits, and staying organized. Procrastination is the biggest obstacle to good time management. Tips for better time management include writing things down, prioritizing tasks, planning your week, carrying a notebook, learning to say no, avoiding distractions, scheduling your day, and breaking large projects into smaller tasks.
OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are a goal-setting framework where objectives are ambitious goals and key results are measurable metrics to track progress towards objectives. The framework was invented in 1954 and popularized at Intel and Google. Objectives should be memorable descriptions of desired outcomes, while 2-5 key results per objective express quantifiable milestones. Regular reviews help evaluate progress and refine future OKRs, which are meant to be challenging but achievable stretch goals rather than tasks. Common best practices include transparency, simplicity, and alignment across levels.
This document discusses how to craft mission, vision, and value statements to become a high performance organization. It defines a mission as describing an organization's overall purpose and reason for existing. A vision is a guiding image of future success that inspires people to work together. Values are the shared beliefs that guide how an organization's members perform their work. The document provides criteria for developing effective mission, vision, and value statements, such as making the vision compelling and focusing on serving clients. It emphasizes that a systematic strategy development process including crafting these statements can help align an organization's environment, leadership, and employee behaviors to create value.
The document discusses principles of effective time management. It emphasizes managing oneself according to one's purpose and priorities rather than allowing others or external factors to dictate one's behavior and use of time. It introduces tools for time management, including using a clock to manage schedules and commitments and a compass to guide decisions according to one's values and vision. It advocates focusing on important but not necessarily urgent tasks in Quadrant II of a time management matrix to be more effective. The overall message is the importance of proactively organizing one's time around one's priorities and goals rather than reacting to urgent demands.
Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
This presentation gives some powerful time management tips that helps with prioritization. Importance of time management cannot be emphasized enough especially in the business world. Good time management skills enhances both personal and professional lives.
Modul ini membahas tentang pengelolaan waktu yang efektif dengan memberikan konsep-konsep kunci seperti mengidentifikasi kesulitan mengatur waktu, melakukan prioritas pekerjaan, dan mendelegasikan tugas. Modul ini juga menjelaskan pentingnya mengelola waktu dengan baik karena waktu adalah sumber daya berharga yang harus dioptimalkan guna meningkatkan produktivitas.
This document provides an overview of change management and the roles involved in facilitating change. It discusses:
1) How change begins with disconfirmation creating survival anxiety or guilt, which resistance to change aims to overcome by creating psychological safety.
2) The roles of a change consultant in helping organizations through change by taking on expert, doctor, or process consultant roles focused on involvement, vision, and supportive environments.
3) The functions of a facilitator in preparing groups, assessing processes, managing conflicts, and concluding meetings using techniques like sorting fields and climate reports.
4) Tools for problem solving like Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats and exploring different levels of thinking, as well as concepts of mental
The document provides time management tips to improve job performance. It defines time management as the conscious control of time spent on work activities to maximize personal efficiency. Some key benefits of effective time management are gaining more control over activities, increasing efficiency, and improving work-life balance. The document recommends establishing how time is spent, being clear on objectives and priorities, determining problem areas, prioritizing tasks, delegating tasks, and planning work based on one's schedule and abilities.
This document discusses managing work priorities and professional development. It covers setting goals and plans, time management, prioritization, and overcoming obstacles. Techniques for effective time management include analyzing tasks, prioritizing using the Pareto principle, and applying the 4Ds method of doing, delegating, deferring, or ditching tasks. The document also addresses using technology like Outlook or smartphones to help manage time and explores continuing professional development. It provides a case study of a supervisor struggling with time management and offers suggestions for getting back on track.
O documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o ferramenta OKR (Objectives and Key Results), explicando que ela conecta as pessoas em torno de objetivos mensur叩veis para garantir o foco e alinhamento. Ele define OKRs, destaca caracter鱈sticas de objetivos e resultados-chave e d叩 exemplos reais de OKRs, incluindo do Google e da Funda巽達o ONE. Por fim, discute a import但ncia e pontos cr鱈ticos para o sucesso do uso de OKRs.
This document provides guidance on best practices for setting OKR goals. It defines Objectives and Key Results, and explains why OKRs are an effective goal-setting framework. Regular weekly check-ins and closed-loop feedback are identified as critical for connecting goals to results. Examples of objectives and key results at both the company and department level are also provided.
The 12 step goal setting process provides a methodical approach to setting and achieving goals. It involves 1) deciding on ideal goals in key areas of life, 2) writing goals down clearly and measurably, 3) setting deadlines, 4) identifying obstacles, 5) identifying needed skills, 6) identifying people whose help is required, 7) making a complete list of steps, 8) organizing the list into a plan, 9) making a detailed plan, 10) selecting the most important daily task, 11) developing self-discipline to focus on tasks, and 12) practicing visualization of achieving goals. The process guides setting a major goal and then breaking it down into specific, ordered steps to develop a comprehensive plan for its
The document provides an overview of time management. It begins by outlining the course objectives, which include explaining various time management concepts and tools. It then discusses what time management is, its importance, and who can benefit from it. The document also covers time management elements and principles, different time management styles, and components of effective time management.
The document discusses the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology for improving productivity and reducing stress. It originated from David Allen's book and is based on creating a reliable external system for capturing all commitments and tasks. The key aspects of GTD include collecting all open loops, clarifying actions, organizing tasks into lists by context, regularly reviewing tasks, and choosing what to engage with based on priorities. Implementing GTD can bring benefits like an complete inventory, more control, and being more focused.
The document provides guidance on best practices for adopting Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) in an organization, outlining a 10 step process for implementation that includes understanding why OKRs are being adopted, getting buy-in from leadership and teams, connecting company objectives to the organizational mission, selecting an OKR pilot group, appointing OKR leadership roles, and establishing OKR reviews and retrospectives to ensure ongoing success. The OKR methodology establishes broad alignment and accountability by connecting employees' work to company objectives in a transparent way that fosters focus, engagement, and organizational growth.
OKR (Objective Key Results) Best PracticesWilliam Chin
This document discusses how to make OKRs more specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) to improve focus and coordination among teams. It recommends defining objectives and key results that are clear, quantifiable, regularly reviewed, and can integrate strategic goals across an organization. A case study example shows how applying SMART guidelines to OKRs can clarify responsibilities, dependencies and expectations to better connect work to overall objectives.
This document contains discussion questions about the book "The ONE Thing" aimed at helping readers examine the book's concepts and share insights. Some key questions ask about times of success through focus versus lack of focus, whether extraordinary results come from narrow focus, limiting beliefs, and incorporating the book's principles in one's own life. The questions are designed to spark deeper conversation about achieving fulfillment and living an extraordinary life both professionally and personally.
This document provides an introduction to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). It defines OKRs, discusses their benefits, and offers best practices for implementing them. OKRs help companies set clear goals and track progress towards objectives. The document outlines that OKRs have both qualitative objectives and quantitative key results, and should be bottom-up defined as well as top-down aligned. Common OKR cadences and some examples from successful companies like Google and Spotify are also presented. The document concludes by offering next steps for getting started with OKRs, such as scoping an OKR project and piloting the rollout.
The document provides guidance on effective time management. It discusses setting goals and priorities, planning activities, delegating tasks, avoiding procrastination, and balancing work and personal life. Specific tips include preparing a to-do list with ranked priorities, focusing on the most productive times of day, taking regular breaks, and getting sufficient sleep each night. Effective time management can help individuals increase productivity, reduce stress, and achieve goals.
This document provides a 4-step approach to effective time management. Step 1 involves seeing activities in terms of their consequences for completing or not completing tasks. Step 2 is to cascade goals from overall purpose down to specific actions. Step 3 is to practice being a "mindful unitasker" by focusing on one task at a time. Step 4 is to organize to-do items into "buckets" of must-do, should-do, and could-do tasks and schedule items from the must-do bucket. Following these 4 steps can help individuals be more productive by managing distractions, prioritizing based on goals and consequences, and focusing fully on one task at a time.
Time management is defined as managing time to make the most of it. Some common myths about time management include thinking there is too much to do, that there is always plenty of time to complete tasks later, or that small tasks are not important. An effective time management plan involves setting goals, identifying time wasters, using tools like planners and calendars, prioritizing tasks, setting time limits, and staying organized. Procrastination is the biggest obstacle to good time management. Tips for better time management include writing things down, prioritizing tasks, planning your week, carrying a notebook, learning to say no, avoiding distractions, scheduling your day, and breaking large projects into smaller tasks.
OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) are a goal-setting framework where objectives are ambitious goals and key results are measurable metrics to track progress towards objectives. The framework was invented in 1954 and popularized at Intel and Google. Objectives should be memorable descriptions of desired outcomes, while 2-5 key results per objective express quantifiable milestones. Regular reviews help evaluate progress and refine future OKRs, which are meant to be challenging but achievable stretch goals rather than tasks. Common best practices include transparency, simplicity, and alignment across levels.
This document discusses how to craft mission, vision, and value statements to become a high performance organization. It defines a mission as describing an organization's overall purpose and reason for existing. A vision is a guiding image of future success that inspires people to work together. Values are the shared beliefs that guide how an organization's members perform their work. The document provides criteria for developing effective mission, vision, and value statements, such as making the vision compelling and focusing on serving clients. It emphasizes that a systematic strategy development process including crafting these statements can help align an organization's environment, leadership, and employee behaviors to create value.
The document discusses principles of effective time management. It emphasizes managing oneself according to one's purpose and priorities rather than allowing others or external factors to dictate one's behavior and use of time. It introduces tools for time management, including using a clock to manage schedules and commitments and a compass to guide decisions according to one's values and vision. It advocates focusing on important but not necessarily urgent tasks in Quadrant II of a time management matrix to be more effective. The overall message is the importance of proactively organizing one's time around one's priorities and goals rather than reacting to urgent demands.
Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
This presentation gives some powerful time management tips that helps with prioritization. Importance of time management cannot be emphasized enough especially in the business world. Good time management skills enhances both personal and professional lives.
Modul ini membahas tentang pengelolaan waktu yang efektif dengan memberikan konsep-konsep kunci seperti mengidentifikasi kesulitan mengatur waktu, melakukan prioritas pekerjaan, dan mendelegasikan tugas. Modul ini juga menjelaskan pentingnya mengelola waktu dengan baik karena waktu adalah sumber daya berharga yang harus dioptimalkan guna meningkatkan produktivitas.
This document provides an overview of change management and the roles involved in facilitating change. It discusses:
1) How change begins with disconfirmation creating survival anxiety or guilt, which resistance to change aims to overcome by creating psychological safety.
2) The roles of a change consultant in helping organizations through change by taking on expert, doctor, or process consultant roles focused on involvement, vision, and supportive environments.
3) The functions of a facilitator in preparing groups, assessing processes, managing conflicts, and concluding meetings using techniques like sorting fields and climate reports.
4) Tools for problem solving like Edward de Bono's Six Thinking Hats and exploring different levels of thinking, as well as concepts of mental
The document provides time management tips to improve job performance. It defines time management as the conscious control of time spent on work activities to maximize personal efficiency. Some key benefits of effective time management are gaining more control over activities, increasing efficiency, and improving work-life balance. The document recommends establishing how time is spent, being clear on objectives and priorities, determining problem areas, prioritizing tasks, delegating tasks, and planning work based on one's schedule and abilities.
This document discusses managing work priorities and professional development. It covers setting goals and plans, time management, prioritization, and overcoming obstacles. Techniques for effective time management include analyzing tasks, prioritizing using the Pareto principle, and applying the 4Ds method of doing, delegating, deferring, or ditching tasks. The document also addresses using technology like Outlook or smartphones to help manage time and explores continuing professional development. It provides a case study of a supervisor struggling with time management and offers suggestions for getting back on track.
O documento apresenta uma introdu巽達o ferramenta OKR (Objectives and Key Results), explicando que ela conecta as pessoas em torno de objetivos mensur叩veis para garantir o foco e alinhamento. Ele define OKRs, destaca caracter鱈sticas de objetivos e resultados-chave e d叩 exemplos reais de OKRs, incluindo do Google e da Funda巽達o ONE. Por fim, discute a import但ncia e pontos cr鱈ticos para o sucesso do uso de OKRs.
This document provides guidance on best practices for setting OKR goals. It defines Objectives and Key Results, and explains why OKRs are an effective goal-setting framework. Regular weekly check-ins and closed-loop feedback are identified as critical for connecting goals to results. Examples of objectives and key results at both the company and department level are also provided.
The 12 step goal setting process provides a methodical approach to setting and achieving goals. It involves 1) deciding on ideal goals in key areas of life, 2) writing goals down clearly and measurably, 3) setting deadlines, 4) identifying obstacles, 5) identifying needed skills, 6) identifying people whose help is required, 7) making a complete list of steps, 8) organizing the list into a plan, 9) making a detailed plan, 10) selecting the most important daily task, 11) developing self-discipline to focus on tasks, and 12) practicing visualization of achieving goals. The process guides setting a major goal and then breaking it down into specific, ordered steps to develop a comprehensive plan for its
The document provides an overview of time management. It begins by outlining the course objectives, which include explaining various time management concepts and tools. It then discusses what time management is, its importance, and who can benefit from it. The document also covers time management elements and principles, different time management styles, and components of effective time management.
The document discusses the Getting Things Done (GTD) methodology for improving productivity and reducing stress. It originated from David Allen's book and is based on creating a reliable external system for capturing all commitments and tasks. The key aspects of GTD include collecting all open loops, clarifying actions, organizing tasks into lists by context, regularly reviewing tasks, and choosing what to engage with based on priorities. Implementing GTD can bring benefits like an complete inventory, more control, and being more focused.
The document provides guidance on best practices for adopting Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) in an organization, outlining a 10 step process for implementation that includes understanding why OKRs are being adopted, getting buy-in from leadership and teams, connecting company objectives to the organizational mission, selecting an OKR pilot group, appointing OKR leadership roles, and establishing OKR reviews and retrospectives to ensure ongoing success. The OKR methodology establishes broad alignment and accountability by connecting employees' work to company objectives in a transparent way that fosters focus, engagement, and organizational growth.
OKR (Objective Key Results) Best PracticesWilliam Chin
This document discusses how to make OKRs more specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound (SMART) to improve focus and coordination among teams. It recommends defining objectives and key results that are clear, quantifiable, regularly reviewed, and can integrate strategic goals across an organization. A case study example shows how applying SMART guidelines to OKRs can clarify responsibilities, dependencies and expectations to better connect work to overall objectives.
This document contains discussion questions about the book "The ONE Thing" aimed at helping readers examine the book's concepts and share insights. Some key questions ask about times of success through focus versus lack of focus, whether extraordinary results come from narrow focus, limiting beliefs, and incorporating the book's principles in one's own life. The questions are designed to spark deeper conversation about achieving fulfillment and living an extraordinary life both professionally and personally.
This document provides an introduction to Objectives and Key Results (OKRs). It defines OKRs, discusses their benefits, and offers best practices for implementing them. OKRs help companies set clear goals and track progress towards objectives. The document outlines that OKRs have both qualitative objectives and quantitative key results, and should be bottom-up defined as well as top-down aligned. Common OKR cadences and some examples from successful companies like Google and Spotify are also presented. The document concludes by offering next steps for getting started with OKRs, such as scoping an OKR project and piloting the rollout.
The document provides guidance on effective time management. It discusses setting goals and priorities, planning activities, delegating tasks, avoiding procrastination, and balancing work and personal life. Specific tips include preparing a to-do list with ranked priorities, focusing on the most productive times of day, taking regular breaks, and getting sufficient sleep each night. Effective time management can help individuals increase productivity, reduce stress, and achieve goals.
This document provides a 4-step approach to effective time management. Step 1 involves seeing activities in terms of their consequences for completing or not completing tasks. Step 2 is to cascade goals from overall purpose down to specific actions. Step 3 is to practice being a "mindful unitasker" by focusing on one task at a time. Step 4 is to organize to-do items into "buckets" of must-do, should-do, and could-do tasks and schedule items from the must-do bucket. Following these 4 steps can help individuals be more productive by managing distractions, prioritizing based on goals and consequences, and focusing fully on one task at a time.
Astrid Bronmeijer
De secretaresse anno nu is in staat om heldere, onderbouwde keuzes te maken op basis van haar eigen prioriteiten en niet alleen die van haar manager. Dat de tijd heel snel kan gaan, merk je wanneer je als secretaresse projecten gaat plannen en deadlines moet halen. Je bent chronisch druk, druk, druk en je begint achter de feiten aan te lopen. Terwijl je hard werkt om afspraken na te komen, wordt je werk regelmatig onderbroken door collegas die nieuwe opdrachten voor je hebben. Gelukkig zijn er hulpmiddelen die van pas komen bij het maken van een tijdschema en het aangeven van grenzen in je werk.
Tijdens deze workshop gaat het om de bewustwording van je eigen werkgewoontes. Daarnaast krijg je wat tips mee die je kan toepassen, zodat je wat effectiever en effici谷nter aan de slag kan!
Workshop speciaal voor collegas van de ondersteunende diensten.
Dingen gedaan krijgen zonder in stress-modus te
gaan. Steven de Block van ExtraTijd geeft je geen
timemanagement oude stijl, wel gezond verstand.
De principes die je aangeboden krijgt, zijn altijd en
overal toepasbaar. Niet alleen in je werk, maar ook
in de rest van je leven. n je hebt er geen speciale
agenda, software of iets anders voor nodig.
Raak jij overstelpt door de informatiestroom? Dan is deze presentatie voor jou! We geven je tips hoe je slim kunt werken en zo productiever kunt zijn.
Deze presentatie hebben we gemaakt als onderdeel van een opdracht van Unlimited People.
Presentatie van Walter Flaat gegeven voor het Kennisnetwerk IIE in het kader van Project Professionalisatie. Start van het behandelen van Personal Management (Getting Things Done vs Covey)
Lifehacking1, Cybersoek, Danielle Davidson, Traning voor de Bibliotheek voor ...BVOCYBERSOEK
De Bibliotheek voor Ondernemers is een programma dat ontwikkeld is door Cybersoek en in opdracht van het SIOB wordt uitgerold bij de lokale bibliotheken. Het is een laagdrempelige formule waarin ondernemers geholpen worden met vragen op het gebied van ICT en mediawijsheid. Het is een combinatie van vraaggerichte hulp, lezingen, workshops en eventuele netwerkborrels. Deze presentatie was onderdeel van de training voor de Bibliotheken die de Bibliotheek voor Ondernemers willen gaan starten.
Presentatie van Walter Flaat gegeven voor het Kennisnetwerk IIE in het kader van Project Professionalisatie. Start van het behandelen van Personal Management (Getting Things Done vs Covey)
3. !
Zoveel tijd en energie
wordt verspild aan
onze voortdurende
zorgelijke gedachten
over dingen die we
nog moeten doen.
4. !
Korte oefening
1. Wat knaagt er op dit moment het meest aan je,
leidt het meest af of trekt het sterkst je
2. Beschrijf nu in 辿辿n enkele zin hoe een
succesvolle be谷indiging of oplossing voor deze
situatie of dat probleem eruitziet.
3. Schrijf nu op welk fysieke actie je moet
ondernemen om de eerste stap te doen in de
richting van je einddoel.
17. !
stappen methode
voor je dagelijkse workflow
18. !
verzamel alles wat jouw aandacht heeft
zet het daar waar het hoort
3. DOEN:
doe wat je hebt ingepland
stappen methode
voor je dagelijkse workflow
24. verzamelplaatsen
Notitieblokken (hoeveel?)
Agenda (papieren agenda, Outlook,
Google, kalender thuis)
E-mail inbox (hoeveel e-mail
accounts hebt je?)
Bovenop lage kasten
Gangtafel of gangbankje
Ordners, mappen, archiefdozen,
Lectuurbakken, krantenbakken,
Portemonnee (bonnetjes,
Monitor ( Post-its)
Bureaublad (Post-its, losse
notitieblaadjes, papierstapels)
Koffer/tassen met documenten
Inbakje(s) op je bureau
Whiteboard met magneetjes
Koelkastdeur met magneetjes
Je hoofd (alle zaken die je op dit
moment onthoud en niet mag
25. !
Haal alles wat in je hoofd zit eruit en zet
het in je verzamelsysteem
Gebruik zo min mogelijk
verzamelplaatsten in je systeem
Zoveel als nodig en niet 辿辿n meer
41. Sunrise Canary Cal Fantastical Week
Calendar aCalendar Cal CalenGoo Google
agenda apps voor
apple & android
48. Taken & Afspraken
Enkelvoudig actie
Agenda & takenlijst
Twee of meer acties
Hebben of lopen
Het verschil tussen
projecten en taken
Beter met iemand een afspraak
maken om 10 zaken te bespreken,
dan die persoon gedurende de dag
10 keer te onderbreken
67. !
Follow-up lijst
Doe het later
Enkelvoudige acties < 30 minuten
Twee of meer taken die leiden
tot een bepaald resultaat
Zaken die je hebt gedelegeerd of
die je terugkrijgt en waarop je
nog wacht
68. !
Prullenbak Archief Agenda Takenlijst Projectenlijst
Zit hier een actie aan vast?
Minder dan 2 minuten ?
relevant? belangrijk?
70. !
4 鍖ltersom op iedere moment te
weten wat je het beste kan doen:
1. Waar ben ik en wat heb ik bij mij? Kortom: wat k叩n ik
sowieso doen.
2. Hoeveel tijd heb ik?
3. Hoeveel energie heb ik?
4. Wat levert mij de meeste waarde op om te gaan
78. taak
Kies een taak die
je wil doen
Zet de
pomodoro op
25 min
Werk aan de
taak totdat de
pomodoro afgaat
Vink vervolgens
de pomodoro af
Neem 5 min
Neem na 4
pomodoros een
langere pauze
80. !
Aan het begin en aan het
eind van de dag:
Open je agenda
Open je projectenlijst
Open je takenlijst }verkrijg
81. !
Verwerk je inboxes en je verzamelplaatsen
Bekijk je agenda: afgelopen week + aankomende
Bekijk je projectenlijst, je takenlijst en je follow-
up lijst
Bekijk de doelen die je hebt gesteld