Contabilità e bilancioMonica VitaliCome fare per spiegare la contabilità a chi non l'ha mai studiata? Un breve e semplice corso sui rudimenti della contabilità e del bilancio.
L'imprenditore nella disciplina del diritto commercialedirittoeconomiacreativiݺߣs che illustrano il ruolo dell'imprenditore come definito dal codice civile e dalle leggi speciali
L'azienda. Presentazione sintetica. Diego Piselli.DIEGO PISELLIUna presentazione sintetica sull'azienda e sul suo trasferimento (sorte dei debiti e dei crediti, sorte dei contratti,).
Cenni ad affitto e usufrutto di azienda.
Contabilità e bilancioMonica VitaliCome fare per spiegare la contabilità a chi non l'ha mai studiata? Un breve e semplice corso sui rudimenti della contabilità e del bilancio.
L'imprenditore nella disciplina del diritto commercialedirittoeconomiacreativiݺߣs che illustrano il ruolo dell'imprenditore come definito dal codice civile e dalle leggi speciali
L'azienda. Presentazione sintetica. Diego Piselli.DIEGO PISELLIUna presentazione sintetica sull'azienda e sul suo trasferimento (sorte dei debiti e dei crediti, sorte dei contratti,).
Cenni ad affitto e usufrutto di azienda.
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Google Plus for businesses and brands: ImplementationVirtual Desk SupportThe document provides guidance on getting the most out of Google+ pages. It discusses key features of Google+ pages like circles and hangouts. Basic activation principles are covered, including the importance of listening to stakeholders and applying a four step process. Case studies demonstrate best practices for content planning, engagement, and use of video. Practical advice addresses creating compelling pages, engaging followers, promotion strategies, and using features like circles and hangouts.
Pinterest For BusinessVirtual Desk SupportSocial Media and Marketers Five Benefits of Social Media Marketing from” 1. Increased exposure 2. Increased traffic 3. Provided marketplace insight 4. Generated leads 5. Developed loyal fans
7 Ways To Ignite Instagram For Your Brand In 2014Virtual Desk SupportFacebook is great, but 2014 is the year to diversify your brand's social media presence onto other social networks. And Instagram is prime: It's mobile, it's fun, and it is not yet overly populated with social noise.
Learn 7 Ways To Ignite Instagram For Your Brand in 2014, and develop and nurture social relationships not necessarily possible on other social platforms at this time!
By Keri Jaehnig of Idea Girl Media
Pinterest for Business: Marketing Your Brand IdentityVirtual Desk SupportPinterest is a content curation site that allows users to share images and organize them into boards. It is gaining popularity as a marketing tool for brands. Brands can leverage Pinterest by adding pin buttons to product pages to encourage sharing. Rather than self-promotion, brands should use Pinterest to demonstrate their brand identity and culture through inspiring images. By examining follower pins, companies can discover customer interests to target on other social media sites. To be effective, brands must provide engaging content that users will want to pin and share.
Training Guide Video1Virtual Desk SupportThis document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and why it is important for online businesses. It explains that SEO involves optimizing a website using keywords so that it ranks highly in search engines. The document notes that search engine traffic is high-quality as search engines only display relevant content, and top-ranking sites are seen as more credible and make more profits. It provides several statistics showing that the majority of users rely on search engines and only view the first page of results, making SEO crucial for visibility and driving traffic to a site.
Pinterest for Business - Making the most of your Business Pinterest AccountVirtual Desk SupportYou've Heard of Pinterest, Correct?
Everyone seems to be talking about Pinterest. So, why is Pinterest a good choice for your business?
In many cases, Pinterest is driving more traffic to websites than any other social network
More Pinterest followers use Pinterest to engage or associate with brands and retailers than any other social network
69% of Pinterest users found the item they eventually purchased on Pinterest
Pinterest users use it to keep up with latest trends and interests
The "Pin-It" button on your website gets clicked 10x more often than the "Tweet This" button.
You should be. We offer client-only classes on a bi-weekly basis with no more than 6 clients per class.
Instagram for business | Strategy GuideVirtual Desk SupportBusinesses of all sizes and across industries are finding marketing success on Instagram. Here is how.
5 essential google plus circles for businessVirtual Desk SupportOne of the biggest benefits I see with Google Plus is the ability t segment your brand posts to make sure that the right post goes to the right people. This helps stop brand fatigue and helps you deliver the right message to the right people at the right time.
How To Setup Instagram For Your BusinessVirtual Desk SupportThis document provides instructions for businesses on how to set up and use Instagram. It discusses why Instagram is important for businesses, how to create an account and get familiar with the platform's features. It also offers tips on posting, including uploading photos, adding hashtags and sharing to other networks. Examples are given of top brands and successful small businesses that utilize Instagram well. The document encourages businesses to have fun with the app and engage with customers through their Instagram presence.
Profit is in everything. The Era of web-analytics.Rus KarbolsunovAlexander Bogdanov | Digital Marketing Forum (Bucharest, Romania)
- Optimizing digital-marketing budgets - rise the revenue, cut the costs.
- The most effective channels for digital campaigns.
- The importance of A/B experiments on the website.
- How not to lose the loyal customers during new advertising campaigns and website's redesign.
Pinterest for Business Sierra Commons Winter 2013Virtual Desk SupportLearn how to use Pinterest for your business. Marketing presentation by Coryon Redd to Sierra Commons 2013.
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The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
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Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunità italiana -...Damiano Orru’Osservatorio sull’information literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della “Open Education Week 2025”, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
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L’imposta è un prelievo coattivo di ricchezza che lo
Stato (oppure un Ente Pubblico) effettua a carico del
contribuente affinché egli partecipi alla spesa
pubblica (art. 53 Costituzione)
Colpiscono il reddito del contribuente o il
patrimonio posseduto.
Colpiscono gli atti di produzione o di
scambio e il consumo di beni e servizi.
6. L’imposta sul valore aggiunto
E’ un’imposta che si applica sulle cessioni dei
beni e sulle prestazioni di servizi effettuate nel
territorio dello stato nell’esercizio di imprese,
arti e professioni e sulle importazioni da
chiunque effettuate (art. 1 d.p.r 633/72)
9. Imposta regionale sulle attività produttive
Imposta regionale sulle attività produttive è
un’imposta a carattere reale e non è deducibile ai
fini delle imposte sui redditi (art.1 del decreto
legislativo 15/12/1997 n. 446).
10. Reddito Fiscale
E’ il reddito dell’impresa risultante dal conto
economico redatto secondo criteri civilistici
(reddito di bilancio) al quale si applicano le
norme tributarie.
11. Reddito Fiscale
(variazioni in aumento )
(variazioni in diminuzione)