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Debra Howeth
7433 Moffitt Florida
Land O Lakes, Florida 34638
(813) 842-7020
Professional Experience:
Biosafety Specialist, 2010 to Present
University of South Florida- Tampa, Florida
Compliance and assurance activities related to the Institutional Biosafety program
 Oversee and manage all activities related to the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
This includes receiving and processing applications, pre-reviewing applications for
completeness, facilitating the protocol review process for 12 IBC members, creating the
monthly meeting agenda and minutes, and managing our electronic database. Our
program includes 214 active PIs; over 350 active protocols; and approximately 100
annual submissions. In addition, due to our affiliation with the Moffitt Cancer Center, we
have over 35 human gene transfer studies at our institution
 Conduct and oversee our lab and facility site inspection program to ensure compliance
with standard containment practices per the CDCs standard Biosafety in Microbiological
and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 5th Edition. About 60 site inspections are
completed on an annual basis
 Develop and provide training to new IBC Committee members, researchers, lab staff,
students Principal investigators and clinical protocol coordinators. For example, annual
Biosafety training, Biosafety training for individual university courses. Provide in-person
training for over 600 personnel on an annual basis
 As Assistant Responsible Official for our Select Agent (SA) program, I assist in the
oversight of compliance with the Federal regulations. This includes maintenance of all
records related to the SA program, providing training, inspecting the registered lab
spaces, corresponding with the PI and research staff, ensuring that all requirements are
fulfilled annually. Conduct annual exercise/drill of SA plans and revises plans as
 Work closely with both the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and
the Institutional Review Board by reviewing initial protocols and amendments for any
Biosafety related items that would require oversight by the IBC
 Develop internal laboratory standards, procedures, and practices to ensure compliance
with state and federal regulations and industry best practices. This includes our
Universitys biosafety manual, spill response, and occupational exposure response
 Serve as a liaison to our Occupational Health program and the Environmental Health and
Safety department. This includes sitting on the Universitys Laboratory and Field Safety
committee. As a part of this committee, I provide guidance on biosafety related issues
 Serve as a member on the James A Haley Veteran's Hospital Subcommittee for Research
Safety. In this position, I ensure that projects at the VA by USF researchers comply with
the Universitys IBC policies
 Assist investigations of incidents related to biological exposures/releases and potential
non-compliance reports/events
 Serves on two external IBCs as a community member
Associate in Research, 2003-2010
Center for Biological Defense, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
 Performed laboratory duties such as PFGE, Riboprinting, Antimicrobial testing (E-test
and Sensititre), Real-time PCR (ABI and Roche Lightcycler), traditional PCR, Southern
blotting, DNA extraction, DNA Sequencing, reagent preparation, scientific writing
 Ordered lab Supplies
 Maintained aspects of laboratory management
 Worked in the Bio Safety Level 3 laboratory
 Worked with Select Agents
Assistant in Research, 2001-2003
Center for Biological Defense, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
 Performed laboratory duties such as PFGE, riboprinting, antimicrobial testing, Real-time
PCR, reagent preparation, scientific writing
Senior Laboratory Technician, 1998-2001
H. Lee Moffitt, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
 Performed laboratory duties such as tissue culture; 2-D gel electrophoresis; western
blotting, immunohistochemistry; protein extractions; reagent preparation
 Ordered lab Supplies
Program Secretary, 1997- 1998
Science Advising Center, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
 Scheduled appointments
 Answered phone
 Assisted students with questions
 Collected and distributed mail
Laboratory Technician, 1994- 1997
Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
 Performed laboratory duties such as Antibody screening of a cDNA library; protein
purification by column chromatography; enzyme assays; SDS-page gel electrophoresis;
western blotting; DNA PCR and agarose gels; growth and maintenance of bacterial
cultures; restriction enzyme digests, ligation, and transformation; preparation of reagents
 Ordered lab Supplies
Laboratory Technician, 1991-1993
James A Haley Veterans Hospital, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida
 Performed laboratory duties such as monoclonal antibody fusion and screening; tissue
culture; creating and optimizing an ELISA for ouabain; performance of RIA and ELISA
for various steroids; preparation of reagents
Masters of Public Health (M.P.H.) in Tropical Public Health/Communicable Diseases
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Bachelors of Science (B.S.) in Microbiology
University of South Florida, Tampa, FL
Professional Memberships
Member of the Southeastern Biological Safety Association
Past member of Florida Public Health Association
Past member of The American Society for Microbiology

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  • 1. Debra Howeth 7433 Moffitt Florida Land O Lakes, Florida 34638 (813) 842-7020 dxwoman@gmail.com Professional Experience: Biosafety Specialist, 2010 to Present University of South Florida- Tampa, Florida Compliance and assurance activities related to the Institutional Biosafety program Oversee and manage all activities related to the Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) This includes receiving and processing applications, pre-reviewing applications for completeness, facilitating the protocol review process for 12 IBC members, creating the monthly meeting agenda and minutes, and managing our electronic database. Our program includes 214 active PIs; over 350 active protocols; and approximately 100 annual submissions. In addition, due to our affiliation with the Moffitt Cancer Center, we have over 35 human gene transfer studies at our institution Conduct and oversee our lab and facility site inspection program to ensure compliance with standard containment practices per the CDCs standard Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 5th Edition. About 60 site inspections are completed on an annual basis Develop and provide training to new IBC Committee members, researchers, lab staff, students Principal investigators and clinical protocol coordinators. For example, annual Biosafety training, Biosafety training for individual university courses. Provide in-person training for over 600 personnel on an annual basis As Assistant Responsible Official for our Select Agent (SA) program, I assist in the oversight of compliance with the Federal regulations. This includes maintenance of all records related to the SA program, providing training, inspecting the registered lab spaces, corresponding with the PI and research staff, ensuring that all requirements are fulfilled annually. Conduct annual exercise/drill of SA plans and revises plans as necessary Work closely with both the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and the Institutional Review Board by reviewing initial protocols and amendments for any Biosafety related items that would require oversight by the IBC Develop internal laboratory standards, procedures, and practices to ensure compliance with state and federal regulations and industry best practices. This includes our Universitys biosafety manual, spill response, and occupational exposure response Serve as a liaison to our Occupational Health program and the Environmental Health and Safety department. This includes sitting on the Universitys Laboratory and Field Safety committee. As a part of this committee, I provide guidance on biosafety related issues Serve as a member on the James A Haley Veteran's Hospital Subcommittee for Research Safety. In this position, I ensure that projects at the VA by USF researchers comply with the Universitys IBC policies Assist investigations of incidents related to biological exposures/releases and potential non-compliance reports/events Serves on two external IBCs as a community member
  • 2. Associate in Research, 2003-2010 Center for Biological Defense, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Performed laboratory duties such as PFGE, Riboprinting, Antimicrobial testing (E-test and Sensititre), Real-time PCR (ABI and Roche Lightcycler), traditional PCR, Southern blotting, DNA extraction, DNA Sequencing, reagent preparation, scientific writing Ordered lab Supplies Maintained aspects of laboratory management Worked in the Bio Safety Level 3 laboratory Worked with Select Agents Assistant in Research, 2001-2003 Center for Biological Defense, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Performed laboratory duties such as PFGE, riboprinting, antimicrobial testing, Real-time PCR, reagent preparation, scientific writing Senior Laboratory Technician, 1998-2001 H. Lee Moffitt, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Performed laboratory duties such as tissue culture; 2-D gel electrophoresis; western blotting, immunohistochemistry; protein extractions; reagent preparation Ordered lab Supplies Program Secretary, 1997- 1998 Science Advising Center, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Scheduled appointments Answered phone Assisted students with questions Collected and distributed mail Laboratory Technician, 1994- 1997 Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Performed laboratory duties such as Antibody screening of a cDNA library; protein purification by column chromatography; enzyme assays; SDS-page gel electrophoresis; western blotting; DNA PCR and agarose gels; growth and maintenance of bacterial cultures; restriction enzyme digests, ligation, and transformation; preparation of reagents Ordered lab Supplies Laboratory Technician, 1991-1993 James A Haley Veterans Hospital, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida Performed laboratory duties such as monoclonal antibody fusion and screening; tissue culture; creating and optimizing an ELISA for ouabain; performance of RIA and ELISA for various steroids; preparation of reagents
  • 3. Education Masters of Public Health (M.P.H.) in Tropical Public Health/Communicable Diseases University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Bachelors of Science (B.S.) in Microbiology University of South Florida, Tampa, FL Professional Memberships Member of the Southeastern Biological Safety Association Past member of Florida Public Health Association Past member of The American Society for Microbiology