La lotta per le investiture fu un conflitto politico e religioso che si verific嘆 nell'XI secolo tra il papato e il Sacro Romano Impero per il controllo sulla nomina dei vescovi e degli alti funzionari ecclesiastici.
La lotta per le investiture tra Papa Gregorio VII e l'imperatore Enrico IV: dal Dictatus Papae al Concordato di Worms, passando per l'umiliazione di Canossa
The Longobards had an important historic role in changing Italy during the period among Vi and VIII centuries. This is a brief history of Teodolinda, Rotari and Adelchi until the explosion of Carlo Magno in Europe
presentazione dettagliata sulla rivoluzione francese in 137 slides contenente: testo, immagini, mappe, link, carte geopolitiche, etc. Utile per spiegare l'argomento in aula o a distanza
La lotta per le investiture fu un conflitto politico e religioso che si verific嘆 nell'XI secolo tra il papato e il Sacro Romano Impero per il controllo sulla nomina dei vescovi e degli alti funzionari ecclesiastici.
La lotta per le investiture tra Papa Gregorio VII e l'imperatore Enrico IV: dal Dictatus Papae al Concordato di Worms, passando per l'umiliazione di Canossa
The Longobards had an important historic role in changing Italy during the period among Vi and VIII centuries. This is a brief history of Teodolinda, Rotari and Adelchi until the explosion of Carlo Magno in Europe
presentazione dettagliata sulla rivoluzione francese in 137 slides contenente: testo, immagini, mappe, link, carte geopolitiche, etc. Utile per spiegare l'argomento in aula o a distanza
This document outlines the itinerary and activities for a student mobility programme taking place from October 14-25, 2021 in Bologna, Italy. The programme will include visits to important cultural sites representing different historical periods, meetings and activities at the host school Liceo Laura Bassi, cultural heritage activities in Bologna and other cities, and opportunities for socializing and exchanging cultures. Students will learn about Bologna's history and cultural heritage through both guided tours and hands-on activities while fostering international cooperation.
This document outlines the itinerary and activities for a physical mobility program taking place from November 29th to December 9th, 2021 on R辿union Island. The program includes activities such as welcome ceremonies, job shadowing, debates, guided tours of local landmarks, hiking trips, and workshops on R辿union Island's culture and heritage. The schedule also allocates time for videoconferencing between coordinators and students attending classes at their host schools. The program aims to foster cultural exchange between visiting students and their R辿union hosts through immersive, hands-on experiences of the island's history, landscapes, and Creole culture.
Programme NoMI la salle st.charles 28-30 june 2021Elena Pezzi
This document provides an itinerary for a 3-day virtual exchange program between students in Reunion Island, France and other countries. On day 1, students will learn about Reunion Island's history and culture through videos and activities. They will have a live video call with students in Reunion Island to discuss stereotypes. On day 2, students will learn about Reunionese traditions like Maloya music and All Saints' Day. Day 3 focuses on Reunion Island's sports, cuisine, and UNESCO World Heritage sites through games and recipes. The goal is for students to learn about and appreciate Reunionese culture in an interactive way.
Espoo programme Leppavaaran 8-10 march 2021Elena Pezzi
1. This document outlines the itinerary and activities for a 3-day virtual exchange between students in Finland and another country. The schedule includes introductory videos about Finland, a welcome to Lepp辰vaaran Lukio high school, discussions of Finnish culture and sports, and activities exploring Finnish language, music, nature and science.
2. Each day focuses on a different topic, such as learning about daily life and landmarks in Helsinki on day 1, traditions and education in Finland on day 2, and the Northern Lights, Finnish culture and sports on day 3. Students will participate in online synchronous classes, watch informative videos, and complete companion activities and discussions.
3. The goal is for participating students
This document outlines the program for an international student exchange hosted by Escola B叩sica e Secund叩ria Gon巽alves Zarco in Madeira Island, Portugal from May 9th to 15th, 2019. The program includes welcome and introductory activities, cultural excursions to local museums and sites, workshops on tile painting and traditional games, a debate on multiculturalism in the EU, presentations by partner schools, a boat trip and sunset viewing, certificate award ceremony, and closing dance and stargazing event. Students and teachers from multiple countries will participate in sharing their cultures and learning about Madeira through various educational and social activities over the course of the week-long exchange.
This document outlines the itinerary for a student mobility program taking place from March 7-14, 2019 in Aldaia, Spain. The program, called "No Man is an Island", brings together students from partner schools in Italy, Spain, Romania and Turkey. The week-long program includes cultural activities exploring the themes of "The Island of Heart", "The Island of Wind" and "The Island of Stones". Students will visit landmarks in Valencia, participate in workshops, debates and performances, and experience Spanish traditions like paella and the Falles festival. The goal is to promote inclusion and understanding between the visiting international students.
El proyecto involucr坦 a 19 docentes y 180 estudiantes en el desarrollo de actividades para fomentar la inclusi坦n. Los objetivos fueron profundizar en la sensibilidad hacia la inclusi坦n, conocer figuras inspiradoras, y aplicar metodolog鱈as como el aprendizaje cooperativo y basado en proyectos. Los estudiantes investigaron biograf鱈as de figuras inspiradoras y crearon pruebas de escape room (Breakout Edu) sobre ellas en diferentes idiomas. El proyecto final se presentar叩 a otros estudiantes y socios europeos.
This document provides a program for a mobility project taking place from October 13-19, 2019 in French Polynesia. The program includes cultural activities such as visits to a market, beach, and city center, a debate on political institutions, outrigger canoeing, and day trips to surrounding islands. Participants will take part in workshops on traditional dance, songs, handcrafts and create a jingle. They will also receive training on mobility tools, cross-cultural newscasts, webradio, and Twinspace platform. The program aims to promote cultural exchange through experiencing the natural heritage and culture of French Polynesia.
The document outlines a 9 day program for students visiting Escola B叩sica e Secund叩ria Gon巽alves Zarco in Madeira Island, Portugal from May 9-14, 2019. The itinerary includes welcome activities, cultural visits to museums and gardens, outdoor excursions such as hiking and boat trips, workshops on tile painting and music, student presentations, and a closing ceremony. The schedule incorporates sightseeing, cultural exchange, and hands-on learning experiences for the visiting students.
The story follows three little pigs who leave home to seek their fortunes. The first builds a house of straw, the second of sticks, and the third of bricks. A big bad wolf blows down the houses of straw and sticks, forcing the pigs to take shelter with the third pig in his brick house. The third pig built strongly by combining techniques learned from the other pigs. Just like a levada spreads water, the two pigs spread information to the third pig to ensure everyone's safety from the wolf.
1) Students and teachers from different countries debated multiculturalism and the EU in Madeira, Portugal.
2) They discussed the meaning of multiculturalism versus interculturalism and examples in their countries.
3) A formal debate was held at the Madeiran Legislative Assembly on Europe Day, where different views on multiculturalism's impact were presented.
The document discusses the cultural heritage of Valencia, Spain under three categories: tangible heritage as "The Island of Stones", natural heritage as "The Island of Wind", and intangible heritage as "The Island of Heart". Some of Valencia's notable sites of tangible cultural heritage mentioned are the Lonja de la Seda, the central market, and the City Hall square. The Albufera natural park and its importance to Valencian cuisine is highlighted as part of the natural heritage. Finally, the intangible cultural heritage is epitomized by the famous Falles festival celebrated in March, which was declared a UNESCO world heritage in 2017.
The document describes the education system in Finland. It begins with pre-school at age 6 and continues through primary school from ages 7-12, lower secondary school from 13-15, and upper secondary or vocational school from ages 15/16-18/19. Education is free, including meals and textbooks. Most students continue their education at upper secondary schools, where they have freedom to choose courses within the national curriculum. Students take a matriculation examination upon graduation to qualify for university entrance.
This document discusses definitions of various words related to places and community in different languages including island, shore, neighborhood, square, home, and courtyard. It provides dictionary definitions and questions about the meaning of each term. John Donne's meditations are referenced in relation to how each person is connected to humanity and their community.
This document outlines the itinerary for a student mobility program taking place from March 8-13, 2019 in Spain. The theme of the program is "No Man is an Island" and it will involve students from Italy and Spain. The schedule includes activities exploring different aspects of Spanish culture and heritage in Aldaia and Valencia such as music, women in science, art, theatre, food, and the natural environment. Key events include visits to historic sites, a debate, workshops, and a closing ceremony where students will present and receive certificates.
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3. Il popolo turco era originariamente una delle tante popolazioni nomadi asiatiche che da secoli si muovevano
verso Occidente.
Chiamati ottomani a causa del loro fondatore Othman I che agli inizi del XIV secolo aveva conquistato ampie
zone allimpero bizantino , nel 1326 fondano la loro capitale a Bursa rendendola una citta islamizzata ,
commerciale e (caratteristica importante degli ottomani) cosmopolita.
La battaglia del Kosovo del 1389 infranse definitivamente le speranze di contenere lespansione turca,infatti
da questo punto in poi la loro espansione fu inarrestabile.
Tamerlano nacque in Uzbekistan nel 1336. Discendeva da una
trib湛 turco-mongola di religione islamico sunnita.Dopo aver sposato una
principessa discendente da Gengis Khan fond嘆 un vasto impero con cpitale
Inizi嘆 conquistando limpero russoper passarfe poi allAzebaijan e alla Georgia.
Tra 1387 e 1395 conquist嘆 tutto liran massacando anche i civili. Nel 1398
arriv嘆 fino in india. Poi nel 1402 si scontr嘆 col sultano ottomano, il quale venne
fatto prigioniero (questo caus嘆 una guerra tra i figli del sultano per salire al
trono che termin嘆 nel 1413 con la vittoria di Mehmet I).
Dopo le stragi compiute in Siria loccidente inizi嘆 a pensare che Tamerlano
potesse diventare un loro alleato contro i Turchi che minacciavano limpero
bizantino e gli interessi commerciali dellOccidente verso lOriente.
Quindi genovesi,veneziani,francesi,bizantini cercarono di stipulare la pax
mongolica antiottomana. Il progetto fu fallimentare perche dopo la battaglia di
Ankara Tamerlano riprese i suoi disegni di conquista, almeno ritard嘆 di 50 anni
la presa di Costantinopoli, nel dicembre 1404 avvi嘆 la campagna verso la Cina
, ma mor狸 mentre era ancora in Asia centrale.
IL 29 maggio 1453 le mura di Costantinopoli cedettero sotto la forza dell
artiglieria turca. LOccidente non fece nulla a riguardo perch竪 gi abbastanza
occupato dai suoi conflitti interni.
Dopo la sua conquista la citt divenne islamica e cambi嘆 nome in Istanbul.
(ancora ai giorni nostri esiste un dibattito sullentrata nellunione europea della
turchia a ca delle origini della loro capitale).
Maometto II volvea ricostruire un impero universale, si espanse nei balcani e
arriv嘆 in puglia. Maometto attu嘆 varie riforme , limit嘆 il potere dei grandi
feudatari,si appoggi嘆 a una burocrazia cosmopolita.