经济数字转型影响了各个公司。中小型公司可以运用哪些简单的营销手段取得更高的利润,并保持力争上游的商业力呢?--- This deck was presented at the 19th SME ICC as part of the Chinese Digital track. A quick look at what strategies SMEs can use to achieve specific business objectives to resolve the problems that disruption has brought to the market.
经济数字转型影响了各个公司。中小型公司可以运用哪些简单的营销手段取得更高的利润,并保持力争上游的商业力呢?--- This deck was presented at the 19th SME ICC as part of the Chinese Digital track. A quick look at what strategies SMEs can use to achieve specific business objectives to resolve the problems that disruption has brought to the market.
NeiRongBao, #1 Content Marketing Tool in China. 秀朗内容宝介绍Hailan (Henry) Yu
The #1 content marketing SaaS tool in China. We are helping many Chinese and foreign clients using content to do marketing in China.
We are specialized in Chinese social media and best practice. Our Content Marketing Tool can help companies to build up marketing presence in china quickly.
Since many popular CM tools, like Percolate or Livefyre is not suitable for Chinese market since they only connect to Facebook and twitter, not Wechat and weibo. Our system is fully integrated to Wechat and weibo with a friendly interface.
46. 46
?案 市價 基礎會員?費3萬元 中階會員?費5萬元(未稅) 進階會員?費8萬元(未稅)
駐點諮詢時數(派來SoWork時間) 6?時 12?時 12?時
專業?員諮詢 顧問?員經驗值
每?主管會議 5年以上經驗 O O
數位?銷諮詢 3年以上經驗 O O O
內容?銷諮詢 3年以上經驗 O O O
媒體採買諮詢 3年以上經驗 O O O
數據分析?報 3年以上經驗 O
操作建議書 5年以上經驗 O
專屬諮詢群組 3年以上經驗 O
資料庫使?權限 每?租?費? 市值NT$30,000 市值NT$66,000 市值NT$127,100
社群監測系統 33,000 O O
Instagram Hashtag監測系統 30,000 O O O
台灣市場調查資料庫 30,000 O
IG網紅探勘和成效評估系統 30,000 O
影片製作?具庫 3,000 O
內容貼??具庫 3,000 O O
?有媒體監測資料庫 2,100 O
思維培訓課程 市價 市值NT$26,400 市值NT$32,800
每?每堂3,200 2? 4?
?銷知識整理簡報 20,000 O O O
1. 提供?前的?銷計
2. SoWork團隊評估
3. 若需調整,則需另