This document discusses different types of Catholic prayers including memorized prayers, talking to God, listening to God, acknowledging weaknesses and gifts, blessing, adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, praise, and prayer forms like the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers. It also explains vocal prayer, meditation, and contemplative prayer. Meditation involves engaging thoughts and reflecting on scripture, while contemplative prayer is silent presence with God to rest in awareness of God.
The document discusses spiritual disciplines and provides a workbook for personal reflection. It introduces six spiritual disciplines: 1) Worship and pray regularly, 2) Care for others through Christian friendships and small groups, 3) Study the Bible and engage in devotional practices, 4) Give generously toward tithing, 5) Witness to what God is doing through word and invitation, and 6) Serve others through acts of love, compassion and justice. The workbook provides exercises for each discipline to help the reader grow deeper in their faith and commitment to God.
Empowering Yourself Through Prayer and Meditation | Church.OrgChurch org
Many people believe that self-empowerment equates to vanity. However, empowering your inner being or spirituality actually strengthens your faith in the Lord. In this article, youll learn how to stay empowered through praying and meditating. Youll discover how connected you are to God and yourself.
The document discusses different approaches to prayer and perspectives on the nature of prayer. It describes prayer as:
1) A relational activity, where prayer is how God relates to us and how we relate to God and others.
2) Beginning with God, as a response to God's inner working in us through the Holy Spirit.
3) A way of life, involving talking with God and listening to God.
The document explores biblical and theological foundations for understanding prayer as relationship with God.
The Bridge Sunday School. Acts Prayer Model Week 1Mark Smith
The document discusses the benefits of prayer, including mending relationships, improving physical and emotional health, and facilitating personal transformation. It provides examples of research showing positive health outcomes from intercessory prayer. The document also outlines key attitudes for effective prayer, such as adoration, confession, thankfulness, and supplication, and encourages using experiences in life and passages from Psalms to enhance adoration of God.
I. We relate to God through prayer by manifesting humility, reverence, hope, trust, and gratitude. Prayer involves total surrender of heart, mind, and soul to God.
II. When praying, we should have an attitude of dependence on God like children do with their fathers. We should also put our trust in God, who knows our needs, and be persistent in prayer.
III. Prayer involves adoration of God, thanksgiving, acknowledging our sins, and petitioning God as our provider. It is guided by the Holy Spirit and centered on Christ, who is our mediator to the Father.
Deacon Jim Knipper discusses different types of prayer and invites listeners to try a more meditative form of prayer during Lent. Transactional prayers that involve telling God what we want are common, but may not facilitate inner transformation. Jesus taught praying in secret and being still. The Desert Fathers and Mothers practiced quiet, meditative prayer to commune with God. When we listen instead of speak in prayer, God listens and our inner being can reconcile. This type of prayer can foster peace within and reflection in others.
This document discusses the Prayer of Examen, a practice of reflecting on one's day and interactions with God. It has two aspects: 1) examining one's consciousness to recognize God's presence and how one responded, and 2) examining one's conscience to uncover areas needing purification. The examen involves five steps - giving thanks, asking for guidance, reviewing the day, recalling feelings, and looking to tomorrow with hope. Regularly practicing the examen can increase awareness of God and lead to inner transformation through identifying ways one did or did not follow Christ.
Prayer is a form of communication with God that provides several benefits. It helps strengthen one's spiritual connection, brings peace and happiness, and reduces stress and depression. There are different types of prayers, including intercessory prayer for others, prayers of supplication which make requests, and prayers of thanksgiving to express gratitude. Maintaining a practice of daily prayer is important for spiritual growth and getting through life's challenges.
VS-LESSON-5( We make a commitment in life to live with God forever)GodofredoSanAndresGi
This document discusses different aspects of committing oneself to God through prayer and faith. It provides information on the types and benefits of prayer, how to pray, and ways to grow in prayer. It also discusses vocations/service to God, the four main types of vocations, and how to serve others. The document emphasizes that committing to God through prayer, faith and service is important for Christians and helps people become better.
This document discusses the nature of God's love through examples found in nature like flowers, butterflies, and loving relationships. It argues that a world without God's love would be empty, and that we should reflect God's love for others. Our lives and the beauty of nature are meant to teach us about divine love and help us develop love within to one day return to God. It emphasizes that true love creates happiness, peace, and solutions, while a lack of love leaves one feeling empty.
The document discusses responding to someone who asked "why am I here?". It says the author received a similar question 18 years ago. When responding, they asked questions to understand the person's perspective before providing hope and showing God's love. The goal is to build a relationship and understand them, not just give a pat answer. Judging others without understanding their experiences leaves "much to be desired".
Life of Saint John Baptist De La Salle and the Forms of PrayerPadme Amidala
St. John Baptist de La Salle was a French priest and educator who lived from 1651-1719. He was born into a wealthy family in Rheims, France and was destined for a high position in the church. However, he devoted his life instead to establishing schools for poor children and training teachers. He formed a community of brothers who offered free education to all. As the founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, he pioneered modern pedagogical practices and established teaching as a respected profession. St. John Baptist de La Salle is recognized as the patron saint of teachers.
The document provides information on spirituality for family life ministers. It defines spirituality as a conscious relationship with God through practices that foster Christian discipleship. It emphasizes that spirituality involves being in community and realizing one's identity as a beloved child of God through baptism. It also discusses developing a personal rule of life through contemplative practices and devotions to guide one's spiritual growth in a balanced way. The document provides resources for family life ministers to cultivate their spirituality.
This document contains an opening prayer, a review of salvation history, and questions and teachings about prayer. It defines prayer as a relationship and communication with God, where we speak with Him but also listen. Prayer is meant to include adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and supplications. We are called to pray both in private and public, through practices like Lectio Divina and the Holy Eucharist. While God may not always answer our prayers as we expect, we are to pray in accordance with His will and patience.
The document discusses the keys of prayer, faith, and obedience in hearing God's voice. It states that through regular prayer and developing a personal relationship with God, one can hear His voice in thoughts of encouragement. Having faith in God without proof is also important. Obedience to God by following His commands makes it easier to believe and trust Him. The document provides five ways to practice hearing God's voice: setting aside daily quiet time, being still, not demanding answers from God, expecting to hear from Him, and being aware of messages from angels.
Prayer is important because it helps connect us to God's presence even when life gets busy. Though God is always with us, prayer brings our relationship with God to the foreground of our consciousness. Prayer can take the form of a heartfelt turning toward heaven in recognition of God's love for us. It responds to God's thirst for a relationship with us. When we pray, we realize that we already possess a bond with God and don't need to seek it elsewhere. Pope Francis emphasizes that studying religion without prayer is ineffective, and that we come to truly know Jesus through praying to him.
Prayer is meant to be a silent practice of clearing the mind through meditation to open one's heart, rather than demanding things from a deity. True prayer is a practice of surrender, gratitude, and deep love for life's gifts. It is its own reward as it allows one to be receptive to the miracles around them and approach life with wonder, reverence, and positivity. Prayer is a meditation and communion with an open heart that does not require any religious beliefs or affiliation.
Elders' Development 4 Spirituality and Prayer in the URCDevelopmentAdmin
This document discusses spirituality and prayer. It defines prayer as a conscious relationship with God that includes words, thoughts and meditation. Christian spirituality expresses intimacy with the divine through Jesus. Reformed spirituality emphasizes Scripture, openness to the Holy Spirit, creativity, intellectual grappling with faith, and the local church. Personal spirituality is developed within spiritual communities and influences how one views Christ and takes spiritual action. Developing and maintaining spiritual passion requires restoration from draining influences.
THE BOUNDLESS LOVE OF GOD: A Journey Through The Depths Of Divine AffectionJoseph Bassey
Sharing some interesting ideas about the boundless love of God towards all. Let us journey through the depths of His divine affection and discover the beauty of it.
PRAYER - The Heart of It All - Chapter 1ProjectPray
This document discusses various aspects and purposes of prayer. It begins by defining prayer as communion with God that involves more than just meditation, and requires verbal communication. Prayer engages God through supplication, intercession, thanksgiving, and other means. God wants people to pray for several reasons: He loves companionship, prayer is a privilege, it invites His kingdom, and is how believers access God's blessings according to His promises. The document explores the nature of prayer as communion with God through speech, beyond words, and unity with the Holy Spirit.
1) True Christian worship comes from within and should be an expression of inner joy and thankfulness to God through faith in Jesus Christ as one's savior.
2) Worship requires focusing one's mind on God through renewing it with his truth as revealed in scripture so that distractions are overcome and God is rightly understood and praised.
3) External actions are not as important as the inner worship of spirit and truth that glorifies God for who he is and what he has done through Jesus, such as dying to save humanity from damnation. Christian worship is a response of praise from a heart transformed by understanding God.
The document discusses the nature and types of prayer. It defines prayer as speaking and listening to God and desiring to be united with God and do his will. The principal activities of prayer are described as adoration, thanksgiving, repentance, and intercession/petition. The document outlines different forms of prayer including vocal, liturgical, meditative, and contemplative prayer and discusses difficulties in prayer and how to overcome them. Regular prayer, scripture, devotionals, and the saints are presented as aids to developing an effective prayer life.
This document discusses the philosophy of worship. It begins by explaining that humans were created by God to be in relationship with Him and worship Him. However, sin disrupted this relationship. The document then examines why we worship (to be in relationship with God), what we gain from worship (healing, formation), where worship can take place (not just buildings), and how worship should be structured (with a four-part pattern of gathering, hearing, responding, blessing). The goal of Christian leaders should be to guide congregations in meaningful worship that strengthens their relationship with God.
The Spiritist Prayers - By Cairbar SchutelMashaL38
The collection of prayers in this booklet results from a choice made among various prayers dictated to us by the Spirits in different circumstances. They could have dictated others, in other terms, appropriate to certain ideas or specific cases.
However, the manner doesn't matter if the thought is the same.
The purpose of prayer is to elevate our souls to God.
The diversity of formulas should not make any difference between those who believe or disbelieve in their efficacy and even less so amid adherents of Spiritism, as God accepts all prayers if they are sincere
The Power of Prayer - An Interview with United Faith Church in Barnegat, New Jersey led by Pastor Jerry and Pastor Janeth Santiago. How do I pray? Does prayer really work? These common but difficult questions are answered by United Faith Church.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
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Prayer is a form of communication with God that provides several benefits. It helps strengthen one's spiritual connection, brings peace and happiness, and reduces stress and depression. There are different types of prayers, including intercessory prayer for others, prayers of supplication which make requests, and prayers of thanksgiving to express gratitude. Maintaining a practice of daily prayer is important for spiritual growth and getting through life's challenges.
VS-LESSON-5( We make a commitment in life to live with God forever)GodofredoSanAndresGi
This document discusses different aspects of committing oneself to God through prayer and faith. It provides information on the types and benefits of prayer, how to pray, and ways to grow in prayer. It also discusses vocations/service to God, the four main types of vocations, and how to serve others. The document emphasizes that committing to God through prayer, faith and service is important for Christians and helps people become better.
This document discusses the nature of God's love through examples found in nature like flowers, butterflies, and loving relationships. It argues that a world without God's love would be empty, and that we should reflect God's love for others. Our lives and the beauty of nature are meant to teach us about divine love and help us develop love within to one day return to God. It emphasizes that true love creates happiness, peace, and solutions, while a lack of love leaves one feeling empty.
The document discusses responding to someone who asked "why am I here?". It says the author received a similar question 18 years ago. When responding, they asked questions to understand the person's perspective before providing hope and showing God's love. The goal is to build a relationship and understand them, not just give a pat answer. Judging others without understanding their experiences leaves "much to be desired".
Life of Saint John Baptist De La Salle and the Forms of PrayerPadme Amidala
St. John Baptist de La Salle was a French priest and educator who lived from 1651-1719. He was born into a wealthy family in Rheims, France and was destined for a high position in the church. However, he devoted his life instead to establishing schools for poor children and training teachers. He formed a community of brothers who offered free education to all. As the founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, he pioneered modern pedagogical practices and established teaching as a respected profession. St. John Baptist de La Salle is recognized as the patron saint of teachers.
The document provides information on spirituality for family life ministers. It defines spirituality as a conscious relationship with God through practices that foster Christian discipleship. It emphasizes that spirituality involves being in community and realizing one's identity as a beloved child of God through baptism. It also discusses developing a personal rule of life through contemplative practices and devotions to guide one's spiritual growth in a balanced way. The document provides resources for family life ministers to cultivate their spirituality.
This document contains an opening prayer, a review of salvation history, and questions and teachings about prayer. It defines prayer as a relationship and communication with God, where we speak with Him but also listen. Prayer is meant to include adoration, contrition, thanksgiving and supplications. We are called to pray both in private and public, through practices like Lectio Divina and the Holy Eucharist. While God may not always answer our prayers as we expect, we are to pray in accordance with His will and patience.
The document discusses the keys of prayer, faith, and obedience in hearing God's voice. It states that through regular prayer and developing a personal relationship with God, one can hear His voice in thoughts of encouragement. Having faith in God without proof is also important. Obedience to God by following His commands makes it easier to believe and trust Him. The document provides five ways to practice hearing God's voice: setting aside daily quiet time, being still, not demanding answers from God, expecting to hear from Him, and being aware of messages from angels.
Prayer is important because it helps connect us to God's presence even when life gets busy. Though God is always with us, prayer brings our relationship with God to the foreground of our consciousness. Prayer can take the form of a heartfelt turning toward heaven in recognition of God's love for us. It responds to God's thirst for a relationship with us. When we pray, we realize that we already possess a bond with God and don't need to seek it elsewhere. Pope Francis emphasizes that studying religion without prayer is ineffective, and that we come to truly know Jesus through praying to him.
Prayer is meant to be a silent practice of clearing the mind through meditation to open one's heart, rather than demanding things from a deity. True prayer is a practice of surrender, gratitude, and deep love for life's gifts. It is its own reward as it allows one to be receptive to the miracles around them and approach life with wonder, reverence, and positivity. Prayer is a meditation and communion with an open heart that does not require any religious beliefs or affiliation.
Elders' Development 4 Spirituality and Prayer in the URCDevelopmentAdmin
This document discusses spirituality and prayer. It defines prayer as a conscious relationship with God that includes words, thoughts and meditation. Christian spirituality expresses intimacy with the divine through Jesus. Reformed spirituality emphasizes Scripture, openness to the Holy Spirit, creativity, intellectual grappling with faith, and the local church. Personal spirituality is developed within spiritual communities and influences how one views Christ and takes spiritual action. Developing and maintaining spiritual passion requires restoration from draining influences.
THE BOUNDLESS LOVE OF GOD: A Journey Through The Depths Of Divine AffectionJoseph Bassey
Sharing some interesting ideas about the boundless love of God towards all. Let us journey through the depths of His divine affection and discover the beauty of it.
PRAYER - The Heart of It All - Chapter 1ProjectPray
This document discusses various aspects and purposes of prayer. It begins by defining prayer as communion with God that involves more than just meditation, and requires verbal communication. Prayer engages God through supplication, intercession, thanksgiving, and other means. God wants people to pray for several reasons: He loves companionship, prayer is a privilege, it invites His kingdom, and is how believers access God's blessings according to His promises. The document explores the nature of prayer as communion with God through speech, beyond words, and unity with the Holy Spirit.
1) True Christian worship comes from within and should be an expression of inner joy and thankfulness to God through faith in Jesus Christ as one's savior.
2) Worship requires focusing one's mind on God through renewing it with his truth as revealed in scripture so that distractions are overcome and God is rightly understood and praised.
3) External actions are not as important as the inner worship of spirit and truth that glorifies God for who he is and what he has done through Jesus, such as dying to save humanity from damnation. Christian worship is a response of praise from a heart transformed by understanding God.
The document discusses the nature and types of prayer. It defines prayer as speaking and listening to God and desiring to be united with God and do his will. The principal activities of prayer are described as adoration, thanksgiving, repentance, and intercession/petition. The document outlines different forms of prayer including vocal, liturgical, meditative, and contemplative prayer and discusses difficulties in prayer and how to overcome them. Regular prayer, scripture, devotionals, and the saints are presented as aids to developing an effective prayer life.
This document discusses the philosophy of worship. It begins by explaining that humans were created by God to be in relationship with Him and worship Him. However, sin disrupted this relationship. The document then examines why we worship (to be in relationship with God), what we gain from worship (healing, formation), where worship can take place (not just buildings), and how worship should be structured (with a four-part pattern of gathering, hearing, responding, blessing). The goal of Christian leaders should be to guide congregations in meaningful worship that strengthens their relationship with God.
The Spiritist Prayers - By Cairbar SchutelMashaL38
The collection of prayers in this booklet results from a choice made among various prayers dictated to us by the Spirits in different circumstances. They could have dictated others, in other terms, appropriate to certain ideas or specific cases.
However, the manner doesn't matter if the thought is the same.
The purpose of prayer is to elevate our souls to God.
The diversity of formulas should not make any difference between those who believe or disbelieve in their efficacy and even less so amid adherents of Spiritism, as God accepts all prayers if they are sincere
The Power of Prayer - An Interview with United Faith Church in Barnegat, New Jersey led by Pastor Jerry and Pastor Janeth Santiago. How do I pray? Does prayer really work? These common but difficult questions are answered by United Faith Church.
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APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
3. Prayer of St. Augustine
to the Holy Spirit
Breathe in me, O Holy Spirit,
that my thoughts may all be
Act in me, O Holy Spirit
that my work, too, may be
4. Draw my heart, O Holy
that I love but what is holy.
Strengthen me, O Holy
to defend all that is holy.
Guard me, then, O Holy
5. Each of us is called into existence by God as someone special.
I have called you by name:you are mine
(Isaiah 43: 1)
6. Humans have body and soul.
Each must be cared for and developed to be fully
This involves living a life in the
Spirit and making God a very
real part of our daily lives.
10. is a personal response to Gods presence.
God initiates, we respond.
11. What is PRAYER?
Prayer is a
conscious love
relationship with
being real, honest
and transparent
12. Why do we PRAY?
Discipleship as
a response to
relationship- to
know, to love
and to follow
13. How do we PRAY?
Each one relates
with God
uniquely, though
there are many
ways of prayer.
14. Three Aspects of Genuine
1. Awareness of Gods presence
2. Gratitude
3. Response in love
16. Three Aspects of Genuine
1. Awareness of Gods presence
2. Gratitude
3. Response in love
18. Prayer must animate love in us and
love must animate prayer in us.
The ultimate success-indicator of our life is
The way we pray should affect and promote
the way we love. Our encounter with God
should influence and enhance genuinely the
way we serve and love our neighbors.
19. What do I do when I pray?
To whom do I pray?
What do I pray about/for?
20. The HEART as a PLACE OF
It is in the heart that we
enter into a
relationship with God.
21. The interior disposition of our
heart is most important in prayer.
Make sure that my heart is well disposed to
encounter God in prayer.
A heart that is humble, transparent, sincere,
patient, generous, trusting, loving, and
above all child-like.