O documento discute eletrodos revestidos para soldagem de a?os carbono. Explica o processo de fabrica??o de eletrodos revestidos, incluindo a alma met│lica e o revestimento. Tamb└m descreve as principais fun??es do revestimento, como prote??o do metal de solda, estabiliza??o do arco el└trico e adi??o de elementos de liga ao metal de solda.
TALAT Lecture 3205: The Fluidity of Molten MetalsCORE-Materials
This document provides an overview of fluidity in molten metals and its influence on casting processes in 3 sentences:
Fluidity refers to the distance molten metal will flow in a test mold before solidifying, and is influenced by factors like alloy composition, section thickness, and heat transfer characteristics; short freezing range alloys solidify from the outside in, while long freezing range alloys form a slurry when the dendrite fraction reaches 25-50%; fluidity maps show how fluidity varies with composition, being highest for pure metals and eutectic compositions.
Teachers little helper helps you to roll out speaking opportunities while working on reading, listening, and then resharing what was read and learned from this unit. Vocabulary with pictures are here.
Zosta┰ tak?e aktywnym przeciwnikiem istnienia i funkcjonowania w moim kraju "nowego sio" - absurdalnego w odniesieniu do bezrefleksyjnego, niefrasobliwego i nieodpowiedzialnego gromadzenia zdumiewaj?co ogromnych zasob┏w danych osobowych poprzez u?omn? aplikacj?...
Marketing is Dead. Only Moments Matter - UserTesting Roadshow - 10/5/2016Kyle Lacy
Another adjustment to my Marketing is Dead deck which covers how to evolve in the digital environment. The only thing that matters or should matter to digital marketing is the experience the consumer is having with your brand.
Keynote presentation for the Peak Campus Conference in Atlanta, GA on 1/12/17. We talk about two current technology disruption business and what we must do to evolve. At the core, this presentation is filled with tips to building sustainable growth by focusing on the foundation of digital change and not the hype.
This document summarizes key points from Stephen Covey's book "First Things First" about prioritizing tasks and goals. It discusses creating weekly plans instead of daily plans to focus on long-term goals. It emphasizes the importance of balance between self-care, career, and relationships. Creating "win-win" situations by giving and learning from others is discussed. Keeping the "main thing" as the priority and evaluating goals in different roles is also summarized. The concept of interdependence over independence is covered, noting survival depends on connections between people. Leadership is distinguished from management in inspiring change versus managing tasks. Principle-centered living and asking daily questions about an organization's mission are briefly outlined.
The document summarizes the key details of the final ELD mandate from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). It outlines the final compliance timeline, who must comply, new display requirements for ELDs, security requirements for data transfer, and driver control elements. It also discusses benefits carriers can realize from using ELDs like reducing fines and expenses, improving efficiency, and enhancing security.
Obowi?zki informacyjne wynikaj?ce z ustawy o ochronie danych osobowych.
Prezentacja z Internetowego Spotkania Administrator┏w Bezpiecze┰stwa Informacji.
Wi?cej informacji na stronie http://www.klubabi.odoradca.pl
Este documento trata sobre los movimientos de la Tierra y los eclipses. Explica que la Tierra gira sobre su eje en un movimiento de rotaci┏n que causa el d┴a y la noche, y que orbita alrededor del Sol en un movimiento de traslaci┏n que causa las estaciones. Tambi└n describe dos tipos de eclipses: los eclipses de Sol ocurren cuando la Luna bloquea la luz del Sol, y los eclipses de Luna ocurren cuando la Tierra bloquea la luz del Sol a la Luna.
Este documento describe la inspecci┏n y palpaci┏n del t┏rax. Detalla los l┴mites del t┏rax, l┴neas de referencia, contenido tor│cico y ganglios linf│ticos. Explica c┏mo inspeccionar el t┏rax de forma est│tica y din│mica, observando la forma, simetr┴a y movimientos respiratorios. Adem│s, cubre c┏mo palpar la pared tor│cica, expansi┏n pulmonar, fremidos vocales y pleurales. Por ┣ltimo, explica la t└cnica y hallazgos de la percusi┏n tor
The hand extends from the fingertips to the pre & post-central gyri of the parietal lobe. It is an essential tool to interact with the environment. The presence of opposable thumbs has led the human race to build countless tools, from the pre-historic hunter-gatherers to a teenager `texting¨ around the clock.
Este documento resume los aspectos clave de una Norma T└cnica sobre Programas de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en Venezuela. La Norma establece los requisitos m┴nimos para dise?ar, elaborar, implementar y evaluar dichos programas con el fin de garantizar la seguridad y salud de todos los trabajadores, especialmente de aquellos en situaciones m│s vulnerables. La Norma debe usarse para la elaboraci┏n de cualquier programa de seguridad y salud laboral y es aplicable a todos los centros de trabajo en Venezuela.
This document discusses disaster prevention and coping mechanisms. It defines a disaster as a sudden catastrophic event that affects many people, disrupts lives, and can cause loss of life or property. Disasters may be natural, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or epidemics, or man-made like fires, explosions or accidents. The document then lists some major natural disasters from the 20th and 21st centuries that caused significant loss of life. It also provides information on earthquakes, including how their severity is measured and expressed, and things to do both before and during an earthquake to prevent or reduce damage and injury.
Keynote presentation for the Peak Campus Conference in Atlanta, GA on 1/12/17. We talk about two current technology disruption business and what we must do to evolve. At the core, this presentation is filled with tips to building sustainable growth by focusing on the foundation of digital change and not the hype.
This document summarizes key points from Stephen Covey's book "First Things First" about prioritizing tasks and goals. It discusses creating weekly plans instead of daily plans to focus on long-term goals. It emphasizes the importance of balance between self-care, career, and relationships. Creating "win-win" situations by giving and learning from others is discussed. Keeping the "main thing" as the priority and evaluating goals in different roles is also summarized. The concept of interdependence over independence is covered, noting survival depends on connections between people. Leadership is distinguished from management in inspiring change versus managing tasks. Principle-centered living and asking daily questions about an organization's mission are briefly outlined.
The document summarizes the key details of the final ELD mandate from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). It outlines the final compliance timeline, who must comply, new display requirements for ELDs, security requirements for data transfer, and driver control elements. It also discusses benefits carriers can realize from using ELDs like reducing fines and expenses, improving efficiency, and enhancing security.
Obowi?zki informacyjne wynikaj?ce z ustawy o ochronie danych osobowych.
Prezentacja z Internetowego Spotkania Administrator┏w Bezpiecze┰stwa Informacji.
Wi?cej informacji na stronie http://www.klubabi.odoradca.pl
Este documento trata sobre los movimientos de la Tierra y los eclipses. Explica que la Tierra gira sobre su eje en un movimiento de rotaci┏n que causa el d┴a y la noche, y que orbita alrededor del Sol en un movimiento de traslaci┏n que causa las estaciones. Tambi└n describe dos tipos de eclipses: los eclipses de Sol ocurren cuando la Luna bloquea la luz del Sol, y los eclipses de Luna ocurren cuando la Tierra bloquea la luz del Sol a la Luna.
Este documento describe la inspecci┏n y palpaci┏n del t┏rax. Detalla los l┴mites del t┏rax, l┴neas de referencia, contenido tor│cico y ganglios linf│ticos. Explica c┏mo inspeccionar el t┏rax de forma est│tica y din│mica, observando la forma, simetr┴a y movimientos respiratorios. Adem│s, cubre c┏mo palpar la pared tor│cica, expansi┏n pulmonar, fremidos vocales y pleurales. Por ┣ltimo, explica la t└cnica y hallazgos de la percusi┏n tor
The hand extends from the fingertips to the pre & post-central gyri of the parietal lobe. It is an essential tool to interact with the environment. The presence of opposable thumbs has led the human race to build countless tools, from the pre-historic hunter-gatherers to a teenager `texting¨ around the clock.
Este documento resume los aspectos clave de una Norma T└cnica sobre Programas de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo en Venezuela. La Norma establece los requisitos m┴nimos para dise?ar, elaborar, implementar y evaluar dichos programas con el fin de garantizar la seguridad y salud de todos los trabajadores, especialmente de aquellos en situaciones m│s vulnerables. La Norma debe usarse para la elaboraci┏n de cualquier programa de seguridad y salud laboral y es aplicable a todos los centros de trabajo en Venezuela.
This document discusses disaster prevention and coping mechanisms. It defines a disaster as a sudden catastrophic event that affects many people, disrupts lives, and can cause loss of life or property. Disasters may be natural, such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or epidemics, or man-made like fires, explosions or accidents. The document then lists some major natural disasters from the 20th and 21st centuries that caused significant loss of life. It also provides information on earthquakes, including how their severity is measured and expressed, and things to do both before and during an earthquake to prevent or reduce damage and injury.
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit┐ italiana -...Damiano Orru
¨Osservatorio sull¨information literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della ^Open Education Week 2025 ̄, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025. https://www.aib.it/eventi/dichiarazione-dubai-oer-unesco/
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane...izmarmelum
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Canadian Organizational Behaviour, 10th Edition, Steven McShane, Kevin Tasa
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Suedementogge
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manningjelieltoinks
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Learning Swift Building Apps for OSX, iOS, and Beyond Jon Manning
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahmewoadetozito
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Designing Intelligent Construction Projects Michael Frahm
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manualidderkribo
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Digital Business Networks 1st Edition Dooley Solutions Manual
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnstonpplqadiri
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Marketing Management, 3rd Edition, Greg Marshall, Mark Johnston
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition:...orrahnaf
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
Test Bank for Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions, 4th Edition: Frank J. Fabozzi
(eBook PDF) Auditing: A Practical Approach with Data Analytics by Raymond N. ...osanoarak
(eBook PDF) Auditing: A Practical Approach with Data Analytics by Raymond N. Johnson
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(eBook PDF) Auditing: A Practical Approach with Data Analytics by Raymond N. Johnson
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13...orakategy
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not for Profit Organizations 13th Edition Copley Test Bank
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New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
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Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12...orakategy
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12th Edition Copley Test Bank
Essentials of Accounting for Governmental and Not-for-Profit Organizations 12...orakategy
I Bronzi di Riace
1. 20
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.
Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per principianti di
lingua italiana
3. I Bronzi di Riace: i guerrieri venuti dal mare
Livello A2
2. 21
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.
A. Introduzione
Nell'estate del 1972 un sommozzatore trova per caso due statue antiche nel tratto di mare
antistante Riace, un paesino in provincia di Reggio Calabria. Le due statue sono in bronzo e
prendono il nome dalla localit┐ di ritrovamento: Bronzi di Riace. I Bronzi sono considerati statue
originali greche del V secolo a.C. e sono conservati al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Reggio
A.1 Rispondiamo alle domande introduttive
1 . Come si chiamano le due statue?
2. Dov¨ ┬ avvenuta la loro scoperta?
3. A quale periodo risalgono?
4. Dove sono conservate le due statue?
3. 22
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.
FIG. 1
Statua A Statua B
B. Osserviamo le immagini delle due statue e colleghiamo le parti del corpo con le rispettive
Braccio destro piegato
Braccio sinistro scende lungo il corpo
Gamba destra leggermente piegata e avanzata
Gamba sinistra tesa
4. 23
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.
Fig. 2 Statua A
C. Leggiamo la scheda tecnica - Statua A
I Bronzi, indicati anche come statua A e B, sono un esempio originale dell'applicazione del modello
policleteo. A Policleto, scultore greco vissuto nel V secolo a.C., si deve il modello (canone) della
rappresentazione della figura umana nella scultura del periodo classico.
Nella statua A: il braccio destro scende lungo il corpo e la mano ┬ quasi chiusa nell'atto di tenere
una lancia. Il braccio sinistro ┬ piegato, rimane l'anello dello scudo. La gamba destra ┬ tesa ed ┬ la
gamba portante*. La gamba sinistra ┬ leggermente piegata ed avanzata. Alla spalla destra
leggermente abbassata corrisponde la gamba sinistra piegata. Mentre alla spalla sinistra
leggermente sollevata corrisponde la gamba destra tesa. Tale posizione del corpo umano ┬ detta a
chiasmo. La testa ┬ rivolta verso destra, la barba ┬ folta e riccia, ricci sono anche i capelli che si
dipartono da una benda sulla fronte.
*Portante: si dice portante la gamba su cui poggia il peso del corpo.
5. 24
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.
Fig. 4 Statua B
C. 1. La statua B presenta le medesime caratteristiche della statua A con qualche variazione nella
testa e nella barba.
Completiamo con i seguenti gruppi di parole mancanti:
braccio sinistro, spalla sinista, gamba destra, braccio destro, spalla destra, gamba portante,
piegata ed avanzata
Il ____________________ scende lungo il corpo e la mano ┬ quasi chiusa nell'atto di tenere una
lancia. Il _____________________________┬ piegato.
La _________________________ tesa ┬ la_____________________, la gamba sinistra ┬
leggermente _____________________________.
La _____________________ ┬ leggermente abbassata, mentre la _____________________ ┬
La testa, senza capelli sulla nuca, ha la conformazione per un elmo corinzio. La barba ┬ a fiamma.
6. 25
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.
C.2. Inseriamo in ogni casella la descrizione delle parti del corpo della statua A.
Braccio sinistro:
Gamba destra:
Gamba sinistra:
Braccio destro:
Spalla destra:
Spalla sinistra:
7. 26
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.
Fig. 5 Statua A Statua B
D. Leggiamo la terza parte della scheda tecnica e rispondiamo alle domande.
Le statue rappresentano verosimilmente due guerrieri o eroi. La muscolatura ┬ curata nei
particolari, ben visibili anche le vene nelle braccia, nelle mani e nei piedi.
Le labbra e i capezzoli sono di rame, le ciglia e i denti d'argento; gli occhi di pasta vitrea e avorio.
Le statue sono state attribuite a diversi artisti greci del V secolo a. C. quali Policleto, Fidia, Pitagora
di Reggio.
1. Chi rappresentano i Bronzi di Riace?
2. Quali materiali sono usati rispettivamente per le labbra, le ciglia, i denti e gli occhi?
3. Com'┬ la muscolatura delle due statue?
8. 27
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.
4. A chi sono attribuiti i Bronzi di Riace?
E. Completiamo il testo con le parole mancanti.
I Bronzi di Riace sono un esempio originale dell'applicazione del ________________ policleteo. A
Policleto, scultore greco vissuto nel V secolo a. C., si deve il ________________ (canone) della
rappresentazione della figura ____________ nella scultura del periodo ____________.
Nelle due statue il braccio destro scende lungo il corpo e la ____________ ┬ quasi chiusa nell'atto
di tenere una lancia. Il braccio ______________ ┬ piegato, rimane l'anello dello
_____________________. La spalla destra ┬ leggermente _______________, la gamba sinistra ┬
_____________. Mentre la spalla sinistra ┬ leggermente _______________ e la gamba destra ┬
________________. Questa posizione del corpo umano ┬ detta a ___________________.
Le statue rappresentano verosimilmente due guerrieri o ________________.
La ____________________ ┬ curata nei particolari, ben visibili anche le __________ nelle braccia,
nelle mani e nei ___________________.
Le labbra e i capezzoli sono di _____________, le ciglia e i ___________ d'argento; gli
_____________ di pasta vitrea e avorio.
9. 28
?Uno scorcio sull¨Italia. Lingua e arte per i principianti di lingua italiana. Giuseppina Imbalzano.