El documento describe el Romanticismo y Realismo en el siglo XIX. El Romanticismo surgi坦 como una expresi坦n de libertad despu辿s de Napole坦n y enfatiz坦 la subjetividad y sentimientos sobre la objetividad. El Realismo se desarroll坦 luego y se centr坦 en temas cotidianos en lugar de sobrenaturales. Artistas clave incluyen a G辿ricault, Delacroix, Courbet y Millet. La Escuela de Barbizon tambi辿n se form坦 para alejarse de Par鱈s e inspirarse en la naturaleza.
Chapter 27 - Contemporary Art and GlobalizationPetrutaLipan
This document provides information on several contemporary artists from around the world and how their work relates to themes of globalization and cultural identity. It discusses artists such as Jimmie Durham, Shirin Neshat, Shahzia Sikander, Mariko Mori, Takashi Murakami, El Anatsui, and others, summarizing their backgrounds, artistic practices, and how they address issues of identity and culture in a globalized world through various mediums. The document also mentions photographers Candida H旦fer and Thomas Struth who have captured cultural institutions and museums, as well as the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao designed by Frank Gehry.
Chuck Close is an American artist known for his photorealistic portraits and self-portraits. He received his MFA from Yale University in 1964. In 1988, he was paralyzed from the neck down due to a spinal artery collapse, but continued his art practice. Close is known for pioneering a style using grids of different colored squares to abstractly represent faces and figures. Throughout his career he has experimented with different media and techniques to push his artistic boundaries.
El documento resume los principales movimientos arquitect坦nicos y art鱈sticos del siglo XX. En arquitectura, destaca el racionalismo de Le Corbusier, que buscaba adaptar las t辿cnicas modernas a las necesidades funcionales, y el organicismo de Frank Lloyd Wright, que defend鱈a la armon鱈a con el paisaje. En escultura, surgen formas innovadoras como el hueco y el movimiento mec叩nico. En pintura, se sucedieron varias vanguardias como el fauvismo, el expresionismo, el cubismo, el dada鱈
Cubism emerged in France in the early 1900s led by Picasso and Braque who were influenced by Cezanne's geometric breakdown of forms. They depicted objects from multiple perspectives simultaneously on canvas. This analytical cubism gave way to synthetic cubism where collage elements were incorporated. Other notable cubists included Gris, Delaunay, Leger, and Duchamp. While revolutionary, cubism was highly controversial as it broke conventions and its abstract forms were difficult for audiences to understand. Over time it had a massive influence on modern art.
Chuck Close is an American artist known for his photorealistic paintings and portraits. He was born in 1940 in Washington and showed an early talent for art. At age 14, he was inspired by seeing Jackson Pollock's paintings. Close studied art in college and developed a style using photo-transfers on large canvases. Though paralyzed from the waist down since 1988, he continues to paint using a brush strapped to his hand. Close is considered one of America's leading contemporary artists.
El Cubismo fue un movimiento art鱈stico franc辿s desarrollado entre 1907 y 1914 fundado por Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque y Juan Gris. Representaba la naturaleza utilizando formas geom辿tricas b叩sicas como cubos, cilindros y conos en lugar de la perspectiva tradicional. Pas坦 por etapas como el Cubismo Anal鱈tico, que usaba colores no realistas, y el Cubismo Sint辿tico, que incorporaba materiales como peri坦dicos.
Expressionism was a modernist movement originating in Germany in the early 1900s that focused on depicting subjective emotions and shapes rather than objective reality through distorted use of color and form. Expressionist artists aimed to express inner experiences rather than depict external reality, taking the word from the German "expressionismus" which refers to self-expression or expression of inner experiences. Some famous expressionist artists include Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, and Emil Nolde.
Paul Gauguin was a French post-Impressionist painter born in 1848 in Paris. He initially worked as a stockbroker but took up painting in his spare time, becoming influenced by Impressionism. In the 1880s, Gauguin abandoned naturalistic depictions and developed a new symbolic style using thick contours and flat areas of color. He traveled to Tahiti in 1891 and remained there until 1893, painting depictions of the local people and landscape. Gauguin continued developing his unique symbolic style and use of bold color in subsequent paintings before his death in Tahiti in 1903.
Maurits Cornelius Escher was a Dutch graphic artist born in 1898 in the Netherlands. He attended art school where he learned printmaking techniques and developed his style of optical illusions. After finishing school, Escher traveled extensively in Italy which inspired his artwork. In the late 1950s and 1960s, Escher gained recognition for prints like Ascending and Descending and Knots. He spent his later years in an artist retirement home in the Netherlands until his death in 1972 at age 73.
Houses at lestaque by Georges Braque (Cubism)Chloe Munro
This painting by Georges Braque depicts houses in the village of L'Estaque. It is one of the earliest Cubist works, simplifying forms into geometric blocks without traditional perspective or distinction between foreground and background. Braque eliminates details and reduces foliage to reveal the geometric structure of the houses. The limited color palette and composition of intersecting lines and planes helped establish Braque's signature Analytical Cubism style.
La Bauhaus fue una escuela de arte y dise単o alemana fundada en 1919 que uni坦 diversas corrientes vanguardistas dedicadas a la tipograf鱈a, publicidad, productos, pintura y arquitectura. Sus miembros emigraron a Estados Unidos en los a単os 30 llevando su influencia. La Escuela de Ulm, fundada en 1953, se dedic坦 al dise単o industrial y a integrar el dise単o en el proceso de industrializaci坦n. En Suiza, escuelas como las de Basilea y Z炭rich formaron dise単adores gr叩ficos en un ambiente propicio para
El cubismo fue un movimiento art鱈stico a principios del siglo XX que rompi坦 con la est辿tica cl叩sica y la concepci坦n del Renacimiento de la belleza. Introdujo un nuevo lenguaje pict坦rico y est辿tico que implicaba una nueva relaci坦n entre el espectador y la obra de arte. Se distinguen tres etapas del cubismo: cezaniano, anal鱈tico y sint辿tico.
1. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti founded Futurism in Italy in 1909 as both a social and artistic movement that celebrated speed, technology, youth and violence in the modern industrial world.
2. Futurism glorified World War I as an "aesthetic spectacle" and admired the modern aspects of speed, machinery and urban life over all things in the past.
3. The movement spread internationally and influenced various art forms through manifestos, with Futurist paintings, sculptures and architecture embracing and depicting the dynamic new technological age through techniques like those exploring motion and movement.
El documento resume el movimiento art鱈stico del cubismo, incluyendo sus or鱈genes en el postimpresionismo, su desarrollo en tres etapas por Picasso y Braque, y sus caracter鱈sticas como la descomposici坦n de formas, perspectiva m炭ltiple y 辿nfasis en las formas geom辿tricas. Tambi辿n analiza obras clave como Las se単oritas de Avignon y el uso pionero del collage.
El impresionismo surgi坦 a finales del siglo XIX como resultado de cambios sociales y el desarrollo de la fotograf鱈a. Pintores como Monet, Renoir y Degas comenzaron a pintar al aire libre, enfoc叩ndose en capturar las impresiones visuales y los efectos de la luz mediante pinceladas sueltas. Sus obras emblem叩ticas como Impresi坦n, sol naciente de Monet y El almuerzo de los remeros de Renoir redefinieron la pintura moderna al priorizar la percepci坦n visual sobre el
Edward Hopper (1882-1967) was an American realist painter born in Nyack, New York. He studied commercial illustration and painting in New York. Hopper spent time studying in Paris but always returned to New York City, where he found inspiration in everyday urban and rural scenes. Hopper's paintings depicted solitary or anonymous figures in mundane settings, conveying a sense of alienation. He gained success in the 1920s and was able to devote himself fully to painting. Hopper is now regarded as an important American realist who captured the loneliness and boredom of modern life.
Henri Matisse was a famous French artist born in 1869 who worked in painting, drawing, sculpture, and book illustration. Some of his most notable periods included Fauvism in the early 1900s where he used bold colors and brushwork, and his time in Nice from 1917-1930 where he focused on the female figure. Later in life after an operation, Matisse created collages by cutting out shapes from painted paper which he moved around until satisfying compositions emerged. He is now recognized as one of the foremost modern artists alongside Picasso.
Chuck Close is an American artist known for his photorealistic paintings and portraits. He was born in 1940 in Washington and showed an early talent for art. At age 14, he was inspired by seeing Jackson Pollock's paintings. Close studied art in college and developed a style using photo-transfers on large canvases. Though paralyzed from the waist down since 1988, he continues to paint using a brush strapped to his hand. Close is considered one of America's leading contemporary artists.
El Cubismo fue un movimiento art鱈stico franc辿s desarrollado entre 1907 y 1914 fundado por Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque y Juan Gris. Representaba la naturaleza utilizando formas geom辿tricas b叩sicas como cubos, cilindros y conos en lugar de la perspectiva tradicional. Pas坦 por etapas como el Cubismo Anal鱈tico, que usaba colores no realistas, y el Cubismo Sint辿tico, que incorporaba materiales como peri坦dicos.
Expressionism was a modernist movement originating in Germany in the early 1900s that focused on depicting subjective emotions and shapes rather than objective reality through distorted use of color and form. Expressionist artists aimed to express inner experiences rather than depict external reality, taking the word from the German "expressionismus" which refers to self-expression or expression of inner experiences. Some famous expressionist artists include Wassily Kandinsky, Franz Marc, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, and Emil Nolde.
Paul Gauguin was a French post-Impressionist painter born in 1848 in Paris. He initially worked as a stockbroker but took up painting in his spare time, becoming influenced by Impressionism. In the 1880s, Gauguin abandoned naturalistic depictions and developed a new symbolic style using thick contours and flat areas of color. He traveled to Tahiti in 1891 and remained there until 1893, painting depictions of the local people and landscape. Gauguin continued developing his unique symbolic style and use of bold color in subsequent paintings before his death in Tahiti in 1903.
Maurits Cornelius Escher was a Dutch graphic artist born in 1898 in the Netherlands. He attended art school where he learned printmaking techniques and developed his style of optical illusions. After finishing school, Escher traveled extensively in Italy which inspired his artwork. In the late 1950s and 1960s, Escher gained recognition for prints like Ascending and Descending and Knots. He spent his later years in an artist retirement home in the Netherlands until his death in 1972 at age 73.
Houses at lestaque by Georges Braque (Cubism)Chloe Munro
This painting by Georges Braque depicts houses in the village of L'Estaque. It is one of the earliest Cubist works, simplifying forms into geometric blocks without traditional perspective or distinction between foreground and background. Braque eliminates details and reduces foliage to reveal the geometric structure of the houses. The limited color palette and composition of intersecting lines and planes helped establish Braque's signature Analytical Cubism style.
La Bauhaus fue una escuela de arte y dise単o alemana fundada en 1919 que uni坦 diversas corrientes vanguardistas dedicadas a la tipograf鱈a, publicidad, productos, pintura y arquitectura. Sus miembros emigraron a Estados Unidos en los a単os 30 llevando su influencia. La Escuela de Ulm, fundada en 1953, se dedic坦 al dise単o industrial y a integrar el dise単o en el proceso de industrializaci坦n. En Suiza, escuelas como las de Basilea y Z炭rich formaron dise単adores gr叩ficos en un ambiente propicio para
El cubismo fue un movimiento art鱈stico a principios del siglo XX que rompi坦 con la est辿tica cl叩sica y la concepci坦n del Renacimiento de la belleza. Introdujo un nuevo lenguaje pict坦rico y est辿tico que implicaba una nueva relaci坦n entre el espectador y la obra de arte. Se distinguen tres etapas del cubismo: cezaniano, anal鱈tico y sint辿tico.
1. Filippo Tommaso Marinetti founded Futurism in Italy in 1909 as both a social and artistic movement that celebrated speed, technology, youth and violence in the modern industrial world.
2. Futurism glorified World War I as an "aesthetic spectacle" and admired the modern aspects of speed, machinery and urban life over all things in the past.
3. The movement spread internationally and influenced various art forms through manifestos, with Futurist paintings, sculptures and architecture embracing and depicting the dynamic new technological age through techniques like those exploring motion and movement.
El documento resume el movimiento art鱈stico del cubismo, incluyendo sus or鱈genes en el postimpresionismo, su desarrollo en tres etapas por Picasso y Braque, y sus caracter鱈sticas como la descomposici坦n de formas, perspectiva m炭ltiple y 辿nfasis en las formas geom辿tricas. Tambi辿n analiza obras clave como Las se単oritas de Avignon y el uso pionero del collage.
El impresionismo surgi坦 a finales del siglo XIX como resultado de cambios sociales y el desarrollo de la fotograf鱈a. Pintores como Monet, Renoir y Degas comenzaron a pintar al aire libre, enfoc叩ndose en capturar las impresiones visuales y los efectos de la luz mediante pinceladas sueltas. Sus obras emblem叩ticas como Impresi坦n, sol naciente de Monet y El almuerzo de los remeros de Renoir redefinieron la pintura moderna al priorizar la percepci坦n visual sobre el
Edward Hopper (1882-1967) was an American realist painter born in Nyack, New York. He studied commercial illustration and painting in New York. Hopper spent time studying in Paris but always returned to New York City, where he found inspiration in everyday urban and rural scenes. Hopper's paintings depicted solitary or anonymous figures in mundane settings, conveying a sense of alienation. He gained success in the 1920s and was able to devote himself fully to painting. Hopper is now regarded as an important American realist who captured the loneliness and boredom of modern life.
Henri Matisse was a famous French artist born in 1869 who worked in painting, drawing, sculpture, and book illustration. Some of his most notable periods included Fauvism in the early 1900s where he used bold colors and brushwork, and his time in Nice from 1917-1930 where he focused on the female figure. Later in life after an operation, Matisse created collages by cutting out shapes from painted paper which he moved around until satisfying compositions emerged. He is now recognized as one of the foremost modern artists alongside Picasso.
Henri Matisse nasceu na Fran巽a em 1869 e estudou Direito antes de se dedicar arte. Ele foi influenciado por Paul C辿zanne e tornou-se um dos fundadores da arte moderna, experimentando diferentes estilos como o Impressionismo e a Arte Abstrata. Matisse liderou o movimento Fauvismo no in鱈cio do s辿culo 20, caracterizado pelo uso da cor como fator principal. Suas obras mais famosas incluem Luxo, Calma e Vol炭pia e A Janela Aberta.
Franz Marc was born in 1880 in Munich, Germany to a landscape painter father. He originally studied theology but later switched to art, being influenced by Impressionism after trips to Paris. Marc was inspired by nature and animals, seeing them as spiritual. His most famous work was Large Lenggries Horse Painting 1 from 1908. During World War 1, Marc volunteered for the German military and was killed in France in 1916. A museum dedicated to Marc's work now stands in the house he once lived in.
This document provides information about various artists and artworks. It includes brief sections on Bridget Riley, Andy Warhol, Edward Hopper, Raphael's School of Athens, Vincent Van Gogh's Cafe Terrace at Night, Jacques-Louis David's Death of Socrates. It also defines and discusses techniques like high key, low key, low contrast, high contrast, and chiaroscuro. Specific artworks mentioned include Georgia O'Keefe's Sunspots, works by Edger Degas, Jan Vermeer's The Music Lesson, and Salvador Dali's Metamorphosis Of Narcissus. The document serves as an overview of different artists and techniques.
Edward Hopper was an American realist painter and printmaker. He is known for his oil paintings of mundane intermediate American scenes. Some of his most famous paintings include Nighthawks, Early Sunday Morning, House by the Railroad, and Room in Brooklyn. Hopper believed in the power of imagination to create something new out of everyday things. He sought to capture sunlight illuminating the side of a house in his paintings.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre el pintor estadounidense Edward Hopper, incluyendo los t鱈tulos y a単os de algunas de sus obras m叩s conocidas como Chop Suey (1929), Habitaci坦n en Nueva York (1932) y Habitaci坦n en Brooklyn (1961). Tambi辿n incluye enlaces para ver m叩s obras de Hopper en l鱈nea.
Henri Matisse foi um importante pintor franc棚s do s辿culo XX. Ele nasceu em 1869 na Fran巽a e inicialmente pintou em estilos tradicionais, mas acabou se tornando um dos l鱈deres do fauvismo, conhecido por suas cores vibrantes. Algumas de suas obras mais famosas incluem Harmonia em Vermelho, A Janela e Mulher com Chap辿u. Matisse continuou experimentando com novos estilos ao longo de sua carreira, que durou at辿 sua morte em 1954.
The course of the American painter Edward Hopper, since Nyack up to its studio of Washington Square, by way of Cape Code. A non-exhaustive slide show, of course, but representative of this original, solitary and solar career.
This slide show was created on the occasion of the big retrospective of its work in Paris (Grand Palais) in winter 2012-2013.
This document provides information about an art lesson on Spanish painter Joan Mir坦 for 3rd cycle primary students. The objectives are to learn about Mir坦's life and technique, color and shape vocabulary, and improve painting skills. The lesson will use primary colors, shapes, textures and focus on fine motor coordination. Students will create their own interpretations of Mir坦's works using brushes, paint, plastic plates and glasses. The document also provides background on Mir坦's surrealist style and use of symbols, colors and invented shapes in works like "Carnival of Harlequin" and examples of the students' artwork.
1) O documento descreve a vida e obra do pintor franc棚s Henri Matisse, conhecido por seu uso expressivo da cor.
2) Matisse desenvolveu um estilo vers叩til que incluiu trabalhos geom辿tricos e decorativos, influenciado por viagens a outros pa鱈ses.
3) Ele foi um dos principais artistas do movimento fauvista, caracterizado por cores fortes e formas simplificadas, tratando a cor como elemento independente da realidade.
Joan Mir坦 fue un pintor espa単ol surrealista. En su obra utilizaba formas desproporcionadas e im叩genes on鱈ricas para expresar ideas sobre la condici坦n humana. Tambi辿n cre坦 varias pinturas inspiradas en obras maestras holandesas del siglo XVII, a las que transformaba aplicando su estilo surrealista caracterizado por colores puros y formas distorsionadas. Mir坦 cre鱈a que el arte deb鱈a servir a los hombres comunicando algo entre el silencio de los dem叩s.
Joan Mir坦 was a Spanish painter born in 1893 who is known for his surrealist style of art. He was originally expected to pursue a career in business but became interested in art. His early works were influenced by Fauvism and Cubism and featured bright colors and flat forms. After moving to Paris in 1920, Mir坦's style evolved and he began experimenting with surrealist automatism and incorporating dreamlike elements. Later in his career, he worked in other mediums like ceramics, tapestries, and sculpture.
Edward Hopper was an American realist painter born in 1882. He studied art in New York and Paris and is known for his paintings of mundane scenes depicting solitude and urban alienation. Some of his most famous works include Nighthawks, Automat, and Morning Sun. Hopper often portrayed solitary figures, usually women, in interior scenes with stark lighting coming through windows. His paintings conveyed a sense of psychological unease and examined themes of voyeurism and isolation in modern American life. Hopper was influential on filmmakers like Hitchcock and Scott and continued painting up until his death in 1967.
Fauvism: The Artwork of Matisse and DerainFrank Curkovic
Fauvism was an early 20th century avant-garde art movement characterized by bold, bright, and pure colors and a simplified use of forms. Key Fauvist artists included Henri Matisse and Andre Derain, who believed color should be used expressively rather than descriptively to depict feelings evoked by subjects. Their paintings from 1905-1908 featured simplified drawings and exaggerated use of color that influenced later German Expressionism.
After being diagnosed with cancer in 1941, Henri Matisse began creating cut-paper designs with the help of assistants. His assistants would paint sheets of paper which Matisse would then cut out colored shapes and pieces from and arrange on the papers. This new cut-paper technique allowed Matisse, who used a wheelchair at this point, to continue being artistically creative. He produced over 300 of these cut-paper designs in the final years of his life.
This document provides an overview of Les Fauves, a early 20th century art movement known for its bold use of pure color and painterly techniques. It discusses the social/historical context of 1900s Europe and introduces some of the key Fauvist artists like Matisse, Derain, and Vlaminck. Their goal was to express emotion through color alone, breaking from academic traditions. The document also examines influences on the Fauves like Van Gogh, Gauguin, and Cezanne and how the movement served as a transition between Impressionism and Expressionism.
Henri Emile Benoit Matisse naci坦 en Le Cateau-Cambr辿sis, en el norte de Francia, el 31 de diciembre de 1869.
Ha pasado a los manuales de arte como figura fundamental del fauvismo. Desde la influencia del postimpresionismo, dio un gran salto en 1905, cuando viaj坦 con Derain a Collioure, donde pintaron obras de explosi坦n colorista que en el Sal坦n de Oto単o de ese a単o fueron motivo de esc叩ndalo. La discordancia crom叩tica y el barbarismo, que asimila de la escultura africana, son caracter鱈sticas de esos a単os.
Siamo due alunni della scuola secondaria di primo grado e grazie alla nostra professoressa di arte siamo riusciti a realizzare un presentazione riguardante Picasso.
Fauvism was an early 20th century avant-garde art movement known for its use of bright, arbitrary colors and expressive brushwork. Key figures included Henri Matisse and Andre Derain. Their works were first exhibited together in 1905 and were criticized for their wild, unnatural colors, leading to the name "Fauves" meaning wild beasts. Matisse's painting Woman with a Hat was particularly attacked but also purchased by Gertrude and Leo Stein, boosting Matisse's confidence. Both Matisse and Derain were inspired by color and reimagining the visual world through color.
Power Point esaustivo esplicativo delle tendenze generali postimpressioniste con approfondimento sui maggiori artisti esponenti di questa corrente: C辿zanne, Gauguin, Seurat, Van Gogh e Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
2. Nato il 31 dicembre del 1869 nella Francia del Nord, cominci嘆 a dipingere
a 20 anni nel 1889 durante la convalescenza di un attacco di appendicite,
scoprendo 束una specie di paradiso損 (come disse in seguito).
3. Inizialmente dipinse nature morte e paesaggi, secondo la tradizione
fiamminga. Nel 1896 espose 5 dipinti al salone della Soci辿t辿 Nationale
des Beaux-Arts e lo stato francese ne acquist嘆 due. Nel 1897 e 1898
visit嘆 il pittore John Peter Russell. Russell lo introdusse
all'Impressionismo e ai lavori di Van Gogh. Lo stile di Matisse cambi嘆
Natura morta Paesaggio a Collioure
Matisse nel suo laboratorio
Esso usava partire dalla
raffigurazione della realt,
trasformandola poi in forme
semplificate e appiattite
attraverso l'accostamento di
colori primari e secondari
puri, accesi, luminosi, privi
ormai di riferimento alla
descrizione naturale; il suo
stile tocc嘆 persino le soglie
Influenzato dai lavori dei post-impressionisti Paul C辿zanne, Gauguin, Van Gogh e Paul
Signac, ma anche dall'arte giapponese, fece del colore l'elemento cruciale dei suoi
dipinti. Molti dei suoi quadri realizzati tra il 1899 e il 1905 fanno uso del Pointillisme.
Fece molti viaggi in oriente siccome molto interessato dallarte giapponese.
Una delle sue opere pi湛 conosciute 竪 束LA STANZA ROSSA損
Lopera 竪 resa con larghe e piatte
campiture di colore. A fatica si distinguono
i piani orizzontali, da quelli verticali; la
donna sembra ritagliata nella carta da
collage e anche la finestra senza spessore,
appare come un quadro nel quadro.
La sua serie di Nudi Blu rappresenta il principale esempio della tecnica
denominata "dipingere con le forbici"; erano composizioni figurative a
collage, a uno o pi湛 colori, per i quali usava cartoncini leggeri, sia per lo
sfondo sia per il disegno. Tracciava prima a matita l'intero disegno sul foglio
e poi preparava le figure colorate da incollare.
Proprio in un monastero Matisse, ormai ammalato e ridotto sulla sedia
a rotelle, ospite delle suore domenicane del monastero de Vence
(Francia), accett嘆 di progettare e realizzare la Cappella di Vence, che
egli abbell狸 con pitture subito diventate famose e molto visitate.
Matisse mor狸 per un attacco cardiaco nel 1954, all'et di 84 anni.
sepolto nel cimitero del Monastero di Cimiez a Nizza.