The document discusses five principles for achieving sustainable double-digit revenue growth in any industry:
1. Improve customer base retention by enhancing customer satisfaction and value while reducing costs.
2. Focus on gaining market share by targeting vulnerable competitors and winning over their customers.
3. Identify and focus on the fastest growing market segments.
4. Expand into adjacent markets that have similar but not identical customer and cost attributes.
5. Invade new lines of business, though this carries the most risk due to lack of synergies with existing businesses.
The document provides examples of how these principles were successfully applied to dramatically increase revenue and market share at Encoda Systems, restoring profitability within 17 months through
A look at the current state of Search and how SEO is changing as Google Instant, Places, and Social Search emerge into the Search Results. Oh yeah, can't forget about Bing and Facebook.
Mastering the Mindset of World Class Service in Your Medical PracticePeggy Wynne Borgman
Trying to elevate service levels in a medical practice requires an understanding of the three keys to delivering world class service. Creating a hospitality culture within health care can only happen when each element of excellent customer service is mastered. This overview will help you create a more satisfying patient experience, as well as improving employee retention and performance.
Content Analytics for Legacy Data Retentiondwightbowman
Dayhuff Group has built a solution for analyzing documents for legacy data retention. The solution locates documents that are ready for disposition, or ready for archiving in a managed repository.
This slide deck shows highlights my demonstration of the solution.
Winning the Discount Wars: Strategies for Spas and SalonsPeggy Wynne Borgman
Gain and understanding of dynamic pricing strategies and intelligent discounting for personal service, wellness, spa and salon businesses. Get better ideas for creating deals and structuring membership programs that will grow your business and its bottom line, rather than just give away the store. Peggy Wynne Borgman is a top-rated educator at spa industry events and a 20 year consultant.
Escultor Marketing Consultancy adviseert en implementeert op basis van drie uitgangspunten:
1. onderscheid je door excellente dienstverlening, unieke klantbeleving en continue waardecreatie;
2. onderbouw je activiteiten door gedegen analyse, meetbare resultaten en efficiënte processen;
3. behaal succes door concrete actie en consequente uitvoering.
Link-based ranking factors are important for search engine optimization. Some key factors include links from trusted domains related to the topic that are distributed across different keywords. The anchor text of inbound links, age of links, and diversity of linking domains are also important. Search engines analyze the link profile of pages and domains to determine authority and the likelihood of ranking well. Buying or selling links can negatively impact rankings.
The document discusses the role of non-revenue producing space (amenities) in different types of spas. It finds that amenities can enhance the spa experience and business model if they are tailored to the specific spa type and market. Amenities require infrastructure costs but can increase revenue through higher prices, longer visits, and repeat customers. The best metric for evaluating amenities is sales per square foot, with $250-300 considered good performance for most spa types.
The document discusses turnarounds and outlines Steven L'Heureux's framework for successful turnarounds. It notes that turnarounds require envisioning what is possible and taking decisive action. It then provides details on assessing the business situation, building an effective leadership team, making organizational changes, delivering growth and profitability, and answering questions.
This document discusses strategies for effective financial management of a spa or salon business. It provides guidance on tracking key metrics like revenue, expenses, and profits. Revenue should be tracked by department and product category. Labor is typically the largest expense and should be tracked by staff type. The document also recommends developing action plans to address underperforming areas and prioritizing strategies to increase revenue and control expenses. Financial performance can be improved by aligning metrics with industry benchmarks and ensuring compensation plans and workstations drive optimal productivity.
SEO Reporting Software for and our partners to report on SEO progress for our clients allowing us to spend more on doing SEO instead of reporting.
The document discusses five principles for achieving sustainable double-digit revenue growth in any industry:
1. Improve customer base retention by enhancing customer satisfaction and value while reducing costs.
2. Focus on gaining market share by targeting vulnerable competitors and winning over their customers.
3. Identify and focus on the fastest growing market segments.
4. Expand into adjacent markets that have similar but not identical customer and cost attributes.
5. Invade new lines of business, though this carries the most risk due to lack of synergies with existing businesses.
The document provides examples of how these principles were successfully applied to dramatically increase revenue and market share at Encoda Systems, restoring profitability within 17 months through
A look at the current state of Search and how SEO is changing as Google Instant, Places, and Social Search emerge into the Search Results. Oh yeah, can't forget about Bing and Facebook.
Mastering the Mindset of World Class Service in Your Medical PracticePeggy Wynne Borgman
Trying to elevate service levels in a medical practice requires an understanding of the three keys to delivering world class service. Creating a hospitality culture within health care can only happen when each element of excellent customer service is mastered. This overview will help you create a more satisfying patient experience, as well as improving employee retention and performance.
Content Analytics for Legacy Data Retentiondwightbowman
Dayhuff Group has built a solution for analyzing documents for legacy data retention. The solution locates documents that are ready for disposition, or ready for archiving in a managed repository.
This slide deck shows highlights my demonstration of the solution.
Winning the Discount Wars: Strategies for Spas and SalonsPeggy Wynne Borgman
Gain and understanding of dynamic pricing strategies and intelligent discounting for personal service, wellness, spa and salon businesses. Get better ideas for creating deals and structuring membership programs that will grow your business and its bottom line, rather than just give away the store. Peggy Wynne Borgman is a top-rated educator at spa industry events and a 20 year consultant.
Escultor Marketing Consultancy adviseert en implementeert op basis van drie uitgangspunten:
1. onderscheid je door excellente dienstverlening, unieke klantbeleving en continue waardecreatie;
2. onderbouw je activiteiten door gedegen analyse, meetbare resultaten en efficiënte processen;
3. behaal succes door concrete actie en consequente uitvoering.
Link-based ranking factors are important for search engine optimization. Some key factors include links from trusted domains related to the topic that are distributed across different keywords. The anchor text of inbound links, age of links, and diversity of linking domains are also important. Search engines analyze the link profile of pages and domains to determine authority and the likelihood of ranking well. Buying or selling links can negatively impact rankings.
The document discusses the role of non-revenue producing space (amenities) in different types of spas. It finds that amenities can enhance the spa experience and business model if they are tailored to the specific spa type and market. Amenities require infrastructure costs but can increase revenue through higher prices, longer visits, and repeat customers. The best metric for evaluating amenities is sales per square foot, with $250-300 considered good performance for most spa types.
The document discusses turnarounds and outlines Steven L'Heureux's framework for successful turnarounds. It notes that turnarounds require envisioning what is possible and taking decisive action. It then provides details on assessing the business situation, building an effective leadership team, making organizational changes, delivering growth and profitability, and answering questions.
This document discusses strategies for effective financial management of a spa or salon business. It provides guidance on tracking key metrics like revenue, expenses, and profits. Revenue should be tracked by department and product category. Labor is typically the largest expense and should be tracked by staff type. The document also recommends developing action plans to address underperforming areas and prioritizing strategies to increase revenue and control expenses. Financial performance can be improved by aligning metrics with industry benchmarks and ensuring compensation plans and workstations drive optimal productivity.
SEO Reporting Software for and our partners to report on SEO progress for our clients allowing us to spend more on doing SEO instead of reporting.
2. Hiru arlo nagusitan egin du lan batez ere Garatek, euskararekiko maitasuna gidari zuela beti: marxismoaren eta komunismoaren inguruko saiakerak idazten; polizia eleberri eta narrazioak idazten; eta baserrietako euskal hiztunek hizkuntz arloko altxorrak biltzen eta zabaltzen.
3. Gotzon Garate Goihartzun Elgoibarren (Gipuzkoa) jaio zen, 1934ko irailaren 1ean. Durangoko jesuiten ikastetxean egin zituen lehen ikasketak, eta han erne zitzaion euskaltzaletasuna, ikaskide zituen bi azpeitiarren eraginez, Garatek berak kontatu ohi zuenez: «Haiekin hitz eginez konturatu nintzen euskalduna nintzela, eta benetako euskalduna izateko euskaltzalea izan behar nuela, euskaraz jakiteaz gainera kontzientzia hartu eta ahal nuen neurrian euskarari lagundu behar niola».
4. Ikasketak Loiolan eta Bartzelonan jarraitu ondoren jesuita egin zen. Teologia eta filologia ikasi zituen gero, Innsbruck-en (Austria) eta Bilbon; ondoren, Filosofian doktore egin zen Madrilgo Konplutense Unibertsitatean, eta marxismoan espezializatu Freiburgekoan (Alemania).
5. Garatek sortu zituen euskal filologiako lehen ikasketak, Deustuko Unibertsitatean, 1976an, «ekintza zuzena» erabiliz, berak esan ohi zuenez. Erretoreak ikasketa horiek sortzeko eskariari jaramonik egiten ez ziola ikusita, egunkarietara iragarkia bidali zuen Garatek, euskal filologiako ikasketak abian jarriko zirela eta izena emateko aukera zegoela iragarriz. Ikastetxeko agintariek «xantaia» egin izana leporatu zioten, baina ikasketak martxan jarri zituzten azkenean. Ikasketa planen diseinuan parte hartu zuen Garatek, Alfontso Irigoien, Patxi Altuna eta Mikel Zaraterekin batera, besteak beste, eta Koldo Mitxelenaren oniritziarekin.