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How I Got my First Car
I live in New Delhi and was on the lookout for a second
hand car; however, whichever dealer I approached quoted
a very high price coupled with the commission. So, there I
was, wondering– “Wasn’t there a way I could get a car for
Along Came a Recommendation
On a fine Sunday morning the other day; one of my friends
who was at my place for lunch suggested that I try
Quikr.com– he himself had many a times used it; therefore,
I thought “Why not?”
Scanning Through Options
I logged onto www.quikr.com and ran a search for various
car models; upon which I was stunned to see the amount
of options that I had– “I could have never hoped to be able
to find so many options if I were to finalize it through a
Highly Recommended Services
Thanks Quikr for making my day, and I would highly
recommend the website to anyone looking for anything–
coz these guys have it all– you name it and they got it! Now
I have decided that whenever I have enough money to
make my next dream purchase, I would only do so through
Making the Call
I finally found an ad about a 2010 Honda Civic and decided
to contact the seller. I called up the seller directly on the
listed number and fixed an appointment with him. Guess
what? I got the deal and I saved a ton of money; which
otherwise, I would have to give the dealer as commission
Making the Call
I finally found an ad about a 2010 Honda Civic and decided
to contact the seller. I called up the seller directly on the
listed number and fixed an appointment with him. Guess
what? I got the deal and I saved a ton of money; which
otherwise, I would have to give the dealer as commission

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How I Got My First Car

  • 1. How I Got my First Car I live in New Delhi and was on the lookout for a second hand car; however, whichever dealer I approached quoted a very high price coupled with the commission. So, there I was, wondering– “Wasn’t there a way I could get a car for less”
  • 2. Along Came a Recommendation On a fine Sunday morning the other day; one of my friends who was at my place for lunch suggested that I try Quikr.com– he himself had many a times used it; therefore, I thought “Why not?”
  • 3. Scanning Through Options I logged onto www.quikr.com and ran a search for various car models; upon which I was stunned to see the amount of options that I had– “I could have never hoped to be able to find so many options if I were to finalize it through a dealer.”
  • 4. Highly Recommended Services Thanks Quikr for making my day, and I would highly recommend the website to anyone looking for anything– coz these guys have it all– you name it and they got it! Now I have decided that whenever I have enough money to make my next dream purchase, I would only do so through them.
  • 5. Making the Call I finally found an ad about a 2010 Honda Civic and decided to contact the seller. I called up the seller directly on the listed number and fixed an appointment with him. Guess what? I got the deal and I saved a ton of money; which otherwise, I would have to give the dealer as commission
  • 6. Making the Call I finally found an ad about a 2010 Honda Civic and decided to contact the seller. I called up the seller directly on the listed number and fixed an appointment with him. Guess what? I got the deal and I saved a ton of money; which otherwise, I would have to give the dealer as commission