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Grammer BookLola Cox
Table of Contents-PreteriteRegularTrigger Words -car, -gar, -zarSpockCucarachaSnakeSnakey-ImperfectRegular Trigger WordsIrregularsPreterite vs. Imperfect
Ser vs. Estar
Verbs Like Gustar
Comparative and Superlatives
Transition Words
Future RegularTrigger WordsIrregular-Por-Para-Demonstrative Adjectives-Demonstrative Pronouns
PreteriteRegularTrigger words-car, -gar, -zarSpockCucarachaSnakeSnakey
Trigger Words
-car, -gar, -zar-car qu辿-gar  gu辿-zar c辿Only in 1st person singular
CucarachaAndar anduv_Estar estuv_Poder pud_Ponerpus_Querer quis_Saber sup_Tener tuv_Venir vin_Conducir conduj_Producirproduj_Traducir traduj_Decirdij_Traer traj_eisteoimosisteisieronj verbs no i = eron
SnakeOnly changes in 3rd personei: pedir, preferir, competir, repetir, servir, sentir, and venirou: dormir and morir
SnakeyVerbs like oir, leer, and creerLe鱈Le鱈mosLe鱈steLe鱈steisLey坦Leyeron
Trigger Words
Preterite vs. ImperfectPreteriteIs used to show actions that are viewed as completedExpresses the beginning or end of a past actionCan be used to narrate a sequence of past eventsInterrupts actionsUsually indicates a specific event Is like a pictureImperfectDescribes ongoing past actionsIs used to expressed actions that were repeated habituallyDescribes physical or emotional stateCan be used to explain background information Is like a movie
SerD: descriptionO: originC: characteristicsT: timeO: occupationR: relationshipP: possessionE: event D: date
Estar- to beH: healthE: emotionsL: locationP: present conditionING
Verbs Like GustarAburrir- to boreEncantar- to loveFaltar- to missFascinar- to fascinateImportar- to be importantInteresar- to interestMolestar- to annoyQuedar- to stayCaerbien/mal- to think its good/badDoler- to hurtDisgustar- to dislikeHacerfalta- to be missedPreocupar- to worrySorprender- to surpriseApetecer- to appetize
Comparative and Superlativesm叩s(more)+ adjective +que(than)menos(less)+ adjective +que(than)la/辿lm叩s(the most)+ adjective +de(of)la/辿lmenos(the least)+ adjective +de(of)buenomejormalopeorviejomayorjovenmenor
Transition Words
FutureRegularTrigger wordsIrregulars

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