A Git tutorial with example and demo.
YouTube Videos
Day 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBreuLi79bk
Day 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5e6i3r5Vz34
A simple introduction for basic use of git and git hub.
Since I'm a rookie to Git, If there is anything wrong, please contact me.
Hope you'll enjoy it.
Git is a version control system that tracks changes to files. It maintains a graph of commits where each commit is a node. The key concepts covered are Git references, the file status lifecycle between the working directory, staging area and Git directory, and common commands like add, commit, log and status. Branching allows independent lines of development and fast-forward merging can linearly integrate feature branches. Tags mark important points in history. The --amend flag replaces the most recent commit. Remote branches exist on remote servers while local branches are only visible locally.
This document provides an overview of Git and GitHub for code versioning and sharing. It discusses key Git concepts like branches, commits, and merges. It also demonstrates how to perform basic Git commands from the command line interface. GitHub is presented as a tool for easy collaboration on Git projects through features like forking and pull requests. Overall the document serves as an introduction to using Git and GitHub for researchers and code sharing.
A simple introduction for basic use of git and git hub.
Since I'm a rookie to Git, If there is anything wrong, please contact me.
Hope you'll enjoy it.
Git is a version control system that tracks changes to files. It maintains a graph of commits where each commit is a node. The key concepts covered are Git references, the file status lifecycle between the working directory, staging area and Git directory, and common commands like add, commit, log and status. Branching allows independent lines of development and fast-forward merging can linearly integrate feature branches. Tags mark important points in history. The --amend flag replaces the most recent commit. Remote branches exist on remote servers while local branches are only visible locally.
This document provides an overview of Git and GitHub for code versioning and sharing. It discusses key Git concepts like branches, commits, and merges. It also demonstrates how to perform basic Git commands from the command line interface. GitHub is presented as a tool for easy collaboration on Git projects through features like forking and pull requests. Overall the document serves as an introduction to using Git and GitHub for researchers and code sharing.
The document proposes a new scheme to improve mouth cannon techniques for efficient speaking by damaging your brain through activities like watching nonsense shows, not thinking before speaking, and singing silly songs in the morning which could lead to chronic brain damage but increased mouth cannon throughput and a good mood. It suggests these techniques as a way to enhance speaking performance by reducing brain function.
This document provides a summary of Elasticsearch by Tom Chen. It discusses that Elasticsearch is a powerful open source search and analytics engine that is distributed, scalable and real-time. It can be used for storing, searching and analyzing large volumes of data. The document then highlights some of Elasticsearch's key features, including its powerful search capabilities using Lucene queries, and aggregations that allow faceted searches and results. Code examples are provided to demonstrate indexing data and running searches and aggregations. Finally, the document mentions a code example on GitHub that uses Elasticsearch to build a search function for a WordPress site.
This document provides an introduction to the book "Two Scoops of Django" by Michelle Leu. It discusses the authors' backgrounds working on Python and Django projects. It provides recommendations for coding style when working with Django, including following PEP8 standards, using explicit relative imports, and avoiding wildcard imports. It also recommends using underscores instead of dashes in URLs and template block names for compatibility. The document concludes by thanking the reader and providing contact details for the author.
The document discusses the Django admin interface and alternatives. It describes when to use the Django admin, such as for initial data entry but not public end users. It also discusses customizing the admin display and functions. Finally, it reviews some alternative admin apps for Django like django-xadmin and django-grappelli as well as admin plugins for other frameworks like Flask.
This is a simple presentation that covers how to use the autoreload mechanism to integrate webpack and torando (and django as well)
You can find the source code at https://github.com/yychen/tornado-webpack
This document provides steps to build a basic web app using the Django framework in 30 minutes. It covers creating a Django project and app, defining models, views and templates, configuring settings, creating a database, and testing the app locally. The goal is to create a simple blog application with post listing and detail pages to demonstrate fundamental Django concepts and workflow.
This document discusses various aspects of setting up servers and infrastructure for a device management system. It addresses:
1) Using high availability configurations with DRBD and heartbeat for redundancy across two servers with a virtual IP for failover.
2) Setting up a read-only MySQL replica for additional servers to improve scalability and performance.
3) Considerations for connecting multiple access points, subnets, and remote locations to the internal network infrastructure.