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heather declemente
Heather D Portfolio
        2003      For a Better Brookhaven

             For a Better Brookhaven

        For a Better Brookhaven

           For a Better Brookhaven

            For a Better Brookhaven
1301 Ad Zarb WSJ         3/31/05       4:44 PM        Page 1

Ad_Crains_Graduate       4/4/05    10:54 AM      Page 1

                                                                                                                       When we reinvented our M.B.A.
                                                                                                                         program, we turned to some
                                                                                                                      experienced innovators: our faculty.
  We have the right graduate program for you.                                                                              A   t Hofstra Universitys Frank G. Zarb School of Business, our professors teach
                                                                                                                                  innovation every day. They helped us create one of the most advanced
                                                                                                                           Master of Business Administration programs.

  A   t Hofstra University, our programs are designed
         to meet the needs of graduate students.
  Full-time professors teach graduate courses in small
                                                                Weve invested millions of dollars in advanced
                                                              computer facilities that allow students to study and
                                                              do research whenever and wherever they want. In
                                                                                                                              Hofstras new M.B.A. is an intensified program of 41 to48 credits that focuses
                                                                                                                           on decision making, teamwork, technology and management in a vibrant,
                                                                                                                                                    interactive and diverse environment. Theres also an
                                                                                                                           ZARB SCHOOL Executive M.B.A. Students connect to the Internet,
  classes. Students have easy access to senior faculty to fact, Hofstra ranked 14th in the 2004 Princeton Review           INFORMATION sophisticated business software, and library resources
  conduct research, find a mentor, and chart a career.        for Most Connected Campuses in the United States.                 SESSION
     Hofstra knows that graduate specialization                  And our location, 25 miles from Manhattan,                                         through classroom workstations and remote access.
                                                                                                                            TUES., APRIL 19            No wonder the Zarb School is the only business school
  requires a full range of offerings. Thats why we have      affords students a suburban setting within an easy                   6-8 PM
  more than 130 masters, doctoral and advanced               commute to the resources of New York City. For                                        on Long Island with dual accreditation in accounting and
                                                                                                                            Hofstra University Club business administration by AACSB International.
  certificate programs in business, education, the            more information, or to arrange a campus tour,                 David S. Mack Hall
                                                                                                                                                       To take the first step to an M.B.A., attend an Information
  liberal arts and sciences, law                                                     call 1-866-GRADHOF or visit
  and communications.              H                  U
                                         OFSTRA NIVERSITY www.hofstra.edu
                                               Hempstead, New York 11549
                                                                                                                           Session on March 15, from 6 to 8 PM. Your business career will take place in the
                                                                                                                           21st century. Invest in an M.B.A. program designed around that fact.
                                                                                                                              For information, call 516-463-5683 or visit www.hofstra.edu/MBA.
                                                                                                                           RSVP at humba@hofstra.edu.

                                                                                                                                    HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY
                                                                                                                                             Hempstead, New York 11549  www.hofstra.edu
inhouse design awards
Heather D Portfolio
MovingBoxPostcard   4/21/04   9:33 PM   Page 1
Heather D Portfolio
Heather D Portfolio

                             Front of shirt

           Front of shirt   Back of shirt - artwork should wrap
                            around to back of shirt
booth graphics
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               thank you


    S H A N E
   Shane Daniel DeClemente
        10.06.08  3:29 P.M.  7 POUNDS  19 INCHES
     Happy Holidays The DeClemente Family

                                                                                                                                                  bridal shower honoring                         bridal shower honoring

                                                                                                                                                  Priscilla Plescia                              Priscilla Plescia
                           Mfd. exclusively by Heather DeClemente                     QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS ABOUT THIS PARTY, CALL 516.652.0966
                                                                                                                                                  sunday, september 28, 2008                     sunday, september 28, 2008
                                                                                                                                                  twelve  four                                  twelve  four

                                                                                                                                                  v.f.w. hall                                    v.f.w. hall
                                                                                                                                                  320 south broadway                             320 south broadway
                                                                                                                                                  hicksville, ny 11801                           hicksville, ny 11801

                                                                                                                                                  hosted by                                      hosted by
                                                                                                                                                  mothers & bridal party                         mothers & bridal party

                                                                                                                                                  rsvp by september 10                           rsvp by september 10
                                                                                                                                                  Colette 516.578.7843                           Colette 516.578.7843
                                                                                                                                                  Heather 631.539.8344                           Heather 631.539.8344

                             Shane Daniel                     Baptism             May 17, 2009                                                    there will be a                                there will be a
                             Facts                            Proud Parents
                                                                                Steve & Heather
                                                                                  Aunt Christine
                                                                                                                                                  wishing well                                   wishing well
                             Loves to spend time with
                             family and friends, going on
                                                              Godfather              Uncle Todd
                             Facebook, acting silly, eating   Church        Our Lady of Lourdes                                                                     bride is registered at                         bride is registered at
                             and sleeping.                    Location             West Islip, NY                                                              bed bath and beyond & fortunoff                bed bath and beyond & fortunoff
                           Ingredients: Snips, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails        Thank you sooo much for being part of my special day!!!!!

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Heather D Portfolio

  • 1. heather declemente hdeclemente@yahoo.com http://www.linkedin.com/in/heatherdeclemente
  • 4. logos 2003 For a Better Brookhaven For a Better Brookhaven For a Better Brookhaven For a Better Brookhaven For a Better Brookhaven
  • 5. ads
  • 6. 1301 Ad Zarb WSJ 3/31/05 4:44 PM Page 1 Ad_Crains_Graduate 4/4/05 10:54 AM Page 1 When we reinvented our M.B.A. program, we turned to some experienced innovators: our faculty. We have the right graduate program for you. A t Hofstra Universitys Frank G. Zarb School of Business, our professors teach innovation every day. They helped us create one of the most advanced Master of Business Administration programs. A t Hofstra University, our programs are designed to meet the needs of graduate students. Full-time professors teach graduate courses in small Weve invested millions of dollars in advanced computer facilities that allow students to study and do research whenever and wherever they want. In Hofstras new M.B.A. is an intensified program of 41 to48 credits that focuses on decision making, teamwork, technology and management in a vibrant, interactive and diverse environment. Theres also an ZARB SCHOOL Executive M.B.A. Students connect to the Internet, classes. Students have easy access to senior faculty to fact, Hofstra ranked 14th in the 2004 Princeton Review INFORMATION sophisticated business software, and library resources conduct research, find a mentor, and chart a career. for Most Connected Campuses in the United States. SESSION Hofstra knows that graduate specialization And our location, 25 miles from Manhattan, through classroom workstations and remote access. TUES., APRIL 19 No wonder the Zarb School is the only business school requires a full range of offerings. Thats why we have affords students a suburban setting within an easy 6-8 PM more than 130 masters, doctoral and advanced commute to the resources of New York City. For on Long Island with dual accreditation in accounting and Hofstra University Club business administration by AACSB International. certificate programs in business, education, the more information, or to arrange a campus tour, David S. Mack Hall To take the first step to an M.B.A., attend an Information liberal arts and sciences, law call 1-866-GRADHOF or visit and communications. H U OFSTRA NIVERSITY www.hofstra.edu Hempstead, New York 11549 Session on March 15, from 6 to 8 PM. Your business career will take place in the 21st century. Invest in an M.B.A. program designed around that fact. For information, call 516-463-5683 or visit www.hofstra.edu/MBA. RSVP at humba@hofstra.edu. HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY Hempstead, New York 11549 www.hofstra.edu
  • 10. MovingBoxPostcard 4/21/04 9:33 PM Page 1
  • 13. t-shirts Front of shirt Front of shirt Back of shirt - artwork should wrap around to back of shirt
  • 15. stationery Baby's thank you A LOVELY REASON FOR THE SEASON. . . S H A N E Shane Daniel DeClemente 10.06.08 3:29 P.M. 7 POUNDS 19 INCHES Happy Holidays The DeClemente Family bridal shower honoring bridal shower honoring Priscilla Plescia Priscilla Plescia Mfd. exclusively by Heather DeClemente QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS ABOUT THIS PARTY, CALL 516.652.0966 sunday, september 28, 2008 sunday, september 28, 2008 twelve four twelve four v.f.w. hall v.f.w. hall 320 south broadway 320 south broadway hicksville, ny 11801 hicksville, ny 11801 hosted by hosted by mothers & bridal party mothers & bridal party rsvp by september 10 rsvp by september 10 Colette 516.578.7843 Colette 516.578.7843 Heather 631.539.8344 Heather 631.539.8344 Shane Daniel Baptism May 17, 2009 there will be a there will be a Facts Proud Parents Godmother Steve & Heather Aunt Christine wishing well wishing well Loves to spend time with family and friends, going on Godfather Uncle Todd Facebook, acting silly, eating Church Our Lady of Lourdes bride is registered at bride is registered at and sleeping. Location West Islip, NY bed bath and beyond & fortunoff bed bath and beyond & fortunoff Ingredients: Snips, Snails and Puppy Dog Tails Thank you sooo much for being part of my special day!!!!!