Hirschsprung nrbAgnes PutriDokumen tersebut membahas tentang penyakit Hirschsprung pada anak, yang disebabkan oleh ketidakcukupan syaraf pada usus besar bagian bawah sehingga menyebabkan obstruksi. Dibahas pula gejala, diagnosis, klasifikasi, faktor risiko, komplikasi, penatalaksanaan, dan asuhan keperawatan pada penyakit tersebut. Kelompok 3 membahas topik ini dengan dosen pembimbing Ibu Henik Istikhomah.
Hirschsprung nrbAgnes PutriDokumen tersebut membahas tentang penyakit Hirschsprung pada anak, yang disebabkan oleh ketidakcukupan syaraf pada usus besar bagian bawah sehingga menyebabkan obstruksi. Dibahas pula gejala, diagnosis, klasifikasi, faktor risiko, komplikasi, penatalaksanaan, dan asuhan keperawatan pada penyakit tersebut. Kelompok 3 membahas topik ini dengan dosen pembimbing Ibu Henik Istikhomah.
VolleyballANnTrAxX51Volleyball is a team sport played by two teams separated by a net. The objective is to ground the ball on the opposing team's court before it touches the ground. It originated in 1895 when William G. Morgan created a new indoor game called Mintonette in Holyoke, Massachusetts, combining elements of tennis and handball. The first official rules stipulated a 6'6" high net, a 25x50 foot court, and innings with three serves per team. Teams had no limit to contacts before sending the ball over, and a second serve was allowed for errors.
Media finalelle_pearsonMedia and film have significant influence on fashion trends. New technologies like social media have changed how the fashion industry markets products and how people express their personal styles. Films can also shape opinions by creating emotional connections to particular fashions. While media aims to inform, it also aims to influence people's fashion preferences and interpretations of styles. Both positive and negative impacts on body image and opinions about "cool" styles are possible effects of fashion media and film.
Media Project 2elle_pearsonMedia and film have significant influence on fashion trends. New technologies like social media have changed how the fashion industry markets products and how people express their personal styles. Films can also shape opinions by creating emotional connections to particular fashions. While media aims to inform, it also aims to influence people's fashion preferences and interpretations of styles. Both positive and negative effects on body image and opinions about what is desirable can result from extensive exposure to fashion portrayals in media and film.
Fitzburg tire companyaudrey_walterThis document discusses issues facing Fitzburg tire company and provides potential solutions. The company is facing problems with communication and cultural differences that are impacting management. Several solutions are proposed to address the problem, including improving communication, increasing cultural awareness, and adopting a new management approach. The document recommends the best solution.
Rémunération dans la Finance, Banque & Assurance, Audit & Expertise ComptableENOES, l'Ecole de l'Expertise Comptable et de l'AuditHays présente son étude de rémunération nationale 2016 dans les métiers de la Finance, de la Banque & Assurance et de l'Audit & Expertise Comptable.
Purchasing, Receiving, and Storing FoodThannia SabadoPurchasing involves obtaining the right products at the right time, price, and source. Foods are classified as perishable, staple, or contract items. Guidelines for wise buying include purchasing by weight, count, brand, and season. Receiving ensures deliveries match specifications for quantity, quality, and price using methods like blind or invoice receiving. Proper storage after receiving prevents loss, with perishables refrigerated and staples arranged orderly. Storage protects food from contamination.
Libel Case. Journalism Topic.Thannia SabadoThis document summarizes Philippine libel law. It defines libel and slander, outlines who can be held liable and penalties. It discusses why libel is punishable, rules on venue and statutes of limitations. It also covers who can file a libel complaint, essential elements of libel, and available defenses. The key points are that libel involves public imputation that causes dishonor, slander is oral defamation, penalties include fines and imprisonment, and defenses include privileged communication, fair comment, apology and proof of truth.
Ciberjove estiu 2010cibercaixasantrocRecull de les activitat realitzades durant l'estiu de 2010 a Badalona Sud, realitzat pels i les joves del programa Ciberjove de la Cibercaixa Badalona Sud.
Centro de trabajo, trabajadores itinerantes y cómputo del tiempo de trabajo (...Universidad Autónoma de BarcelonaEste documento resume una sentencia reciente del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea sobre el cómputo del tiempo de trabajo para trabajadores itinerantes que no tienen un centro de trabajo fijo. La sentencia establece que el tiempo de trabajo incluye el tiempo desde que el trabajador recibe una asignación hasta que la completa, incluso si esto ocurre fuera de su horario habitual. Esto tendrá un gran impacto en cómo se calculan las horas extras y la protección de la salud y seguridad de estos trabajadores. El documento también analiza el debate político y juris
Retos redes-inalambricasCorporacion the wordering kiwi E.I.R.LEste documento discute los retos futuros de las redes inalámbricas. Explica que varias ciudades importantes ya cuentan con redes inalámbricas y menciona tecnologías como WiFi, WiMax fijo y móvil y conexiones satelitales. También describe algunas empresas involucradas y lo que se necesita para implementar redes inalámbricas a nivel de ciudad. Finalmente, resalta beneficios como la eliminación de cables e instalaciones costosas y concluye que aunque hay progreso, todav
Cuadrilateros, roxanaRoxana Hernandez MaldonadoUn cuadrilátero es un polígono de cuatro lados. Existen varios tipos de cuadriláteros como paralelogramos, trapecios, trapezoides, cuadrados y rombos que se clasifican según la longitud y ángulo de sus lados. Todos los cuadriláteros suman 360° entre sus ángulos interiores.
Economia2angele calixtoLa materia de economía empresarial es fundamental para el éxito de cualquier empresa u organización, ya que proporciona las herramientas necesarias para la toma de decisiones y la gestión financiera. Un organigrama económico es clave para comprender la estructura financiera y los flujos de dinero de una compañía.
2. Æskuár Hallgríms
Hallgrímur Pétursson er
talinn vera fæddur í Gröf á
Höfðaströnd árið 1614.
Hann var alinn að mestu upp
á Hólum í Hjaltdal en þar var
faðir hans hringjari.
Foreldrar hans voru Pétur
Guðmundsson og Sólveig
Faðir Hallgríms og
Guðbrandur biskup
Þorláksson voru
3. Menntun
Vegna kveðskapar síns var
Hallgrímur látinn fara burt
af Hólum.
Eftir það komst Hallgrímur í
vinnu hjá járnsmið eða
kolamanni annaðhvort í
Glückstadt í Norðurþýskalandi eða
Í Kaupmannahöfn kemst
hann í Vorrar frúar skóla
fyrir meðmæli Brynjólfs
Sveinssonar, síðar biskups.
4. Ást Hallgríms
Hann kemst í efsta bekk í
skólanum og er fenginn til að
hressa upp kristna trú
Íslendinga sem höfðu komið
aftur til Íslands frá
Þar hitti hann Guðríði
Símonardóttur, en hún var ein
af hinum útleystu.
Og hún var 16 árum eldri en
Hallgrímur og Guðríður fóru
aftur til Íslands.
Giftust þar og eignuðust strák.
Eyjólfur hét hann eftir fyrrverandi
manni Guðríðar.
5. Örlög Hallgríms
Árið 1644 var Hallgrímur
vígður til prests á Hvalsnesi.
Hallgrímur þjónaði
Halsnesþingum þangað til
hann varð prestur á Saurbæ.
Hann hafði það nokkuð gott
þótt að bær þeirra Guðríðar
brynni 1662.
1665 var Hallgrímur kominn
með líkþrá og hætti stuttu
seinna (1668) að vinna sem
6. Dauði
Hallgrímur andaðist á
Ferstiklu 27. október 1674, 60
að aldri.
Hallgrímur og Guðríður áttu
3 börn, Eyjólfur var elstur, þá
Guðmundur, og yngst var
Steinunn sem dó á fjórða ári.
Hallgrímur samdi eitt
fallegasta ljóð í minningu
hennar og í dag er farið með
það ljóð í nánast öllum
Hér stendur: Steinunn
7. Kveðskapur og
Hallgrímskirkja er kennd við
74,5 m, byggð á árunum
1945-1986. Stendur á
skólavörðuholti í
Reykjavík og er eitt
þekktasta kennileiti
Hallgrímur samdi mikið af
ljóðum og sálmum og meðal
þeirra eru Passíusálmarnir
og ljóðið um hana Steinunn.
Dóttur sína sem dó.
Allt eins og blómstrið eina
upp vex á sléttri grund
fagurt með frjóvgun hreina
fyrst um dags morgunstund.
Á snöggu augabragði
af skorið verður fljótt
lit og blöð niður lagði,
líf mannlegt endar skjótt.
Ég veit minn ljúfur lifir
lausnarinn himnum á
hann ræður öllu yfir
einn heitir Jesús sá.
Sigrarinn dauðans sanni
sjálfur á krossi dó
og mér svo aumum manni
eilíft líf víst til bjó.
Ljóðið um