Merlin is a British fantasy television program consisting of 4 seasons and 52 episodes about the Arthurian legends of the wizard Merlin and his relationship with Prince Arthur. The main cast includes Colin Morgan as Merlin, Bradley James as Arthur, Katie McGrath as Morgana, and Richard Wilson as Gaius. Each season contains 13 episodes between 47 to 52 minutes in length. The program uses magical language and is set in medieval times to bring the Arthurian legends to life for a family audience.
Este documento resume los principales aspectos legales del marketing online, incluyendo la necesidad de cumplir con la ley de protecci坦n de datos, propiedad intelectual, ley de servicios de la sociedad de la informaci坦n, y proteger los derechos de los consumidores. Tambi辿n cubre temas como la creaci坦n de p叩ginas web y perfiles sociales, el contenido, marcas registradas, publicidad y redes sociales. En general, enfatiza la importancia de asesoramiento legal para operar de manera legal y 辿tica en el espacio online.
This document discusses strategies for managing workplace violence. It defines workplace violence and notes that workers in jobs involving money or transporting people/goods are most vulnerable. It recommends employers establish a zero-tolerance policy and violence prevention program. Employers should encourage reporting incidents and support victims, while employees should learn to recognize and avoid dangerous situations. The document also covers verbal threats, physical threats, and ways for employers and employees to prevent and deal with workplace violence.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns including El Paso, which is the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. Legends from La Palma include the story of El alma de Tacande, the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was heard singing to her baby in her haunted house until a priest communicated with her spirit.
The document outlines a marketing campaign for the historical drama film "The King's Speech" which was facing a competitive release environment. The brief called for a campaign that would unite the British nation behind the film and position it as a "British institution". The campaign targeted both older and younger cinema-going audiences using inspirational imagery in posters, newspapers, and on public transport. The results of the campaign were very successful, with the film grossing over 贈3.5 million in its opening weekend and becoming the most successful independent British film of all time.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns, with El Paso being the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. The document then provides a famous local legend about the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and used to sing to her baby in her haunted house until a priest was able to release her spirit.
Ohjeita ja onnistuneita opetuskokemuksia tiedonhankinnan opetuksesta Tampereen lukioissa. Tieto haltuun -hankeessa tuotettu opas on syntynyt informaatikon ja viestinn辰nopettajan yhteisty旦n辰.
En aquesta xerrada tractarem els canvis que han sofert les comunicacions dels ciutadans i empreses, entre elles i amb l卒Administraci坦. S卒estudiar la contractaci坦 electr嘆nica, la firma digital, la factura electr嘆nica, DNI electr嘆nic, etz.
The document summarizes a marketing campaign by Walkers crisps to regain public interest and increase sales. The campaign's concept was to engage the public's competitive spirit by allowing them to create new flavors. It targeted creative people interested in crisps and was advertised on TV, radio, websites, and through celebrity endorsements like soccer player Gary Lineker. While a similar campaign by Ben & Jerry's engaged customers in flavor creation, Walkers' main competitor McCoy's aimed their ads at an older audience. The extensive multi-channel campaign was economically expensive but successful in recapturing audiences' attention.
The document discusses 3 phases of animation and techniques for transitions between poses or keyframes in 3D animation. The 3 phases are the primary, secondary, and final phases. It covers timing techniques like anticipation, arcs, squash and stretch, and follow through. It also discusses easing keyframe transitions with techniques like ease-in, ease-out, overshoot, and using weighted and non-weighted tangents.
The document summarizes the services provided by Media Swag, including creating a 3-page website on their domain for $50 that can be customized. Artists can purchase their own domain for $100 and link it to the site. The site includes hosting, basic design, and maintenance. Musicians can also sell their music on the site and keep 100% of royalties. Radio slots on Media Swag Radio are also available for $100 for 3 months.
Este documento fornece informa巽探es de contato para Macarani, uma empresa que vende produtos deskolados. Ele lista o nome da empresa, o ano de 2011 e um n炭mero de celular para contato.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns including El Paso, which is the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. Legends from La Palma include the story of El alma de Tacande, the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and was heard singing to her baby in her haunted house until a priest communicated with her spirit.
The document outlines a marketing campaign for the historical drama film "The King's Speech" which was facing a competitive release environment. The brief called for a campaign that would unite the British nation behind the film and position it as a "British institution". The campaign targeted both older and younger cinema-going audiences using inspirational imagery in posters, newspapers, and on public transport. The results of the campaign were very successful, with the film grossing over 贈3.5 million in its opening weekend and becoming the most successful independent British film of all time.
La Palma is one of the Canary Islands off the coast of Spain. It has 14 towns, with El Paso being the largest due to its national park. The climate is warm and the island has many green spaces, mountains, and beaches. It is a popular tourist destination for those seeking relaxation. The document then provides a famous local legend about the ghost of a woman named Ana Gonz叩lez who died in childbirth and used to sing to her baby in her haunted house until a priest was able to release her spirit.
Ohjeita ja onnistuneita opetuskokemuksia tiedonhankinnan opetuksesta Tampereen lukioissa. Tieto haltuun -hankeessa tuotettu opas on syntynyt informaatikon ja viestinn辰nopettajan yhteisty旦n辰.
En aquesta xerrada tractarem els canvis que han sofert les comunicacions dels ciutadans i empreses, entre elles i amb l卒Administraci坦. S卒estudiar la contractaci坦 electr嘆nica, la firma digital, la factura electr嘆nica, DNI electr嘆nic, etz.
The document summarizes a marketing campaign by Walkers crisps to regain public interest and increase sales. The campaign's concept was to engage the public's competitive spirit by allowing them to create new flavors. It targeted creative people interested in crisps and was advertised on TV, radio, websites, and through celebrity endorsements like soccer player Gary Lineker. While a similar campaign by Ben & Jerry's engaged customers in flavor creation, Walkers' main competitor McCoy's aimed their ads at an older audience. The extensive multi-channel campaign was economically expensive but successful in recapturing audiences' attention.
The document discusses 3 phases of animation and techniques for transitions between poses or keyframes in 3D animation. The 3 phases are the primary, secondary, and final phases. It covers timing techniques like anticipation, arcs, squash and stretch, and follow through. It also discusses easing keyframe transitions with techniques like ease-in, ease-out, overshoot, and using weighted and non-weighted tangents.
The document summarizes the services provided by Media Swag, including creating a 3-page website on their domain for $50 that can be customized. Artists can purchase their own domain for $100 and link it to the site. The site includes hosting, basic design, and maintenance. Musicians can also sell their music on the site and keep 100% of royalties. Radio slots on Media Swag Radio are also available for $100 for 3 months.
Este documento fornece informa巽探es de contato para Macarani, uma empresa que vende produtos deskolados. Ele lista o nome da empresa, o ano de 2011 e um n炭mero de celular para contato.
F淡r du tar sats
En Karakterreise
Er du klar for 奪 finne ut hva du egentlig vil ha?
Et sterkt 淡nske (a desire). Et m奪l. Det er ikke lett. Man kan lett g奪 igjennom hele livet uten 奪 vite.
Er du forberedt p奪 奪 kjempe for det?
Konflikter og hindringer. Det blir vanskelig. Eksterne og interne utfordringer.
Er du klar til 奪 risikere alt?
En historie trenger spenning (suspence). Usikkerhet. Drama. Det 奪 mislykkes b淡r v脱re et alternativ.
Film VS. Spill
Historier former hvem vi er
Bli helten i ditt eget liv
Gjennom historier er hvordan vi forst奪r verden v奪r.
Om vi forteller oss sj淡lv den feilaktige historien....hva s奪?
Film VS. Spill
St淡rrelsen p奪 spill i dagens verden
Hvordan holde p奪 oppmerksomheten til spilleren i en time eller 50 timer.
En historie kan forsterke forst奪elsen
av hva som kommer til 奪 skje om du
fortsetter spillet?
Film VS. Spill
Hva gj淡r vi. Hva er l淡sningen?
Det reelle er 奪 la en av de andre karakterene
i spillet v脱re helten. Vet ikke bedre - kjenner
kun til spilluniverset.
Illusjonen av 奪 v脱re helten er ikke virkelig n奪r man er fri til 奪 v脱re uv淡ren, men fantasien er deilig.
Film VS. Spill
Hva gir deg 奪 v脱re fri?
Jo, du kan kjempe deg igjennom
spillet ved 奪 pr淡ve ut mange
forskjellige ting.
Film VS. Spill
Om ikke du er helten, hva er du da?
Du blir Antagonisten / Villain.
Og kan v脱re i illusjonen eller bevisst velge
奪 f淡lge in-game helten.