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Welcome to HubSpot! HubSpot is our Customer Relationship Management software. We use
it to follow up with customers and keep track of our potential sales leads.
It is important to note that you should be using the following websites in Google Chrome.
In order to acquire a HubSpot account, you will be provided access from someone with that
power, and will be sent an email with an invitation to join our CDP team on HubSpot. You
will need to sign in with your Google account credentials
When you first login to HubSpot, you will be shown your Dashboard. Your Dashboard shows you the Deal
Forecast, Productivity, and Pipeline.
Your Deal Forecast is the overall progress of your current Deals.
Your Productivity is the overall Productivity you have in maintaining and completing your Deals.
Your Pipeline is customizable, but the default in our environment is called the Sales Pipeline. It shows you
the progress of your Deals during a specific time frame.
Of course, this is the view from all our representatives in HubSpot. If you click the menu that lists all the
representatives, and find your name, it will be blank for now.
Lets work on creating
a new Deal. Click
Create a deal
To add a Deal, youll
need to fill out the
form on the left. Right
now, well just use the
tutorial accounts.
Once completed, you will be brought
to the following screen:
Under the About section, it shows you
the deal amount, what stage the Deal
is in, the suggested Close date, and
who owns the Deal.
You can change the Amount of the
Deal at any time.
The small clock icon on the right side
will show you any history in the
Amounts change.
You can also change
the Deal Stage
whenever you feel a
Deal is making
The Closed Won and Closed Lost stages will
ask you for additional details in how the Deal
was closed once you select them.
The Company
section shows you
the company youre
making the Deal
with. The more
information you
have in the
Companies section,
the more helpful it
can be.
The Contacts section shows you who
your Contacts are for the particular
Deal. You can also add additional
Contacts from this section.
The Attachments sections is fairly self explanatory.
You can add files that are saved into the CRM
already, or upload your own attachments.
The next section is where the magic happens.
From it, you can type a quick note about the
The Log activity section is where you would
log a contact attempt that you just made to
the Contact of the Deal. It can be a Call,
Email, or Meeting.
You can also Create a Task, to
remind yourself to send an
email response, or do a
scheduled call back to a Contact.
The last tab is the Schedule. This is where you
can schedule any events, such as a meeting or
training, with the Contacts in your Deal. You
can also add any Contacts that may not
already be on the Guest List.
The area underneath the Activity
Section is your Timeline. It keeps track
of any action you take for the Deal.
Click on Contacts in the top toolbar of HubSpot. Once there,
you will notice it is mostly blank. This is because a filter is
applied. The filter is to show any contact youre the owner of.
Since you havent created any, you dont own any yet.
On the left side of your screen, youll see the filters that are
setup, and one similar to the following is displayed.
Click on the X in the corner of the filter card.
You should now see a huge list of Contacts.
Select the Sample Contact
Brian Halligan.
You will notice this is
setup in a similar fashion
to the Deals page.
In the About Brian section,
you can see his contact
information, and how
many Deals hes associated
Directly underneath Brians
information, you will see the
Deals he is associated with, and
you can even create a new Deal
straight from this section.
Underneath that, there is a section about Brians
company, and once again we have the
Attachments section underneath that.
Above, we have an Activities section--this is where even
more magic happens. It has several activities you can
perform right from this section. Below are the two we
havent covered already:
Email and Call.
You can send an email to your Contact
directly from the Email section.
It will be logged to your Timeline for the
Contact and the Deal.
The Call tab lets you take notes while on a call, but
you can also setup one of HubSpots integrations in
order to make phone calls directly from your browser
on your desk phone, but well get to that later.
Click on Companies in the top toolbar. Once again, you wont see many companies, if any at all.
So, once again youll have to click the X on the filter card to the left.
Select the Sample Company, GLSH Architecture.
You will see that it is set up the same as the Deals
page. Since there is nothing truly different between
the two pages, we will move onto Integrations.
There are several integrations we can use with HubSpot that allows our Deals to be even easier to follow
up on and keep track of. You can see what extensions are available in HubSpot under Settings >
Configuration > View Integrations near the bottom of the page.
The first is email tracking. This means that when we send a customer an email from HubSpot CRM, we
can see when they open the email, how long it was open, and if its opened again after the initial time.
This integration is directly in our Gmail and can be turned on and off from Gmail.
We can also call through HubSpot CRM so that it connects to our desk phones, and is logged
in HubSpot. This is called HubSpot Sales Calling.
Click Settings in the top toolbar of HubSpot. Then Configuration, and scroll down to HubSpot
Sales Calling.. Click Integrate with HubSpot. It will take you to the main page of integrating your
phone with HubSpot.
Once finished, you will need to add a phone number to HubSpot so that you can call through
HubSpot correctly. Click on Contacts in the top toolbar of HubSpot.
Remove the filter card again, and select Sample Contact Brian Halligan.
Then, click Call. It will then bring up that nifty notepad you can use to take notes while on your
call. You will also notice a small gear icon. Click on that.
The following prompt will ask for your phone number and extension. Once you enter the information
in, a call will ring to that phone number. A prompt will provide you with a verification number on
HubSpot. Answer your phone, and enter the verification number on your dial pad. Once thats
complete you should see this screen:
You can now take phone calls through HubSpot, directly onto your Plantronics headsets! You can do this by
going to Contacts in the top toolbar in HubSpot. Close your filter card again, and search for the Test User.
Then click the Call tab. Click the arrow next to the Call _Test from my browser button.
Select Call Test from phone. This will then ring to your
desk phone first, so answer that. Then, you will be calling
your Contact. The calls will be recorded in HubSpot, but
you can also take notes in HubSpot during the call.

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  • 2. Welcome to HubSpot! HubSpot is our Customer Relationship Management software. We use it to follow up with customers and keep track of our potential sales leads. It is important to note that you should be using the following websites in Google Chrome. In order to acquire a HubSpot account, you will be provided access from someone with that power, and will be sent an email with an invitation to join our CDP team on HubSpot. You will need to sign in with your Google account credentials (firstname.lastname@securecdp.com).
  • 3. When you first login to HubSpot, you will be shown your Dashboard. Your Dashboard shows you the Deal Forecast, Productivity, and Pipeline. Your Deal Forecast is the overall progress of your current Deals. Your Productivity is the overall Productivity you have in maintaining and completing your Deals. Your Pipeline is customizable, but the default in our environment is called the Sales Pipeline. It shows you the progress of your Deals during a specific time frame. Of course, this is the view from all our representatives in HubSpot. If you click the menu that lists all the representatives, and find your name, it will be blank for now.
  • 4. Lets work on creating a new Deal. Click Create a deal To add a Deal, youll need to fill out the form on the left. Right now, well just use the tutorial accounts. Once completed, you will be brought to the following screen: 69
  • 5. Under the About section, it shows you the deal amount, what stage the Deal is in, the suggested Close date, and who owns the Deal. You can change the Amount of the Deal at any time. The small clock icon on the right side will show you any history in the Amounts change. You can also change the Deal Stage whenever you feel a Deal is making progress. The Closed Won and Closed Lost stages will ask you for additional details in how the Deal was closed once you select them. 70
  • 6. The Company section shows you the company youre making the Deal with. The more information you have in the Companies section, the more helpful it can be. The Contacts section shows you who your Contacts are for the particular Deal. You can also add additional Contacts from this section. The Attachments sections is fairly self explanatory. You can add files that are saved into the CRM already, or upload your own attachments.
  • 7. The next section is where the magic happens. From it, you can type a quick note about the Deal. The Log activity section is where you would log a contact attempt that you just made to the Contact of the Deal. It can be a Call, Email, or Meeting. You can also Create a Task, to remind yourself to send an email response, or do a scheduled call back to a Contact. The last tab is the Schedule. This is where you can schedule any events, such as a meeting or training, with the Contacts in your Deal. You can also add any Contacts that may not already be on the Guest List.
  • 8. The area underneath the Activity Section is your Timeline. It keeps track of any action you take for the Deal. Click on Contacts in the top toolbar of HubSpot. Once there, you will notice it is mostly blank. This is because a filter is applied. The filter is to show any contact youre the owner of. Since you havent created any, you dont own any yet. On the left side of your screen, youll see the filters that are setup, and one similar to the following is displayed. Click on the X in the corner of the filter card. You should now see a huge list of Contacts.
  • 9. Select the Sample Contact Brian Halligan. You will notice this is setup in a similar fashion to the Deals page. In the About Brian section, you can see his contact information, and how many Deals hes associated with. Directly underneath Brians information, you will see the Deals he is associated with, and you can even create a new Deal straight from this section. Underneath that, there is a section about Brians company, and once again we have the Attachments section underneath that. Above, we have an Activities section--this is where even more magic happens. It has several activities you can perform right from this section. Below are the two we havent covered already: Email and Call.
  • 10. You can send an email to your Contact directly from the Email section. It will be logged to your Timeline for the Contact and the Deal. The Call tab lets you take notes while on a call, but you can also setup one of HubSpots integrations in order to make phone calls directly from your browser on your desk phone, but well get to that later. Click on Companies in the top toolbar. Once again, you wont see many companies, if any at all. So, once again youll have to click the X on the filter card to the left. Select the Sample Company, GLSH Architecture. You will see that it is set up the same as the Deals page. Since there is nothing truly different between the two pages, we will move onto Integrations.
  • 11. There are several integrations we can use with HubSpot that allows our Deals to be even easier to follow up on and keep track of. You can see what extensions are available in HubSpot under Settings > Configuration > View Integrations near the bottom of the page. The first is email tracking. This means that when we send a customer an email from HubSpot CRM, we can see when they open the email, how long it was open, and if its opened again after the initial time. This integration is directly in our Gmail and can be turned on and off from Gmail.
  • 12. We can also call through HubSpot CRM so that it connects to our desk phones, and is logged in HubSpot. This is called HubSpot Sales Calling. Click Settings in the top toolbar of HubSpot. Then Configuration, and scroll down to HubSpot Sales Calling.. Click Integrate with HubSpot. It will take you to the main page of integrating your phone with HubSpot. Once finished, you will need to add a phone number to HubSpot so that you can call through HubSpot correctly. Click on Contacts in the top toolbar of HubSpot. Remove the filter card again, and select Sample Contact Brian Halligan. Then, click Call. It will then bring up that nifty notepad you can use to take notes while on your call. You will also notice a small gear icon. Click on that.
  • 13. The following prompt will ask for your phone number and extension. Once you enter the information in, a call will ring to that phone number. A prompt will provide you with a verification number on HubSpot. Answer your phone, and enter the verification number on your dial pad. Once thats complete you should see this screen: You can now take phone calls through HubSpot, directly onto your Plantronics headsets! You can do this by going to Contacts in the top toolbar in HubSpot. Close your filter card again, and search for the Test User. Then click the Call tab. Click the arrow next to the Call _Test from my browser button. Select Call Test from phone. This will then ring to your desk phone first, so answer that. Then, you will be calling your Contact. The calls will be recorded in HubSpot, but you can also take notes in HubSpot during the call.