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Gods Love

A world or creation
without love would
be like our entire
butterflies, without
roses, without loving
children of our own.
It is the beauty of
our entire nature that
is a reflection of
God's love for us all
as an example of
how we should learn
to be to all our loved
ones around us.
Our own life should
reflect an equal
amount of purity in
our divine being
toward all. Nature is
a manifestation of
God - all beauty and
manifold loving
aspects of nature
shall help us to
understand the
nature of love to be
developed within.
The beauty of
sparkling eyes - the
beauty of smiling

children - the
happiness we
experience when
falling in love with
our lover all are to
teach us to be divine,
to be as we are made
- made to the image
of God.
The magic fragrance
of flowers, the
healing power of
nature and plants,
the mystery of our
soul and outer
universe all are part
of the magic world
we need to
experience and
cultivate to become
divine lovers ready
to return home to
God one day soon.
A universe empty of
God love would be
empty like our moon
- empty of water and
fishes, empty of
animals of any kind,
empty of colorful
nature - empty of
love - unworthy to

Love is ...what
makes you crazy
for love, what
makes you hungry
for more love, what

makes you happy
inside and outside,
the essence of life the source of all
being - love is the
sugar of life, the
cause of life - the
purpose of life and
the reason to live,
magic does magic.
God's love creates
magic - true divine
magic beyond
beyond limits !

God's Love ...flows
trough you, flows
trough all parts of
you, flows inside
and outside, flows
from inside to
outside, flows from
outside to inside
flows like electricity.
Flowing love causes
...tickling loving
feeling inside,
causes love inside,
causes "I love you"
inside, causes
certitude about love
Is it Love ? Love ? is
sweet, always
creates inner and
outer happiness, is
peaceful, always
creates inner peace
creates inner
creativity, creates
productivity, creates
savings of time
creates inner
balance, creates
health - inner and
outer, creates
solutions - never
questions creates a
smile - inner and
outer.. attracts
nothing but love.



note was found in a






booklet was printed
Love is uplifting unites - with the
source of love and
all loved ones and
all loving ones. Is it
Love ? - am I in true
Love ? FEEL what
you feel and if you
love sweet, real,
true, divine. Love
If you are sure then do what you
think you need to do
with all your efforts
with all your heart
with all your soul
instantly, fully if in
DOUBT then idea
TRUE love never
question ! never
turmoil, true love
only Love. Find and
accept God's gift of
Love in the image

in 1921 when Unity





Tracy Avenue in
Kansas City, MO.
This booklet was
part of the library of
Cordelia B. Lane
that her family gave




passing in 1960.

I discovered it
just the other
day as I was
sorting through

my own library
in an effort to
begin releasing
and lightening
my load.
share it with
you hoping it
blesses you as it
has me.
My God is so good
to me. The same
God of all good
who worked socalled miracles
through His
beloved Son Jesus
is the same God of
all good who just
as willingly works
in beauty and truth
and love through
you and me today.
The Master Jesus
was continually
aware of His God,
His Father and
Creator of all, and
that is the
requirement for you
and me now, to be
aware of, to
recognize, to
acknowledge, and
to accept, good
Our awareness of
good awakens
through prayer,
through our putting
our thoughts and
hands to good and
constructive use. It
is then, dear friend,
that unto every
one that hath this
growing faith in
and awareness of
the dominant power
of good, shall
indeed be given,
and he shall have
(Matthew 13:12)
Then our loving
Father shall be
heard speaking
from within our
heart saying, Well
done, good and
faithful servant.

simple. The
precepts of
Jehovah are right,
rejoicing the
heart. (Psalm 19:7,
8) (Healing
prayer: Weekly
Unity, May 31st

at my first ministry.
It wasnt until I
actually started
typing them for this
posting today that I
realized they were

Gods life, a river
of healing, flows
through me, and I
realize that I am
renewed, refreshed,
restored. When I
estate I could never
have known that
later I would be
beautiful note from
a wonderful woman
who believed so
presence of God
blessing her life.

meant for me at just
this time! I looked up
the biblical references
and added them to
her original note.

Thou has been
faithful over a few
I am so blessed to have
things; I will set
had many wonderful
experiences through
thee over many
the years. Sometimes a
things; enter thou
few simple words will
into the joy of thy
send our attention back
Lord. (Matthew
in wonder to times that
25:21) In thy
have enriched our souls.
presence is fullness
In remembrance shall
my strength be renewed
of joy; In thy right
and my joy made full
hand there are
once again, today! Love
pleasures for
God with all your heart.
evermore (Psalm
I am sure I did not
Jesus said to him, you
16:11) The law of
shall love the Lord your
Jehovah is perfect,
God with all your heart,
notice the note when
with all your soul, and
restoring the soul.
with all your mind.
I received the booklet
The testimony of
Jehovah is sure,
those many years ago
making wise the
This is the first and great
(Matthew 22:37  40)Loving
commandment. And the second
God with your whole heart is
is like it: You shall love your
the key to everything in life;
neighbor as yourself. On these
because your relationship with
two commandments hang all
God affects everything and
the Law and the Prophets.
everyone in your life.
It is impossible to
love God too
much; however it
is easy to fall short
of loving Him with
your whole heart.

In a moment of
honesty with
myself and the
Lord I asked
Lord, how can I
love you more?

Instantly the Lord
responded be

In one moment,
with those two
words, came
several scriptures
to my mind and
concepts that I had

not thought of
before. I also
understood for the
first time that
anything, whether
past or present,

that we are
unthankful about is
a part of our heart
that does not love

In that same
moment I also
understood why
this is true. Deep
down inside our

spirit we know that God is in control of the
universe. If we have had painful experiences
which we are not thankful for then we are
unhappy and unthankful to God for them,
consciously or unconsciously.

You may not even know that you are
blaming God; you may think that you are
blaming Satan or you may be blaming other
people. However, in reality you are blaming
God also because you know that He is in
control. God allowed the experience to
happen to you. God could have prevented it

and you know it.
Each painful
experience which
you are unthankful
for is a dark spot in
your heart that
does not love God.

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  • 1. Gods Love A world or creation without love would be like our entire nature without butterflies, without flowers, without roses, without loving partner, without loving friends, without beloved children of our own. It is the beauty of our entire nature that is a reflection of God's love for us all as an example of how we should learn to be to all our loved ones around us. Our own life should reflect an equal amount of purity in our divine being toward all. Nature is a manifestation of God - all beauty and manifold loving aspects of nature shall help us to understand the nature of love to be developed within. The beauty of sparkling eyes - the beauty of smiling children - the happiness we experience when falling in love with our lover all are to teach us to be divine, to be as we are made - made to the image of God. The magic fragrance of flowers, the healing power of nature and plants, the mystery of our soul and outer universe all are part of the magic world we need to experience and cultivate to become divine lovers ready to return home to God one day soon. A universe empty of God love would be empty like our moon - empty of water and fishes, empty of animals of any kind, empty of colorful nature - empty of love - unworthy to live. Love is ...what makes you crazy for love, what makes you hungry for more love, what makes you happy inside and outside, the essence of life the source of all being - love is the sugar of life, the cause of life - the purpose of life and the reason to live, magic does magic. God's love creates magic - true divine magic beyond expectations, beyond limits ! God's Love ...flows trough you, flows trough all parts of you, flows inside and outside, flows from inside to outside, flows from outside to inside flows like electricity. Flowing love causes ...tickling loving feeling inside, causes love inside, causes "I love you" inside, causes certitude about love inside. Is it Love ? Love ? is sweet, always creates inner and outer happiness, is peaceful, always
  • 2. creates inner peace creates inner power.,creates creativity, creates productivity, creates savings of time creates inner balance, creates health - inner and outer, creates solutions - never questions creates a smile - inner and outer.. attracts nothing but love. This handwritten note was found in a Unity booklet entitled, with Oneness God. The booklet was printed Love is uplifting unites - with the source of love and all loved ones and all loving ones. Is it Love ? - am I in true Love ? FEEL what you feel and if you love sweet, real, true, divine. Love If you are sure then do what you think you need to do with all your efforts with all your heart with all your soul instantly, fully if in DOUBT then idea WRONG. About TRUE love never doubt. NEVER question ! never turmoil, true love only Love. Find and accept God's gift of Love in the image below: in 1921 when Unity School of Christianity still located was on Tracy Avenue in Kansas City, MO. This booklet was part of the library of Cordelia B. Lane that her family gave to me after her passing in 1960. I discovered it just the other day as I was sorting through my own library in an effort to begin releasing my treasures and lightening my load. I share it with you hoping it blesses you as it has me. My God is so good to me. The same God of all good who worked socalled miracles through His beloved Son Jesus is the same God of all good who just as willingly works in beauty and truth and love through you and me today. The Master Jesus was continually aware of His God, His Father and Creator of all, and that is the requirement for you and me now, to be aware of, to recognize, to acknowledge, and to accept, good only. Our awareness of good awakens through prayer, through our putting our thoughts and hands to good and
  • 3. constructive use. It is then, dear friend, that unto every one that hath this growing faith in and awareness of the dominant power of good, shall indeed be given, and he shall have abundance. (Matthew 13:12) Then our loving Father shall be heard speaking from within our heart saying, Well done, good and faithful servant. simple. The precepts of Jehovah are right, rejoicing the heart. (Psalm 19:7, 8) (Healing prayer: Weekly Unity, May 31st 1953.) at my first ministry. It wasnt until I actually started typing them for this posting today that I realized they were Gods life, a river of healing, flows through me, and I realize that I am renewed, refreshed, restored. When I received these treasures from Cordelia Lanes estate I could never have known that fifty-eight years later I would be reading this beautiful note from a wonderful woman who believed so deeply in the presence of God blessing her life. meant for me at just this time! I looked up the biblical references and added them to her original note. Thou has been faithful over a few I am so blessed to have things; I will set had many wonderful experiences through thee over many the years. Sometimes a things; enter thou few simple words will into the joy of thy send our attention back Lord. (Matthew in wonder to times that 25:21) In thy have enriched our souls. presence is fullness In remembrance shall my strength be renewed of joy; In thy right and my joy made full hand there are once again, today! Love pleasures for God with all your heart. evermore (Psalm I am sure I did not Jesus said to him, you 16:11) The law of shall love the Lord your Jehovah is perfect, God with all your heart, notice the note when with all your soul, and restoring the soul. with all your mind. I received the booklet The testimony of Jehovah is sure, those many years ago making wise the This is the first and great (Matthew 22:37 40)Loving commandment. And the second God with your whole heart is is like it: You shall love your the key to everything in life; neighbor as yourself. On these because your relationship with two commandments hang all God affects everything and the Law and the Prophets. everyone in your life.
  • 4. It is impossible to love God too much; however it is easy to fall short of loving Him with your whole heart. In a moment of honesty with myself and the Lord I asked Lord, how can I love you more? Instantly the Lord responded be thankful. In one moment, with those two words, came several scriptures to my mind and concepts that I had not thought of before. I also understood for the first time that anything, whether past or present, that we are unthankful about is a part of our heart that does not love God. In that same moment I also understood why this is true. Deep down inside our spirit we know that God is in control of the universe. If we have had painful experiences which we are not thankful for then we are unhappy and unthankful to God for them, consciously or unconsciously. You may not even know that you are blaming God; you may think that you are blaming Satan or you may be blaming other people. However, in reality you are blaming God also because you know that He is in control. God allowed the experience to happen to you. God could have prevented it and you know it. Each painful experience which you are unthankful for is a dark spot in your heart that does not love God.