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Incremental and adaptive
fuzzy clustering for
Virtual Learning Environments
data analysis
Gabriella Casalino
University of Bari, Italy
23rd International Conference on Information Visualization,
July 2-5 2019, Paris
Giovanna Castellano
University of Bari, Italy
Corrado Mencar
University of Bari, Italy
Virtual Learning
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
Educational Data Mining
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
Educational Data Mining
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
Educational Data Mining
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
Educational Data Mining
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
 Continuous 鍖ow of data
 sensors, online transactions, health monitoring, network traf鍖c,
 Impractical to store and use all data
 Need of new techniques that:
 Process a 鍖nite number of data at a time
 Use a limited amount of memory
 Predict/classify at any time and in a limited amount of time
 Take into account the evolution of data
Data streams
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
 DISSFCM: Dynamic Incremental Semi-Supervised
Fuzzy C-Means
 a method for data stream classi鍖cation that
 works in an incremental way
 dynamically adapt the number of clusters:
 a 鍖xed number of clusters may not capture
adequately the evolving structure of streaming
Data analysis method
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
OULAD Dataset
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
OULAD Dataset
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
80% training set
20% test set
75% labeling
3 chunks
Data analysis results
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
Data interpretation
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
Data interpretation
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
education level = no formal quals
age band= 35-55 disability = N
Data interpretation
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
home page
out collaboration subpages url
Data interpretation
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
class = fail
class = pass
Data interpretation
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
class = fail
class = pass
Conclusions and Future
 Open University Learning Analytics Dataset (OULAD)
 educational data as a stream
 DISSFCM to predict students outcomes
 the classi鍖cation model is able to adapt and evolve
according to the new data
 interpretable results
 further work on complex and heterogeneous educational
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris
Gabriella Casalino
IV2019-France, July 2-5 2019, Paris

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