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Building # 694, Road # 15,
Contact :- Whatsapp,Viber ( 973-3306-0127)
Email rohailw@yahoo.com
______________________________________________ Profile History_______________________________________________
A Certified HR professional with more than13years broad-based and progressively responsible experience in
management and human resources. Proven ability to work with senior management team to integrate the
human resource function within the overall business operating strategy. Experience in department startups,
high growth operations and restructuring. In my career to date I have strived to enhance my professional
skills inHR with a focus towards building/strengthening the HR function. I have developed the necessary
skills and behaviors to fulfill the role providing the necessary support and guidance at a strategic business
partner level. I have the necessary detailed and operational understanding of people and issues thus ensuring
that the company and the staff have the necessary support. I strive to support dynamic organizations to
develop and support the relevant parties and assist in problem solvingand supporting the necessary
professional challenges.
Managing Sales Dynamics Smart
Planning & Budgeting Marketing Strategies Action oriented Problem Solving
Staff Motivation Market Research Disciplined Talented
Setting Targets Sales Operations Highly Professional Good Judgment
Team Building Sales Techniques Receptive Effective Planning
Sales Coaching Can Do Attitude Persistent
Professional Experiences:
1-August 2014 till to date, Tricon Trading and Contracting Bahrain
Admin , HR Supervisor:
Responsible for Admin , HR policies and implementation in company, Hiring, training & orientation
of new employees, new employee visa processing , Pay roll, appraisal of employees. Payment of
Government taxes.
2. June 2003  May 2014 - Canadian Pizza Unlimited  Calgary Canada
Restaurant Manager:
Responsible for ensuring the team delivers strong commercial results whilst adhering to all
company policies, procedures and business ethic code. Also in charge of directing the company's
sales program, assigning sales territories, setting goals, and establish training programs for the
sales representatives.
 In charge of recruiting and training all staff.
 Establishing positive working relationship with Sales Personnel in different company
 Maintaining accurate records of all pricings, sales, and activity reports submitted by
Account Executives.
 Assisting Account Executives in the preparation of proposals and presentations.
 Carry out staff briefings and contribute or hold daily service meetings to measure success.
 Working closely with the Production Managers to develop promotions in order to generate
 Creating an engaging and positive work environment for the Sales Team.
 Supporting the development of the sales teams' product knowledge and sales skills through
effective training.
3. January 2000  November 2002 - Dancom Pakistan Ltd. Pakistan
Assistant Manager Admin & HR:
 Admin & HR polices, implementation in telecommunication.
 Branding of Public Call Offices, sales of pre paid calling cards.
 Introduction of new telecom products.
 Hiring new employees and training.
 Customer care policies, implantation.
4. April 1994  December 1999 - Sabzazar & Co - Pakistan
Sales & Marketing Officer (Agriculture):
 Sales & Marketing of Agriculture Input.
 Purchasing of packing material for agriculture inputs.
 Hiring, Training Orientation & Pay roll of Field Staff.
 Liaison to Government Agriculture Department.
University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan) 1994.
 Masters( Hons) in Agronomy
AMDC School Of Management Lahore (Pakistan) 1999.
 Master in Business Administration (Marketing)
Bow Valley College Calgary - Canada 2005.
 Human Resources Certificate.
 Employees Selection and Recruiting.
 Organizational Behavior.
 Benefits & Compensation Administration.
 Safe food handling course
 Certificate in E-Commerce.
 Certificate in Business Communication.
Material Status: Married
Date of Birth: 05-03-1968
Citizenship:- Canadian
Residency :- Bahrani
References: Available

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  • 1. MOHAMMAD ROHAIL WASEEM Building # 694, Road # 15, Salmaniya Bahrain. Contact :- Whatsapp,Viber ( 973-3306-0127) Email rohailw@yahoo.com ______________________________________________ Profile History_______________________________________________ A Certified HR professional with more than13years broad-based and progressively responsible experience in management and human resources. Proven ability to work with senior management team to integrate the human resource function within the overall business operating strategy. Experience in department startups, high growth operations and restructuring. In my career to date I have strived to enhance my professional skills inHR with a focus towards building/strengthening the HR function. I have developed the necessary skills and behaviors to fulfill the role providing the necessary support and guidance at a strategic business partner level. I have the necessary detailed and operational understanding of people and issues thus ensuring that the company and the staff have the necessary support. I strive to support dynamic organizations to develop and support the relevant parties and assist in problem solvingand supporting the necessary professional challenges. Expertise: Managing Sales Dynamics Smart Planning & Budgeting Marketing Strategies Action oriented Problem Solving Staff Motivation Market Research Disciplined Talented Setting Targets Sales Operations Highly Professional Good Judgment Team Building Sales Techniques Receptive Effective Planning Sales Coaching Can Do Attitude Persistent Professional Experiences: 1-August 2014 till to date, Tricon Trading and Contracting Bahrain Admin , HR Supervisor: Responsible for Admin , HR policies and implementation in company, Hiring, training & orientation of new employees, new employee visa processing , Pay roll, appraisal of employees. Payment of Government taxes. 2. June 2003 May 2014 - Canadian Pizza Unlimited Calgary Canada Restaurant Manager: Responsible for ensuring the team delivers strong commercial results whilst adhering to all company policies, procedures and business ethic code. Also in charge of directing the company's
  • 2. sales program, assigning sales territories, setting goals, and establish training programs for the sales representatives. In charge of recruiting and training all staff. Establishing positive working relationship with Sales Personnel in different company branches. Maintaining accurate records of all pricings, sales, and activity reports submitted by Account Executives. Assisting Account Executives in the preparation of proposals and presentations. Carry out staff briefings and contribute or hold daily service meetings to measure success. Working closely with the Production Managers to develop promotions in order to generate sales. Creating an engaging and positive work environment for the Sales Team. Supporting the development of the sales teams' product knowledge and sales skills through effective training. 3. January 2000 November 2002 - Dancom Pakistan Ltd. Pakistan Assistant Manager Admin & HR: Admin & HR polices, implementation in telecommunication. Branding of Public Call Offices, sales of pre paid calling cards. Introduction of new telecom products. Hiring new employees and training. Customer care policies, implantation. 4. April 1994 December 1999 - Sabzazar & Co - Pakistan Sales & Marketing Officer (Agriculture): Sales & Marketing of Agriculture Input. Purchasing of packing material for agriculture inputs. Hiring, Training Orientation & Pay roll of Field Staff. Liaison to Government Agriculture Department. Education: University of Agriculture Faisalabad (Pakistan) 1994. Masters( Hons) in Agronomy AMDC School Of Management Lahore (Pakistan) 1999. Master in Business Administration (Marketing) Bow Valley College Calgary - Canada 2005. Human Resources Certificate. Employees Selection and Recruiting. Organizational Behavior.
  • 3. Benefits & Compensation Administration. Safe food handling course Certificate in E-Commerce. Certificate in Business Communication. Personal: Material Status: Married Date of Birth: 05-03-1968 Citizenship:- Canadian Residency :- Bahrani References: Available