This document discusses reasons for choosing YouTube as a video hosting website, including its easy navigation with clear search and menu options, attractive images, simple color scheme for readability, interesting and up-to-date content, concise descriptions under videos, and animated interface that reflects its focus on hosting videos.
The document discusses examples of good and bad e-commerce websites. Some good sites mentioned are eBay, Amazon, Teetonic, Tokyocube, Designloot, and Habitatshoes for having simple designs, easy navigation, informative content and compatible browsers. Bad sites listed are dinghyinsurance, frnz, msy, lingscars, webwizz, arngren for issues like illegible text, confusing designs, too many graphics and poor navigation.
Esna iLink for Vidyo seamlessly embeds the power of HD video collaboration inside Jive. With iLink for Vidyo, users can simply click to Vidyo to start and join conferences with participants inside and outside their organization.
- Start an instant conference with any Jive user from their contact card or profile page
- Initiate a conference with group members in a Jive group
- Start a conference with co-authors from any Jive document
- Post a comment with links into the Jive activity stream
Esna Cloudlink for Cisco TelePresence + Google Apps PresentationEsna
Esna Cloudlink for Cisco TelePresence seamlessly embeds the ability to schedule TMS resources from your Google and IBM Notes calendars. With Cloudlink for Cisco TelePresence, users can simply check for availability, book a TMS resource and modify the event, with changes being synchronized back to the original Cisco TelePresence event scheduler.
The document discusses how Esna integrates real-time communication tools like voice, video conferencing, and instant messaging into Google Apps. It allows users to communicate across applications and devices from anywhere. Esna embeds these tools directly into business processes and applications that people use every day, including Google Drive, Gmail, and Salesforce. It also includes options for additional video conferencing tools like WebEx and Avaya Scopia to integrate with Google Apps.
The document discusses Esna's Officelinx and iLink Pro collaboration tools. It provides an overview of their capabilities for embedding real-time communication tools inside business applications and processes. This allows users to communicate through their regularly used apps on any device. It also summarizes new features for Officelinx 10.0 and iLink Pro, and their integrations with platforms like Google Apps, Office 365, Salesforce, and Avaya communication tools.
Overview of Esna's Officelinx unified communications solution that integrates Mitel UC&C solutions with cloud applications from Google, Salesforce, Microsoft and others.
Collaborate Better with Esna + Google Apps for WorkEsna
Better collaboration within Google Apps matters. While you already use Google Apps to help make you and your team be more productive, adding Esna will help you better communicate across organizational and geographical barriers anywhere, anytime and using any device.
El documento contiene el reglamento y la descripci坦n de la carrera de monta単a Jurramendi Trail que se celebrar叩 el 15 de marzo en Ayegui, Navarra. La carrera tendr叩 una distancia de 22,7 km y un desnivel de 1.260 metros. Se permiten un m叩ximo de 300 participantes mayores de 18 a単os que deber叩n inscribirse antes del 9 de marzo.
Este documento relata as atividades do III Encontro Nacional de Agroecologia realizado na Universidade Federal do Vale do S達o Francisco em Juazeiro, Bahia, entre os dias 16 e 19 de maio de 2014. O evento reuniu agricultores, cestantes e produtores de v叩rias regi探es do Brasil para compartilhar saberes e fortalecer a rede de agroecologia. Destaca-se a troca simb坦lica de sementes entre as delega巽探es e os semin叩rios sobre agricultura urbana e constru巽達o social de mercados
Este documento presenta un resumen de tres cap鱈tulos del libro "多Con qui辿n me casar辿?" de Luis Palau. En el primer cap鱈tulo, Palau introduce el tema del libro y explica que su objetivo es ayudar a los j坦venes a tomar buenas decisiones sobre el noviazgo y el matrimonio. En el segundo cap鱈tulo, Palau destaca que es perfectamente normal que los j坦venes deseen casarse, ya que ese es el plan de Dios. Sin embargo, advierte sobre los errores que se pueden cometer al elegir mal la pareja. En
O documento discute a evolu巽達o da tecnologia educacional ao longo da hist坦ria, desde os pictogramas dos sum辿rios at辿 o uso atual de recursos como internet e redes sociais. Tamb辿m aborda os desafios de incorporar novas tecnologias no ensino, como a necessidade de capacitar professores, e os riscos da manipula巽達o por corpora巽探es. Por fim, reconhece que as tecnologias podem ser 炭teis ferramentas de aprendizagem se usadas de forma controlada e com foco no desenvolvimento de compet棚ncias.
O grupo cantou janeiras no parque das Na巽探es para arrecadar fundos para a Associa巽達o "Eu e os meus irm達os", que ajuda crian巽as mo巽ambicanas. Eles distribu鱈ram panfletos explicando seu objetivo e ensaiaram sob a orienta巽達o do professor Oct叩vio. No final, eles arrecadaram 32,02 euros para o projeto "Abra巽o Mo巽ambique".
2. Fyrstu 叩rinHallgr鱈mur f脱ddist 叩ri丹 1614 .Hann er talinn vera f脱ddur 鱈 Gr旦f 叩 H旦f丹astr旦nd.Foreldrar Hallgr鱈ms h辿tu P辿tur Gu丹brandsson og S坦lveig J坦nsd坦ttir.
3. Uppvaxtar叩rHallgr鱈mur 坦lst upp 叩 h坦lum 綻ar sem pabbi hans var kirkjuv旦r丹ur. egar hann var 15 叩ra f坦r hann til Gl端ckstadt, Og f坦r svo til Kaupmannahafnar.
5. N叩ms叩rin 鱈 Kaupmannah旦fnMa丹ur einn a丹 nafni Brynj坦lfur ( hann var biskup ) kom Hallgr鱈mi 鱈 n叩m 鱈 fr炭arsk坦la 鱈 Kaupmannah旦fn Hann s坦ttist 綻a丹 vel og var kominn 鱈 efsta bekk 叩ri丹 1636 um hausti丹.
6. slendingar keyptir fr叩 Als鱈rBreytingar ur丹u 綻叩 鱈 l鱈fi Hallgr鱈ms, 綻a丹 叩r komu 38 slendingar til Kaupmannahafnar sem h旦f丹u veri丹 keyptir lausir 炭r Als鱈r Hallgr鱈mur var fenginn til a丹 rifja upp kristinn bo丹skap.
7. Hj坦naband og BarneignirHallgr鱈mur og Gu丹r鱈丹ur f坦ru til 鱈slands saman 叩ri丹 1637egar 綻au komu til 鱈slands voru 綻au d脱md fyrir h坦rd坦m s鱈丹ar kom 鱈 lj坦s a丹 ma丹ur hennar var d叩inn og 綻a丹 minnka丹i refsinguna.Gu丹r鱈丹ur S鱈monard坦ttir var ein af f坦lkinu sem voru keypt fr叩 Als鱈r.Gu丹r鱈丹ur var um 16 叩rum eldri en Hallgr鱈mur. Gu丹r鱈丹ur og Hallgr鱈mur giftustHallgr鱈mur og Gu丹r鱈丹ur eignu丹ust 3 b旦rn- au Eyj坦lf, Steinunni og Gu丹mund
8. Starf hans sem presturHallgr鱈mur 綻j坦na丹i Halsnes綻ingum 綻anga丹 til honum var veittur Saurb脱r 叩 Hvalfjar丹arstr旦nd 叩ri丹 1651. ar bj坦 hann vi丹 nokku丹 g坦丹 efni 綻r叩tt fyrir a丹 b脱r 綻eirra Gu丹r鱈丹ar brynni 鱈 eldi 叩ri丹 1662. Nokkru seinna (1665) var Hallgr鱈mur sleginn l鱈k綻r叩 og 叩tti erfitt me丹 a丹 綻j坦na emb脱tti s鱈nu. L辿t hann endanlega af prestskap 1668.
9. Lj坦丹Hallgr鱈mur var mj旦g virkt lj坦丹sk叩ld en me丹al hans fr脱gustu verka eru Pass鱈us叩lmarnir 50 talsins sem hann skrifa丹i 叩rin 1656-1659
10. 2 erindi 炭r: allt eins og bl坦mstri丹 einaAllt eins og bl坦mstri丹 einaupp vex 叩 sl辿ttri grundfagurt me丹 frj坦vgun hreinafyrst um dags morgunstund,叩 sn旦ggu augabrag丹iaf skori丹 ver丹ur flj坦tt,lit og bl旦丹 ni丹ur lag丹i, -l鱈f mannlegt endar skj坦tt.Svo hleypur 脱skan unga坦vissa dau丹ans lei丹sem aldur og ellin 綻unga,allt rennur sama skei丹.Innsigli engir fenguupp 叩 l鱈fsstunda bi丹,en 綻ann kost undir genguallir a丹 skilja vi丹.Hallgr鱈mur P辿tursson
11. vilokri丹 1667 veiktist Hallgr鱈mur af Holdsveikiog 綻urfti a丹 f叩 a丹sto丹arprest.Hallgr鱈mur flutti svo til sonar s鱈ns Eyj坦lfs, Og svo flutti hann a丹 Ferstiku og l辿st 綻ar 叩ri丹 1674. 60 叩ra.