Ty旦n tavoitteena oli selvitt辰辰 (i) toimintatapoja ja k辰yt辰nt旦j辰, joilla tieliikenteen kuljetusyrityksiss辰 johdetaan ja hallitaan turvallisuuden eri osa-alueita, (ii) sit辰, miten laajasti tieliikenteen kuljetusyritykset hy旦dynt辰v辰t tarjolla olevia standardeja ja ohjeita yrityksens辰 turvallisuus-, laatu- tai ymp辰rist旦asioiden johtamiseksi ja hallitsemiseksi, sek辰 (iii) yritysten arvioimia hy旦tyj辰 ja haasteita, jotka liittyv辰t edell辰 mainittujen standardien ja ohjeiden k辰ytt旦旦n. Tutkimusaineisto ker辰ttiin tieliikenteen kuljetusyrityksille tehdyll辰 kyselyll辰, johon vastasi 562 tieliikenteen kuljetusyrityst辰, joista 522 luokiteltiin tavaraliikennett辰 ja 40 linja-autoliikennett辰 hoitaviksi yrityksiksi.
Tulosten mukaan turvallisuuden hallitsemiseen ja johtamiseen liittyvi辰 toimintatapoja ja k辰yt辰nt旦j辰 on k辰yt旦ss辰 sit辰 yleisemmin, mit辰 suuremmasta yrityksest辰 on kysymys. T辰m辰 koskee p辰辰osin my旦s turvallisuus-, laatu- tai ymp辰rist旦asioiden johtamiseksi ja hallitsemiseksi k辰ytett辰vien standardien ja ohjeiden k辰yt旦n yleisyytt辰. Vaarallisia aineita kuljettavien yritysten tarkastelu puolestaan osoittaa, ett辰 vaarallisia aineita kuljettavilla pienill辰 ja keskisuurilla yrityksill辰 on useammin k辰yt旦ss辰 turvallisuuden ja toimintavarmuuden parantamiseksi t辰ht辰辰vi辰 toimintatapoja kaikkiin pieniin ja keskisuuriin yrityksiin verrattuna.
T辰rkeit辰 syit辰 j辰rjestelmien k辰ytt旦旦nottoon ovat toimintavarmuuden lis辰辰minen, imagoon ja markkinointiin liittyv辰t syyt sek辰 tarve turvallisuus-, ymp辰rist旦- ja laatuasioiden j辰rjestelm辰lliseen parantamiseen. Erityisesti tavaraliikenteen kuljetusyrityksiss辰 tuli selke辰sti esille turvallisuus, ymp辰rist旦- ja laatuj辰rjestelmien osalta my旦s sopimuskumppanin (p辰辰miehen) ja asiakkaiden vaatimukset.
Tulosten perusteella suositellaan, ett辰 suurissa yrityksiss辰 jo k辰yt旦ss辰 olevia k辰yt辰nt旦j辰 ja toimintatapoja otetaan k辰ytt旦旦n my旦s pieniss辰 ja keskisuurissa yrityksiss辰. T辰m辰 voidaan tehd辰 esim. yritysten v辰listen kuljetussopimusten ja niihin liittyvien auditointien avulla. Turvallisuus-, ymp辰rist旦- ja laatuasioiden parantamiseksi t辰ht辰辰vi辰 k辰yt辰nt旦j辰 ja toimintatapoja voidaan sis辰llytt辰辰 kuljetussopimuksiin suosituksina tai vaatimuksina. Mahdollista on edet辰 my旦s niin, ett辰 tiettyj辰 toimintamalleja ja k辰yt辰nt旦j辰 sis辰llytet辰辰n alihankkijoiden valinnan yhteydess辰 teht辰v辰辰n kilpailutukseen. T辰ll旦in kuljetussopimuksen syntymisen vaatimuksena on, ett辰 asioita hoidetaan alihankkijayrityksiss辰 ennalta m辰辰ritetyn mukaisesti. Suositeltavat ja vaadittavat asiat voivat liitty辰 mm. yksitt辰isiin k辰yt辰nt旦ihin tai toimintatapoihin, henkil旦st旦n koulutukseen, kalustoon tai tiettyjen standardien tai ohjeiden k辰ytt旦旦n.
Esitys "Seuranta ja indikaattorit kest辰v辰ss辰 kaupunkiliikenteess辰" -seminaari, 16.9.2015. Tavoitteena esitell辰 avoimen aineiston mahdollisuuksia kest辰v辰n kaupunkiliikenteen indikaattorien tuottamiselle, sek辰 hahmotella tulevaisuuden aineistoja. Kontribuutiot: Tuuli Toivonen, Henrikki Tenkanen, Perttu Saarsalmi, Olle J辰rv, Maria Salonen, Jaani Lahtinen, Accessbility Researcg Group (www.helsinki.fi/science/accessibility)
PACSON is a privately owned Scottish company that has been designing and manufacturing high integrity valves since 1990. They produce a wide range of valves from 1/8" to 24" at pressures up to 20,000 psi for the oil and gas industry. PACSON prides itself on its engineering capabilities, modern manufacturing facilities, and reputation for quality products delivered on time.
Design for All ja opetuksen saavutettavuusAntti Raike
Kommenttipuheenvuoro YKSILLLISYYTT, YHTEISLLISYYTT ja YHDENVERTAISUUTTA: Turun alueen korkeakoulujen saavutettavuus -raportin julkaisutilaisuudessa 24.3.2015.
A brief run down on the evolution of Flash Advergames from the perspective of Matmi.
It looks into case studies of our past branded Flash games and what a company can expect from them regarding ROI.
Matmi is a digital marketing agency that achieves astonishing results for brands through pioneering online, social, and mobile experiences. They engage brands and customers in successful, loyal relationships using gamification techniques. Gamification aims to integrate game dynamics into non-gaming environments to increase participation, loyalty, and brand awareness. Matmi has helped many leading brands, including some of the world's largest, grow their customer bases using these strategies.
The document summarizes 6 circulars published by the Reserve Bank of India in May 2012 related to foreign exchange management. Circular 128 clarified the treatment of balances in EEFC accounts following Circular 124, which had stated that 50% of EEFC balances must be converted to rupee balances. Circular 124 itself addressed balances in EEFC accounts, requiring 50% conversion to rupees. Circular 121 removed the need for government approval of FII investment in commodity exchanges. Circular 120 discontinued the option of issuing equity shares for imports of second-hand machinery. Circular 118 liberalized documentation requirements for certain current account transactions up to $25,000. Circular 117 allowed transfers from N
Controversy on Section 111A of the Companies Act, 1956Hedge Square
The document discusses controversies around Section 111A of the Indian Companies Act of 1956 regarding rights of first refusal, tag-along rights, and drag-along rights in shareholder agreements. It analyzes legislative history and various court judgments on the matter. Recent judgments have found that Section 111A does not prevent shareholders from entering agreements that can potentially restrict free transferability of shares, as long as such restrictions are not mentioned in the company's articles of association.
The document discusses payroll registration requirements in Nigeria according to the Employee Compensation Act and Pension Reform Act. Key details include:
1) The Employee Compensation Act of 2010 covers injury compensation for all public and private sector employees except armed forces members. It specifies documentation required for compensation claims and timelines for reporting injuries.
2) The Pension Reform Act of 2004 mandates a contributory pension scheme for all employees, both public and private with 5 or more workers. It requires employees to open a Retirement Savings Account and outlines contribution rates and responsibilities of employers and employees.
3) Employers must submit payroll records annually and allow audits. Failure to make required contributions or provide documentation can result in
This document provides an overview of international investment laws, compliance, and regulations for Indian companies investing overseas. It discusses India's economic liberalization in 1991 that opened the door to more foreign investment. It also summarizes India's outbound investment trends in recent years. The document then covers important considerations for structuring overseas investments and deals with potential legal and regulatory hurdles when investing in different international jurisdictions. Finally, it introduces some relevant international organizations and private laws governing cross-border investments and transactions.
The document discusses legal entities in Ethiopia, recognizing eight types including sole proprietorships, partnerships, private limited companies, and public limited companies. Private limited companies are mostly used by foreign investors in Ethiopia, requiring a minimum of two shareholders and 15,000 ETB in capital, with limited liability and restrictions on share transfers. Public limited companies require a minimum of five shareholders and 50,000 ETB in capital, with no restrictions on share transfers and additional regulatory requirements.
The document provides information on profession tax regulations across various states in India, including tax slabs, payment and return filing due dates, and definitions of salary. It covers states like Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Manipur. Key details like tax rates, forms to be used, and recent amendments are mentioned for profession tax administration in each state.
Design for All ja opetuksen saavutettavuusAntti Raike
Kommenttipuheenvuoro YKSILLLISYYTT, YHTEISLLISYYTT ja YHDENVERTAISUUTTA: Turun alueen korkeakoulujen saavutettavuus -raportin julkaisutilaisuudessa 24.3.2015.
A brief run down on the evolution of Flash Advergames from the perspective of Matmi.
It looks into case studies of our past branded Flash games and what a company can expect from them regarding ROI.
Matmi is a digital marketing agency that achieves astonishing results for brands through pioneering online, social, and mobile experiences. They engage brands and customers in successful, loyal relationships using gamification techniques. Gamification aims to integrate game dynamics into non-gaming environments to increase participation, loyalty, and brand awareness. Matmi has helped many leading brands, including some of the world's largest, grow their customer bases using these strategies.
The document summarizes 6 circulars published by the Reserve Bank of India in May 2012 related to foreign exchange management. Circular 128 clarified the treatment of balances in EEFC accounts following Circular 124, which had stated that 50% of EEFC balances must be converted to rupee balances. Circular 124 itself addressed balances in EEFC accounts, requiring 50% conversion to rupees. Circular 121 removed the need for government approval of FII investment in commodity exchanges. Circular 120 discontinued the option of issuing equity shares for imports of second-hand machinery. Circular 118 liberalized documentation requirements for certain current account transactions up to $25,000. Circular 117 allowed transfers from N
Controversy on Section 111A of the Companies Act, 1956Hedge Square
The document discusses controversies around Section 111A of the Indian Companies Act of 1956 regarding rights of first refusal, tag-along rights, and drag-along rights in shareholder agreements. It analyzes legislative history and various court judgments on the matter. Recent judgments have found that Section 111A does not prevent shareholders from entering agreements that can potentially restrict free transferability of shares, as long as such restrictions are not mentioned in the company's articles of association.
The document discusses payroll registration requirements in Nigeria according to the Employee Compensation Act and Pension Reform Act. Key details include:
1) The Employee Compensation Act of 2010 covers injury compensation for all public and private sector employees except armed forces members. It specifies documentation required for compensation claims and timelines for reporting injuries.
2) The Pension Reform Act of 2004 mandates a contributory pension scheme for all employees, both public and private with 5 or more workers. It requires employees to open a Retirement Savings Account and outlines contribution rates and responsibilities of employers and employees.
3) Employers must submit payroll records annually and allow audits. Failure to make required contributions or provide documentation can result in
This document provides an overview of international investment laws, compliance, and regulations for Indian companies investing overseas. It discusses India's economic liberalization in 1991 that opened the door to more foreign investment. It also summarizes India's outbound investment trends in recent years. The document then covers important considerations for structuring overseas investments and deals with potential legal and regulatory hurdles when investing in different international jurisdictions. Finally, it introduces some relevant international organizations and private laws governing cross-border investments and transactions.
The document discusses legal entities in Ethiopia, recognizing eight types including sole proprietorships, partnerships, private limited companies, and public limited companies. Private limited companies are mostly used by foreign investors in Ethiopia, requiring a minimum of two shareholders and 15,000 ETB in capital, with limited liability and restrictions on share transfers. Public limited companies require a minimum of five shareholders and 50,000 ETB in capital, with no restrictions on share transfers and additional regulatory requirements.
The document provides information on profession tax regulations across various states in India, including tax slabs, payment and return filing due dates, and definitions of salary. It covers states like Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Manipur. Key details like tax rates, forms to be used, and recent amendments are mentioned for profession tax administration in each state.
2. Tschudi Group
The Tschudi Group on yksityisomistuksessa oleva varustamo- ja
logistiikkakonserni, jonka juuret juontavat aina vuoteen 1883.
Konserniin kuuluvat varustamot ja logistiikkayritykset:
Tschudi Project Transport A/S
Rederiet Otto Danielsen A/S
Tschudi Lines A/S
Estonian Shipping Company Ltd.
International Transport Contractors B.V.
Tschudi Ship Management A/S
Tschudi Logistics A/S
Tschudi Road Transport O
Tschudi Arctic Transit AS
Boreal Offshore AS
Edell辰 mainittujen lis辰ksi konserniin kuuluu my旦s kaivos- ja sijoitusyhti旦:
Sydvaranger A/S
A company within the Tschudi Group
3. Tschudi Rail
Tschudi Rail on yksi Ven辰j辰n Rautateiden
p辰辰asiakkaista. Liikennett辰 on Virosta ja
Latviasta mm.
A company within the Tschudi Group
4. Rederiet Otto Danielsen
Rederiet Otto Danielsen omistaa ja
operoi kahdeksaa kantavuudeltaan
3.200 12.100 tonnin
A company within the Tschudi Group
5. International Transport Contractors B.V.
ITC laivastoon kuuluu viisi valtamerikelpoista hinaajaa,
nelj辰 AHT-alusta, ruoppaaja ja useita pienempi辰
huolto- ja tukialuksia.
ITC operoi hinaajia, offshore- ja tukialuksia my旦s muiden
omistajien lukuun, jonka lis辰ksi ITC toimii sek辰 meklarina,
ett辰 urakoitsijana hinauksissa ja raskaissa nostoissa.
A company within the Tschudi Group
6. Tschudi Logistics
Tschudi Logistics perustettiin 2006. T辰ll辰
hetkell辰 toimipaikkoja on 18, kaikkiaan
kahdessatoissa maassa.
Uusia toimipaikkoja suunnitellaan jatkuvasti.
Tuoreimmat toimistot avattiin Murmanskiin ja
Pietariin. Uudet toimipaikkamme vahvistavat
entisest辰辰n l辰sn辰oloamme sek辰 Ven辰j辰ll辰, ett辰
pohjoisilla markkinoilla.
A company within the Tschudi Group
7. Tschudi Project Transport
Yhdist辰m辰ll辰 Tschudi konserniyhti旦iden vahvan osaamisen sek辰
globaalin yhteisty旦verkoston , Tschudi Project Transports tarjoaa
luotettavan ja kustannustehokkaan kokonaisratkaisun
Erikoiskuljetukset l辰ht旦- ja kohdemaassa.
Raskaat nostot
Pystymme kattamaan koko logistisen ketjun ovelta ovelle ja
tarjoamaan asiakkaillemme henkil旦kohtaista palvelua aina
ensimm辰isest辰 yhteydenotosta kuljetuksen turvalliseen
"Have it all done in one place. Save your time. Save your money "
A company within the Tschudi Group
8. Tuulivoimalat
Olemme kuljettaneet noin 50.000 kuutiota tuulivoimaloita
ja laitteistoja. Tuoreimmat laivaukset Espanjasta Italiaan
sek辰 Saksasta Kanadaan ja muualle maailmaan.
A company within the Tschudi Group
9. Uusia Projekteja
10.000 kuutiota erikoiskuljetuksena Tanskasta ja Belgiasta Kiovaan, Ukrainaan.
Tschudi Project Transports vastuu: FAS / mounting on site.
Merikuljetus Erikoiskuljetus Asennus / tarkastus ty旦maalla
A company within the Tschudi Group
10. Uusia Projekteja
Talomoduuleja: L淡gst淡r, Tanska - Mid Yell, Shetlanti.
Tschudi Project Transports vastuu: door/door
Lastaus Merikuljetus Maantiekuljetus
A company within the Tschudi Group
11. Uusia Projekteja
100 tonnin kuorma Vietnamista Belgiaan.
Tschudi Project Transports vastuu: door/door
Lastaus Merikuljetus Toimitus
A company within the Tschudi Group
12. Uusia Projekteja
Raskas kuljetus Suomesta Saudi-Arabiaan.
Tschudi Project Transports vastuu: door / Port of Dammam.
Eturahti Merikuljetus
A company within the Tschudi Group
13. Uusia Projekteja
Nosturin puomeja Virosta H淡lleniin, Norjaan.
Tschudi Project Transports vastuu: FAS / purettuna laiturilla.
Lastaus Merikuljetus Purkaus
A company within the Tschudi Group
14. Uusia Projekteja
Erikoiskuljetus Tanskasta Thaimaahan.
Tschudi Project Transports vastuu: door / door
Eturahti Lastaus / Lastin tarkastus Merikuljetus
A company within the Tschudi Group
16. Uusia Projekteja
Projektikuljetus Kiinasta Kroatiaan ja edelleen Marokkoon.
Tschudi Project Transports vastuu: port / door.
Lastaus / lastintarkastus CN Lastaus / lastintarkastus HR Merikuljetus
A company within the Tschudi Group
17. Lis辰tietoja osoitteessa www.tschudiprotrans.com. Ota yhteytt辰!
Manager - Thomas Vestergaard, puh +45 45 95 04 92
Forwarder - Christian Johansen, puh+45 45 95 04 83
Forwarder - Owe Gede, puh +45 45 95 04 94
Forwarder Hannu Laivoniemi, puh +358 40 675 2219
Forwarder - Jelena Pavlova, puh +372 64 09 586
Forwarder August Tillo, puh +372 64 09 770
As agent to Tschudi Project Transport AS, Oslo
A company within the Tschudi Group