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JIM POTTS LIVERMORE, CA, 925-667-7867, PottsJim@ymail.com
TRAINING OFFICER, Western Army Reserve Intelligence Support Center, Dublin, CA 1995-2003
 Training Operations facilitator. Planned and conducted training operations at more than 45 locations in 17
states. Trained and certified more than 50 intelligence teams in 8 major commands to conduct tactical and strategic
intelligence operations.Tested and certified more than 200 linguists for proficiency.
 Special Security Officer. Oversaw physical, communications and personnelsecurity. Ensured only authorized
personneland units had access to the facility and sensitive data. Prepared sensitive and timely reports on threats.
COMMANDER Detachment 1, Southeastern Army Reserve Intelligence Support Center, Orlando, FL 2003-2005
 Supervised 14 Soldiers and Sailors and managed up to 135 others. Oversaw and consolidated reporting on
terrorist and economic events to support combat commanders and national level customers. Mentored analysts and
facilitated intelligence reporting. Briefed senior leadership on threats in their area using open and sensitive sources.
 Project Manager. Oversaw a construction ofa special intelligence facility. Managed collection and reporting of
intelligence. Achieved 99% operational status 24/7 for 4 years.
LIAISON OFFICER, Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan, Kabul, Afghanistan 2005-2006
 INTELLIGENCE LIAISON for Commanding General Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan. Ensured
intelligence was passed to combat units of six nations in a timely manner. Arranged for emergency evacuation of
personnelafter an earthquake. Conducted inspections ofAfghan Army units and facilities and reported these
INTELLIGENCE ANALYST, MPRI, Marine Corps Training Center, Twentynine Palms, CA, 2008-2010.
 Conducted in-depth intelligence analysis and reporting of IED attacks. Provided intelligence to deployed Marine
Corps units. Trained deploying units in Counter-IED techniques.
JIM POTTS CONSULTING, Livermore, CA. Provided consulting services to private companies and government
offices in personal and physical and computer security,communications and personnelmanagement. 2013- 2015
SEARCH AND RESCUE TECHNICIAN and Emergency Medical Responder, Alameda County Sheriffs Office
Search and Rescue Team, Dublin, CA, 2013 to Present.
North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA, Baccalaurate in English, 1979 -1985
University of Phoenix, San Jose,CA, Masters in Business Administration - Technology Management 1999-2002
Las Positas College, Livermore, CA. Photography,Welding and Emergency Medicine. 2010-2013

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JIM POTTS September 2016

  • 1. JIM POTTS LIVERMORE, CA, 925-667-7867, PottsJim@ymail.com EXPERIENCE TRAINING OFFICER, Western Army Reserve Intelligence Support Center, Dublin, CA 1995-2003 Training Operations facilitator. Planned and conducted training operations at more than 45 locations in 17 states. Trained and certified more than 50 intelligence teams in 8 major commands to conduct tactical and strategic intelligence operations.Tested and certified more than 200 linguists for proficiency. Special Security Officer. Oversaw physical, communications and personnelsecurity. Ensured only authorized personneland units had access to the facility and sensitive data. Prepared sensitive and timely reports on threats. COMMANDER Detachment 1, Southeastern Army Reserve Intelligence Support Center, Orlando, FL 2003-2005 Supervised 14 Soldiers and Sailors and managed up to 135 others. Oversaw and consolidated reporting on terrorist and economic events to support combat commanders and national level customers. Mentored analysts and facilitated intelligence reporting. Briefed senior leadership on threats in their area using open and sensitive sources. Project Manager. Oversaw a construction ofa special intelligence facility. Managed collection and reporting of intelligence. Achieved 99% operational status 24/7 for 4 years. LIAISON OFFICER, Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan, Kabul, Afghanistan 2005-2006 INTELLIGENCE LIAISON for Commanding General Combined Forces Command-Afghanistan. Ensured intelligence was passed to combat units of six nations in a timely manner. Arranged for emergency evacuation of personnelafter an earthquake. Conducted inspections ofAfghan Army units and facilities and reported these findings. INTELLIGENCE ANALYST, MPRI, Marine Corps Training Center, Twentynine Palms, CA, 2008-2010. Conducted in-depth intelligence analysis and reporting of IED attacks. Provided intelligence to deployed Marine Corps units. Trained deploying units in Counter-IED techniques. JIM POTTS CONSULTING, Livermore, CA. Provided consulting services to private companies and government offices in personal and physical and computer security,communications and personnelmanagement. 2013- 2015 SEARCH AND RESCUE TECHNICIAN and Emergency Medical Responder, Alameda County Sheriffs Office Search and Rescue Team, Dublin, CA, 2013 to Present. EDUCATION North Georgia College, Dahlonega, GA, Baccalaurate in English, 1979 -1985 University of Phoenix, San Jose,CA, Masters in Business Administration - Technology Management 1999-2002 Las Positas College, Livermore, CA. Photography,Welding and Emergency Medicine. 2010-2013