The document is a collection of statements contrasting how the author used to feel or act with how they now feel or act. Most statements follow the pattern of "I used to [behavior] but now I [changed behavior]". The changes described include improved attitudes towards school, family, friends, anger, and self-image. The author indicates they now prioritize education, control their emotions, and value family and self-acceptance over peer approval or risky behaviors.
The document provides information on the target audience for the Beano comic. It specifies that the target audience is boys ages 8-12, socioeconomic class A-C1 who have disposable income. The comic aims to appeal to boys through its use of stereotypical male colors and a main character who is a mischievous boy. It seeks to be affordable and eye-catching to its target audience.
The poem describes a father who is portrayed as very brave, as he is not afraid of anything including ghosts, monsters, and horror movies. However, in the last two lines, the persona wonders why their father who claims to be so brave is afraid of spiders in the bathtub and needs their mother to remove it. The document provides analysis of each verse and discusses the setting, persona, and theme of the poem which is about parents being honest with their children and that true heroes can still have weaknesses.
The document provides details on the master plan for Binh Duong New City in Vietnam. It includes information on the land use plan, transportation network, green spaces, residential and commercial development, and urban design guidelines. The master plan envisions transforming the area into a modern, sustainable new city through 2020.
The document provides guidance for volunteers conducting preschool storytime programs at local libraries. It covers topics like preparing for storytime, choosing age-appropriate books and activities, presenting stories engagingly, and managing disruptive behaviors. Volunteers are encouraged to be well-prepared and choose materials they enjoy to best engage young children. The document also addresses differences in planning toddler versus preschool storytimes due to shorter attention spans of toddlers.
General Assembly - Digital Marketing Final ProjectStephanie Liao
March Caps sells unique caps designed in New York and made in the USA. Their business model focuses on exclusivity, style, and quality. They track key metrics like traffic sources, page views, bounce rate, and conversions. To improve performance, they plan to enhance their email marketing, social media presence, and website user experience. Testing paid social media ads and pursuing sponsorships/influencers are also strategies March Caps will use to acquire more customers and drive sales.
The document provides examples and instructions for writing different types of poems, including poems using specific structures or formulas. Some of the poem types discussed include five senses poems, diamante poems, cinquain poems, color poems, build-a-poems, haikus, 8-line rhyming poems, limericks, concrete/shape poems, "if I were" poems, "used to...but now" poems, and clerihews. Formulas and examples are given for each type to demonstrate how to write poems using different structures.
1. The document discusses different types of acrostic poems written by students on various topics like memories, endurance, deception, mortality, and choice.
2. The poems use the letters in a theme word to begin each line and express feelings and ideas about that topic through descriptive words and phrases.
3. Some of the themes explored in the poems include celebrating victories over hardships, strong memories from the past, the pain of parting from loved ones, and the inevitability of death.
The quote summarizes two common beliefs:
1) Women and cats do as they please and it is better for men and dogs to accept this rather than resist.
2) Robert A. Heinlein expressed that women and cats tend to do as they want, so men and dogs should relax and get accustomed to the idea.
The document provides market index data and statistics for several US stock market indices including the S&P 100, Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, Russell 1000, Russell 2000, and Russell 3000. It includes daily and weekly statistics such as advance/decline percentages and movements relative to moving averages. Most indices saw over 90% of components advance on a daily basis but under 50% on a weekly basis. The majority of components for all indices were trading below their 13-day, 55-day, and 233-day moving averages.
This document provides information about E.A. Wallis Budge's 1898 publication titled "The Book of the Dead." It includes a preface written by Budge where he summarizes that the publication contains ancient Egyptian hymns and religious texts from Theban-era papyri and other documents. These texts were inscribed on tomb artifacts to help the dead in the afterlife. Budge edited over 170 chapters and hymns, drawing from multiple papyri to provide a more complete collection. He numbers the chapters following the system used by Lepsius in an earlier edition. The majority of texts come from British Museum papyri, with some chapters from other international collections.
The document discusses the role of government in regulating economic activity and maintaining stable market conditions. It describes how governments establish legal frameworks, regulate industries like banking, implement fiscal and monetary policies to influence economic growth and inflation, redistribute resources, and address externalities. Specifically, it outlines the government's role in regulating general business interactions and specific industries, using policies like taxation and money supply management to guide economic goals, providing public services, and correcting costs and benefits not transmitted through market prices.
- The document summarizes a training session on Sun Ray thin clients and VMware View for desktop virtualization. It provides an overview of the joint Sun and VMware solution, when each product should be sold, technical integration details, and support information.
- Customers can choose between using Sun Ray software with VMware View Manager or VMware Infrastructure 3 to deploy virtual desktops from their data center to Sun Ray thin clients.
- The session covered the technical aspects of integrating Sun Ray with VMware View, roadmaps for the solution, and sales and marketing support available from Sun and VMware.
The document lists materials related to SAP Business Objects products and training. It includes study guides, certification practice questions, course materials on topics like universe design, report design, administration, and more. Many of the materials are available for individual purchase at $40 each or the entire package can be purchased for $200.
This document summarizes and compares two monomictic lakes - the warm monomictic Lake San Pablo in Ecuador and the cold monomictic Flakevatn Lake in Norway. Lake San Pablo is eutrophic due to nutrient inputs from intensive agriculture and erosion in its catchment area. It stratifies from July to September and mixing is significant for eutrophication. Flakevatn is situated in the mountains of central Norway and belongs to the cold monomictic category. Studies examined its annual heat budgets, silica content, and found heat budgets of 15673 cal cm-2 in 2004 and 13074 cal cm-2 in 2005.
The document discusses SAP NetWeaver Gateway and its role in bridging Microsoft and SAP systems. It highlights key benefits like enabling seamless integration of SAP data and processes into the Microsoft environment. This allows accessing and updating SAP systems directly from Microsoft applications like Outlook, Excel, SharePoint etc. for improved productivity and decision making. It also outlines the architecture and development approach to generate services and applications to connect these two worlds.
Thinking Outside the Box that Keeps MovingLuke Brooker
Original 際際滷s:
Tips and Tricks for a Responsive Web.
From my Brisbane Web Design Talk November 21st 2013.
The document lists the menu items and prices for McDonald's. It includes meal options like Big Mac meals and chicken nugget meals that correspond to numbered items on the menu. It also includes sandwich, salad, dessert and drink options and prompts the user to select various items and meals, responding with the prices. The prices provided range from $1.00 for additional items to $5.19 for a number 9 meal. The document simulates ordering from the McDonald's menu by asking the user what they would like to order.
Cloud computing handles resources through software and hardware via the internet. It provides computing resources as on-demand services through models like SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Cloud technology offers benefits to small businesses like lower costs, flexibility, scalability, and mobility. However, security, performance, and availability challenges still need to be addressed for cloud computing's continued growth and implementation across different industries.
Amazon Kinesis is a managed service that allows you to collect, process and analyze real-time streaming data. It allows you to ingest streaming data into shards and then retrieve those records using the GetNextRecords API. The Java SDK requires Java 7 and provides a simple API to put records into a stream using PutRecord and retrieve them using GetNextRecords. It also shows how to build a worker that continuously reads from the stream and processes the data.
Special quadrilaterals proofs ans constructions cristufer
The document provides examples of paragraph proofs for various properties of quadrilaterals including kites, parallelograms, and rhombuses. Each proof uses logical reasoning and references to previously stated information to prove the given property, often constructing the shape first and then explaining why it has the property based on equal sides, angles, or segments due to the shape's definition.
Seeing how online search has changed our lives, Google Philippines worked together with internet sensations and formed a campaign that aimed to encourage Filipinos to maximize the full potential of online search. Ready? Check this one out!
Klasifikasi pesan non verbal dan konsep waktuRobby Zf
Dokumen tersebut membahas klasifikasi pesan non verbal dan konsep waktu menurut para ahli komunikasi. Ada beberapa klasifikasi pesan non verbal seperti bahasa tanda, bahasa tindakan, bahasa objek, faktor internal dan eksternal. Dokumen juga membedakan penganut waktu monokronik dan polikronik beserta karakteristiknya.
This document provides autobiographical information about a 16-year-old girl from the Philippines. It details that she was born in Eastern Pangasinan District Hospital, attends a prestigious Christian academy where she is involved in various clubs and contests, and hopes to become a doctor. The girl enjoys activities like drawing, reading, cooking, and road trips. She has faced challenges like struggling with negative thoughts but has become more positive. Her grandfather recently passed away which saddened her. Overall, the document emphasizes making the most of life and cherishing time with loved ones.
The letters are promises from students to parents, friends, and others expressing gratitude and commitment. They promise to work hard in school, follow advice, and be supportive in return. The letters convey caring relationships and motivation to succeed despite challenges.
The document provides examples and instructions for writing different types of poems, including poems using specific structures or formulas. Some of the poem types discussed include five senses poems, diamante poems, cinquain poems, color poems, build-a-poems, haikus, 8-line rhyming poems, limericks, concrete/shape poems, "if I were" poems, "used to...but now" poems, and clerihews. Formulas and examples are given for each type to demonstrate how to write poems using different structures.
1. The document discusses different types of acrostic poems written by students on various topics like memories, endurance, deception, mortality, and choice.
2. The poems use the letters in a theme word to begin each line and express feelings and ideas about that topic through descriptive words and phrases.
3. Some of the themes explored in the poems include celebrating victories over hardships, strong memories from the past, the pain of parting from loved ones, and the inevitability of death.
The quote summarizes two common beliefs:
1) Women and cats do as they please and it is better for men and dogs to accept this rather than resist.
2) Robert A. Heinlein expressed that women and cats tend to do as they want, so men and dogs should relax and get accustomed to the idea.
The document provides market index data and statistics for several US stock market indices including the S&P 100, Nasdaq 100, S&P 500, Russell 1000, Russell 2000, and Russell 3000. It includes daily and weekly statistics such as advance/decline percentages and movements relative to moving averages. Most indices saw over 90% of components advance on a daily basis but under 50% on a weekly basis. The majority of components for all indices were trading below their 13-day, 55-day, and 233-day moving averages.
This document provides information about E.A. Wallis Budge's 1898 publication titled "The Book of the Dead." It includes a preface written by Budge where he summarizes that the publication contains ancient Egyptian hymns and religious texts from Theban-era papyri and other documents. These texts were inscribed on tomb artifacts to help the dead in the afterlife. Budge edited over 170 chapters and hymns, drawing from multiple papyri to provide a more complete collection. He numbers the chapters following the system used by Lepsius in an earlier edition. The majority of texts come from British Museum papyri, with some chapters from other international collections.
The document discusses the role of government in regulating economic activity and maintaining stable market conditions. It describes how governments establish legal frameworks, regulate industries like banking, implement fiscal and monetary policies to influence economic growth and inflation, redistribute resources, and address externalities. Specifically, it outlines the government's role in regulating general business interactions and specific industries, using policies like taxation and money supply management to guide economic goals, providing public services, and correcting costs and benefits not transmitted through market prices.
- The document summarizes a training session on Sun Ray thin clients and VMware View for desktop virtualization. It provides an overview of the joint Sun and VMware solution, when each product should be sold, technical integration details, and support information.
- Customers can choose between using Sun Ray software with VMware View Manager or VMware Infrastructure 3 to deploy virtual desktops from their data center to Sun Ray thin clients.
- The session covered the technical aspects of integrating Sun Ray with VMware View, roadmaps for the solution, and sales and marketing support available from Sun and VMware.
The document lists materials related to SAP Business Objects products and training. It includes study guides, certification practice questions, course materials on topics like universe design, report design, administration, and more. Many of the materials are available for individual purchase at $40 each or the entire package can be purchased for $200.
This document summarizes and compares two monomictic lakes - the warm monomictic Lake San Pablo in Ecuador and the cold monomictic Flakevatn Lake in Norway. Lake San Pablo is eutrophic due to nutrient inputs from intensive agriculture and erosion in its catchment area. It stratifies from July to September and mixing is significant for eutrophication. Flakevatn is situated in the mountains of central Norway and belongs to the cold monomictic category. Studies examined its annual heat budgets, silica content, and found heat budgets of 15673 cal cm-2 in 2004 and 13074 cal cm-2 in 2005.
The document discusses SAP NetWeaver Gateway and its role in bridging Microsoft and SAP systems. It highlights key benefits like enabling seamless integration of SAP data and processes into the Microsoft environment. This allows accessing and updating SAP systems directly from Microsoft applications like Outlook, Excel, SharePoint etc. for improved productivity and decision making. It also outlines the architecture and development approach to generate services and applications to connect these two worlds.
Thinking Outside the Box that Keeps MovingLuke Brooker
Original 際際滷s:
Tips and Tricks for a Responsive Web.
From my Brisbane Web Design Talk November 21st 2013.
The document lists the menu items and prices for McDonald's. It includes meal options like Big Mac meals and chicken nugget meals that correspond to numbered items on the menu. It also includes sandwich, salad, dessert and drink options and prompts the user to select various items and meals, responding with the prices. The prices provided range from $1.00 for additional items to $5.19 for a number 9 meal. The document simulates ordering from the McDonald's menu by asking the user what they would like to order.
Cloud computing handles resources through software and hardware via the internet. It provides computing resources as on-demand services through models like SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS. Cloud technology offers benefits to small businesses like lower costs, flexibility, scalability, and mobility. However, security, performance, and availability challenges still need to be addressed for cloud computing's continued growth and implementation across different industries.
Amazon Kinesis is a managed service that allows you to collect, process and analyze real-time streaming data. It allows you to ingest streaming data into shards and then retrieve those records using the GetNextRecords API. The Java SDK requires Java 7 and provides a simple API to put records into a stream using PutRecord and retrieve them using GetNextRecords. It also shows how to build a worker that continuously reads from the stream and processes the data.
Special quadrilaterals proofs ans constructions cristufer
The document provides examples of paragraph proofs for various properties of quadrilaterals including kites, parallelograms, and rhombuses. Each proof uses logical reasoning and references to previously stated information to prove the given property, often constructing the shape first and then explaining why it has the property based on equal sides, angles, or segments due to the shape's definition.
Seeing how online search has changed our lives, Google Philippines worked together with internet sensations and formed a campaign that aimed to encourage Filipinos to maximize the full potential of online search. Ready? Check this one out!
Klasifikasi pesan non verbal dan konsep waktuRobby Zf
Dokumen tersebut membahas klasifikasi pesan non verbal dan konsep waktu menurut para ahli komunikasi. Ada beberapa klasifikasi pesan non verbal seperti bahasa tanda, bahasa tindakan, bahasa objek, faktor internal dan eksternal. Dokumen juga membedakan penganut waktu monokronik dan polikronik beserta karakteristiknya.
This document provides autobiographical information about a 16-year-old girl from the Philippines. It details that she was born in Eastern Pangasinan District Hospital, attends a prestigious Christian academy where she is involved in various clubs and contests, and hopes to become a doctor. The girl enjoys activities like drawing, reading, cooking, and road trips. She has faced challenges like struggling with negative thoughts but has become more positive. Her grandfather recently passed away which saddened her. Overall, the document emphasizes making the most of life and cherishing time with loved ones.
The letters are promises from students to parents, friends, and others expressing gratitude and commitment. They promise to work hard in school, follow advice, and be supportive in return. The letters convey caring relationships and motivation to succeed despite challenges.
This document contains summaries of several topics from the perspective of a teenager. It discusses enjoying cheerleading since a young age and valuing the lessons it teaches about teamwork. It also expresses love and trust for a group of best friends, particularly appreciating their individual qualities but enjoying their friendship. Another passage discusses a special father-daughter dance with a family friend filling in for an absent father.
Well, starting with how I met depression. At the age of 12, I lo.docxjane3dyson92312
The document describes the author's experience with depression after losing her grandfather at age 12. When she learned of his death, she went into denial and spent days crying and isolating herself. Her mother tried different ways to cheer her up but nothing worked. A family friend who was a psychologist counseled the author by sharing her own story of loss. This helped the author realize she was not alone and had support from loved ones. It took a year for her to start feeling normal again, though she still deeply misses her grandfather.
1 Professor My Origins I dont know why its so har.docxaryan532920
My Origins
I dont know why its so hard for me to find an origins story when Im one myself. When I get older and have kids of my own it will come to me more natural because now Im still young and trying to grasp ahold of the things that have carved me. Its hard to put these things into words because most are memories now and many things that have impacted me are gone but never forgotten. It could be the smell of peppermint that reminds me of my granny or seeing a cowboys to remind me of my uncle; Its really crazy that one small thing can be with you forever and many dont even realize these things will affect you but I do. Some of these is what drives to be the best person I can be to my friends and family and I wouldnt be me if I didnt have a part of them in me.
My name is Anrique Gerard Ellery; born in Lebanon Kentucky on January 11, 1997. My parents are Richard Ellery and Ann Thomas. I was the youngest out of 2 sisters; my oldest sister Niya; I never got the chance to live with because she moved out when she was 15 so I wasnt born yet. My parents split up when I was 3 because of my dads drug addiction. Being that young nobody tells you whats going on because they know you would understand. Being that age the only thing I was worried about was cartoons and pancakes. We moved in with my grandparents in Springfield Kentucky where I attended Head-Start and later my mom found a boyfriend that later became her husband a couple years later. We moved to Danville Kentucky, with my mom and sister(Simone). At the time I hated it because this wasnt our choice, we didnt want to leave everyone we knew and live with a man we didnt know at all. My second oldest sister Simone is 7 years older than me and was in high school when I was in elementary school so she would always walk me to school because my mom worked nights since before I was born that lead to her not being around much. So I needed a baby sitter which was my Granny Luddie (Dads Mother).
My favorite lady women in the world was my granny so every weekend I would get dropped off at her house because I didnt like being in Danville because the kids I went to school with didnt like me and I felt out of place. So I stayed in my hometown a lot, my mothers parents lived down the street and family lived all of the place so if I did something bad you already know my granny would know about it. Before I got back home. She was a very religious women, she went to church on Wednesday and stayed late on Sundays to count the money. I could remember playing the drums until she got done and the smell of the peppermint in her car. She had 9 kids; 2 of my uncles died during before she did and one after she died. My uncle Sammy impacted is such a way that i couldnt thank him enough, he taught me to smile and laugh no matter what. He knew he wasnt living the right life but he would always make time for family and that was number 1. The first time I experiencing death was whe ...
This document is a collection of poems and a short story by Carrie M. Harvey. The poems explore themes of nature, family, and relationships. The short story is about a man reflecting on his divorce and former relationship, as well as his appreciation for his mother who helps take care of his children. He realizes he should return to attending church with his family.
The essay describes the author's mother as selfless, nurturing, and hard-working. She mainly thinks of others and works hard to provide for her family. The most important lesson the mother teaches is that no one is perfect. The author has a close relationship with their mother, who gives great advice and support. Overall, the mother has taught the author important life lessons through both her words and actions.
The document describes the author's education history. They attended public primary school for 5 years, then secondary school for 4 years and high school, where they studied hard due to pressure. They then entered university to study general medicine, specializing in dermatology, wanting to follow their father's career as a doctor. They enjoy their major as it interests them in skin health and diseases.
This girl considers her cousin Aaliyah to be her best friend. They are always together taking pictures and having fun, although they do fight sometimes. The document expresses how much this person cares about Aaliyah and that she doesn't know what her life would be like without her.
The document is a personal reflection by Delilah Dorsey about her life journey and process of self-discovery. As the youngest of three children, she had a carefree childhood that changed when her parents split at age 12. She began acting out in anger and failing in school. After being disciplined and joining academic programs, she was able to graduate from middle school near the top of her class. However, high school brought more struggles as she continued making mistakes and failing classes before eventually graduating. Now in college with a job, she reflects on her bumpy path and vows to continue growing and evolving without giving up on finding her true self.
Meghan created a multigenre project for her boyfriend of 6 years to express how much he means to her. The project includes narratives about how they met in middle school when he accidentally hit her in the face with a basketball, informational pieces about what he means to her, a poem expressing her love, and a persuasive piece about how he helped her overcome fears after having a health scare. The overall message is that her boyfriend is her best friend who has helped and supported her through challenges, and she is glad they found each other.
The author writes a letter to God expressing deep pain, questioning, and loss of faith. They feel God has failed to protect them from a difficult family situation and years of suffering. While they have tried to remain faithful, good, and forgiving, their problems continue without relief. The author asks God for a sign that there is hope and meaning to their struggles, otherwise they may have to resign their position as God's daughter and stop believing.
This journal entry expresses gratitude towards the writer's family, friends, and even enemies for helping them overcome adversity. The writer's parents have always supported them through difficulties, showing unconditional love. Friends provide encouragement and help with schoolwork. While enemies criticize them, this pushes the writer to work harder and improve, making them more resilient. The writer has learned from all these relationships and appreciates the role each plays in their life.
The author writes a letter to God expressing deep pain and questioning over difficult life experiences including an abusive father and divorced parents. While the author has tried to be good and help others, their own family situation remains troubled. The author feels tested and asks God how much longer this will continue, and if there is any hope of light at the end of the tunnel. The author gives God time to respond before resigning their position as God's daughter, as they can no longer endure further experiments or tests.
The document is a blog post by Anet, the current heiress of the Matriarchal Legasea legacy. She is providing an overview of her life so far, including being chosen as heiress, going to college with her siblings, her active social and dating life in college, and graduating with honors while continuing her role as heiress.
This document is a personal album created by a student named Ana Milagros Condori Qui単onez. It introduces her family members, including descriptions of her mother, father, sister, brother, and pet dog. It also shares memories from her childhood like birthday parties and school performances. Photos show her with friends at a park and during lockdown. She discusses her hobbies like dancing, singing, and board games. The album provides goals for the new year like exercising, studying hard, and saving money for university. It concludes with a message about family providing adventures and happiness.
Karissa Jordan Downard introduces herself and discusses being born different with only fingers on her left hand. She finds her identity and strength through overcoming bullying as a child. While struggling with low self-worth due to feeling insecure about her difference, she is inspired to become a teacher to help others through literature. She believes in using tattoos to express herself and finds freedom through education.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Research & Research Methods: Basic Concepts and Types.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt has been made for the students pursuing PG in social science and humanities like M.Ed., M.A. (Education), Ph.D. Scholars. It will be also beneficial for the teachers and other faculty members interested in research and teaching research concepts.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
2. I used to watch SpongeBob all day
But now I watch Sports Center
I used to go to JM and fail classes
But now I go to RALC to get those credits back
I used to skip classes and walk around the hall
But now I go to every class for a better future
I used to get mad and punch the walls
But now I lift weights to take my anger out
I used to get rides from my parents and friends
But now I can drive wherever I want and Im free
3. I used to cut class three days a week and go hang out with my friends at the park or just walk around in school
But now I go to class so I can graduate and just hang out after school
I used to think getting bad grades was cool and that I would be a badass
But now I make sure to turn in all my assignments and check on my grades daily.
I used to take out my anger on whoever got in my way, and I would give them an attitude
But now I listen to The Weeknd to calm down whenever I am mad at someone
I used to love going ice skating when I was 14 with my friends every Saturday
But now I hate it because I cant skate, I fall a lot, and I can get hurt
I used to be friends with everyone when I was younger
But now I know not to trust just anyone so I only have a few
4. I used to fight everyday at school whenever people talked bad about me
But now I can care less what people think of me
I used to get angry when people pulled my hair and shirt, and said Youre a loser, youre going
to fail in life
But now I just breathe in, out and count to ten because I realize theyre not worth my time
I used to care about having so many friends
But now I know friends fly in and out, but your family is here to stay for life
I used to help people who were upset over their boy/girlfriend or family problems
But now I just help those who are poor or are really hurt over something
I used to think having a best friend to count on was a good thing in life
But now I know that you are your only best friend
5. I used to play basketball
But now I play soccer
I used to think I am crazy
But now I do everything
I used to give up easily
But now I dont stop until the end
I used to think my friends cared about me
But now I know my family cares most about me
I used to sleep all my life
But now I am up and active
6. I used to let people disrespect me.
But now I shout and stand up for myself.
I used to think I was ugly because Im skinny.
But now I see beauty when I look in the mirror.
I used to think my family didnt love me.
But now I realized they struggled with me because I got into trouble a lot.
I used to care about all the drama.
But now I've moved on and just live my own life.
I used to not try in school.
But now I have good grades because I want to go to college when I graduate.
7. I used to lie a lot about a life I didnt have.
But now I realize that lying doesnt earn trust.
I used to isolate myself when things got tough.
But now I've learned that its ok to talk to people.
I used to take all the negative things people would say about me.
But now I simply walk away.
I used to run away from problems when they got hard.
But now I face them head on.
I used to think my life was bad because my dad is in prison.
But now I understand that I'm not the only one growing up without a
8. I used to stress over bullies.
But now I dont give a damn about their words or opinions.
I used to punch a wall when I got mad.
But now I listen to music and block out the world.
I used to hate being 57 and hate on my body shape.
But now I accept the flaws , because thats what makes me, me .
I used to hate a lot of people for the drama they brought to my life.
But now I respect them for being real and accepting me for me.
I used to hate my stepdad for looking down on me.
But now I care about him. Because I cant do anything to change who my mom loves.
He raised me so hell always be there whether I like it or not.
9. I used to hate my parents for my curfew, for taking away my phone, for
limiting my television, for having my bedroom door open at all times.
But now I have learned that they only want the best for me.
I used to hate going to school: waking up at 6:00 and missing a whole
hour of sleep, when I could easily wake up at 7:00 but no! my bus
comes at 7:05.
But now I have realized that its all about my education
I used to hate my life.
But now I have realized that we can die any day, so we might as well
make the best of it.
I used to hate my classes.
But now I like them because I actually started doing my work and I
listen to my teachers so my classes have been easier for me.
I used to love hanging out with my friends.
But now I have realized friends and education dont go together for
me, so Im choosing education over my friends.
11. I used to skip school
But now I realize that school is important for me to get a good paying job
I used to not care what people say
But now I realized that you could probably learn a lot from what people tell
I used to get bad grades because I didnt care
But now I know it can affect you from getting into a good college
I used to drink Monster to keep me up
But now Ive learned I needed to get more sleep because it was making me
more tired
I used to argue with my sister all the time
But now we get along better than we used to
12. I used to hate myself and the way I looked and not care about anything.
But now I love myself and I care about me.
I used to hate other people and keep to myself at school.
But now I like other people and talk more, not just at school, but everywhere.
I used to sit in my room and be depressed and never go anywhere with my friends.
But now I go out to the mall with my friends and Im happy.
I used to lie to people at school to make myself seem cooler.
But now I dont: Im just myself and stay out of drama
I used to look in the mirror and think you werent pretty unless you were skinny.
But now I think Im beautiful and dont need to be skinny to be pretty.
13. I used to lie to a lot of people about where I was
But now I'm 100% honest
I used to disrespect my mom
But now I give her the respect that she needs.
I used to care if people talked about me.
But now I let it fly by like nothing.
I used to go to my friends house every weekend
But now I stay home with my family and spend time together.
I used to get mad when people told me what to do
But now I listen to The Weeknd to calm me down.
14. I used to be drowsy all the time
But now I'm not that drowsy any more
I used to dislike going to school
But now I am ok with going to school
I used to fail school because of homework
But now I dont have homework anymore
I used to watch a lot of TV
But now I dont at all
I used to live in Georgia with a bad economy
But now I live in Minnesota with a good economy
15. I used to dislike school because I hated waking up early.
But now I like enjoy the classes and talking to my friends.
I used to dread going to my World History class.
But now I enjoy my American History class because I can learn about this countrys
I used to stay to myself and only say a few words to people.
But now I like to interact with people even if it is just small talk.
I used to skip school some days and just oversleep.
But now I go to school every day to bring my grades up and graduate.
I used to hate having an IEP because it made me feel like I was dumb.
But now I like having an IEP because Ive realized that it helps me learn.
16. I used to skip school, and not care about it,
But now I realize how important it is and I come every day.
I used to not care about my grades,
But now I try to complete my work to keep my grades up.
I used to be more conversational when I was younger,
But now I tend to keep to myself.
I used to not care what people thought about me,
But now I worry too much about being judged.
I used to enjoy fitting in the crowd,
But now I would rather be by myself.
18. I used to despise my sibling, that older brother of mine,
But now, against my past self, he is one of my closest friends.
I used to get shameful grades because I didnt bother,
But now I know how valuable school is and Im striving for respectable grades.
I used to wear tons of makeup, and think I was ugly,
But now, while looking at a mirror, I dont see only my surface; I like me for being me.
I used to find controversy with everyone possible,
But now I talk it out to resolve conflicts.
I used to put others, peers, friends, and partners, over family,
But now I see they revolve in and out of my life, while family is forever.
19. I used to care about school.
But now Im trying really hard to graduate on time in June with my classmates and move up
in life.
I used to care about everything.
But now the only thing I care about is school and my boyfriend.
I used to love my mom
But now I dont even realize she is there anymore because everything that isnt turning out.
I used to have friends that I thought would never get caught for anything.
But now I realize that I can always find better friends out there that wont get me into
I used to just sit in a corner by myself and not converse with anybody.
But now I talk to people who want to talk to me and start a conversation.
20. I used to be angry, get laughed at every day
But now Im calm, ignoring the cause
I used to have low self esteem, when I felt no one dared
to be seen with me
But now it is high, as I hang out with friends
I used to have bad friends
But I have since upgraded to actual friends, those who
enjoy my company
I used to be influenced by those around me
But now I see through them, like a crystal clear window
21. I used to fight because it made me feel better about myself.
But now I control my anger and I know that fighting isn't making me happy about who I was.
I used to hang out with the kids my parents didnt want me to be around.
But now I surround myself with good family and friends who help me stay on the right track.
I used to not appreciate my parents and ignore them when they asked me about my day.
But now I see what they have been through to make me the person I am today.
I used to not care about my education and I would skip every chance I got.
But now I make sure I go to class and do my school work.
I used to not have dreams for my future.
But now I know I want to go to college.
22. I used to be calm
But now Im stressed
I used to be happy
But now Im just mad
I used to be like the sun in the morning getting brighter as the
day passed
But now I am like a cloudy Monday morning soon to rain and
just waiting on the brighter day to come
I used to get in groups to go out have fun
But now Im always alone wondering why I even try
I used to be happy with so much love and care
But now its a struggle to have this fake smile
23. I used to not care about going to school
But now I'm doing whatever it takes to get to school
I used to stay out late at night and hang out with friends
But now I'm home by 10
I used to play football/basketball
But now my grades aren't meeting the standards
I used to be lazy and play Call Of Duty all day
But now I do what I got to do to graduate
I used to act without thinking
But now Im trying my hardest to eventually become a
basketball player
25. I used to be 10 minutes late to classes
But now I do my best to be on time
I used to hate school and wake up and not want to come
But now I dont say anything and just do what needs to be done
I used to not give 100% in school and just messed around with friends
But now I try to give it 100% because I care about my future
I used to not care if I would graduate
But now Im trying to do whatever it takes for a graduation cap
I used to hate ALC because they forced me to come
But now I appreciate it because Im doing well
26. I used to: not want to go to sleep.
But now: I cant get enough of it.
I used to: not want to go to school because it was tiring.
But now: I like to come to school because I can hang out with my
I used to: think I had a hard life because I had to go to school.
But now: I know other people have way harder lives.
I used to: always get into trouble because I didnt makethe right
But now: I can finally control my actions because I take my medicatio.
I used to: think friends were everything.
But now: I know that friends arent everything, family is.