Edipo rey y la vida es sueñoevausmileEl documento resume las tramas de las obras Edipo Rey de Sófocles y La vida es sueño de Calderón de la Barca. En Edipo Rey, el rey Edipo mata a su padre Layo y se casa con su madre Yocasta sin saber que son sus padres, hasta que la verdad se revela. En La vida es sueño, el rey Basilio mantiene encadenado a su hijo Segismundo por una profecía hasta que lo prueba como rey por un día, haciéndole creer luego que todo fue un sueño.
Healthy Halloween Treats PresentationAyla ChoudheryThis document provides three healthy Halloween treat ideas: olive snake snacks made from olives, cheese, and carrots; spooky apple bites made from apples, strawberries, sunflower seeds, and sunflower butter; and spooky spider deviled eggs made from hard boiled eggs, olives, mayonnaise, and mustard. Directions are given for making each treat, which are meant to provide festive yet healthy options for Halloween parties and gatherings.
Alcatel-Lucent 849001193savomirThis document provides information about purchasing an Alcatel-Lucent 849001193 TDU Power Distribution Shelf from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes payment and shipping options, same-day shipping availability, warranty and return policies, and additional repair and logistics services offered by Launch 3 Telecom. Contact information is provided to purchase the product or learn more about services.
3Com 3C13770AsavomirThis document provides information about the 3Com 3C13770A router, including how to purchase it from Launch 3 Telecom. Launch 3 Telecom sells telecom hardware and genuine 3Com replacement parts. They accept various payment methods for purchase of the 3Com 3C13770A router and can provide same day shipping with tracking for orders placed before 3PM EST. Launch 3 Telecom also offers services like repair, maintenance contracts, de-installation, and recycling in addition to sales of the 3Com 3C13770A router.
Guide pratique Restaurateur / NumériqueStephanie DardenneLa Direction générale des Entreprises et l’UMIH ont réalisé un guide pratique « En avant vers le numérique ».
Restaurateurs, c’est le moment de vous différencier, d’innover, de se moderniser et d’anticiper les marchés du futur.
Edipo rey y la vida es sueñoevausmileEl documento resume las tramas de las obras Edipo Rey de Sófocles y La vida es sueño de Calderón de la Barca. En Edipo Rey, el rey Edipo mata a su padre Layo y se casa con su madre Yocasta sin saber que son sus padres, hasta que la verdad se revela. En La vida es sueño, el rey Basilio mantiene encadenado a su hijo Segismundo por una profecía hasta que lo prueba como rey por un día, haciéndole creer luego que todo fue un sueño.
Healthy Halloween Treats PresentationAyla ChoudheryThis document provides three healthy Halloween treat ideas: olive snake snacks made from olives, cheese, and carrots; spooky apple bites made from apples, strawberries, sunflower seeds, and sunflower butter; and spooky spider deviled eggs made from hard boiled eggs, olives, mayonnaise, and mustard. Directions are given for making each treat, which are meant to provide festive yet healthy options for Halloween parties and gatherings.
Alcatel-Lucent 849001193savomirThis document provides information about purchasing an Alcatel-Lucent 849001193 TDU Power Distribution Shelf from Launch 3 Telecom. It describes payment and shipping options, same-day shipping availability, warranty and return policies, and additional repair and logistics services offered by Launch 3 Telecom. Contact information is provided to purchase the product or learn more about services.
3Com 3C13770AsavomirThis document provides information about the 3Com 3C13770A router, including how to purchase it from Launch 3 Telecom. Launch 3 Telecom sells telecom hardware and genuine 3Com replacement parts. They accept various payment methods for purchase of the 3Com 3C13770A router and can provide same day shipping with tracking for orders placed before 3PM EST. Launch 3 Telecom also offers services like repair, maintenance contracts, de-installation, and recycling in addition to sales of the 3Com 3C13770A router.
Guide pratique Restaurateur / NumériqueStephanie DardenneLa Direction générale des Entreprises et l’UMIH ont réalisé un guide pratique « En avant vers le numérique ».
Restaurateurs, c’est le moment de vous différencier, d’innover, de se moderniser et d’anticiper les marchés du futur.
My Futurejennifersullivan_Jennifer Sullivan outlines her future personal budget, income, expenses, home purchase, car purchase, and furniture costs. She plans to be a nurse practitioner living in a $200,000 home in Indianapolis, driving a Honda Pilot, and eventually getting married with up to 3 kids. Her long term goals are to become a millionaire and have a comfortable retirement.
Alcatel-Lucent 644-0171-001savomirThis document provides information about purchasing an Alcatel-Lucent 644-0171-001 product from Launch 3 Telecom. It details how to purchase the product via phone, email, or by filling out a request form online. It also provides information on payment methods, same-day shipping and tracking, warranty, and additional services offered by Launch 3 Telecom like repairs, maintenance contracts, and de-installation.
Siklus asam sitratSeptian Muna BarakatiSiklus asam sitrat adalah serangkaian reaksi metabolisme yang terjadi di mitokondria sel untuk mengubah karbohidrat, lemak, dan protein menjadi energi. Reaksi ini melibatkan 10 langkah enzimatik yang mengubah asam oksaloasetat menjadi asam oksaloasetat kembali sambil menghasilkan molekul NADH dan FADH2 untuk digunakan dalam fosforilasi oksidatif.
No451 newslettr daily e-18-4_2014al-nashraGunmen launched over 150 mortar shells and gas cylinders at Hanano Barracks in Aleppo, leaving dozens dead and wounded. Opposition fighters also failed to take the barracks despite explosions planting 100 tons of explosives in tunnels underneath. Meanwhile, ISIL offered $20 million for information about an opposition leader in Raqqa and executed a dissident soldier for refusing to join them. The UN Security Council expressed concern over civilians trapped in fighting in Homs as the Syrian government announced presidential elections would be held on April 21st and nominations would begin on April 12th.
Mementojoshuabright14The document analyzes various film techniques used in the movie Memento including camerawork, sound, mise-en-scene, and editing. It notes that the point of view shots put the viewer in the protagonist's shoes, low camera angles make him seem powerful, and close-ups show his traumatic expression. Sound elements like gunshots and screams emphasize violence while score and dialogue create mystery. The isolated room location and unclear tattoo and props leave many questions. Fades and reverse editing also build mystery and tension as the audience waits to find out what happened.
De-Mystifying Twitter for Small Business - 2016Charlie ConardCut through the common confusion about Twitter & discover how this social media platform can help grow your small business.Charlie Conard answers common questions about Twitter for business owners, including:
- Getting Your Business started on Twitter
- How do Hashtags work, & Why they are Important?
- Learning to Write an effective Tweet –in under 140 Characters!
- Case Studies: See how Twitter has helped other Small Business Owners Transform
You’ll leave this lecture with a clear understanding of how Twitter works & the ways it can help your small business build sales.
About the Speaker
Charlie Conard, co-founder and principal of Social Go To, specializes in creating social media strategies that grow audiences, increase engagement, and transform prospects into customers. Charlie has worked with brands including L’Oreal, Mount Sinai Medical Center, Continental Airlines, United Way, Publishers Weekly, and KitchenAid.
Select slides with annotation from a seminar presented at the New York Science, Industry, and Business Library Small Business Resource Center (New York Public Library) on 02/09/16.
Sowing New Seeds: Garden OrganicSeeds This document provides an evaluation report of the Sowing New Seeds project run by Garden Organic. The project aimed to enable individuals, schools, and community groups in the Midlands to grow exotic crops not traditionally grown in the UK. Quantitative data was collected through questionnaires with Seed Stewards and schools. Key findings include:
- Most participants became involved to grow a wider variety of foods and learn more about growing. The majority felt their goals were achieved.
- Over half of participants spend 8+ hours per week growing food. For most, the variety and amount of exotic crops grown has increased.
- Crops are used for eating, cooking, sharing with others, and saving seeds. Over 70% of
2. UppvaxtarárinHallgrímur Pétursson fæddist árið 1614 á Gröf á Höfðaströnd en var komið fyrir á hólum mjög snemmaFaðir hans var hringjari á HólumForeldrar Hallgríms hétu Pétur Guðmundsson og Solveig Jónsdóttir
3. Járnsmíði í KaupmannahöfnHallgrímur var mjög góður námsmaðurEn vegna þess hve hann var erfiður var hann rekinn úr skóla17 ára að aldri flutti hann til Lukkuborgar (Glückstadt) Hallgrímur starfaði í nokkur ár hjá járnsmiði í Kaupmannahöfn
4. Járnsmíði í KaupmannahöfnHallgrími líkaði ekki starfið og blótaði oft vinnuveitanda sínum í sand og öskuBrynjólfur Sveinsson kom Hallgrími í FrúarskólannHann hafði heyrt Hallgrím semja Níðvísu og vildi að hann notaði hæfileika sína til góðs
5. Námsárin í KaupmannahöfnHallgrími líkaði miklu betur að læra í FrúarskólanumVar kominn í efsta bekk um haustið árið 1636Árið 1637 komu Íslendingar sem höfðu lent í Tyrkjaráninu til Kaupmannahafnar
6. Námsárin í KaupmannahöfnVar talið að Íslendingarnir voru farnir að ryðga í kristninni og jafnvel íslenskunniHallgrímur var valinn til þess að rifja þessa hluti upp fyrir þeimÍ Íslendingahópnum var kona sem hét Guðríður SímonardóttirGuðríður var 16 árum eldri en Hallgrímur
7. Ástin í lífi HallgrímsGuðríður og Hallgrímur urðu ástfanginGuðríður átti mann í Vestmannaeyjum en hafði ekki séð hann í mörg árHallgrímur hætti námi og hélt heim með Guðríði
8. RefsingÞegar Guðríður og Hallgrímur komu heim bar Guðríður barn undir beltiHörð refsing var fyrir hórdóm á þessum tímaRefsingin var milduð
9. FjölskyldanÞau eignuðust þrjú börn, Eyjólf, Steinunni og GuðmundSteinunn dó mjög ung og syrgði Hallgrímur hana mjögHann samdi sálm fyrir hanaGuðmundur dó á undan foreldrum sínum og Eyjólfi eldribróður sínumAllt eins og blómstrið einaupp vex á sléttri grundfagurt með frjóvgun hreinafyrst um dags morgunstund,á snöggu augabragðiaf skorið verður fljótt,lit og blöð niður lagði, -líf mannlegt endar skjótt.Allt eins og blómstrið eina: Fyrsta erindi
10. PrestsembættiÁrið 1644 var laust prestdæmi á HvalsnesiBrynjólfur Sveinsson, þá biskup vígði Hallgrím til þessa embættisÁrið 1651fékk Hallgrímur veitingu fyrir embætti á Saurbæ á HvalfjarðaströndHallgrímur og Guðríður fluttu á Hvalfjarðaströnd
11. Ljóð HallgrímsHallgrímur samdi fjöldamörg ljóð um ævinaÞekktustu ljóðin hans heita Passíusálmarnir og Allt eins og blómstrið einaPassíusálmarnir eru um dauða, þjáningu og upprisu Jesú KristsErindin eru 50 talsinsEru sálmarnir alltaf lesnir fyrir páskaAllt eins og blómstrið eina samdi Hallgrímur fyrir Steinunni dóttur sína þegar hún dóLjóðið er fallegt og er oft lesið í jarðarförum
12. ÆvilokHallgrímur Pétursson dó árið 1674 á FerstikluGuðríður Símonardóttir dó mörgum árum á eftir HallgrímiÞá um 80 ára gömulHallgrímur Pétursson var án efa frægasta trúarskáld Íslands og er það enn þann dag í dag