Linkedin Pacsons Presentation 2011dek_masonPACSON is a privately owned Scottish company that has been designing and manufacturing high integrity valves since 1990. They produce a wide range of valves from 1/8" to 24" at pressures up to 20,000 psi for the oil and gas industry. PACSON prides itself on its engineering capabilities, modern manufacturing facilities, and reputation for quality products delivered on time.
Conceptpresentatie TKT Projects mei 2012Bart BroeninkDe conceptpresentatie, zoals gehouden door Team i3, t.b.v. TKT Projects, Saxion Hogescholen Enschede, mei 2012
The Evolution of the Flash AdvergameMatmiA brief run down on the evolution of Flash Advergames from the perspective of Matmi.
It looks into case studies of our past branded Flash games and what a company can expect from them regarding ROI.
Gamification: A New Way of Marketing MatmiMatmi is a digital marketing agency that achieves astonishing results for brands through pioneering online, social, and mobile experiences. They engage brands and customers in successful, loyal relationships using gamification techniques. Gamification aims to integrate game dynamics into non-gaming environments to increase participation, loyalty, and brand awareness. Matmi has helped many leading brands, including some of the world's largest, grow their customer bases using these strategies.
FEMA snaps of May 2012Hedge SquareThe document summarizes 6 circulars published by the Reserve Bank of India in May 2012 related to foreign exchange management. Circular 128 clarified the treatment of balances in EEFC accounts following Circular 124, which had stated that 50% of EEFC balances must be converted to rupee balances. Circular 124 itself addressed balances in EEFC accounts, requiring 50% conversion to rupees. Circular 121 removed the need for government approval of FII investment in commodity exchanges. Circular 120 discontinued the option of issuing equity shares for imports of second-hand machinery. Circular 118 liberalized documentation requirements for certain current account transactions up to $25,000. Circular 117 allowed transfers from N
Controversy on Section 111A of the Companies Act, 1956Hedge SquareThe document discusses controversies around Section 111A of the Indian Companies Act of 1956 regarding rights of first refusal, tag-along rights, and drag-along rights in shareholder agreements. It analyzes legislative history and various court judgments on the matter. Recent judgments have found that Section 111A does not prevent shareholders from entering agreements that can potentially restrict free transferability of shares, as long as such restrictions are not mentioned in the company's articles of association.
Payroll Registrations in NigeriaHedge SquareThe document discusses payroll registration requirements in Nigeria according to the Employee Compensation Act and Pension Reform Act. Key details include:
1) The Employee Compensation Act of 2010 covers injury compensation for all public and private sector employees except armed forces members. It specifies documentation required for compensation claims and timelines for reporting injuries.
2) The Pension Reform Act of 2004 mandates a contributory pension scheme for all employees, both public and private with 5 or more workers. It requires employees to open a Retirement Savings Account and outlines contribution rates and responsibilities of employers and employees.
3) Employers must submit payroll records annually and allow audits. Failure to make required contributions or provide documentation can result in
Investment outside-india-international-laws-compliances-and-regulatoryHedge SquareThis document provides an overview of international investment laws, compliance, and regulations for Indian companies investing overseas. It discusses India's economic liberalization in 1991 that opened the door to more foreign investment. It also summarizes India's outbound investment trends in recent years. The document then covers important considerations for structuring overseas investments and deals with potential legal and regulatory hurdles when investing in different international jurisdictions. Finally, it introduces some relevant international organizations and private laws governing cross-border investments and transactions.
Ethiopia Legal EntitiesHedge SquareThe document discusses legal entities in Ethiopia, recognizing eight types including sole proprietorships, partnerships, private limited companies, and public limited companies. Private limited companies are mostly used by foreign investors in Ethiopia, requiring a minimum of two shareholders and 15,000 ETB in capital, with limited liability and restrictions on share transfers. Public limited companies require a minimum of five shareholders and 50,000 ETB in capital, with no restrictions on share transfers and additional regulatory requirements.
Case study - International expansion of business in 4 marketsHedge SquareThis is a case-study reflecting the business setup done by Hedge-Square Consultancy for a client in 4 different countries.
Profession Tax in Indian statesHedge SquareThe document provides information on profession tax regulations across various states in India, including tax slabs, payment and return filing due dates, and definitions of salary. It covers states like Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Manipur. Key details like tax rates, forms to be used, and recent amendments are mentioned for profession tax administration in each state.
Linkedin Pacsons Presentation 2011dek_masonPACSON is a privately owned Scottish company that has been designing and manufacturing high integrity valves since 1990. They produce a wide range of valves from 1/8" to 24" at pressures up to 20,000 psi for the oil and gas industry. PACSON prides itself on its engineering capabilities, modern manufacturing facilities, and reputation for quality products delivered on time.
Conceptpresentatie TKT Projects mei 2012Bart BroeninkDe conceptpresentatie, zoals gehouden door Team i3, t.b.v. TKT Projects, Saxion Hogescholen Enschede, mei 2012
The Evolution of the Flash AdvergameMatmiA brief run down on the evolution of Flash Advergames from the perspective of Matmi.
It looks into case studies of our past branded Flash games and what a company can expect from them regarding ROI.
Gamification: A New Way of Marketing MatmiMatmi is a digital marketing agency that achieves astonishing results for brands through pioneering online, social, and mobile experiences. They engage brands and customers in successful, loyal relationships using gamification techniques. Gamification aims to integrate game dynamics into non-gaming environments to increase participation, loyalty, and brand awareness. Matmi has helped many leading brands, including some of the world's largest, grow their customer bases using these strategies.
FEMA snaps of May 2012Hedge SquareThe document summarizes 6 circulars published by the Reserve Bank of India in May 2012 related to foreign exchange management. Circular 128 clarified the treatment of balances in EEFC accounts following Circular 124, which had stated that 50% of EEFC balances must be converted to rupee balances. Circular 124 itself addressed balances in EEFC accounts, requiring 50% conversion to rupees. Circular 121 removed the need for government approval of FII investment in commodity exchanges. Circular 120 discontinued the option of issuing equity shares for imports of second-hand machinery. Circular 118 liberalized documentation requirements for certain current account transactions up to $25,000. Circular 117 allowed transfers from N
Controversy on Section 111A of the Companies Act, 1956Hedge SquareThe document discusses controversies around Section 111A of the Indian Companies Act of 1956 regarding rights of first refusal, tag-along rights, and drag-along rights in shareholder agreements. It analyzes legislative history and various court judgments on the matter. Recent judgments have found that Section 111A does not prevent shareholders from entering agreements that can potentially restrict free transferability of shares, as long as such restrictions are not mentioned in the company's articles of association.
Payroll Registrations in NigeriaHedge SquareThe document discusses payroll registration requirements in Nigeria according to the Employee Compensation Act and Pension Reform Act. Key details include:
1) The Employee Compensation Act of 2010 covers injury compensation for all public and private sector employees except armed forces members. It specifies documentation required for compensation claims and timelines for reporting injuries.
2) The Pension Reform Act of 2004 mandates a contributory pension scheme for all employees, both public and private with 5 or more workers. It requires employees to open a Retirement Savings Account and outlines contribution rates and responsibilities of employers and employees.
3) Employers must submit payroll records annually and allow audits. Failure to make required contributions or provide documentation can result in
Investment outside-india-international-laws-compliances-and-regulatoryHedge SquareThis document provides an overview of international investment laws, compliance, and regulations for Indian companies investing overseas. It discusses India's economic liberalization in 1991 that opened the door to more foreign investment. It also summarizes India's outbound investment trends in recent years. The document then covers important considerations for structuring overseas investments and deals with potential legal and regulatory hurdles when investing in different international jurisdictions. Finally, it introduces some relevant international organizations and private laws governing cross-border investments and transactions.
Ethiopia Legal EntitiesHedge SquareThe document discusses legal entities in Ethiopia, recognizing eight types including sole proprietorships, partnerships, private limited companies, and public limited companies. Private limited companies are mostly used by foreign investors in Ethiopia, requiring a minimum of two shareholders and 15,000 ETB in capital, with limited liability and restrictions on share transfers. Public limited companies require a minimum of five shareholders and 50,000 ETB in capital, with no restrictions on share transfers and additional regulatory requirements.
Case study - International expansion of business in 4 marketsHedge SquareThis is a case-study reflecting the business setup done by Hedge-Square Consultancy for a client in 4 different countries.
Profession Tax in Indian statesHedge SquareThe document provides information on profession tax regulations across various states in India, including tax slabs, payment and return filing due dates, and definitions of salary. It covers states like Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Manipur. Key details like tax rates, forms to be used, and recent amendments are mentioned for profession tax administration in each state.
– Quan va néixer la banda?
– 1986
– 1987
– 1988
– 1989
– 1993
– El canvi
– Formants del grup (1986-1989)
– Formació actual
La banda va néixer en 1985 a Los Angeles.
Va ser creada per Axl Rose i Tracii Guns.
Des de el seus orígens van tocar Hard
Rock, tot i que moltes cançons són de heavy
4. 1986
• La banda es composava
de Axl (veu), Izzy Stradlin
(guitarra rítmica), Slash
(guitarra solista), Duff
McKagan (baixista) i
Steven Adler (bateria).
• Van optar per fer un glam
rock acompanyats
sempre del sexe i les
5. 1987
• Van donar el salt a la
fama amb el dics
Appetite for
• Welcome to the
Jungle, Paradise City o
Sweet Child O' Mine
van ser els èxits
d’aquest disc.
6. 1988
• Aquet any van publicar un nou disc, Lies.
• Destaquen cançons com la polèmica One in a
Million, on per les lletres s'acusava a Axl Rose
de racista i homòfob, o la balada Patience.
7. 1989
• Axl Rose va amenaçar en dissoldre el grup si
no controlaven la seva drogoaddicció.
• Van suplir el bateria Steven Adler, a qui van fer
fora del grup i van substituir per Matt Sorum.
També va entrar el teclista Dizzy Reed, antic
amic de la banda.
8. • La nova formació es va posar a treballar en
el seu àlbum més madur, el doble disc
anomenat Use Your Illusion, on va assolir el
seu màxim esplendor. Inclou cançons com
Don’t Cry, Civil War, You could be mine,etc.
9. 1993
• L'any 1993 van treure
el seu últim
disc, titulat "The
Spaghetti Incident?“
• Incloïa tot de temes
versionats, com New
Rose de The
Damned, i It Ain't
Fun de New York Dolls;
destaca el
tema Attitude, que han
tocat molts cops en
diversos concerts.
10. El canvi
• Després d'aquest disc va
iniciar-se una etapa de
canvi, on els membres
originals van anar
abandonant el grup fins
deixar sol a Axl Rose.
• Va agafar uns altres
membres i ha estat anys
treballant en un nou
disc, Chinese
Democracy, que va ser
publicat al 2008.
11. Formants del grup (1986-
Axl Rose - veu, piano | Slash - guitarra solista |
Duff McKagan - baixista | Izzy Stradlin-guitarra
rítmica| Steven Adler - bateria|
12. Formació actual
• Axl Rose - veu, piano (1985 – actualitat)
• Dizzy Reed - teclats, sintetitzador (1990 – actualitat)
• DJ Ashba - guitarra solista (2009 – actualitat)
• Tommy Stinson - baixista (1998 – actualitat)
• Chris Pitman - teclats, programació (1998 – actualitat)
• Richard Fortus - guitarra rítmica (2002 – actualitat)
• Ron "Bumblefoot" Thal - guitarra solista (2006 –
• Frank Ferrer - bateria, percussió (2006 – actualitat