Diversity and professional developer education: Overview and Cases in the dig...syamane
(in Englihs) In recent years, ”diversity of human resources” and ”diversity” have become more common. IEEE, ACM, and the Information Processing Society of Japan are also working to increase the percentage of women. However, diversity is not limited to opening the door to women; it has been used in different contexts, such as biodiversity, multicultural coexistence, international business, accessibility, and neurodiversity. Furthermore, because a unified conceptual framework for each diversity has not been used until now, cases have been examined separately. In this paper, we will summarize what diversity is and whether it is possible to integrate it when used in a jumble. We will then discuss an attempt to incorporate the results of various diversity studies using the digital game industry as an example of a specific industry sector.
(in Japanese) 近年「人材の多様性」,「ダイバーシティ」という言葉を頻繁に耳にするようになった.IEEE,ACM,情報処理学会でも女性の割合を高めようと取り組んでいる.しかしダイバーシティ概念は女性への門戸解放に限られておらず,生物多様性?多文化共生?国際ビジネス?アクセシビリティ?神経多様性(ニューロダイバーシティー)といった異なる文脈で使われてきた.そしてこれまで各ダイバーシティの統合的な概念の枠組みを使用してこなかったため,バラバラに事例の検討が行われてきた.そこで本論では,そもそもダイバーシティとはどのようなものなのか,それが入り乱れて使われる際に統合することは可能かを概括する.そして具体的な産業分野としてデジタルゲーム産業を例にして諸ダイバーシティについての成果を統合する試みについて述べる
This document provides information about the Global Game Jam (GGJ) event that occurs annually. Some key points mentioned include that the GGJ is an international event held in January each year where game developers come together over a weekend to create games. Links are provided to the main GGJ website as well as success stories and information about past GGJ events from 2020 and 2021. The aim of the GGJ is to bring game developers together globally to network, collaborate and create new games in a short period of time.
1) The team aims to map landmines and unexploded bombs using augmented reality (AR) to help prevent explosions and save lives.
2) A drone will detect mines, record their GPS locations, and send the data to a server to construct a mine database. An AR app will overlay the mine locations on maps in real-time.
3) The system seeks to automatically detect mines via drone, share real-time location data, and provide mine information and maps on smartphones through AR to help inform the public and reduce mine-related deaths.
Localizing Global Game Jam: Designing Game Development for Collaborative Lear...syamane
This document discusses the Fukushima Game Jam, a localized Global Game Jam event held in Fukushima, Japan following the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster. The jam brought together game developers to create games over a weekend with the goal of creative recovery and place-making for the affected area. Key aspects discussed include the participatory design process involving public playtesting and workshops with local children, strategies for diverse international teams to collaborate remotely, and lessons learned about rapid prototyping and working without formal support.
Adaptability of the Global Game Jam: A Case Study in Japansyamane
This document discusses the adaptability of the Global Game Jam by examining its implementation in Japan. It describes how the Global Game Jam spread game prototyping culture and participatory design approaches in Japan. It also outlines strategies for designing effective regional game jams, as illustrated by the Fukushima Game Jam, which brought together developers to create games addressing issues in areas affected by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. The Global Game Jam is concluded to inspire new collaborative game jams worldwide while requiring adaptation to different cultural contexts.