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GIS  for  NGOs
What is GIS? A geographic information system (GIS) is a technological tool for comprehending geography and making intelligent decisions. GIS organizes geographic data so that a person reading a map can select data necessary for a specific project or task. 1
Why use GIS? A good GIS program is able to process geographic data from a variety of sources and integrate it into a map project GIS maps are interactive On the computer screen, map users can scan a GIS map in any direction, zoom in or out, and change the nature of the information contained in the map 1
Why use GIS? GIS users can choose what feature to see like roads Then, users can choose whether to see the roads, how many roads to see, and how roads should be depicted on the map Then GIS users can select what other items they wish to view with these roads such as storm drains, gas lines, rare plants, or hospitals 1
What kinds of projects use GIS? Conservation:   GIS enhances NGOs' effectiveness with: data collection science-focused modeling conservation planning and the creation of maps and visualizations  that support various efforts to conserve nature and manage natural resources. 1
What kinds of projects use GIS? Conservation of Animals:   Mapping how Bats are dying from White-Nose Syndrome with GIS Using ArcGIS, an NGO created an integrated geodatabase of important bat hibernation sites The NGO created maps based on georeferenced bat population locations and animal movement data The maps have been widely distributed and were used by the government 1
Epicenter February 2006 1 Gray Bat Colonies (75K to 850K) Indiana Bat Colonies (25K to 77K) WNS Affected Areas Mortality -Winter 2006/07 Confirmed - Winter 2007/08 Confirmed - Winter 2008/09 Likely - Winter 2008/09  Probable Transmission Pathways Bat Hibernation Areas Miles from Affected Areas
What kind of projects use GIS? Community Problems: Restoring Angola's Electricity Network The government wanted100% of Urban Areas to have electricity and 60% Areas close to the city to have electricity
Angola: Electricity network in the municipality created in GIS
Angola Up-to-date maps are essential for planning and managing municipal infrastructure. The new maps contain information on land plots, existing electric networks and provide vital information like street addresses, meter numbers, and where houses are connected to the electrical system.  That information will help there be more accurate electricity bills, provide better customer service, and extend the network.  1
Angola Improved information led to electricity service for more than 6,500 households. GIS improves transparency and stakeholder participation in municipal planning. Equipped with information, community groups and individual households are better able to communicate their needs to the electric company and advocate improved service.  1
Conserving the Land of Napa County, California Highest priority lands for biodiversity are shown in darker blues. These are tagged to each property ownership in the county  to help the Land Trust of Napa Valley prioritize its work 1
Conserving the Land of Napa County, California GIS was used to assess land use and biodiversity The way land is used can greatly affect plants and animals living there If biodiversity, like plants and animals are endangered, threatened, or declining then they need people, like the NGO, to protect them.  1
New Jersey Audubon Society Uses GIS to Create Trail Maps The NGO used ArcPad on a Pocket PC with a handheld GPS unit to collect trail information. With ArcGIS Desktop, the staff easily provides trail updates and changes in land use or features. The ArcGIS Desktop editing feature allowed the NGO to smooth trail lines and add attribute table information.  1
This trail map was created by the NGO.  Many New Jersey Audobon Society sanctuaries are next to state or national parks so connector trails are included so that visitors may easily expand their hikes.  1
NGO Designs Mapping Application to Find Areas Most in Need of Reclamation In Pennsylvania there were pollution problems from closed coal mines An NGO took on this problem
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania receives congressional funding extension to reclaim abandoned coal mines. ArcGIS application maximizes reclamation budget. Demonstration shows officials that GIS is the best solution to address high-priority areas.  1
Pennsylvania This map shows specific abandoned mine problem features and active mining permits. Green areas are low priority features where red and yellow areas are high priority features 1
Hope Thrives in Camden, New Jersey, Through NGO Camden, NJ is a very poor area of the USA Many of the youth and teens end up in gangs One NGO trained youth how to use GIS and make their neighborhood a better place to live
New Jersey
New Jersey With GIS, youth at Hopeworks conduct surveys of their neighborhoods and map things such as  vacant buildings green spaces malfunctioning streetlights.  They have also mapped features for cities such as Baltimore, Maryland; Denver, Colorado; St. Louis, Missouri; and Trenton, New Jersey.  1
New Jersey
GIS an Essential Tool to Successfully Complete Water System in Laos Designing and constructing a water system required detailed and accurate mapping using ArcGIS and ArcPad. Integrating GPS data with GIS, the team calculated that a stream was near enough to be a clean water source. ArcGIS helped resolve the pipeline routing problem so that the course could be staked out.  1
Laos For 11 days, the team worked side by side with villagers to transport materials, set and glue PVC pipe, construct a stream diversion structure, and build tap stands. Throughout the process, detailed mapping using ArcPad continued, including a detailed as-built survey of the pipeline and its components, demographic mapping of each village household, and collection of site measurements for preferred locations of the seven new latrines EWB-FLC plans to construct in 2009.  1
Laos For the first time, villagers have as much water as they need whenever they need it and can drink that water without worrying about whether or not they will become sick from it. With taps situated within the village, individuals spend less time and energy fetching their household water supplies, their personal hygiene is improved, and their overall health less at risk.  1
References E-book - Non-Governmental Organizations: GIS Best Practices ESRI March 2010  http://www.esri.com/news/arcnews/summer10articles/gis-for-ngos.html

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GIS for NGOs

  • 1. GIS for NGOs
  • 2. What is GIS? A geographic information system (GIS) is a technological tool for comprehending geography and making intelligent decisions. GIS organizes geographic data so that a person reading a map can select data necessary for a specific project or task. 1
  • 3. Why use GIS? A good GIS program is able to process geographic data from a variety of sources and integrate it into a map project GIS maps are interactive On the computer screen, map users can scan a GIS map in any direction, zoom in or out, and change the nature of the information contained in the map 1
  • 4. Why use GIS? GIS users can choose what feature to see like roads Then, users can choose whether to see the roads, how many roads to see, and how roads should be depicted on the map Then GIS users can select what other items they wish to view with these roads such as storm drains, gas lines, rare plants, or hospitals 1
  • 5. What kinds of projects use GIS? Conservation: GIS enhances NGOs' effectiveness with: data collection science-focused modeling conservation planning and the creation of maps and visualizations that support various efforts to conserve nature and manage natural resources. 1
  • 6. What kinds of projects use GIS? Conservation of Animals: Mapping how Bats are dying from White-Nose Syndrome with GIS Using ArcGIS, an NGO created an integrated geodatabase of important bat hibernation sites The NGO created maps based on georeferenced bat population locations and animal movement data The maps have been widely distributed and were used by the government 1
  • 7.
  • 8. Epicenter February 2006 1 Gray Bat Colonies (75K to 850K) Indiana Bat Colonies (25K to 77K) WNS Affected Areas Mortality -Winter 2006/07 Confirmed - Winter 2007/08 Confirmed - Winter 2008/09 Likely - Winter 2008/09 Probable Transmission Pathways Bat Hibernation Areas Miles from Affected Areas
  • 9. What kind of projects use GIS? Community Problems: Restoring Angola's Electricity Network The government wanted100% of Urban Areas to have electricity and 60% Areas close to the city to have electricity
  • 10. Angola: Electricity network in the municipality created in GIS
  • 11. Angola Up-to-date maps are essential for planning and managing municipal infrastructure. The new maps contain information on land plots, existing electric networks and provide vital information like street addresses, meter numbers, and where houses are connected to the electrical system. That information will help there be more accurate electricity bills, provide better customer service, and extend the network. 1
  • 12. Angola Improved information led to electricity service for more than 6,500 households. GIS improves transparency and stakeholder participation in municipal planning. Equipped with information, community groups and individual households are better able to communicate their needs to the electric company and advocate improved service. 1
  • 13. Conserving the Land of Napa County, California Highest priority lands for biodiversity are shown in darker blues. These are tagged to each property ownership in the county to help the Land Trust of Napa Valley prioritize its work 1
  • 14. Conserving the Land of Napa County, California GIS was used to assess land use and biodiversity The way land is used can greatly affect plants and animals living there If biodiversity, like plants and animals are endangered, threatened, or declining then they need people, like the NGO, to protect them. 1
  • 15. New Jersey Audubon Society Uses GIS to Create Trail Maps The NGO used ArcPad on a Pocket PC with a handheld GPS unit to collect trail information. With ArcGIS Desktop, the staff easily provides trail updates and changes in land use or features. The ArcGIS Desktop editing feature allowed the NGO to smooth trail lines and add attribute table information. 1
  • 16. This trail map was created by the NGO. Many New Jersey Audobon Society sanctuaries are next to state or national parks so connector trails are included so that visitors may easily expand their hikes. 1
  • 17. NGO Designs Mapping Application to Find Areas Most in Need of Reclamation In Pennsylvania there were pollution problems from closed coal mines An NGO took on this problem
  • 18. Pennsylvania Pennsylvania receives congressional funding extension to reclaim abandoned coal mines. ArcGIS application maximizes reclamation budget. Demonstration shows officials that GIS is the best solution to address high-priority areas. 1
  • 19. Pennsylvania This map shows specific abandoned mine problem features and active mining permits. Green areas are low priority features where red and yellow areas are high priority features 1
  • 21. Hope Thrives in Camden, New Jersey, Through NGO Camden, NJ is a very poor area of the USA Many of the youth and teens end up in gangs One NGO trained youth how to use GIS and make their neighborhood a better place to live
  • 23. New Jersey With GIS, youth at Hopeworks conduct surveys of their neighborhoods and map things such as vacant buildings green spaces malfunctioning streetlights. They have also mapped features for cities such as Baltimore, Maryland; Denver, Colorado; St. Louis, Missouri; and Trenton, New Jersey. 1
  • 25. GIS an Essential Tool to Successfully Complete Water System in Laos Designing and constructing a water system required detailed and accurate mapping using ArcGIS and ArcPad. Integrating GPS data with GIS, the team calculated that a stream was near enough to be a clean water source. ArcGIS helped resolve the pipeline routing problem so that the course could be staked out. 1
  • 26. Laos
  • 27. Laos For 11 days, the team worked side by side with villagers to transport materials, set and glue PVC pipe, construct a stream diversion structure, and build tap stands. Throughout the process, detailed mapping using ArcPad continued, including a detailed as-built survey of the pipeline and its components, demographic mapping of each village household, and collection of site measurements for preferred locations of the seven new latrines EWB-FLC plans to construct in 2009. 1
  • 28. Laos For the first time, villagers have as much water as they need whenever they need it and can drink that water without worrying about whether or not they will become sick from it. With taps situated within the village, individuals spend less time and energy fetching their household water supplies, their personal hygiene is improved, and their overall health less at risk. 1
  • 29. References E-book - Non-Governmental Organizations: GIS Best Practices ESRI March 2010 http://www.esri.com/news/arcnews/summer10articles/gis-for-ngos.html