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Display this symbol to represent your commitment to be Human First and see other humans as
human and your willingness to learn about people who may seem different from you on the
surface or in their worldviews. By sharing what makes us human we will see that we were
always human first. (Ideas: Lapel pins, window stickers, tote bags, etc.) Free to share for
personal use.
Id love to hear your stories of connection. You can contact me on LinkedIn, Twitter
(@JeanineJoyJOY), on Facebook (Happiness 1st
, House of Peace and Love For All, or Jeanine Joy),
or on my home page, Happiness1st.com
I wish you the most wonderful life possible. Jeanine Joy

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human first lapel pin

  • 1. Instructions: Display this symbol to represent your commitment to be Human First and see other humans as human and your willingness to learn about people who may seem different from you on the surface or in their worldviews. By sharing what makes us human we will see that we were always human first. (Ideas: Lapel pins, window stickers, tote bags, etc.) Free to share for personal use. Id love to hear your stories of connection. You can contact me on LinkedIn, Twitter (@JeanineJoyJOY), on Facebook (Happiness 1st , House of Peace and Love For All, or Jeanine Joy), or on my home page, Happiness1st.com I wish you the most wonderful life possible. Jeanine Joy