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The Curtin Ignition Team

Richard Thorning - Director
                                                                Prior to establishing his consultancy, Gabor has held senior
                    Richard was appointed Director             management positions with high profile FMCG companies
                    Entrepreneurship & Executive Education      such as Arnotts Biscuits, McWilliams Wines and Palandri
                    at Curtin Business School in 2007,          Wines as well as prestigious B2B organizations like Kailis &
                    following a period as an Adjunct            France Foods and Innerspace Commercial Interiors.
                    Professor. He had worked closely with
                    the University since 2000 as an industry    He has a B. Bus. degree with a double major in Marketing
                    partner and was attracted to this new       and Information Technology as well as an MBA. He is a
                    role, because he identified strongly with   Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM) and is an Associate
                    the themes of helping businesses grow     Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management. He holds
and lifelong learning.                                        several other professional memberships including Fellowship
                                                                at the Australian Marketing Institute.
Richards business experience included thirty years in the
information and communications technology industries, in
the UK and three states of Australia. Over the last twenty      Jenny Boylen - Administrative Officer
years Richard has performed a series of executive roles for
IBM, Telstra and Optus, leading sales and service business                         Jenny joined Curtin Centre for
units and major change projects. Immediately prior to                              Entrepreneurship in March 2011. She has
Curtin, Richard was General Manager  Western Australia for                        many years experience in customer
SingTel Optus.                                                                     service, administration and event
                                                                                   organisation in Commonwealth
Richard completed an executive MBA at Curtin in 2005 and                           Government, private sector and
this year is studying for a Graduate Diploma in                                    Community Organisations.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation (just for fun).
                                                                                    She is familiar with the work versus
                                                                family challenges faced by many women in the modern
Jane Garrett  Program Director                                 workforce, and with her roots in the country, is very aware of
                                                                the additional barriers faced by country people in accessing
                   Jane Garrett is a seasoned business
                                                                information and services.
                   professional with over 25 years in
                   technology company management. She
                                                                Most recently Jenny was employed in a large state-wide not-
                   has a degree in Physics and spent many
                                                                for-profit organisation in the dual role of Executive
                   years as an employee learning the 'ropes'
                                                                Assistant/Office Manager, managing client services,
                   before embarking on developing her own
                                                                supervising staff and supporting senior managers.
                   Internet software business which she
                   floated on London's AIM in July 2000.

                   Born in the UK and educated in England       Jenny Duggan - Catering
and Wales Jane spent over 21 years in Cambridge during the
                                                                                    Whilst the Ignition program fuels the
rapid growth of technology businesses that happened in
                                                                                   mind, Jenny has been fuelling our
Cambridge from the beginning of the 1980's and now
                                                                                   participants bodies for over 10 years.
commonly referred to as the 'Cambridge Phenomenon'.
                                                                                   With extensive catering experience
Jane now undertakes consulting, training, mentoring and                            gained at various high profile venues,
interim management roles. Since migrating to Australia in                          Jennys culinary skills are consistently
2006 Jane has been involved in the WA state government's                           rated the best by Growth participants.
'Innovator of the Year' competition, Univation, has mentored
on Curtin Growth and the BiZFiT program and is a sessional
academic for Curtin's School of Management. Jane is
passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship and
returns to Cambridge yearly to mentor on Cambridge              Leah Bosse - Finance Officer
University's Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning's 'Ignite'
program, a weeklong 'pressure cooker' learning environment                         Leah was born in Melbourne and moved to
which will debut as Ignition on WA shores this coming.                             Perth when she was 3 years old. Spending
                                                                                   her schooling years in Perth, she then
                                                                                   decided to leave the home nest and head
Gabor Hernadi - Program Manager                                                    east again, this time to Sydney. Leah
                                                                                   spent 5 years in Sydney working as a
                   With over 18 years consulting and senior                        Cabinet Maker and then moved to careers
                   corporate experience in Perth and Sydney,                       as an Office All-rounder and Accounts
                   Gabor specialises in innovating, planning                       Receivable/Office Manager. Leahs return
                   and executing breakthrough business          to Perth saw her continue her career as an Accounts
                   initiatives.                                 Payable/Payroll Officer. Leah joined the Curtin Growth team
                                                                in June 2007, as Finance Officer.
                   Gabor has worked across small, private
                   and large, multi-discipline, multinational
                   corporate environments where he gained
significant experience in the retail, agribusiness,
professional services, hospitality, tourism and resources

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Ignition curtin team

  • 1. The Curtin Ignition Team Richard Thorning - Director Prior to establishing his consultancy, Gabor has held senior Richard was appointed Director management positions with high profile FMCG companies Entrepreneurship & Executive Education such as Arnotts Biscuits, McWilliams Wines and Palandri at Curtin Business School in 2007, Wines as well as prestigious B2B organizations like Kailis & following a period as an Adjunct France Foods and Innerspace Commercial Interiors. Professor. He had worked closely with the University since 2000 as an industry He has a B. Bus. degree with a double major in Marketing partner and was attracted to this new and Information Technology as well as an MBA. He is a role, because he identified strongly with Certified Practicing Marketer (CPM) and is an Associate the themes of helping businesses grow Fellow of the Australian Institute of Management. He holds and lifelong learning. several other professional memberships including Fellowship at the Australian Marketing Institute. Richards business experience included thirty years in the information and communications technology industries, in the UK and three states of Australia. Over the last twenty Jenny Boylen - Administrative Officer years Richard has performed a series of executive roles for IBM, Telstra and Optus, leading sales and service business Jenny joined Curtin Centre for units and major change projects. Immediately prior to Entrepreneurship in March 2011. She has Curtin, Richard was General Manager Western Australia for many years experience in customer SingTel Optus. service, administration and event organisation in Commonwealth Richard completed an executive MBA at Curtin in 2005 and Government, private sector and this year is studying for a Graduate Diploma in Community Organisations. Entrepreneurship & Innovation (just for fun). She is familiar with the work versus family challenges faced by many women in the modern Jane Garrett Program Director workforce, and with her roots in the country, is very aware of the additional barriers faced by country people in accessing Jane Garrett is a seasoned business information and services. professional with over 25 years in technology company management. She Most recently Jenny was employed in a large state-wide not- has a degree in Physics and spent many for-profit organisation in the dual role of Executive years as an employee learning the 'ropes' Assistant/Office Manager, managing client services, before embarking on developing her own supervising staff and supporting senior managers. Internet software business which she floated on London's AIM in July 2000. Born in the UK and educated in England Jenny Duggan - Catering and Wales Jane spent over 21 years in Cambridge during the Whilst the Ignition program fuels the rapid growth of technology businesses that happened in mind, Jenny has been fuelling our Cambridge from the beginning of the 1980's and now participants bodies for over 10 years. commonly referred to as the 'Cambridge Phenomenon'. With extensive catering experience Jane now undertakes consulting, training, mentoring and gained at various high profile venues, interim management roles. Since migrating to Australia in Jennys culinary skills are consistently 2006 Jane has been involved in the WA state government's rated the best by Growth participants. 'Innovator of the Year' competition, Univation, has mentored on Curtin Growth and the BiZFiT program and is a sessional academic for Curtin's School of Management. Jane is passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship and returns to Cambridge yearly to mentor on Cambridge Leah Bosse - Finance Officer University's Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning's 'Ignite' program, a weeklong 'pressure cooker' learning environment Leah was born in Melbourne and moved to which will debut as Ignition on WA shores this coming. Perth when she was 3 years old. Spending her schooling years in Perth, she then decided to leave the home nest and head Gabor Hernadi - Program Manager east again, this time to Sydney. Leah spent 5 years in Sydney working as a With over 18 years consulting and senior Cabinet Maker and then moved to careers corporate experience in Perth and Sydney, as an Office All-rounder and Accounts Gabor specialises in innovating, planning Receivable/Office Manager. Leahs return and executing breakthrough business to Perth saw her continue her career as an Accounts initiatives. Payable/Payroll Officer. Leah joined the Curtin Growth team in June 2007, as Finance Officer. Gabor has worked across small, private and large, multi-discipline, multinational corporate environments where he gained significant experience in the retail, agribusiness, professional services, hospitality, tourism and resources industries.