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Why is an instructional guide so important when selling a product in the market?  When the beginner sells the product in the market, an educational guide becomes important. The product sales in the first market do not often understand and because are uneasy for the beginner. Moreover, an educational guide is very important to bring up a professional salesman. Because little and uneasiness, etc. are removed from the beginner to the senior, an educational guide is important. When selling a product in the market in such a meaning, the guide of the education is too why important.
Write 5 major points in the above articles that are important. This tip does not apply to all how tos. If you are writing instructions on assembling pre-fabricated furniture, limit yourself to the barest of instructions. If, on the other hand, you are writing a book on how to build sun decks, you might choose to give information on types of wood and other building materials. Many craft books put all materials at the beginning of each project so readers know up front what to buy. Self-help books do not need to include such a list. Taking someone through getting a divorce might have a chapter on each step and the table of contents becomes the materials list. Many tasks require a step-by-step process. If you do not have to follow a particular set of steps, find a logical organization for your information. Some instructions go from general to specific, some stack a series of specifics to build to the big picture. If you are using the building block approach, give your readers a vision of what they are building before you give them the first steps.
Explain 5 reasons why one should study the instructional manual before using a specific product?  Many tasks require a step-by-step process. If you do not have to follow a particular set of steps, find a logical organization for your information. Some instructions go from general to specific, some stack a series of specifics to build to the big picture. If you are using the building block approach, give your readers a vision of what they are building before you give them the first steps. My writing tips pages are a kind of instruction manual. The numbering helps people to know when they are going to move to something completely different. The bold type gives a visual shorthand for those who prefer to skim rather than read word by word. If your book includes special features like safety tips (see Instruction Manuals Writing Tip #9 below), icons in the margin can give readers a heads up.
Write a paragraph explaining a specific business situation where an instructional guide might help the customer solve a problem. The paragraph explaining think of lavishly illustrated cook books. The photos often sell the books. Other cook books have no illustrations. Some types of instructions, such as those for origami, benefit from line drawings. If you can't do your own illustrations, consider contacting art schools or even high school art departments for recommendations. If you are writing a book with instructions on a physical activity, follow the instructions yourself as you wrote them. Then have someone from your target group follow them. If your subject is not physical, have another specialist in your field check what you've written. Not only will you have an expert opinion, but also you will have a potential endorsement for your book. Once you have tested and retested your work, give it to someone else to test. An editor who understands the particular nature of a how-to book or manual can tell you which editing services would best meet your needs.
How would you promote an instructional guide for your business situation? I think that there is variously what to promote the guide of the education in the place of the business. I think that I can make the best use of for work by plainly making the manual by the business condition. The guide of the commodity that our company sells is made, and it explains the company and it is possible to use it conveniently with worth.
Talk about an instructional guide that you want to prepare on how to use your mobile phone. Explain at least 10 major points you will include in this instructional guide of your choice. What will be the exact purpose of the guide?.  I explain the reason to choose the mobile phone first. The second explains detailed information on the mobile phone. The manual of the function that I use it is written. How it changed is explained that the mobile phone that I am using is the previous mobile phone. The mobile phone makes the previous mobile phone and a changeable place a graph and it explains. It explains whether there is a problem when the mobile phone is actually used. The mobile phone is used and the manual that confirms be safe is made. The advantage to use the mobile phone explains something. I explain the easiness of the mobile phone used to use. The manual of the mobile phone is concisely made from these. An accurate purpose to guide is to tell the goodness of the mobile phone for a lot of people.
Write five sentences explaining how a company should do research before designing an instructional manual.  Our company should do various researches before designing the manual of the instruction. First, it thinks about making the manual concisely bringing the content together. Next, the graph is prepared to attempt making of the manual concise and various people are told. In addition, it persists the description of the supply that the reader necessary for the manual needs for the project. It brings it together dividing the manual in detail at the end by the same content.
Write down five key words and its meaning that you read in the above articles. Manual: a book that gives instructions about how to do something, especially how to use a machine Craft: a job or activity in which you make things with your hands, and that you usually need skill to do instruction: the written information that tells you how to do or use something project : a carefully planned piece of work to get information about something, to build something to improve something etc benefit: an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something
Develop a short concept map using the Concept Mapping software based on one of the articles you see above. http://www.slideshare.net/s1170031/week-10-a
Develop a short concept map explaining how the following article is organized.  http://www.slideshare.net/s1170031/week-10-b
Write down the definition of 5 major key words that are used in the concept map you developed in the previous question.  1. method a planned way of doing something,especially one that a lot of people know about and use: 2. project a carefully planned piece of work to get information about something, to build something, to improve something etc: 3. topic a subject that people talk or write about: 4. connect to join two or more things together 5. broadband a system of sending radio signals which allows several messages to be sent at the same time
Write down three major questions that might explain the major argument or information in the the article you read above (in question B). 1. What is advantage of to connect to another computer using remote access software. 2. What is disadvantage of to connect to another computer using remote access software. 3. Can even the beginner connect it with the computer?

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  • 1. Why is an instructional guide so important when selling a product in the market? When the beginner sells the product in the market, an educational guide becomes important. The product sales in the first market do not often understand and because are uneasy for the beginner. Moreover, an educational guide is very important to bring up a professional salesman. Because little and uneasiness, etc. are removed from the beginner to the senior, an educational guide is important. When selling a product in the market in such a meaning, the guide of the education is too why important.
  • 2. Write 5 major points in the above articles that are important. This tip does not apply to all how tos. If you are writing instructions on assembling pre-fabricated furniture, limit yourself to the barest of instructions. If, on the other hand, you are writing a book on how to build sun decks, you might choose to give information on types of wood and other building materials. Many craft books put all materials at the beginning of each project so readers know up front what to buy. Self-help books do not need to include such a list. Taking someone through getting a divorce might have a chapter on each step and the table of contents becomes the materials list. Many tasks require a step-by-step process. If you do not have to follow a particular set of steps, find a logical organization for your information. Some instructions go from general to specific, some stack a series of specifics to build to the big picture. If you are using the building block approach, give your readers a vision of what they are building before you give them the first steps.
  • 3. Explain 5 reasons why one should study the instructional manual before using a specific product? Many tasks require a step-by-step process. If you do not have to follow a particular set of steps, find a logical organization for your information. Some instructions go from general to specific, some stack a series of specifics to build to the big picture. If you are using the building block approach, give your readers a vision of what they are building before you give them the first steps. My writing tips pages are a kind of instruction manual. The numbering helps people to know when they are going to move to something completely different. The bold type gives a visual shorthand for those who prefer to skim rather than read word by word. If your book includes special features like safety tips (see Instruction Manuals Writing Tip #9 below), icons in the margin can give readers a heads up.
  • 4. Write a paragraph explaining a specific business situation where an instructional guide might help the customer solve a problem. The paragraph explaining think of lavishly illustrated cook books. The photos often sell the books. Other cook books have no illustrations. Some types of instructions, such as those for origami, benefit from line drawings. If you can't do your own illustrations, consider contacting art schools or even high school art departments for recommendations. If you are writing a book with instructions on a physical activity, follow the instructions yourself as you wrote them. Then have someone from your target group follow them. If your subject is not physical, have another specialist in your field check what you've written. Not only will you have an expert opinion, but also you will have a potential endorsement for your book. Once you have tested and retested your work, give it to someone else to test. An editor who understands the particular nature of a how-to book or manual can tell you which editing services would best meet your needs.
  • 5. How would you promote an instructional guide for your business situation? I think that there is variously what to promote the guide of the education in the place of the business. I think that I can make the best use of for work by plainly making the manual by the business condition. The guide of the commodity that our company sells is made, and it explains the company and it is possible to use it conveniently with worth.
  • 6. Talk about an instructional guide that you want to prepare on how to use your mobile phone. Explain at least 10 major points you will include in this instructional guide of your choice. What will be the exact purpose of the guide?. I explain the reason to choose the mobile phone first. The second explains detailed information on the mobile phone. The manual of the function that I use it is written. How it changed is explained that the mobile phone that I am using is the previous mobile phone. The mobile phone makes the previous mobile phone and a changeable place a graph and it explains. It explains whether there is a problem when the mobile phone is actually used. The mobile phone is used and the manual that confirms be safe is made. The advantage to use the mobile phone explains something. I explain the easiness of the mobile phone used to use. The manual of the mobile phone is concisely made from these. An accurate purpose to guide is to tell the goodness of the mobile phone for a lot of people.
  • 7. Write five sentences explaining how a company should do research before designing an instructional manual. Our company should do various researches before designing the manual of the instruction. First, it thinks about making the manual concisely bringing the content together. Next, the graph is prepared to attempt making of the manual concise and various people are told. In addition, it persists the description of the supply that the reader necessary for the manual needs for the project. It brings it together dividing the manual in detail at the end by the same content.
  • 8. Write down five key words and its meaning that you read in the above articles. Manual: a book that gives instructions about how to do something, especially how to use a machine Craft: a job or activity in which you make things with your hands, and that you usually need skill to do instruction: the written information that tells you how to do or use something project : a carefully planned piece of work to get information about something, to build something to improve something etc benefit: an advantage, improvement, or help that you get from something
  • 9. Develop a short concept map using the Concept Mapping software based on one of the articles you see above. http://www.slideshare.net/s1170031/week-10-a
  • 10. Develop a short concept map explaining how the following article is organized. http://www.slideshare.net/s1170031/week-10-b
  • 11. Write down the definition of 5 major key words that are used in the concept map you developed in the previous question. 1. method a planned way of doing something,especially one that a lot of people know about and use: 2. project a carefully planned piece of work to get information about something, to build something, to improve something etc: 3. topic a subject that people talk or write about: 4. connect to join two or more things together 5. broadband a system of sending radio signals which allows several messages to be sent at the same time
  • 12. Write down three major questions that might explain the major argument or information in the the article you read above (in question B). 1. What is advantage of to connect to another computer using remote access software. 2. What is disadvantage of to connect to another computer using remote access software. 3. Can even the beginner connect it with the computer?