This document discusses fault and upgrade domains for cloud workloads. It defines fault domains as isolated infrastructure components like physical hosts and network equipment so that failure of a single component cannot take down an entire service. It defines upgrade domains as logical groupings of role instances so that deployments can be upgraded one domain at a time with no availability impact through rolling upgrades. It also shows an example of a cloud application distributed across multiple regions with unique URLs for high availability and reliability.
This document discusses expanding internet access in developing areas of the world. It begins by questioning whether current efforts to expand internet access will be successful. It then quotes Mark Zuckerberg saying that some people in developing areas don't see the value of the internet, so companies need to show people how getting online can be rational and beneficial. The document provides several photos and links related to startups and companies working to expand internet access through technologies like Project Loon in Africa and other emerging markets. It concludes by thanking and shouting out several African innovators and thinkers whose work is guiding efforts to bring more of the world online.
The document is a user manual for the ORAC lighting system. It provides instructions for installing the ORAC Xinnix L600 model, which comes in two variants for different lamp types. The installation involves attaching the light fixture base to the ceiling and inserting the lamp. Diagrams show the assembly parts numbered for reference. Contact information and a website are listed for support.
Positive thinking refers to maintaining a perspective that focuses on the positive aspects of life. Research has shown that positive thinking is associated with better psychological well-being and health compared to negative thinking. Positive thinking involves seeing problems as opportunities, utilizing positive language, and focusing on ideas and suggestions rather than dwelling on rumors or negativity. The benefits of positive thinking include increased happiness, confidence in one's abilities, strong relationships, acceptance of both positive and negative realities, and greater achievement and improvement in life overall.
Elektron dalam atom diizinkan pada keadaan stasioner tertentu. Setiap keadaan stasioner berkaitan dengan energi (lintasan) tertentu. bergerak dengan suatu momentum sudut yang merupakan kelipatan bilangan bulat h/2, yakni
mvr = n(h/2), n = 1, 2, 3,
Elektron berada secara stasioner, yaitu selama Elektron beredar mengelilingi Inti Atom, Elektron tidak memancarkan dan menyerap Energi. Dan apabila atom hidrogen mendapat radiasi (energi), maka elektron akan tereksitasi.
Energi Elektron berbanding terbalik dengan lintasan (kulit) E = -RH x ( 1/n2 )
Dokumen tersebut membahas materi integral pada kelas XII IPA, meliputi pengertian integral tak tentu dan tertentu, cara menghitung integral berbagai fungsi, integral substitusi, integral parsial, serta penerapan integral untuk menghitung luas daerah dan volume benda putar."
Sentenced to Four Years For Aggravated AssaultTrevor Maynard
The defendant was sentenced to four years in prison for aggravated assault against a bailiff. At his trial, the defendant felt the courtroom lacked grandeur and that the three magistrates judging him were unqualified. He argued that the bailiff, as a debt collector, had taken his job, wife, and house, and that his reaction was justified. However, the magistrates were focused on lunch and found him guilty.
Make in Italy presentation at OuiShare Fest 2014Tomas Mancin
This document proposes creating a European makers and open source hardware movement to connect makers, fablabs, makerspaces, governments, startups, schools, and communities through events like contests and design weeks. It aims to foster open hardware collaboration and innovation with the goal of positively impacting maker communities and making real things rather than just presentations.
Augmenting the World using Semantic Web TechnologiesJens Grubert
Creating and maintaining scenes for mobile Augmented Reality browsers can be a challenging and time consuming task. The timeliness of digital information artifacts connected to changing urban environments require authors to constantly update the structural representations of augmented scenes or to accept that the information will soon be outdated. We investigated approaches for retrieving multimedia content and relevant web services for mobile Augmented Reality applications at runtime. Using semantic web technologies we are able to postpone the retrieval of actual media items to the moment a user actually perceives an augmented scene. This allows content creators to augment a scene only once and avoid continous manual updates.
This document outlines a presentation on entrepreneurship and venture capital funding. It includes an agenda covering introductions, the idea and maturity, team skills and needs, capital budget and allocation, opportunity costs, a case study, differentiators, competition, exit value, and Q&A. Statistical data on Blume Ventures' portfolio is presented, covering average age and experience of promoters, industry breakdown, number of co-promoters, and revenue status. Models for venture funding including online marketplaces, offline to online transitions, enterprise software, and hybrid SME marketplaces are covered. A case study of a hyperlocal food delivery startup is discussed that pivoted from consumer ordering to B2B food fulfillment. Requirements
Positive thinking refers to maintaining a perspective that focuses on the positive aspects of life. Research has shown that positive thinking is associated with better psychological well-being and health compared to negative thinking. Positive thinking involves seeing problems as opportunities, utilizing positive language, and focusing on ideas and suggestions rather than dwelling on rumors or negativity. The benefits of positive thinking include increased happiness, confidence in one's abilities, strong relationships, acceptance of both positive and negative realities, and greater achievement and improvement in life overall.
Elektron dalam atom diizinkan pada keadaan stasioner tertentu. Setiap keadaan stasioner berkaitan dengan energi (lintasan) tertentu. bergerak dengan suatu momentum sudut yang merupakan kelipatan bilangan bulat h/2, yakni
mvr = n(h/2), n = 1, 2, 3,
Elektron berada secara stasioner, yaitu selama Elektron beredar mengelilingi Inti Atom, Elektron tidak memancarkan dan menyerap Energi. Dan apabila atom hidrogen mendapat radiasi (energi), maka elektron akan tereksitasi.
Energi Elektron berbanding terbalik dengan lintasan (kulit) E = -RH x ( 1/n2 )
Dokumen tersebut membahas materi integral pada kelas XII IPA, meliputi pengertian integral tak tentu dan tertentu, cara menghitung integral berbagai fungsi, integral substitusi, integral parsial, serta penerapan integral untuk menghitung luas daerah dan volume benda putar."
Sentenced to Four Years For Aggravated AssaultTrevor Maynard
The defendant was sentenced to four years in prison for aggravated assault against a bailiff. At his trial, the defendant felt the courtroom lacked grandeur and that the three magistrates judging him were unqualified. He argued that the bailiff, as a debt collector, had taken his job, wife, and house, and that his reaction was justified. However, the magistrates were focused on lunch and found him guilty.
Make in Italy presentation at OuiShare Fest 2014Tomas Mancin
This document proposes creating a European makers and open source hardware movement to connect makers, fablabs, makerspaces, governments, startups, schools, and communities through events like contests and design weeks. It aims to foster open hardware collaboration and innovation with the goal of positively impacting maker communities and making real things rather than just presentations.
Augmenting the World using Semantic Web TechnologiesJens Grubert
Creating and maintaining scenes for mobile Augmented Reality browsers can be a challenging and time consuming task. The timeliness of digital information artifacts connected to changing urban environments require authors to constantly update the structural representations of augmented scenes or to accept that the information will soon be outdated. We investigated approaches for retrieving multimedia content and relevant web services for mobile Augmented Reality applications at runtime. Using semantic web technologies we are able to postpone the retrieval of actual media items to the moment a user actually perceives an augmented scene. This allows content creators to augment a scene only once and avoid continous manual updates.
This document outlines a presentation on entrepreneurship and venture capital funding. It includes an agenda covering introductions, the idea and maturity, team skills and needs, capital budget and allocation, opportunity costs, a case study, differentiators, competition, exit value, and Q&A. Statistical data on Blume Ventures' portfolio is presented, covering average age and experience of promoters, industry breakdown, number of co-promoters, and revenue status. Models for venture funding including online marketplaces, offline to online transitions, enterprise software, and hybrid SME marketplaces are covered. A case study of a hyperlocal food delivery startup is discussed that pivoted from consumer ordering to B2B food fulfillment. Requirements