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Go Bird, Go!
Melanie A. Mason, BFA, MS
The University of Texas Arlington
Tweet #1
Blog by Pete Sanderson
Compose a tweet about this session.
The RT Room @TheRTRoom
Call for Proposals
The RT Room encourages teachers, preservice teachers, university faculty, librarians, administrators,
undergraduate and graduate students and educational consultants to submit proposals for online sessions.
The RT Room invites session proposals related to Readers Theatre (RT) such as best practices, innovation,
fluency, e-learning, online learning communities, social media, blogging, and mobile learning. Any proposal
related to how RT is enhancing classroom curriculum or after school activities (for both teachers and students)
will be considered. Proposals that have practical application of RT for educators, as well as those that include
practical application of technology to enhance their teaching or make it more efficient are highly encouraged.
Proposals can also discuss research related to using RT in the K-12 and university classrooms.
Watch page in early February 2016 for more details!
Part One
Twitter as Database
He rocks in the tree tops all day long
Hoppin' and a - boppin'
and a singin his song
Database - A structured set of data held in computer storage and
typically accessed or manipulated by means of specialized software.
Information Seeking
i.e. the search and acquisition of
news, knowledge, opinions, and
other information.
Ha, Louisa, Chen Yang, Gi W. Yun,
and Lanming W. Chen. "From
Relationship to Information." (2015).
Using Twitter as your
Instead of building our own system,
we asked reporters to post their
updates to Twitter and use hashtags
to associate each update with a race.
Then we used the Twitter API  to
fetch updates for each page.
Sheinkman, Andrei. "Using Twitter as
Your Database." Web log post. Open.
New York Times, 15 June 2011. Web.
04 Oct. 2015.
Faculty Professional use of
Social Media
In addition to their personal use of
social media, faculty use of social media
in support of their professional careers
(any aspect of their job outside of
teaching) was explored. Over one-half of
all teaching faculty reported that they
made at least monthly use of social
media for professional purposes.
Seaman, Jeff, and Hester Tinti-
Kane. Social Media for Teaching and
Learning. Boston, Mass: Pearson
Learning Systems, 2013. Internet
Translating Inquiries into Answers
 User Anticipated questions?
 How much information at a time?
 Are you Global?
Part Two
Information Seeking
The wise old owl, the big black crow
Flappin' their wings singing go bird go
Search and Retrieval Strategies
 Model of Search Process
 Clarify the question
 Select the materials
 Prioritize the sources
 Locate the sources
 Search the materials
 Evaluate and repeat
 Alexander, Carter. How to Locate Educational Information and Data: A Text
and Reference Book. New York: Teachers college, Columbia University, 1941.
Clarify the question
Readers Theatre
 What is it?
 Who uses it?
 Where is it being used?
 How is it being used?
 Why is it being used?
Example  How is it being used?
Tweet #2
Blog by Pete Sanderson
photos give verified users a
35% bump in retweets.
What fuels a Tweets
Monday, March 10, 2014 | By
Simon Rogers (@smfrogers)
Select the materials
 Whose materials will you highlight today?
Yours or someone else's?
Consistent hashtag use for your content
Locate the sources
 Retweet, hashtag, pictures, @
 CREATE with
 Canva, Smore, Tellagami & Wordswag
An online tool similar to
Photoshop. Quick, easy and
professional graphic design.
Smore makes it easy to design
beautiful and effective online
flyers and newsletters and
empower small businesses and
individuals to realize their online
marketing potential and
significantly impact their
business goals.
Tellagami速 is a mobile app that
lets you create and share a quick
animated Gami video
use Word Swag to:
Make stylish quotes and poster
Make awesome graphics for
Caption their food & travel pics
Send beautiful greetings
Brand profile pics
Prioritize the sources
Search the materials
 How to Write in 140 Characters or Less
 Dustin Wax
 Every character counts, so use strong verbs and a minimum of adverbs
 Avoid "university words". Almost every long word in English has a
short, blunt word that means the same thing.
 Forget about breaking your thoughts into two posts.
 Write first, then rewrite. Spill it all out and then trim.
 Write short sentences. Many short sentences looks like something
worth reading.
 Use punctuation! when words are limited, punctuation adds impact.
 Be personal. Short posts are very conversational and almost intimate.
on Twitter, it counts.
 Get to the point. cut straight to the chase.
 Humor works. 140 characters is well suited to the snarky jab, the
aphorism, the epigram. Brevity is, after all, the soul of wit. And Tweets.
 The best you can do in 140 characters is entice. Get their attention and
give them someplace good to go.
"I am sorry I have had to write you
such a long letter, but I did not have
time to write you a short one"--
attributed to Blaise Pascal
** Beyond 140
Evaluate and Repeat
 Twitter Analytics
Information Seeking Model Simplified
Need ?
Your Feed
Does the information
answer the ?
Dr. Elizabeth Figa
University of North Texas
A couple of extras
All the little birdies on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go
tweet tweet tweet
A quick email to
 the Librarian and the Principal of the school in a featured retweet.
 Admins/Principals/Lead Teachers/Authors
(i.e. movers and shakers in your content area)
 local academic and public Librarians
Tweet #3
Blog by Pete Sanderson

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Go bird, go! 2

  • 2. Melanie A. Mason, BFA, MS The University of Texas Arlington mamason@uta.edu
  • 4. Tweet #1 LessonToolBox Blog by Pete Sanderson Compose a tweet about this session.
  • 5. The RT Room @TheRTRoom
  • 6. Call for Proposals The RT Room encourages teachers, preservice teachers, university faculty, librarians, administrators, undergraduate and graduate students and educational consultants to submit proposals for online sessions. The RT Room invites session proposals related to Readers Theatre (RT) such as best practices, innovation, fluency, e-learning, online learning communities, social media, blogging, and mobile learning. Any proposal related to how RT is enhancing classroom curriculum or after school activities (for both teachers and students) will be considered. Proposals that have practical application of RT for educators, as well as those that include practical application of technology to enhance their teaching or make it more efficient are highly encouraged. Proposals can also discuss research related to using RT in the K-12 and university classrooms. Watch page in early February 2016 for more details!
  • 7. Part One Twitter as Database He rocks in the tree tops all day long Hoppin' and a - boppin' and a singin his song
  • 8. Database - A structured set of data held in computer storage and typically accessed or manipulated by means of specialized software. Information Seeking Activities i.e. the search and acquisition of news, knowledge, opinions, and other information. Ha, Louisa, Chen Yang, Gi W. Yun, and Lanming W. Chen. "From Relationship to Information." (2015). Print. Using Twitter as your database Instead of building our own system, we asked reporters to post their updates to Twitter and use hashtags to associate each update with a race. Then we used the Twitter API to fetch updates for each page. Sheinkman, Andrei. "Using Twitter as Your Database." Web log post. Open. New York Times, 15 June 2011. Web. 04 Oct. 2015. Faculty Professional use of Social Media In addition to their personal use of social media, faculty use of social media in support of their professional careers (any aspect of their job outside of teaching) was explored. Over one-half of all teaching faculty reported that they made at least monthly use of social media for professional purposes. Seaman, Jeff, and Hester Tinti- Kane. Social Media for Teaching and Learning. Boston, Mass: Pearson Learning Systems, 2013. Internet resource.
  • 9. Translating Inquiries into Answers User Anticipated questions? How much information at a time? Are you Global?
  • 10. Part Two Information Seeking Strategies The wise old owl, the big black crow Flappin' their wings singing go bird go
  • 11. Search and Retrieval Strategies Model of Search Process Clarify the question Select the materials Prioritize the sources Locate the sources Search the materials Evaluate and repeat Alexander, Carter. How to Locate Educational Information and Data: A Text and Reference Book. New York: Teachers college, Columbia University, 1941. Print.
  • 12. Clarify the question Readers Theatre What is it? Who uses it? Where is it being used? How is it being used? Why is it being used? Example How is it being used?
  • 13. Tweet #2 @LessonToolBox Blog by Pete Sanderson UPDATE YOUR TWEET
  • 14. Iconography photos give verified users a 35% bump in retweets. What fuels a Tweets engagement? Monday, March 10, 2014 | By Simon Rogers (@smfrogers)
  • 15. Select the materials Whose materials will you highlight today? Yours or someone else's?
  • 16. Controlled Vocabulary Consistent hashtag use for your content #readerstheatre #readerstheater #opensource #PBL #steam #ELL #ESL
  • 17. Locate the sources Retweet, hashtag, pictures, @ CREATE with Canva, Smore, Tellagami & Wordswag
  • 18. CANVA An online tool similar to Photoshop. Quick, easy and professional graphic design.
  • 19. SMORE Smore makes it easy to design beautiful and effective online flyers and newsletters and empower small businesses and individuals to realize their online marketing potential and significantly impact their business goals.
  • 20. Tellagami Tellagami速 is a mobile app that lets you create and share a quick animated Gami video
  • 21. Wordswag use Word Swag to: Make stylish quotes and poster designs Make awesome graphics for blog/website Caption their food & travel pics Send beautiful greetings Brand profile pics
  • 23. Search the materials How to Write in 140 Characters or Less Dustin Wax Every character counts, so use strong verbs and a minimum of adverbs Avoid "university words". Almost every long word in English has a short, blunt word that means the same thing. Forget about breaking your thoughts into two posts. Write first, then rewrite. Spill it all out and then trim. Write short sentences. Many short sentences looks like something worth reading. Use punctuation! when words are limited, punctuation adds impact. Be personal. Short posts are very conversational and almost intimate. on Twitter, it counts. Get to the point. cut straight to the chase. Humor works. 140 characters is well suited to the snarky jab, the aphorism, the epigram. Brevity is, after all, the soul of wit. And Tweets. The best you can do in 140 characters is entice. Get their attention and give them someplace good to go. "I am sorry I have had to write you such a long letter, but I did not have time to write you a short one"-- attributed to Blaise Pascal ** Beyond 140
  • 24. Evaluate and Repeat Twitter Analytics
  • 25. Information Seeking Model Simplified Need ? Search Twitter Your Feed Evaluate No Reformulate Does the information answer the ? Yes Stop Dr. Elizabeth Figa University of North Texas
  • 27. A couple of extras All the little birdies on Jaybird Street Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet A quick email to the Librarian and the Principal of the school in a featured retweet. Admins/Principals/Lead Teachers/Authors (i.e. movers and shakers in your content area) local academic and public Librarians
  • 28. Tweet #3 @LessonToolBox Blog by Pete Sanderson SUMMARIZE YOUR LEARNING TODAY