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Sales Success Through Better Process
Hany Sewilam AbdelHamid - 2017
The Sales Presentation
Youre ready to do your presentation to your customer ... what have
you done so far?
 You found Qualified customers
 Planned the call (Pre-approach)
 Developed an objective for the call
 Looked at the customer profile
 Anticipated benefits that your product/service can provide
 Planned the presentation (which type?)
 Made good first impression
 Captured ATTENTION and stimulated INTEREST
The Sales Presentation (continued)
The essential steps within the presentation
Fully understand
customers needs
Fully discuss
your product
Present your
marketing plan
Explain your
business proposition
How to resell
How to use
Whats in it for
your customer?
The Sales Presentation
 Be Persuasive!
 Build Trust
 Be Positive
 Get your customer to Participate
 Use Proof Statements
 Incorporate Multiple Senses (not just hearing)
 Visual Aids
 Demonstrations (participation)
Sales Presentation Methods
Three methods well be focusing on:
Sales Engineer does not attempt to determine prospects needs
Assumes that prospect needs can be stimulated by direct
exposure to the product
Based on the assumption that similar prospects in similar
situations can be approached with similar presentations
Sales Engineer develops a detailed analysis of a prospects needs
over a number of sales calls, then presents a detailed solution.
The Structure of Sales Presentations
StructuredStructured Semi-structuredSemi-structured CustomizedCustomized
Participation Time by Customer and
during a Memorized Sales Presentation
Sales Presentation Time
Approach Presentation Close
Customer talking time
Salesperson talking time
Participation Time by Customer and
Salesperson during a Formula Sales
Sales Presentation Time
Customer talking time
Salesperson talking time
Approach Presentation Close
Participation Time by Customer
and Salesperson During Need-Satisfaction and
Problem-Solution Sales Presentations
Approach Presentation Close
Customer talking time
Salesperson talking time
Sales Presentation Time
Need development
The 6-Step Productive Preso
Step 1:
Plan the call.
 Review the situation.
 Analyze problems.
 Make appointment to visit client.
 Set objectives.
 Plan the presentation.
 Prepare your materials.
The 6-Step Productive Preso
Step 2:
Review plans.
 Before you leave your car to enter the building, review your plans,
sales call objectives, and your appearance.
Step 3:
Greet personnel.
 Give a friendly, confident greeting.
 Keep it light in the first 5 minutes.
The 6-Step Productive Preso
Step 4:
 Make it logical, clear, interesting.
 Tailor it to your client.
 Present it from the clients point of view.
 Use sales tools. (Rob Crofoot spreadsheet, white papers, etc.)
The 6-Step Productive Preso
Step 5:
 Present a suggested spec (ask for the BOD!!).
 Offer a choice.
 Answer questions and handle objections.
 Ask what preso, and when the client would like to have you back.
The 6-Step Productive Preso
Step 6
Analyze the call.
 Review the call to spot strong and weak points. How could the preso
have been improved? How can the next call be improved?
Keys to Power Presentations
(adapted from SalesDoctors magazine)
 Begin Strong - first critical seconds
 Have ONE theme
 Use simple action-oriented language
 E - enthusiasm and energy. Be alive and vital when you present.
 A - articulate your message. Clarity is essential.
 S - simple, short and to the point. Keep it short and sweet.
 Y - your audience - focus on them.
 End with emotion - hope, pride, love, profit. Paint a word picture.
Remember voice inflection accounts for 37%, appearance 55%, and
what you actually say 8% of our message that is received.
More Keys
1. Act excited and eager to share information. Be passionate.
2. Use evidence and research to call for action. Know what people might
3. Be animated while being yourself.
4. Be aware of your hands and gestures. Be natural and graceful.
5. Vary your voice pattern. Uses pauses to add drama, suspense, make a
6. Keep your posture straight and natural.
7. Know your audience. This includes appearance.
8. Relate to your audience with your eyes. Look long enough to
complete a thought.
9. Be organized and prepared.
10.Know how to answer questions and objections. But never let them see
you sweat.
Believe in yourself, your product, and what you are saying.
The Value Hierarchy is the same as the need
behind the need
Consequences desired
that drive desired
Values that
drive desired
Move up the ladder with
why forms of
make this
connection for
your listener
Remember to use effective questions
 What do you mean by ideal?
 Can you explain that a little more?
 What are you looking for?
 Why is that important to you?
 How will that affect your operations?
 What dissatisfies you about your current products?
 Is there anything else I need to know before I begin
telling you about my.?
Unlock the secret to real business growth!!

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Grow Your Sales | The Secrets

  • 1. Sales Success Through Better Process Hany Sewilam AbdelHamid - 2017
  • 2. 2 The Sales Presentation Youre ready to do your presentation to your customer ... what have you done so far? Prospected You found Qualified customers Planned the call (Pre-approach) Developed an objective for the call Looked at the customer profile Anticipated benefits that your product/service can provide Planned the presentation (which type?) Approach Made good first impression Captured ATTENTION and stimulated INTEREST
  • 3. 3 The Sales Presentation (continued) The essential steps within the presentation Fully understand customers needs Fully discuss your product Present your marketing plan Explain your business proposition LISTEN! Features Advantages Benefits How to resell How to use Whats in it for your customer?
  • 4. 4 The Sales Presentation Be Persuasive! Logic Build Trust Be Positive Get your customer to Participate Use Proof Statements Incorporate Multiple Senses (not just hearing) Visual Aids Demonstrations (participation)
  • 5. 5 Sales Presentation Methods Three methods well be focusing on: Memorized Sales Engineer does not attempt to determine prospects needs Assumes that prospect needs can be stimulated by direct exposure to the product Formula Based on the assumption that similar prospects in similar situations can be approached with similar presentations Problem-Solution Sales Engineer develops a detailed analysis of a prospects needs over a number of sales calls, then presents a detailed solution.
  • 6. 6 The Structure of Sales Presentations StructuredStructured Semi-structuredSemi-structured CustomizedCustomized Memorized Selling Formula Selling Problem-Solution Selling
  • 7. 7 Participation Time by Customer and Salesperson during a Memorized Sales Presentation Sales Presentation Time ParticipationTime Approach Presentation Close Customer talking time Salesperson talking time
  • 8. 8 Participation Time by Customer and Salesperson during a Formula Sales Presentation Sales Presentation Time ParticipationTime Customer talking time Salesperson talking time Approach Presentation Close
  • 9. 9 Participation Time by Customer and Salesperson During Need-Satisfaction and Problem-Solution Sales Presentations Approach Presentation Close Customer talking time Salesperson talking time Sales Presentation Time ParticipationTime Need development Needawareness Needsatisfaction
  • 10. 10 The 6-Step Productive Preso Step 1: Plan the call. Review the situation. Analyze problems. Make appointment to visit client. Set objectives. Plan the presentation. Prepare your materials.
  • 11. 11 The 6-Step Productive Preso Step 2: Review plans. Before you leave your car to enter the building, review your plans, sales call objectives, and your appearance. Step 3: Greet personnel. Give a friendly, confident greeting. Keep it light in the first 5 minutes.
  • 12. 12 The 6-Step Productive Preso Step 4: Presentation. Make it logical, clear, interesting. Tailor it to your client. Present it from the clients point of view. Use sales tools. (Rob Crofoot spreadsheet, white papers, etc.)
  • 13. 13 The 6-Step Productive Preso Step 5: Close. Present a suggested spec (ask for the BOD!!). Offer a choice. Answer questions and handle objections. Ask what preso, and when the client would like to have you back.
  • 14. 14 The 6-Step Productive Preso Step 6 Analyze the call. Review the call to spot strong and weak points. How could the preso have been improved? How can the next call be improved?
  • 15. 15 Keys to Power Presentations (adapted from SalesDoctors magazine) Begin Strong - first critical seconds Have ONE theme Use simple action-oriented language E - enthusiasm and energy. Be alive and vital when you present. A - articulate your message. Clarity is essential. S - simple, short and to the point. Keep it short and sweet. Y - your audience - focus on them. End with emotion - hope, pride, love, profit. Paint a word picture. Remember voice inflection accounts for 37%, appearance 55%, and what you actually say 8% of our message that is received.
  • 16. 16 More Keys 1. Act excited and eager to share information. Be passionate. 2. Use evidence and research to call for action. Know what people might ask. 3. Be animated while being yourself. 4. Be aware of your hands and gestures. Be natural and graceful. 5. Vary your voice pattern. Uses pauses to add drama, suspense, make a point. 6. Keep your posture straight and natural. 7. Know your audience. This includes appearance. 8. Relate to your audience with your eyes. Look long enough to complete a thought. 9. Be organized and prepared. 10.Know how to answer questions and objections. But never let them see you sweat. Believe in yourself, your product, and what you are saying.
  • 17. 17 The Value Hierarchy is the same as the need behind the need Expressed Attributes Desired Consequences desired that drive desired attributes Values that drive desired consequences Move up the ladder with why forms of questions.Features Benefits Continuously make this connection for your listener
  • 18. 18 Remember to use effective questions What do you mean by ideal? Can you explain that a little more? What are you looking for? Why is that important to you? How will that affect your operations? What dissatisfies you about your current products? Is there anything else I need to know before I begin telling you about my.?
  • 19. Unlock the secret to real business growth!!
  • 20. 20
  • 21. 21