The document contains several short anecdotes about elderly individuals experiencing common senior moments or age-related issues that cause humorous misunderstandings and mix-ups. These include a man who goes to work with his fly undone and doesn't realize it, an elderly couple who have trouble remembering things and mix up orders at the restaurant, and other lighthearted stories about the everyday challenges of aging.
The document shares a Chinese proverb about money not being able to buy important things like a home, time, sleep, knowledge, health, respect, or love. It then claims forwarding the proverb will bring good luck, referencing stories of people who forwarded it winning the lottery or their sick child recovering. It urges the reader to forward copies of the proverb to others within 4 days to receive good luck.
1. John Hopkins is telling people that there are alternative ways to treat cancer other than just chemotherapy.
2. Cancer cells are always present in the body but usually do not cause tumors until their numbers are in the billions.
3. The document provides suggestions for changing one's diet and lifestyle to strengthen the immune system and make the body less hospitable for cancer cells to grow, such as avoiding sugars, dairy, red meat and refined foods.
The document contains several short anecdotes about elderly individuals experiencing common senior moments or age-related issues that cause humorous misunderstandings and mix-ups. These include a man who goes to work with his fly undone and doesn't realize it, an elderly couple who have trouble remembering things and mix up orders at the restaurant, and other lighthearted stories about the everyday challenges of aging.
The document shares a Chinese proverb about money not being able to buy important things like a home, time, sleep, knowledge, health, respect, or love. It then claims forwarding the proverb will bring good luck, referencing stories of people who forwarded it winning the lottery or their sick child recovering. It urges the reader to forward copies of the proverb to others within 4 days to receive good luck.
1. John Hopkins is telling people that there are alternative ways to treat cancer other than just chemotherapy.
2. Cancer cells are always present in the body but usually do not cause tumors until their numbers are in the billions.
3. The document provides suggestions for changing one's diet and lifestyle to strengthen the immune system and make the body less hospitable for cancer cells to grow, such as avoiding sugars, dairy, red meat and refined foods.
http://醫食會.com/20120609 Gut and Psychology Syndrome 「腸道和心理綜合症」除了大腦之外,人體還有一個「第二腦袋」,它的功能跟頭頂的大腦同樣重要。有很多現代生活中常見的病,例如:小孩子的「自閉症」、「多動症」、「濕疹」、「結腸炎」、「讀寫障礙」、「學習困難」、成年人的「心律失常」、「第二型糖尿病」、「心臟病」、「老人癡呆症」、「血壓問題」等等,都是因為「第二腦袋」失衡所產生出來的問題。故此,任何沒有針對改善「第二腦袋」狀態而對這些毛病作出的治療方案,大部份都是欠缺成效的。
The document lists seven things not to do after a meal for better digestion. These include smoking, eating fruits, drinking tea, loosening one's belt, bathing, walking, and sleeping immediately after a meal. Smoking after a meal is said to be equivalent to smoking ten cigarettes in terms of cancer risk. Drinking tea contains acids that can harden proteins and make digestion difficult. Bathing, walking, and sleeping right after eating can decrease blood flow to the stomach and weaken digestion.
The document lists locations of red light cameras in several Southern California cities and provides a warning about the penalties for running red lights. It notes that right turns without a complete stop at red lights will result in $480 fines due to cameras. The list includes intersections in San Gabriel Valley, Hacienda Heights, Cerritos, and Orange County that have red light cameras installed. It emphasizes the importance of coming to a full stop at stop signs and red lights to avoid tickets and accidents.
This document contains advice from the Dalai Lama for 2005, instructions for life, and a message about sharing a mantra to improve one's life. It encourages sharing knowledge with others, being gentle with the earth, and judging success by what one had to give up to achieve it. It also says that passing the message to more people will result in greater improvements to one's life, including surprises.