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Leadership is about making decisions whether right or wrong and standing by that decision
when people may disagree. As a leader, you need to know how to follow and listen to what
others have to say without pre-judgement.
As a leader, you must be willing to adapt to the mission and or vision of the organization or
committee which you intend on leading. Therefore, it is imperative that a leader be open
minded during interactions with others whether formal or informal. If you let them see that there
is a culture of openness more things will be done effectively and carefully. You will see that the
people who are following you are happy to listen to anything you have to say.
I recently served as the Registration Committee Chairman for the 2015 Spring District 46
Toastmaster conference. I decided to take this role because I feel that I was more of a listening
then a take-charge type of person. I was afraid to take on whatever I did in life and always
played it safe. So, I decided to join Toastmasters and over time I grew into a confident and
outspoken leader. To show off my new skill, I decided to take on the role as Registration
Committee Chair. I knew and heard from other Toastmasters who were involved in the past that
it was going to be challenging and difficult. I decided that I wanted to take on this challenge in
my life and excel in this position and show myself that if I can handle pressure from this position,
I can handle anything that life can throw at me.
The first thing that I wanted do was to set a mission for the Committee and to have 10 to 13
members align themselves and make sure that each necessary role was filled. To encourage
people to volunteer for the Registration Committee, I had them sign for the time that they want
to put in during the conference, which enable them to go to any conference workshops and
events that they wanted to attend, and give credit to the CL (Component Leader) for their
involvement in the District Conference. The Values of the committee are to let everyones
opinions be heard.
The goal and vision that I set for the conference was to have 500 plus attendees registered for
all the parts of the conferences. The reason that I set the mark that high is because in the past
couple of District Conferences the numbers that registered have been consistently in the upper
300's. I wanted a change for the better by having an unprecedented number of 500 plus
registered for the conference in all its parts from the full day, morning only, business meeting
only, afternoon only, and all the contests that Toastmasters holds each Conference term. In
order to achieve this goal, I reached out to the Area and Division Governors of District 46
Toastmasters to get a member from other Toastmaster clubs to register for the District
Conference. In addition, I promoted the conference at Area and Division Contests to get people
to register for the conference. The main hook that I always mention in the promotion is that I
wanted 500 plus people to register for the District conference.
There are excellent workshops, printers, speeches and events in the Conference; won't you
come to the conference? It will be a life-changing experience for you.

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  • 1. Leadership is about making decisions whether right or wrong and standing by that decision when people may disagree. As a leader, you need to know how to follow and listen to what others have to say without pre-judgement. As a leader, you must be willing to adapt to the mission and or vision of the organization or committee which you intend on leading. Therefore, it is imperative that a leader be open minded during interactions with others whether formal or informal. If you let them see that there is a culture of openness more things will be done effectively and carefully. You will see that the people who are following you are happy to listen to anything you have to say. I recently served as the Registration Committee Chairman for the 2015 Spring District 46 Toastmaster conference. I decided to take this role because I feel that I was more of a listening then a take-charge type of person. I was afraid to take on whatever I did in life and always played it safe. So, I decided to join Toastmasters and over time I grew into a confident and outspoken leader. To show off my new skill, I decided to take on the role as Registration Committee Chair. I knew and heard from other Toastmasters who were involved in the past that it was going to be challenging and difficult. I decided that I wanted to take on this challenge in my life and excel in this position and show myself that if I can handle pressure from this position, I can handle anything that life can throw at me. The first thing that I wanted do was to set a mission for the Committee and to have 10 to 13 members align themselves and make sure that each necessary role was filled. To encourage people to volunteer for the Registration Committee, I had them sign for the time that they want to put in during the conference, which enable them to go to any conference workshops and events that they wanted to attend, and give credit to the CL (Component Leader) for their involvement in the District Conference. The Values of the committee are to let everyones opinions be heard. The goal and vision that I set for the conference was to have 500 plus attendees registered for all the parts of the conferences. The reason that I set the mark that high is because in the past couple of District Conferences the numbers that registered have been consistently in the upper 300's. I wanted a change for the better by having an unprecedented number of 500 plus registered for the conference in all its parts from the full day, morning only, business meeting only, afternoon only, and all the contests that Toastmasters holds each Conference term. In order to achieve this goal, I reached out to the Area and Division Governors of District 46 Toastmasters to get a member from other Toastmaster clubs to register for the District Conference. In addition, I promoted the conference at Area and Division Contests to get people to register for the conference. The main hook that I always mention in the promotion is that I wanted 500 plus people to register for the District conference. There are excellent workshops, printers, speeches and events in the Conference; won't you come to the conference? It will be a life-changing experience for you.