This document provides instruction on forming sentences in the past simple tense in English, including positive, negative, and interrogative forms. It gives examples of changing regular and irregular verbs into the past simple tense and provides exercises for learners to practice forming past simple sentences from pictures and answering questions about events in the past. Learners are asked to fill in blanks with appropriate past tense verbs and write out their daily schedules from the previous day in the past simple tense.
The document contrasts the present simple and present continuous tenses, providing examples of each. It then contrasts the simple past and past continuous tenses, providing additional examples. Key examples include "He watches the news every day" in the present simple and "While I was cooking dinner, my friends knocked at the door" in the past continuous. The document aims to illustrate the proper uses of these common verb tenses through short examples.
Rosalia Sinaguglia
Impariamo ad usare l'imperativo attraverso la ricetta del pesto.
invito agli studenti a descrivere una ricetta tradizionale del loro paese usando l'imperativo.
This document discusses different ways to construct impersonal passive sentences using verbs like "be said", "be reported", and "be alleged". It notes that impersonal passive sentences can take the form of "it + be + past participle + that clause" or "subject + be + past participle + to-infinitive clause". Some example sentences are given to illustrate each construction. The document also mentions that when a that-clause begins with "that + there", an alternative passive form uses "there + be + past participle".
The document discusses how to add -er and -est to adjectives to form comparisons. It explains that when adding -er or -est, some adjectives double the final letter while others change the final y to i. Some examples provided are big/bigger/biggest, hot/hotter/hottest, and lazy/lazier/laziest. The document then provides sentences applying these comparative adjective rules.
In questa lezione impariamo a presentarsi, i saluti, a ringraziare e rispondere, alcune espressioni utili, i pronomi personali, come si fa un semplice dialogo in italiano, il pronome Lei, gli appellativi e il verbo essere.
This document discusses -ER verbs in French. It explains that -ER verbs translate to "to____" in English, like "nager" means "to swim" and "travailler" means "to work." It emphasizes that verbs need to be conjugated, or have their endings changed, to make sense grammatically. For example, with -ER verbs the conjugation is: je + verb + e, tu + verb + es, and il/elle + verb + e. This rule applies to all -ER verbs like "aimer" and "danser." Proper conjugation is important for verbs to make sense in a sentence.
L'indicatif pr¨¦sent des verbes du 1er groupe ¨¤ 2 bases [verbes en -CER, -GER...Filip Vermeulen
Fran?ais langue ¨¦trang¨¨re (FLE) ¡¤ Grammaire ¡¤ Conjugaison ¡¤ L'indicatif pr¨¦sent des verbes en -ER du 1er groupe ¨¤ 2 bases: rappel des caract¨¦ristiques et particularit¨¦s de leur formation et exercides de r¨¦vision ¡¤ Niveau [A1]-A2-[B1] du CECRL ¡¤ Apprenants hispanoparlants ou autres
On passe en revue l'indicatif pr¨¦sent des verbes en -GER (changer), -CER (commencer), -AYER (essayer), -OYER (nettoyer), -UYER (essuyer), -E.ER (acheter, appeler, jeter) ou encore -?.ER (pr¨¦f¨¦rer).
? la fin du document on vous renvoie ¨¤ des ressources suppl¨¦mentaires (tutoriels et exercices), et en bas des tableaux listant les verbes dans le document vous trouverez des hyperliens vers des conjugueurs.
This document discusses reflexive pronouns. It explains that reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of a sentence or clause and end in "-self" or "-selves". It provides examples of sentences using reflexive pronouns like "I cut myself" and "We can finish the project ourselves". The document then provides a practice section with sentences to be completed using the correct reflexive pronoun.
This document discusses the differences between direct and indirect speech. [1] Direct speech reports someone's exact words, while indirect speech changes the tense and pronouns to report the general idea of what someone said without using their exact words. [2] The document provides examples of changing direct speech to indirect speech by modifying verbs and pronouns. [3] It also covers changing imperative statements and questions to the appropriate indirect speech forms.
The document provides an overview of the plus-que-parfait (pluperfect) tense in French. It explains that the plus-que-parfait expresses an action that had occurred before another past action. It is formed with an auxiliary verb (avoir or ¨ºtre) in the imparfait plus a past participle. Examples are provided of conjugating common -er, -ir, and -re verbs like donner, finir, and rendre in the plus-que-parfait. Rules for forming the past participle are outlined. Students are given exercises to conjugate verbs and complete sentences in the pluperfect tense.
The document provides examples of conversations and sentences where will or be going to should be used. It gives 10 examples with blanks to be filled in with will or be going to depending on the context. The examples cover situations involving plans for the future, offers of help, and decisions that have already been made.
Dsci-300 Final Project Strickland/Gravisguestfe4abcd
Chili's Bar and Grill chose the Aloha Point of Sale system for its Mt. Pleasant location due to its simple, user-friendly and low cost design. The Aloha POS system provides a graphical touch screen interface, menu management capabilities, integrated payment processing and reporting functions to help manage orders, sales and staff performance. The system allows the franchisee to analyze sales, menu item performance and server reports to improve operations.
This document discusses different ways to construct impersonal passive sentences using verbs like "be said", "be reported", and "be alleged". It notes that impersonal passive sentences can take the form of "it + be + past participle + that clause" or "subject + be + past participle + to-infinitive clause". Some example sentences are given to illustrate each construction. The document also mentions that when a that-clause begins with "that + there", an alternative passive form uses "there + be + past participle".
The document discusses how to add -er and -est to adjectives to form comparisons. It explains that when adding -er or -est, some adjectives double the final letter while others change the final y to i. Some examples provided are big/bigger/biggest, hot/hotter/hottest, and lazy/lazier/laziest. The document then provides sentences applying these comparative adjective rules.
In questa lezione impariamo a presentarsi, i saluti, a ringraziare e rispondere, alcune espressioni utili, i pronomi personali, come si fa un semplice dialogo in italiano, il pronome Lei, gli appellativi e il verbo essere.
This document discusses -ER verbs in French. It explains that -ER verbs translate to "to____" in English, like "nager" means "to swim" and "travailler" means "to work." It emphasizes that verbs need to be conjugated, or have their endings changed, to make sense grammatically. For example, with -ER verbs the conjugation is: je + verb + e, tu + verb + es, and il/elle + verb + e. This rule applies to all -ER verbs like "aimer" and "danser." Proper conjugation is important for verbs to make sense in a sentence.
L'indicatif pr¨¦sent des verbes du 1er groupe ¨¤ 2 bases [verbes en -CER, -GER...Filip Vermeulen
Fran?ais langue ¨¦trang¨¨re (FLE) ¡¤ Grammaire ¡¤ Conjugaison ¡¤ L'indicatif pr¨¦sent des verbes en -ER du 1er groupe ¨¤ 2 bases: rappel des caract¨¦ristiques et particularit¨¦s de leur formation et exercides de r¨¦vision ¡¤ Niveau [A1]-A2-[B1] du CECRL ¡¤ Apprenants hispanoparlants ou autres
On passe en revue l'indicatif pr¨¦sent des verbes en -GER (changer), -CER (commencer), -AYER (essayer), -OYER (nettoyer), -UYER (essuyer), -E.ER (acheter, appeler, jeter) ou encore -?.ER (pr¨¦f¨¦rer).
? la fin du document on vous renvoie ¨¤ des ressources suppl¨¦mentaires (tutoriels et exercices), et en bas des tableaux listant les verbes dans le document vous trouverez des hyperliens vers des conjugueurs.
This document discusses reflexive pronouns. It explains that reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of a sentence or clause and end in "-self" or "-selves". It provides examples of sentences using reflexive pronouns like "I cut myself" and "We can finish the project ourselves". The document then provides a practice section with sentences to be completed using the correct reflexive pronoun.
This document discusses the differences between direct and indirect speech. [1] Direct speech reports someone's exact words, while indirect speech changes the tense and pronouns to report the general idea of what someone said without using their exact words. [2] The document provides examples of changing direct speech to indirect speech by modifying verbs and pronouns. [3] It also covers changing imperative statements and questions to the appropriate indirect speech forms.
The document provides an overview of the plus-que-parfait (pluperfect) tense in French. It explains that the plus-que-parfait expresses an action that had occurred before another past action. It is formed with an auxiliary verb (avoir or ¨ºtre) in the imparfait plus a past participle. Examples are provided of conjugating common -er, -ir, and -re verbs like donner, finir, and rendre in the plus-que-parfait. Rules for forming the past participle are outlined. Students are given exercises to conjugate verbs and complete sentences in the pluperfect tense.
The document provides examples of conversations and sentences where will or be going to should be used. It gives 10 examples with blanks to be filled in with will or be going to depending on the context. The examples cover situations involving plans for the future, offers of help, and decisions that have already been made.
Dsci-300 Final Project Strickland/Gravisguestfe4abcd
Chili's Bar and Grill chose the Aloha Point of Sale system for its Mt. Pleasant location due to its simple, user-friendly and low cost design. The Aloha POS system provides a graphical touch screen interface, menu management capabilities, integrated payment processing and reporting functions to help manage orders, sales and staff performance. The system allows the franchisee to analyze sales, menu item performance and server reports to improve operations.
PW Brand Design. Il negozio dietro l'angolo: Campomarzio70Mauro Carlucci
Il project work prevedeva l'analisi, la strategia e il progetto di un brand scelto da ogni gruppo durante il corso di Brand Design tenutosi dal prof. Eduardo Salierno nell'a.a 2011/2012.
See how Horry Georgetown Technical College is looking at Mobile Web Technology as it applies to teachers and students in the classroom. View an array of results from a recent survey conducted to determine a base-line for the HGTC Mobile We Initiative and discover how HGTC is implementing new technology in the classroom.
Tiga kalimat ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang dimensi tiga khususnya jarak antara berbagai unsur ruang seperti titik, garis, dan bidang. Jarak didefinisikan sebagai panjang garis yang menghubungkan unsur-unsur tersebut secara tegak lurus. Contoh perhitungan jarak antara berbagai unsur ruang pada kubus dan limas segi empat beraturan disajikan beserta penjelasann
Group Five is presenting on a documentary about homophobic bullying among teenagers. They interviewed teachers, students, and advocacy groups. The results of a student survey showed mixed opinions on homosexuality and whether bullying is an issue. Some YouTube research found openly gay content creators and support for gay rights. Interviews will be filmed locally to portray each person. The conclusion is that while not all feedback is positive, the film aims to protest homophobia like other growing online voices.
Au cours de sa conf¨¦rence, Fran?ois expliquera comment concevoir une application avec OSGi et Flex et comment architecturer une telle application de mani¨¨re ¨¤ ce que les ¨¦volutions futures n'entra?nent pas une interruption totale de service.
Pour cela, il pr¨¦sentera les diff¨¦rents moyens de communication entre le client Flex et le back-end OSGi. A cette occasion, il ¨¦tablira une comparaison rapide entre les diff¨¦rentes briques logicielles open source permettant d¡¯int¨¦grer ces deux technologies.
Puis, il montrera comment une application Flex peut ¨ºtre d¨¦coup¨¦e en un ensemble de sous applications qui pourront ¨ºtre charg¨¦es ou d¨¦charg¨¦es ¨¤ chaud gr?ce aux m¨¦canismes de d¨¦ploiement offerts par OSGi.
The document describes how the conditions in space are deadly, with planets being consumed by stars and supernova explosions reaching millions of degrees. It notes that Earth is the only place that has been protected from this destruction and provides pleasant things like strawberries, flowers, and clean air and water. The document questions how nature produces these enjoyable things and structures organisms to experience pleasure from them. It encourages protecting Earth and being thankful to a higher power for creating this oasis amid the dangers of space.
Supp. Lesson - The Holy Spirit Sustains the Church as She Grows (CLE 7 - CSQC)Arvin Lising
The document provides information about Paul's missionary journeys, persecutions faced by early Christians, key events like Constantine's Edict of Milan, and growth of the Church. It includes a timeline of important people and councils that helped establish Church teachings. Disagreements and heresies are discussed as part of the development of doctrine. The importance of patience, understanding, and looking to martyrs for strength is also presented.