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I Used to, But Now
I used to watch SpongeBob all day
But now I watch Sports Center
I used to go to JM and fail classes
But now I go to RALC to get those credits back
I used to skip classes and walk around the hall
But now I go to every class for a better future
I used to get mad and punch the walls
But now I lift weights to take my anger out

I used to get rides from my parents and friends
But now I can drive wherever I want and Im free
I used to cut class three days a week and go hang out with my friends at the park or just walk around in school
But now I go to class so I can graduate and just hang out after school
I used to think getting bad grades was cool and that I would be a badass
But now I make sure to turn in all my assignments and check on my grades daily.
I used to take out my anger on whoever got in my way, and I would give them an attitude
But now I listen to The Weeknd to calm down whenever I am mad at someone
I used to love going ice skating when I was 14 with my friends every Saturday
But now I hate it because I cant skate, I fall a lot, and I can get hurt

I used to be friends with everyone when I was younger
But now I know not to trust just anyone so I only have a few
I used to fight everyday at school whenever people talked bad about me
But now I can care less what people think of me
I used to get angry when people pulled my hair and shirt, and said Youre a loser, youre going
to fail in life
But now I just breathe in, out and count to ten because I realize theyre not worth my time
I used to care about having so many friends
But now I know friends fly in and out, but your family is here to stay for life

I used to help people who were upset over their boy/girlfriend or family problems
But now I just help those who are poor or are really hurt over something
I used to think having a best friend to count on was a good thing in life
But now I know that you are your only best friend
I used to play basketball
But now I play soccer
I used to think I am crazy
But now I do everything
I used to give up easily
But now I dont stop until the end
I used to think my friends cared about me
But now I know my family cares most about me
I used to sleep all my life
But now I am up and active
I used to let people disrespect me.
But now I shout and stand up for myself.

I used to think I was ugly because Im skinny.
But now I see beauty when I look in the mirror.
I used to think my family didnt love me.
But now I realized they struggled with me because I got into trouble a lot.
I used to care about all the drama.
But now I've moved on and just live my own life.
I used to not try in school.
But now I have good grades because I want to go to college when I graduate.
I used to lie a lot about a life I didnt have.
But now I realize that lying doesnt earn trust.
I used to isolate myself when things got tough.
But now I've learned that its ok to talk to people.
I used to take all the negative things people would say about me.
But now I simply walk away.
I used to run away from problems when they got hard.
But now I face them head on.

I used to think my life was bad because my dad is in prison.
But now I understand that I'm not the only one growing up without a
I used to stress over bullies.
But now I dont give a damn about their words or opinions.
I used to punch a wall when I got mad.
But now I listen to music and block out the world.
I used to hate being 57 and hate on my body shape.
But now I accept the flaws , because thats what makes me, me .
I used to hate a lot of people for the drama they brought to my life.
But now I respect them for being real and accepting me for me.
I used to hate my stepdad for looking down on me.
But now I care about him. Because I cant do anything to change who my mom loves.
He raised me so hell always be there whether I like it or not.
I used to hate my parents for my curfew, for taking away my phone, for
limiting my television, for having my bedroom door open at all times.
But now I have learned that they only want the best for me.
I used to hate going to school: waking up at 6:00 and missing a whole
hour of sleep, when I could easily wake up at 7:00 but no! my bus
comes at 7:05.
But now I have realized that its all about my education

I used to hate my life.
But now I have realized that we can die any day, so we might as well
make the best of it.
I used to hate my classes.
But now I like them because I actually started doing my work and I
listen to my teachers so my classes have been easier for me.
I used to love hanging out with my friends.
But now I have realized friends and education dont go together for
me, so Im choosing education over my friends.
I Used to, But Now
I used to skip school
But now I realize that school is important for me to get a good paying job
I used to not care what people say
But now I realized that you could probably learn a lot from what people tell
I used to get bad grades because I didnt care
But now I know it can affect you from getting into a good college
I used to drink Monster to keep me up
But now Ive learned I needed to get more sleep because it was making me
more tired
I used to argue with my sister all the time
But now we get along better than we used to
I used to hate myself and the way I looked and not care about anything.
But now I love myself and I care about me.
I used to hate other people and keep to myself at school.
But now I like other people and talk more, not just at school, but everywhere.
I used to sit in my room and be depressed and never go anywhere with my friends.
But now I go out to the mall with my friends and Im happy.
I used to lie to people at school to make myself seem cooler.
But now I dont: Im just myself and stay out of drama
I used to look in the mirror and think you werent pretty unless you were skinny.
But now I think Im beautiful and dont need to be skinny to be pretty.
I used to lie to a lot of people about where I was
But now I'm 100% honest

I used to disrespect my mom
But now I give her the respect that she needs.
I used to care if people talked about me.
But now I let it fly by like nothing.
I used to go to my friends house every weekend
But now I stay home with my family and spend time together.
I used to get mad when people told me what to do
But now I listen to The Weeknd to calm me down.
I used to be drowsy all the time
But now I'm not that drowsy any more
I used to dislike going to school
But now I am ok with going to school
I used to fail school because of homework
But now I dont have homework anymore
I used to watch a lot of TV
But now I dont at all

I used to live in Georgia with a bad economy
But now I live in Minnesota with a good economy
I used to dislike school because I hated waking up early.

But now I like enjoy the classes and talking to my friends.

I used to dread going to my World History class.
But now I enjoy my American History class because I can learn about this countrys

I used to stay to myself and only say a few words to people.
But now I like to interact with people even if it is just small talk.

I used to skip school some days and just oversleep.
But now I go to school every day to bring my grades up and graduate.

I used to hate having an IEP because it made me feel like I was dumb.
But now I like having an IEP because Ive realized that it helps me learn.
I used to skip school, and not care about it,
But now I realize how important it is and I come every day.
I used to not care about my grades,
But now I try to complete my work to keep my grades up.
I used to be more conversational when I was younger,
But now I tend to keep to myself.

I used to not care what people thought about me,
But now I worry too much about being judged.
I used to enjoy fitting in the crowd,
But now I would rather be by myself.
I Used to, But Now
I used to despise my sibling, that older brother of mine,
But now, against my past self, he is one of my closest friends.
I used to get shameful grades because I didnt bother,
But now I know how valuable school is and Im striving for respectable grades.
I used to wear tons of makeup, and think I was ugly,
But now, while looking at a mirror, I dont see only my surface; I like me for being me.
I used to find controversy with everyone possible,
But now I talk it out to resolve conflicts.
I used to put others, peers, friends, and partners, over family,
But now I see they revolve in and out of my life, while family is forever.
I used to care about school.
But now Im trying really hard to graduate on time in June with my classmates and move up
in life.
I used to care about everything.
But now the only thing I care about is school and my boyfriend.
I used to love my mom
But now I dont even realize she is there anymore because everything that isnt turning out.

I used to have friends that I thought would never get caught for anything.
But now I realize that I can always find better friends out there that wont get me into
I used to just sit in a corner by myself and not converse with anybody.
But now I talk to people who want to talk to me and start a conversation.
I used to be angry, get laughed at every day
But now Im calm, ignoring the cause
I used to have low self esteem, when I felt no one dared
to be seen with me
But now it is high, as I hang out with friends
I used to have bad friends
But I have since upgraded to actual friends, those who
enjoy my company
I used to be influenced by those around me
But now I see through them, like a crystal clear window
I used to fight because it made me feel better about myself.
But now I control my anger and I know that fighting isn't making me happy about who I was.
I used to hang out with the kids my parents didnt want me to be around.
But now I surround myself with good family and friends who help me stay on the right track.
I used to not appreciate my parents and ignore them when they asked me about my day.
But now I see what they have been through to make me the person I am today.
I used to not care about my education and I would skip every chance I got.
But now I make sure I go to class and do my school work.
I used to not have dreams for my future.
But now I know I want to go to college.
I used to be calm
But now Im stressed
I used to be happy
But now Im just mad
I used to be like the sun in the morning getting brighter as the
day passed
But now I am like a cloudy Monday morning soon to rain and
just waiting on the brighter day to come

I used to get in groups to go out have fun
But now Im always alone wondering why I even try
I used to be happy with so much love and care
But now its a struggle to have this fake smile
I used to not care about going to school
But now I'm doing whatever it takes to get to school
I used to stay out late at night and hang out with friends
But now I'm home by 10
I used to play football/basketball
But now my grades aren't meeting the standards

I used to be lazy and play Call Of Duty all day
But now I do what I got to do to graduate
I used to act without thinking
But now Im trying my hardest to eventually become a
basketball player
I used to be 10 minutes late to classes
But now I do my best to be on time

I used to hate school and wake up and not want to come
But now I dont say anything and just do what needs to be done
I used to not give 100% in school and just messed around with friends
But now I try to give it 100% because I care about my future
I used to not care if I would graduate
But now Im trying to do whatever it takes for a graduation cap
I used to hate ALC because they forced me to come
But now I appreciate it because Im doing well
I used to: not want to go to sleep.
But now: I cant get enough of it.
I used to: not want to go to school because it was tiring.
But now: I like to come to school because I can hang out with my
I used to: think I had a hard life because I had to go to school.
But now: I know other people have way harder lives.
I used to: always get into trouble because I didnt makethe right
But now: I can finally control my actions because I take my medicatio.
I used to: think friends were everything.
But now: I know that friends arent everything, family is.
I Used to, But Now

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I Used to, But Now

  • 1. I Used to, But Now
  • 2. I used to watch SpongeBob all day But now I watch Sports Center I used to go to JM and fail classes But now I go to RALC to get those credits back I used to skip classes and walk around the hall But now I go to every class for a better future I used to get mad and punch the walls But now I lift weights to take my anger out I used to get rides from my parents and friends But now I can drive wherever I want and Im free
  • 3. I used to cut class three days a week and go hang out with my friends at the park or just walk around in school But now I go to class so I can graduate and just hang out after school I used to think getting bad grades was cool and that I would be a badass But now I make sure to turn in all my assignments and check on my grades daily. I used to take out my anger on whoever got in my way, and I would give them an attitude But now I listen to The Weeknd to calm down whenever I am mad at someone I used to love going ice skating when I was 14 with my friends every Saturday But now I hate it because I cant skate, I fall a lot, and I can get hurt I used to be friends with everyone when I was younger But now I know not to trust just anyone so I only have a few
  • 4. I used to fight everyday at school whenever people talked bad about me But now I can care less what people think of me I used to get angry when people pulled my hair and shirt, and said Youre a loser, youre going to fail in life But now I just breathe in, out and count to ten because I realize theyre not worth my time I used to care about having so many friends But now I know friends fly in and out, but your family is here to stay for life I used to help people who were upset over their boy/girlfriend or family problems But now I just help those who are poor or are really hurt over something I used to think having a best friend to count on was a good thing in life But now I know that you are your only best friend
  • 5. I used to play basketball But now I play soccer I used to think I am crazy But now I do everything I used to give up easily But now I dont stop until the end I used to think my friends cared about me But now I know my family cares most about me I used to sleep all my life But now I am up and active
  • 6. I used to let people disrespect me. But now I shout and stand up for myself. I used to think I was ugly because Im skinny. But now I see beauty when I look in the mirror. I used to think my family didnt love me. But now I realized they struggled with me because I got into trouble a lot. I used to care about all the drama. But now I've moved on and just live my own life. I used to not try in school. But now I have good grades because I want to go to college when I graduate.
  • 7. I used to lie a lot about a life I didnt have. But now I realize that lying doesnt earn trust. I used to isolate myself when things got tough. But now I've learned that its ok to talk to people. I used to take all the negative things people would say about me. But now I simply walk away. I used to run away from problems when they got hard. But now I face them head on. I used to think my life was bad because my dad is in prison. But now I understand that I'm not the only one growing up without a father.
  • 8. I used to stress over bullies. But now I dont give a damn about their words or opinions. I used to punch a wall when I got mad. But now I listen to music and block out the world. I used to hate being 57 and hate on my body shape. But now I accept the flaws , because thats what makes me, me . I used to hate a lot of people for the drama they brought to my life. But now I respect them for being real and accepting me for me. I used to hate my stepdad for looking down on me. But now I care about him. Because I cant do anything to change who my mom loves. He raised me so hell always be there whether I like it or not.
  • 9. I used to hate my parents for my curfew, for taking away my phone, for limiting my television, for having my bedroom door open at all times. But now I have learned that they only want the best for me. I used to hate going to school: waking up at 6:00 and missing a whole hour of sleep, when I could easily wake up at 7:00 but no! my bus comes at 7:05. But now I have realized that its all about my education I used to hate my life. But now I have realized that we can die any day, so we might as well make the best of it. I used to hate my classes. But now I like them because I actually started doing my work and I listen to my teachers so my classes have been easier for me. I used to love hanging out with my friends. But now I have realized friends and education dont go together for me, so Im choosing education over my friends.
  • 11. I used to skip school But now I realize that school is important for me to get a good paying job I used to not care what people say But now I realized that you could probably learn a lot from what people tell you I used to get bad grades because I didnt care But now I know it can affect you from getting into a good college I used to drink Monster to keep me up But now Ive learned I needed to get more sleep because it was making me more tired I used to argue with my sister all the time But now we get along better than we used to
  • 12. I used to hate myself and the way I looked and not care about anything. But now I love myself and I care about me. I used to hate other people and keep to myself at school. But now I like other people and talk more, not just at school, but everywhere. I used to sit in my room and be depressed and never go anywhere with my friends. But now I go out to the mall with my friends and Im happy. I used to lie to people at school to make myself seem cooler. But now I dont: Im just myself and stay out of drama I used to look in the mirror and think you werent pretty unless you were skinny. But now I think Im beautiful and dont need to be skinny to be pretty.
  • 13. I used to lie to a lot of people about where I was But now I'm 100% honest I used to disrespect my mom But now I give her the respect that she needs. I used to care if people talked about me. But now I let it fly by like nothing. I used to go to my friends house every weekend But now I stay home with my family and spend time together. I used to get mad when people told me what to do But now I listen to The Weeknd to calm me down.
  • 14. I used to be drowsy all the time But now I'm not that drowsy any more I used to dislike going to school But now I am ok with going to school I used to fail school because of homework But now I dont have homework anymore I used to watch a lot of TV But now I dont at all I used to live in Georgia with a bad economy But now I live in Minnesota with a good economy
  • 15. I used to dislike school because I hated waking up early. But now I like enjoy the classes and talking to my friends. I used to dread going to my World History class. But now I enjoy my American History class because I can learn about this countrys past. I used to stay to myself and only say a few words to people. But now I like to interact with people even if it is just small talk. I used to skip school some days and just oversleep. But now I go to school every day to bring my grades up and graduate. I used to hate having an IEP because it made me feel like I was dumb. But now I like having an IEP because Ive realized that it helps me learn.
  • 16. I used to skip school, and not care about it, But now I realize how important it is and I come every day. I used to not care about my grades, But now I try to complete my work to keep my grades up. I used to be more conversational when I was younger, But now I tend to keep to myself. I used to not care what people thought about me, But now I worry too much about being judged. I used to enjoy fitting in the crowd, But now I would rather be by myself.
  • 18. I used to despise my sibling, that older brother of mine, But now, against my past self, he is one of my closest friends. I used to get shameful grades because I didnt bother, But now I know how valuable school is and Im striving for respectable grades. I used to wear tons of makeup, and think I was ugly, But now, while looking at a mirror, I dont see only my surface; I like me for being me. I used to find controversy with everyone possible, But now I talk it out to resolve conflicts. I used to put others, peers, friends, and partners, over family, But now I see they revolve in and out of my life, while family is forever.
  • 19. I used to care about school. But now Im trying really hard to graduate on time in June with my classmates and move up in life. I used to care about everything. But now the only thing I care about is school and my boyfriend. I used to love my mom But now I dont even realize she is there anymore because everything that isnt turning out. I used to have friends that I thought would never get caught for anything. But now I realize that I can always find better friends out there that wont get me into trouble. I used to just sit in a corner by myself and not converse with anybody. But now I talk to people who want to talk to me and start a conversation.
  • 20. I used to be angry, get laughed at every day But now Im calm, ignoring the cause I used to have low self esteem, when I felt no one dared to be seen with me But now it is high, as I hang out with friends I used to have bad friends But I have since upgraded to actual friends, those who enjoy my company I used to be influenced by those around me But now I see through them, like a crystal clear window
  • 21. I used to fight because it made me feel better about myself. But now I control my anger and I know that fighting isn't making me happy about who I was. I used to hang out with the kids my parents didnt want me to be around. But now I surround myself with good family and friends who help me stay on the right track. I used to not appreciate my parents and ignore them when they asked me about my day. But now I see what they have been through to make me the person I am today. I used to not care about my education and I would skip every chance I got. But now I make sure I go to class and do my school work. I used to not have dreams for my future. But now I know I want to go to college.
  • 22. I used to be calm But now Im stressed I used to be happy But now Im just mad I used to be like the sun in the morning getting brighter as the day passed But now I am like a cloudy Monday morning soon to rain and just waiting on the brighter day to come I used to get in groups to go out have fun But now Im always alone wondering why I even try I used to be happy with so much love and care But now its a struggle to have this fake smile
  • 23. I used to not care about going to school But now I'm doing whatever it takes to get to school I used to stay out late at night and hang out with friends But now I'm home by 10 I used to play football/basketball But now my grades aren't meeting the standards I used to be lazy and play Call Of Duty all day But now I do what I got to do to graduate I used to act without thinking But now Im trying my hardest to eventually become a basketball player
  • 24. I
  • 25. I used to be 10 minutes late to classes But now I do my best to be on time I used to hate school and wake up and not want to come But now I dont say anything and just do what needs to be done I used to not give 100% in school and just messed around with friends But now I try to give it 100% because I care about my future I used to not care if I would graduate But now Im trying to do whatever it takes for a graduation cap I used to hate ALC because they forced me to come But now I appreciate it because Im doing well
  • 26. I used to: not want to go to sleep. But now: I cant get enough of it. I used to: not want to go to school because it was tiring. But now: I like to come to school because I can hang out with my friends. I used to: think I had a hard life because I had to go to school. But now: I know other people have way harder lives. I used to: always get into trouble because I didnt makethe right choices. But now: I can finally control my actions because I take my medicatio. I used to: think friends were everything. But now: I know that friends arent everything, family is.