Борщев Иван, Мой любимый спортustaalaMy favorite sport is table tennis. The author has played tennis since age 7 and takes part in competitions in Barnaul and at their school with classmates Sergey, Roma, and others. The author has won many awards and diplomas and believes sports are good because they keep you strong, fast, and healthy while building character and teaching you how to win and lose.
Леонтьева Екатерина, Химичев А.И.ustaalaKhimichev Alexandr Ivanovich was a famous table tennis trainer from Smolenskii district who brought the author into the sport of table tennis at age 8. Over 33 years of working as a trainer in Linovskoye, Khimichev prepared 9 candidates for master of sports and more than 25 first-class athletes. He was a champion of Altai krai in 1978 and participated in championships across Russia. Khimichev died in 2009 but an annual tennis tournament is held in his honor.
Борщев Иван, Мой любимый спортustaalaMy favorite sport is table tennis. The author has played tennis since age 7 and takes part in competitions in Barnaul and at their school with classmates Sergey, Roma, and others. The author has won many awards and diplomas and believes sports are good because they keep you strong, fast, and healthy while building character and teaching you how to win and lose.
Леонтьева Екатерина, Химичев А.И.ustaalaKhimichev Alexandr Ivanovich was a famous table tennis trainer from Smolenskii district who brought the author into the sport of table tennis at age 8. Over 33 years of working as a trainer in Linovskoye, Khimichev prepared 9 candidates for master of sports and more than 25 first-class athletes. He was a champion of Altai krai in 1978 and participated in championships across Russia. Khimichev died in 2009 but an annual tennis tournament is held in his honor.
Where do i liveustaalaThe village of Smolenskoye is located near the Altai Mountains in Siberia at latitude 52° 10' 0" N and longitude 84° 55' 0" E. Founded in the 18th century by Cossacks, the village has a lake and is surrounded by forests and fields full of berries, mushrooms, and wildlife. The village is protected by forests and crossed by rivers, and its houses are made of wood and brick.
Smolenskii district Altai kraiustaalaThe document summarizes information about the village of Smolenskoye in the Smolenskii district of Altay Krai, Russia. It describes how the village was founded in the 18th century and named after the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. It is located 35 km from the town of Biysk near the Altay Mountains. The village is the cultural center of the district and features several sights for visitors, including the Museum of the First Settlers, Horse Yard, and the natural pearl Lake Komlevo. The upstream of the Peschanaya River also hosts an annual folk music festival.
борщевustaalaMy favorite sport is table tennis. The author has played tennis since age 7 and takes part in competitions in Barnaul and at their school with classmates Sergey, Roma, and others. The author has won many awards and diplomas and believes sports are good because they keep you strong, fast, and healthy while building character and teaching you how to win and lose.
Применение современных образовательных технологий на уроках русского языка. Р...sed49Применение современных образовательных технологий на уроках русского языка. Румянцева Е.А.
Kozlova Anna The Game of the strongestustaalaThe document discusses the game of gorodki, a traditional Russian sport similar to horseshoes or bowling. It describes how the popularity of gorodki has spread across several northern European countries and provides some history on the sport, including details on the first gorodki teams formed in 1984 in Sychyovka. It also lists some sport trophies and references family archives as the source of documents and photos.
Bortschev Ivan My faviurite sportustaalaMy favourite sport is table tennis. The author has been playing tennis for seven years and takes part in competitions in Barnaul and at their school with classmates Sergey, Roman and others. They have won awards and diplomas and the author believes sport is good as it keeps them fit and healthy, builds character, and teaches important life lessons like winning and losing.
Larionova Natalya The All-Russian Festival of Folk Art and Sport Activities n...ustaalaThe document discusses the All-Russian Festival of Folk Art and Sport Activities named after M. Evdokimov "Zemlyaki", which was founded 22 years ago by M. Evdokimov and attracts thousands from across Russia each year. The festival includes folk art, sports competitions in football and volleyball, and winners receive the Cup of the Festival.
Orlov Daniil The man whobrought me into sportustaalaVladimir Zigmоntovich Strukchinsky is the volleyball trainer who introduced the author to sports. He is kind yet strict, and likes to tell jokes and stories from his own volleyball career. Vladimir teaches the importance of teamwork, supporting each other, and respecting everyone on the team. He inspires the team to increase their spirit and work towards victory. The document includes links to templates, photos, pictures, and animations.
Help the rhino!ustaalaThe 300 students from Smolenskaya school No1 drew pictures, posters and made toys and snow rhinos to help raise awareness about rhinos being endangered by poaching. On March 20th, some of the students had a meeting where they discussed the problems of poaching and endangered rhino species. They displayed their artwork in an exhibition to educate others about protecting rhinos.
Skype conferenceustaalaA Skype conference was held on April 17, 2012 between students from The English School in Gradnik, Austria and Realschule in Sundern, Germany. The conference included students Zhuravlev Artyom, Plotnikova Nastya, Degtyarev Maxim, Viktorova Alina, Larin Oleg, Polyakova Alisa, Shestakova Dasha, Chernomortseva Alina, Tishkova Kseniya, Rovenskikh Nastya, and Yumatov Arsenii. The conference was organized by Svetlana Rovenskikh.
Применение цифровых ресурсов на уроках и во внеурочной деятельностиustaala Из опыта работы и материалы международного мастер-класса "Применение цифровых ресурсов в обучении английскому языку"
The world water day conferenceustaalaThe school conference devoted to the problems of fresh water took place in Smolenskaya school №1? Altai krai, Russia
Our friendshipustaalaThe document is an exchange between students in Ecuador and Russia. They discuss sharing information about their countries, including details about winter in Russia and interests/hobbies of the students. They also mention exchanging gifts for Halloween and Christmas. Links are provided to flags and images related to Ecuador and Russia.
About myselfustaalaThe author runs a pen-pal club at their school where students participate in international projects and have pen pals from many countries. They enjoy hobbies such as traveling, taking photos of where they live, and making videos about their region. The author also likes spending time with their family.
Kaliningrad conferenceustaalaKaliningrad is the westernmost point of Russia where the author lived and had a view of the Konigsberg Cathedral from their window. They enjoyed listening to the organ music in the cathedral, which was a magical experience. The port has an Ocean Museum and tourist ships. The author attended a positive conference where they met creative teachers and gained new ideas, making them excited for the upcoming school year. They visited the beach city of Svetlogorsk which resembled other beach cities with expensive souvenirs, greenery, and tourists lazily strolling along the beach.
The survey results televisionustaalaA survey of 214 pupils from 8 countries between the ages of 10-14 was conducted to understand their TV viewing habits. The majority of respondents preferred entertaining programs like serials, reality shows, and cartoons. Most watched TV alone or with friends and knew the TV schedule of favorite shows. Many ate snacks like popcorn and chocolate during viewing. India has varying rates of TV ownership between states, with only 44.2% of the overall population owning a TV due to poverty levels.
1. Борзых Ольга АлександровнаПобедитель ПНПО 2006 годаУчитель истории, обществознанияЦелью современных уроков истории и обществознания видит не столько в получении учениками глубоких знаний по преподаваемым предметам, но в создании условий для понимания детьми важнейших проблем развития общества, формировании навыков анализа, сравнения исторических событий, умений сделать вывод по ряду исторических факторов, что обеспечит ученику успешную социализацию.
2. Давыдова Елена Ефимовна Победитель ПНПО 2006 годаУчитель русского языка и литературыДостигла высокого уровня профессионального мастерства благодаря целеустремлённости, трудолюбию, большой любви к русскому языку, который она преподаёт. Эту любовь она прививает своим ученикам, добиваясь максимального усвоения учебного материала.
3. Рудакова Татьяна Геннадьевна Победитель ПНПО 2006 годаУчитель русского языка и литературыЛичное кредо: «Каждый день с радостью и удовольствием я иду в родную школу, потому что меня там ждут дети, в каждом из которых я хочу увидеть грамотного, образованного, порядочного, успешного человека. Хочу увидеть Личность.»
4. Десятова Светлана НиколаевнаПобедитель ПНПО 2007 годаУчитель математикиГлубоко убеждена в том, что математика - метод и язык понимания окружающего мира. Научить математике можно каждого ученика, различие может быть только в объеме изучаемого материала. Составленные учителем разноуровневые задания позволяют, ориентируясь на индивидуальность ребенка, создавать для каждого ситуацию успеха.
5. Пивоварова Татьяна ГеннадьевнаПобедитель ПНПО 2007 года- учитель начальных классов.Определила для себя позицию педагогической деятельности: личностно–ориентированный подход к детям, который строится на учебном диалоге ученика и педагога. Поисковая, творческая работа учащихся, совместная деятельность ученика и учителя помогают более полно изучать и развивать личность каждого ребёнка.
7. Учитель русского языка и литературыСчитает школу не просто местом работы, а вторым домом, в котором есть и радость, и заботы, и проблемы. Учитель постоянно помнит, что её знания, мастерство необходимы детям. Её опыт нужен тем, кому завтра вступать в большую, самостоятельную жизнь.
9. Учитель начальных классовВ течение десяти лет руководит районным методическим объединением начальных классов. Педагоги района отмечают высокий теоретический уровень руководителя РМО, его методическую грамотность, коммуникативную компетенцию.
10. Омельченко Ольга НиколаевнаПобедитель ПНПО 2008 года.Учитель начальных классовУже в начальной школе успешно формирует навыки проектной деятельности учащихся, беря во внимание огромный воспитательный потенциал данной педагогической технологии. Считает, что метод проектов один из немногих методов, выводящих педагогический процесс из стен детского учреждения в окружающий мир, природную и социальную среду.
11. Шестак Виктор СтепановичПобедитель ПНПО 2008 годаУчитель географииЯвляется сторонником возрождения районных туристических слетов, где его команда всегда в призерах. Педагогом разработана программа школьного эколого –туристического слета, экологическая тропа. Но главным считает воспитание здорового образа жизни учащихся, обучение азам рыбалки, общение с красотами алтайской природы.
12. Федорищева Валентина МихайловнаПобедитель ПНПО 2008 годаУчитель английского языкаПедагогическое кредо: «Поскольку я нахожу в ученике наиболее сильные стороны его личности, мне удается внушить детям уверенность в себе, предотвратить и разрешить конфликты. Создавая атмосферу сотрудничества, сотворчества ученика и учителя, воспитываю творческую, самосовершенствующуюся личность, способную сосредоточиться на единой цели и добиваться её. Я научила их самообразованию, а это я считаю главным, чему надо научиться по жизни, теперь перед нами открыта любая библиотека, любая книга, Интернет»