Charles "Kirk" Hoffman is a strategy and business development executive with over 25 years of experience in supply chain management, logistics, and operations leadership. He has a proven track record of securing profitable partnerships and reducing costs. His areas of expertise include strategic planning, new business development, negotiations, and risk management. Hoffman most recently served as the Director of Supply Chain Management at Rowan Companies, where he led global supply chain operations and achieved significant cost reductions.
Paul Richard is an experienced sales, management, and project management professional seeking a new career opportunity. He has over 25 years of experience in the transportation and oil and gas industries, including roles as an Account Manager, Project Manager, Regional Sales Manager, and various operational positions. He is well-connected in the shipping industry and knowledgeable about transportation of goods by sea, land, and air across North America and abroad.
Toll Today Magazine | Dec 2009 - Feb 2010Mick James
NQX Freight System is focused on reducing its environmental impact and carbon footprint through trials of more fuel efficient Euro 5 technology prime movers. It is also committed to sustainable development and meeting customer demand for greener transportation solutions. NQX's specialist linehaul unit carefully plans routes, driver changes and fuel stops to maximize efficiency. Recent examples include reconfiguring Queensland routes after the diesel subsidy removal to minimize costs for customers.
Marquard & Bahls is a leading independent energy supply, trading and logistics company with a presence in 40 countries. It operates across various parts of the energy value chain, including: oil trading, tank storage and logistics, aviation fueling, dry bulk handling, upstream services, renewable energies, carbon trading, fuel analysis, and gas supply. It aims to be the preferred partner in energy solutions through high quality and safe operations, empowering its over 8,500 employees around the world.
Michael Ruebsam has over 20 years of experience in transportation and logistics. He has worked for several aggregate, concrete, and truck manufacturing companies, holding roles involving delivery, customer service, and plant operations. Ruebsam has obtained certificates in supply chain management, operations management, and other fields. He currently works for Aaroc Aggregates delivering aggregates and transporting soils via dump truck.
The A.P. Moller - Maersk Group is a worldwide conglomerate with core focus on shipping and oil & gas. We employ approximately 121,000 people, operate in 130 countries and are headquartered in Copenhagen,Denmark
The world¡¯s largest container shipping company and a customer-focused leader in reliable, eco-effi cient transport. Reliability is a top priority for Maersk Line
MissionWhy we exist
"We contribute to global energy supply by delivering safe and reliable floating production services"
?VisionWhat we want to be
"Best in class"
Three Fundamental Challenges to Differentiate Itself From the Industry:
Complexity (Hard To Do Business)
Environmental Impact
List of consumer/ users/ and buyer
Retail industry
Food industry
Dry cargo
Break bulk cargo
Others cargo
Promotion of the product
Advertisement trough Newspaper.
Soren Skou, CEO Maersk Line:
Concerned Sustainability Approach Not Working With Customers
Concerned It Would Not Allow Differentiation Between Maersk and Competitors
CMA CGM, Hapag-Lloyd had CO2 Calculators To Measure Carbon Footprint Of A Shipments Journey
APL Named Sustainable Shipping Operator from 2010
Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation was formed in 1998 through the merger of Jefferson Smurfit Corporation and Stone Container Corporation. The new company is focused on re-energizing its core businesses of corrugated containers, containerboard, folding cartons, and industrial bags by refinancing, reducing debt, divesting non-core assets, restructuring, leveraging strengths, achieving potential, widening the competitive gap, and building a unified organization. The annual report provides an overview of the new company and its strategy and capabilities across key product lines.
Maersk was established in 1904 in Denmark and has since grown to be a global shipping and logistics company. It operates more than 550 container vessels and has offices in over 130 countries, employing around 120,000 people worldwide. Key milestones in Maersk's history include acquiring P&O Nedlloyd in 2005, which made it the largest container shipping company, and expanding into oil production and terminals. Today, Maersk is engaged in multiple business lines including container shipping, terminals, tankers and offshore drilling.
Mr. Elias Saadeh completed a 3-month internship at Sakr Real Estate working in their Marketing and Human Resources departments. He was punctual, reliable, inquisitive, and hard working throughout his internship. The CEO of Sakr Real Estate recommends Mr. Saadeh and wishes him success in his future endeavors.
No futuro, as empresas ser?o reconhecidas por suas atitudes e n?o apenas por seus produtos. A Verd ¨¦ uma ag¨ºncia de marketing focada no mercado org?nico e sustent¨¢vel. Sua miss?o ¨¦ fornecer solu??es criativas que excedam as expectativas dos clientes de forma honesta e pr¨¢tica.
Jim Potts has over 20 years of experience in intelligence and military training. He has trained over 50 intelligence teams and 200 linguists. As the commander of an intelligence support center, he supervised 14 soldiers and managed up to 135 others, overseeing collection and reporting of intelligence. More recently, he has worked as an intelligence analyst focusing on IED attacks and as a search and rescue technician. He holds a bachelor's degree in English and a master's degree in business administration.
Tem Que Ser Perfeito - Andr¨¦ia AlencarRafael Franco
A m¨²sica critica os crist?os que buscam apenas conquistas materiais e bem-estar, em vez de seguir os ensinamentos de Jesus de negar a si mesmo e carregar a cruz. Ela tamb¨¦m questiona onde foi parar a ora??o ensinada por Jesus sobre perd?o e comunh?o. A m¨²sica usa a met¨¢fora do oleiro moldando o barro, dizendo que Deus precisa amassar e moldar os crist?os para que sejam perfeitos, mesmo que doa, resultando em vit¨®ria.
Uma menina copiou a resposta de uma colega para uma ficha de trabalho. Quando a professora a chamou ao quadro para explicar a resposta, ela admitiu que tinha copiado porque n?o sabia explicar. A professora usaria esta situa??o para ensinar a turma sobre os benef¨ªcios de aprender por si pr¨®prio em vez de copiar.
La c¨¦lula es la unidad b¨¢sica de todo ser vivo. Es el elemento m¨¢s peque?o capaz de llevar a cabo funciones vitales. Las c¨¦lulas pueden ser unicelulares u pluricelulares. Todas las c¨¦lulas comparten caracter¨ªsticas estructurales y funcionales comunes como una membrana, citoplasma y material gen¨¦tico, aunque var¨ªan en su especializaci¨®n. El descubrimiento de la c¨¦lula se produjo entre los siglos XVII y XIX con el desarrollo del microscopio.
La c¨¦lula es la unidad b¨¢sica de todo ser vivo. Es el elemento m¨¢s peque?o capaz de llevar a cabo funciones vitales. Las c¨¦lulas pueden ser unicelulares u pluricelulares. Todas las c¨¦lulas comparten caracter¨ªsticas estructurales y funcionales como membranas, citosol, ADN y enzimas que les permiten funcionar y mantenerse vivas. El descubrimiento de la c¨¦lula se produjo entre los siglos XVII y XIX con el desarrollo del microscopio.
Le Community Management dans le secteur de l'AudiovisuelMagali Letellier
Support de pr¨¦sentation orale sur mon exp¨¦rience de Community Manager au sein de la soci¨¦t¨¦ de production audiovisuelle Degel Prod (2012) :
- Mon parcours professionnel ;
- Degel Prod et son environnement ;
- Les bons usages en 6 points ;
- Conclusion.
1) Um pregador comprou tr¨ºs passarinhos de um menino por 10 d¨®lares para salv¨¢-los, depois os soltou livres.
2) Satan¨¢s disse a Jesus que estava divertindo as pessoas com coisas ruins, mas Jesus o comprou por todo sangue e l¨¢grimas derramados.
3) A mensagem pede para compartilhar sobre a f¨¦ em Jesus, dizendo que quem cr¨º deve enviar, e quem n?o cr¨º deve apagar sem medo.
O documento ¨¦ uma m¨²sica crist? que celebra a volta de Jesus Cristo. A m¨²sica descreve como o mundo vai tremer na volta de Jesus, que vir¨¢ com anjos e trov?es para arrebatar a Igreja e lev¨¢-la para o c¨¦u. A m¨²sica enfatiza que Jesus vir¨¢ para buscar seus seguidores e a Igreja.
Centro Social e Bem Estar de Ouca_Ana_Raquel_e_Valentinaaritovi
O documento descreve o Centro Social e Bem Estar de Ouca, uma institui??o de solidariedade social fundada em 1984 para apoiar idosos. A institui??o oferece alojamento, cuidados m¨¦dicos e atividades para 40 pessoas e emprega 43 funcion¨¢rios. O diretor Daniel Amaral discute os objetivos, servi?os, recursos e desafios da institui??o.
Las m¨¢quinas simples son dispositivos mec¨¢nicos que permiten transformar o compensar una fuerza aplicando una fuerza menor a distancias mayores. Algunas m¨¢quinas simples comunes son la palanca, la polea, el plano inclinado y el polipasto, las cuales multiplican la fuerza o cambian su direcci¨®n para facilitar diferentes tipos de trabajo.
En diversidad de ocasiones nos encontramos con dudas al momento de elaborar un P.A, ya sea porque no hallamos que temas elegir para nuestros ni?os o porque no dominamos ciertos contenidos. Existen varios modelos de P.A, pero en esta ocasi¨®n muestro uno de ellos que puede servirles de gu¨ªa:
Keith Connell has over 20 years of experience in logistics, operations, and wholesale/retail management. He has held positions such as Branch Manager, Operations Manager, and Director of Operations and Customer Service. His experience includes responsibilities like budgeting, financial management, inventory control, personnel leadership, and developing new customers and sales.
Thomas Lane is an operations director with over 30 years of experience in transportation and logistics management. He has successfully grown companies from a single truck to over 140 trucks. Lane is skilled in operations planning, staff training, process improvement, and achieving optimal business performance. Some of his achievements include increasing profit margins to 15%, saving $100,000 through an audio conferencing program, and reducing employee turnover. He is currently the Business Development Director at AllStaff in Phoenix, Arizona.
Mr. Elias Saadeh completed a 3-month internship at Sakr Real Estate working in their Marketing and Human Resources departments. He was punctual, reliable, inquisitive, and hard working throughout his internship. The CEO of Sakr Real Estate recommends Mr. Saadeh and wishes him success in his future endeavors.
No futuro, as empresas ser?o reconhecidas por suas atitudes e n?o apenas por seus produtos. A Verd ¨¦ uma ag¨ºncia de marketing focada no mercado org?nico e sustent¨¢vel. Sua miss?o ¨¦ fornecer solu??es criativas que excedam as expectativas dos clientes de forma honesta e pr¨¢tica.
Jim Potts has over 20 years of experience in intelligence and military training. He has trained over 50 intelligence teams and 200 linguists. As the commander of an intelligence support center, he supervised 14 soldiers and managed up to 135 others, overseeing collection and reporting of intelligence. More recently, he has worked as an intelligence analyst focusing on IED attacks and as a search and rescue technician. He holds a bachelor's degree in English and a master's degree in business administration.
Tem Que Ser Perfeito - Andr¨¦ia AlencarRafael Franco
A m¨²sica critica os crist?os que buscam apenas conquistas materiais e bem-estar, em vez de seguir os ensinamentos de Jesus de negar a si mesmo e carregar a cruz. Ela tamb¨¦m questiona onde foi parar a ora??o ensinada por Jesus sobre perd?o e comunh?o. A m¨²sica usa a met¨¢fora do oleiro moldando o barro, dizendo que Deus precisa amassar e moldar os crist?os para que sejam perfeitos, mesmo que doa, resultando em vit¨®ria.
Uma menina copiou a resposta de uma colega para uma ficha de trabalho. Quando a professora a chamou ao quadro para explicar a resposta, ela admitiu que tinha copiado porque n?o sabia explicar. A professora usaria esta situa??o para ensinar a turma sobre os benef¨ªcios de aprender por si pr¨®prio em vez de copiar.
La c¨¦lula es la unidad b¨¢sica de todo ser vivo. Es el elemento m¨¢s peque?o capaz de llevar a cabo funciones vitales. Las c¨¦lulas pueden ser unicelulares u pluricelulares. Todas las c¨¦lulas comparten caracter¨ªsticas estructurales y funcionales comunes como una membrana, citoplasma y material gen¨¦tico, aunque var¨ªan en su especializaci¨®n. El descubrimiento de la c¨¦lula se produjo entre los siglos XVII y XIX con el desarrollo del microscopio.
La c¨¦lula es la unidad b¨¢sica de todo ser vivo. Es el elemento m¨¢s peque?o capaz de llevar a cabo funciones vitales. Las c¨¦lulas pueden ser unicelulares u pluricelulares. Todas las c¨¦lulas comparten caracter¨ªsticas estructurales y funcionales como membranas, citosol, ADN y enzimas que les permiten funcionar y mantenerse vivas. El descubrimiento de la c¨¦lula se produjo entre los siglos XVII y XIX con el desarrollo del microscopio.
Le Community Management dans le secteur de l'AudiovisuelMagali Letellier
Support de pr¨¦sentation orale sur mon exp¨¦rience de Community Manager au sein de la soci¨¦t¨¦ de production audiovisuelle Degel Prod (2012) :
- Mon parcours professionnel ;
- Degel Prod et son environnement ;
- Les bons usages en 6 points ;
- Conclusion.
1) Um pregador comprou tr¨ºs passarinhos de um menino por 10 d¨®lares para salv¨¢-los, depois os soltou livres.
2) Satan¨¢s disse a Jesus que estava divertindo as pessoas com coisas ruins, mas Jesus o comprou por todo sangue e l¨¢grimas derramados.
3) A mensagem pede para compartilhar sobre a f¨¦ em Jesus, dizendo que quem cr¨º deve enviar, e quem n?o cr¨º deve apagar sem medo.
O documento ¨¦ uma m¨²sica crist? que celebra a volta de Jesus Cristo. A m¨²sica descreve como o mundo vai tremer na volta de Jesus, que vir¨¢ com anjos e trov?es para arrebatar a Igreja e lev¨¢-la para o c¨¦u. A m¨²sica enfatiza que Jesus vir¨¢ para buscar seus seguidores e a Igreja.
Centro Social e Bem Estar de Ouca_Ana_Raquel_e_Valentinaaritovi
O documento descreve o Centro Social e Bem Estar de Ouca, uma institui??o de solidariedade social fundada em 1984 para apoiar idosos. A institui??o oferece alojamento, cuidados m¨¦dicos e atividades para 40 pessoas e emprega 43 funcion¨¢rios. O diretor Daniel Amaral discute os objetivos, servi?os, recursos e desafios da institui??o.
Las m¨¢quinas simples son dispositivos mec¨¢nicos que permiten transformar o compensar una fuerza aplicando una fuerza menor a distancias mayores. Algunas m¨¢quinas simples comunes son la palanca, la polea, el plano inclinado y el polipasto, las cuales multiplican la fuerza o cambian su direcci¨®n para facilitar diferentes tipos de trabajo.
En diversidad de ocasiones nos encontramos con dudas al momento de elaborar un P.A, ya sea porque no hallamos que temas elegir para nuestros ni?os o porque no dominamos ciertos contenidos. Existen varios modelos de P.A, pero en esta ocasi¨®n muestro uno de ellos que puede servirles de gu¨ªa:
Keith Connell has over 20 years of experience in logistics, operations, and wholesale/retail management. He has held positions such as Branch Manager, Operations Manager, and Director of Operations and Customer Service. His experience includes responsibilities like budgeting, financial management, inventory control, personnel leadership, and developing new customers and sales.
Thomas Lane is an operations director with over 30 years of experience in transportation and logistics management. He has successfully grown companies from a single truck to over 140 trucks. Lane is skilled in operations planning, staff training, process improvement, and achieving optimal business performance. Some of his achievements include increasing profit margins to 15%, saving $100,000 through an audio conferencing program, and reducing employee turnover. He is currently the Business Development Director at AllStaff in Phoenix, Arizona.
Dene Ward has over 30 years of experience in transportation management and logistics. He has held roles such as Regional Head of Marine Chartering and Vice President of Special Projects, managing operations in the US, Dubai, and Afghanistan. Ward improved profits and streamlined customs clearance times in his roles. He has expertise in areas such as customer relations, global distribution, project management, and multi-modal transportation.
Michael P. McCarthy has over 20 years of experience in management roles in the maritime industry. He has expertise in logistics, business operations, finance, sales, marketing, and customer service. Currently, he works as a consultant and broker, marketing various maritime projects including vessel designs, port software, and vessel financing and chartering. Previously he held roles in sales, marketing, operations, and logistics for numerous maritime companies.
Mark Langley WorleyParsons ExpeditingFeb 09 2015 ResumeMark Langley
Mr. Langley has over 30 years of experience in expediting, transportation, and logistics. He has worked on numerous oil and gas projects in Canada, managing the transportation and logistics for large equipment and materials. He is a results-driven leader who is skilled in negotiations, budget management, and fostering collaboration.
Mauricio Posada has over 20 years of experience in supply chain and logistics management. He has held roles such as General Manager, Vice President of Warehouse Operations & Food Safety, and Warehouse Manager. Posada has a proven track record of improving business performance through initiatives focusing on productivity, food safety, and cost reductions. He is skilled in areas like procurement, P&L management, and team leadership.
Fred J. Radvansky has over 20 years of experience in logistics and transportation management. He is currently the Logistics Supervisor for Solvay Chemicals where he oversees $100 million in annual freight expenditures. Prior to this role, he held various manager and director level positions at companies like Tenaris, Imperial Sugar Company, Canadian Pacific Railway, Enron, and Overnite Transportation where he managed logistics operations, developed transportation strategies, negotiated contracts, and analyzed supply chain processes. Radvansky has a BBA in Management from the University of Houston-Clear Lake.
Leslie Johnson has over 15 years of experience in logistics and transportation management. She has a proven track record of increasing profits, optimizing operations, and ensuring customer satisfaction. Johnson has expertise in areas such as team leadership, customer service, transportation management, sales, and negotiating contracts. Her professional experience includes roles as a Carrier Procurement Representative, Operations Manager, and Senior Account Executive. She has worked for companies specializing in freight brokerage, trucking, and international logistics.
Leslie Johnson has over 15 years of experience in logistics and transportation management. She has a proven track record of increasing profit margins through innovative solutions and carrier negotiations. Johnson is skilled in customer service, sales, and developing technology-based transportation strategies. Her expertise includes managing operations, mentoring teams, and optimizing networks across various modes of transport. Johnson strives to deliver cost-saving and resourceful solutions to customers.
Richard Schues is a highly successful logistics and supply chain management executive with over 30 years of experience in Europe and South America. He has held leadership roles at several multinational companies, implementing strategies to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Currently based in the U.S., he is looking for new opportunities in freight forwarding, logistics, and automotive supply chain management.
The document summarizes how Greater Fort Lauderdale transformed its economy from a tourism-focused spring break destination into a hub for corporate headquarters through a strategic initiative led by local business leaders. They promoted the region's infrastructure, quality of life assets, and low taxes. This attracted over 150 corporate headquarters in six years, bringing jobs and development. Careful coordination expanded transportation, ensuring infrastructure grew alongside the new businesses.
Steven T. Huntley, President and Founder of Resource Logistics Group, Inc (RLG), graced the cover of World¡¯s Leaders Magazine as one of the Worlds Most Versatile Business Leaders Making a Difference in 2024
Harald Holmen has over 30 years of international experience in banking and seafood industries. He has held senior level positions such as Chief Operating Officer, President/Owner, and Senior Vice President. He is skilled in strategic planning, business development, and managing operations.
Peter Winkley is a seasoned C-Suite executive with over 30 years of experience in financial reporting, governance, treasury, taxation, risk management, and M&A for large public companies. He is currently the Vice President of Finance and CFO at Algoma Central Corporation, where he leads a team of 30 staff and is responsible for financial discipline, strategy implementation, and a $400M refinancing. Previously he held senior finance roles at Therapure Biopharmaceutical and MDS Inc, where he established financial processes and led multi-million dollar acquisitions and insurance programs. He has extensive public company experience across industries in Canada and internationally.
Larry Schertel has over 30 years of experience in logistics and operations management. He has held several director level positions where he oversaw large regions and was responsible for operations, financial planning, and implementing strategic initiatives. His experience includes managing ground courier routes, distribution networks, and facilities.
This document provides profiles for several companies that are part of a trade delegation from Los Angeles traveling to Mexico City from March 2-5, 2014. It summarizes each company's key details including name, location, services offered, and contact information for the delegate representing the company. The profiles cover companies from various industries including logistics, engineering, construction, media, and retail.
Anthony H. Milles has over 32 years of experience in transportation operations management and logistics. He currently works as a Transportation Supervisor for United Natural Foods, where he has helped reduce overtime by over 50% and increased efficiency. Prior to that, he held operations management roles at several companies where he improved safety, increased efficiency, and developed new business.
Michael Fulweber has 18 years of experience in business development, sales, marketing, and strategy planning. He has a proven track record of growing sales, developing marketing initiatives, and driving profitability across multiple industries. As the president and owner of Boat Lift Distributors from 1999-2014, he increased annual sales from $200,000 to over $3 million through strategic planning, cost reductions, and expanding into new markets globally. He also founded and grew Big Country Outdoors from 2010-2014, developing manufacturing facilities to reduce costs and expand the business nationwide. Currently, he provides consulting services to both companies.
Jose Viton has over 10 years of experience in logistics and sales management. He currently works as a Logistics Manager for Quirch Foods, where he is responsible for managing domestic transportation and carrier relationships to deliver products on time. Previously, he worked as an Operations Manager for Gemcap Trucking and a Transportation Coordinator for Royal Caribbean Cruises, gaining experience in dispatching, international shipping, and safety management. He is looking for a new opportunity that allows for growth within a reputable organization.
Matson is a transportation and logistics company offering regional and long-haul highway services. It has a large network of carriers and resources to help brokers and transportation companies grow their businesses. Matson provides services like insurance coverage, load tracking systems, marketing support, and access to its carrier network to help brokers expand their customer base and manage operations more efficiently. It also offers sales and logistics expertise, as well as facilities on the east and west coasts to support import and export business.
1. Charles ¡°Kirk¡± Hoffman
281-840-3753 | Friendswood, TX |
? Builder of strongsupplier and customer relationships with the demonstrated ability to foster win-win strategic partnerships.
? Exposure to and proven ability to excel in sales and business development situations.
? Specializing in streamlined, practical operating processes and systems with s ignificant experience and notable successes
negotiating and managing service contracts, including procurement, logistics, compliance, and fulfillment.
Areas of Expertise:
Strategic Planning | Operational Leadership | New Business Development | Marketing & Sales Support | Bids / Proposals
Partnerships | Negotiations | Multimillion-Dollar Budgets | Startup Leadership | Continuous Improvement | Risk Management
? Secured profitablebusiness fromcompanies such as Chevron,BP, NOV, Bechtel, CB&I, Fluor,and Sandvik Mining,establishing
HHL as a major player in the heavy lift cargo market with E & P and EPC companies throughout North and South America.
? Settled a multimillion-dollar dispute with HHL¡¯s number one customer, keeping HHL on their approved supplier list.
? Won two strategic projects in the Pacific Northwest for HHL.
? Prepared detailed and ultimately successful tender responses for HHL and others.
? Won major project shipment from China to Rio de Janerio in advance of the World Cup.
? Offered significant business development support for a new project in Israel.
Director, Supply Chain Management ? 6/2014 ? 8/2016
Led global supply chain and logistics including supplier selection and management, strategic sourcing, customs brokerage, trade
compliance, and new country entry for this $8.6B offshore drilling company. Accountability: $23M Logistics spend.
? Led new country entry efforts for Angola, Canary Islands, Suriname, and Nigeria.
? Revamped system to support operations in the Middle East, Angola, and Norway.
? Achieved 35% reduction in logistics costs in the first year and an additional 8% reduction in the second year.
? Designed and implemented supply chain system to support four new build drills ships globally.
Head of Americas / Managing Director ? 3/2012 ? 4/2014
Successfully opened Hansa Heavy Lift Americas office in the midst of a significantdownturn in the ocean carrier market. Directly
reported to the CEO and parent company Oaktree Capital Management for all disciplines of the company with a focus on business
development, brand management, and commercial activities.
? Hired staff, established the office, initiated HR and payroll functions, and initially represented HHL at key trade shows.
? Spearheaded efforts to secure major business in the Pacific Northwest.
Chief Supply Chain Officer ? 5/2007 ? 3/2012
Developed global strategic sourcing and logisticsprograms for a $2B offshore oil and gas company. Promoted twice and held the
title of Director of Global Logistics. Led a staff of 28 at the department¡¯s peak after being hired as the only person in the group.
? Developed a logisticssystemto supportvessels,dry docks,and projects globally,including standardizingcustoms and delivery
procedures at consolidation warehouses in Houston, Rotterdam, and Singapore.
? Stepped in to settle a major dispute with a customer in China, saving the company $10M.
? Resolved conflict with the Suez Canal Authority, ensuring safe passage for one of the company¡¯s vessels.
2. Charles ¡°Kirk¡± Hoffman 281-840-3753 | Friendswood, TX |
R¨¦sum¨¦ ¨C Page 2 of 2
PORTS AMERICA INC. (P&O Ports) | Houston, TX
Operations Manager, Texas ? 1/2006 ? 5/2007
Managed all stevedoringand warehousing of cargo for Ports America operations in Texas, includingcontainer, RORO, Auto, bulk,
and breakbulk stevedoring in Houston, Freeport, Galveston, Beaumont, and Corpus Christi. Led a team of 13 direct reports.
? Helped secure new business from a major ocean liner company.
Manager of Operations: West Coast ? 2000 ? 2005
Successfully managed operations during the2003 tug strikein Vancouver, BC and U.S. longshorelockoutin 2002,through effective
negotiations, keen situational awareness, and decisiveness.
? Negotiated vendor contracts valued up to $45M annually, including terminal services, stevedoring, labor, storage, insurance,
stowage planning, and hazardous material handling.
? Led Hamburg S¨¹d through 2004 port wide LA/LB labor shortage and earned significant customer appreciation by expediting
cargo operations in adverse conditions and finding viable alternatives for stalled cargo.
APL, LTD | Los Angeles, CA
Superintendent ? 1999 ? 2000
Provided extensive management, safety, and administrativefunctions for the largestand busiestcontainer terminal on the West
Coast.Drove the entire terminal,marine,gate, yard,rail,and M&Roperations to focus on the overall goal of achievingthegreatest
possible cargo velocity.
? Directed diverse range of union and non-union employees in operations of APL and client vessels.
? Handled emergency situations, trained junior superintendents, eliminated ineffi ciencies, and ensured effective cargo and
vessel movement within tight time frames and budget constraints.
NYK LINE NORTH AMERICA, INC. | Torrance, CA & Seattle, WA
Assistant Manager: Marine Operations ? 1994 ? 1999
Oversawvessel operations in thePacific Northwestencompassingscheduling,safe/efficientcargo handling,contractnegotiations,
contractor supervision, and staff development.
? Propelled the third most effective nationwide operation to #1 rank, and helped earn Toyota¡¯s President¡¯s Award.
? Developed highly admired and copied operations manual, adopted by Toyota Logistic Services as their nationwide standard.
? Negotiated and secured contracts with stevedore and harbor service companies.
US COAST GUARD ? Achieved rank of Lieutenant. Commanding Officer of a Coast Guard Cutter .
Master of Science in Organizational Leadership
Bachelor of Science in Government
Microsoft Office Suite, Oracle, SAP, IFS, NS5, INCON, C2C, and other Warehouse Management Systems.