The document outlines the process and roles for organizing HootUp events to promote the HootSuite platform, including filling out an application, coordinating with HootSuite staff, finding venues and speakers, promoting the event, submitting documentation after the event, and getting reimbursement. The goals are to educate people about HootSuite, build connections in the community, and spread positive messaging about the brand. All resources for organizing HootUps can be found on the HootUp tumblr page.
2. Agenda
Introduction to HootUp
Roles and Expectations
etiu st
3. HootUp
Group of 3 or more
talking about HootSuite
Sharing tips and tricks
Most importantly,
spreading the #HootLove
4. Casual Educational Post-Event
Fun and informal Structured Held during or after a
Can be held anywhere Talk about a specific topic conference sometimes as
Networking OR introduce our features the official or unofficial
Exchanging stories and Invite brands OR other afterparty
tips about HootSuite speakers Attendance by HootSuite
3 - 500 people Must go through HootSuite employee(s) attending or
Organized by Envoy / University first speaking at the conference
Ambs, Coordinators. Get in touch with HQ Planned by HQ
Budget: $4/pp Budget: $4/pp Budget: $7/pp
5. Goals
Everything you
need to know
about HootSuite
Educate, share tips about Get friendlies
HootSuite and social media on the ground
Spread the Get insights & strategize
HootSuite love our next steps
one hug at a time
7. Roles
Strategize w/ Celebratoire
Work with the Community
Encourage Amb to hold & set deadline
Manager, Coordinator,
Oversee execution
Manager and HootUp Organizers
Do 1-on-1 call with the
Identify events, conferences, fairs etc HootUp Organizer to get
Find and encourage Amb to help them prepped and a monthly
Oversee planning and execution Coordinator Celebratoire conference call as to wrap up
Identify events, conferences, fairs, etc Schedule HootUp on Google
Find venue and speakers Cal, MeetUp, and @HootUp
Brainstorm topics and themes
Encourage attendees to fill in Feedback Form Make sure promotions are
Submit reimbursement form after event all up and on brand
Write a blog post and/or encourage attendees
8. Steps
Fill in the Application Form
Receive a templated Hello! email from MailChimp
Skype / Google+ Hangout chat with Community Celebratoire
Follow up / reminder templated MailChimp email
Pre-scheduled tweets
At HootUp
Pre-scheduled tweets
Congratulations tweets
Templated Congratulations email from MailChimp
Reminder to fill in Feedback Form
Storify log
Reimbursement form
9. Steps
Fill in the Application Form HootUp Organizer
Receive a templated Hello! email from MailChimp Celebratoire
Skype / Google+ Hangout chat with Community Celebratoire Celebratoire
Follow up / reminder templated MailChimp email Celebratoire
Pre-scheduled tweets Celebratoire, HootUp Organizer, Coordinator
At HootUp
Pre-scheduled tweets Celebratoire, HootUp Organizer, Coordinator
Congratulations tweets Celebratoire, Coordinator
Templated Congratulations email from MailChimp Stephanie
Reminder to fill in Feedback Form HootUp Organizer, Coordinator
Storify log HootUp Organizer
Reimbursement form HootUp Organizer
10. Laura,
Scenario #1
I want to hold
a HootUp!
u ite
1 Laura directs him to for application
2 Stephanie follows up w/ Mailchimp after receiving application
3 Stephanie and HootFan connect via email/skype
4 HootFan finds venue, speaker, date, time
5 HootFan reports updates to Stephanie
6 Stephanie creates MeetUp and schedules tweets for the HootUp
7 Stephanie congratulates and does wrap-up call w/ other Organizers
8 HootFan sends pictures, storify and blog links
9 HootFan sends reimbursement form & receipts
10 Coordinator reminds HootFan about feedback form
11 Stephanie and Destin approve reimbursement form
11. Theres an event
Scenario #2
in my neighbourhood
and we should hold
a HootUp!
1 Ileana fills in application form from
2 Stephanie follows up w/ email and Skype
3 Ileana finds Ambassadors that can help
4 Ambassador suggests venues and speakers, date, time
5 Ileana reports updates to Stephanie
6 Stephanie creates MeetUp and schedules tweets for the HootUp
7 Stephanie and Ileana congratulate
8 Ambassador sends pictures, storify and blog links
9 Ambassador sends reimbursement form & receipts
10 Ileana reminds HootFan about feedback form
11 Stephanie and Destin approve reimbursement form
12. Success
# of HootUp we host
(Total HootUp we held in 2012: | People: )
# of attendees and the virality of the event
Do people continue the conversation?
Did anyone express interest to hold the next HootUp?
Collaterals produced: photo, blog post, tweets
New interest in the translation project / envoy / HootClub
13. Alll HootUp resources can be found on
Application Form
Tips for Promoting HootUp
Talking Points
Owl Masks: Colour and B&W
Feedback Form: Physical & Online
Map of Past HootUps
14. Priorities
Train all Managers, Ambassadors, Envoys re: HootUp process
Strategize on which communities and cities we should target
Identify target countries
Reach out to current HootClub members and HootSuite
University Certified professionals
Create a list of festivals and events we can participate in
Make moves in the community