First presentation immigration and the united statesIsabel Cubilla
The document provides an overview of United States immigration law and history. It discusses the major periods of immigration to the US from before 1776 to present day. It also summarizes the main categories of legal immigration including family-based immigration, employment-based immigration, marriage-based immigration, and the diversity lottery program. Key details are provided on eligibility requirements and annual visa limits for the different family and employment preference categories.
The document discusses issues around educating undocumented immigrant children in the US. It notes that while some argue undocumented immigrants do not pay taxes, research shows they contribute an estimated $428 billion annually. The Supreme Court has ruled that all children have a right to education regardless of immigration status. Possible solutions discussed include better funding alternatives for education, improved teaching methods, increasing awareness, and passing legislation like the DREAM Act to provide pathways to citizenship for certain immigrant youth.
The document provides a history of immigration to the United States from the 17th century to present day. It describes the various waves of European immigration, as well as immigration from Asia and Mexico. It discusses how different immigrant groups faced discrimination and calls for immigration laws to be less restrictive. The document advocates for welcoming immigrants seeking freedom and opportunity in America, as many ancestors of current citizens once did.
The document provides an overview of U.S. immigration history, policies, and the ongoing controversy surrounding both legal and illegal immigration. It discusses the various waves of immigrants to the U.S. from different parts of the world at different time periods, from the late 1800s to present day. In addition, it examines the reasons why people immigrate legally and illegally, where they come from, and possible solutions to illegal immigration such as border security measures or reform policies.
Con el fin de contraargumentar las opiniones desfavorables a la inmigraci坦n, el `Manual Desmuntant rumors卒 recoge informaci坦n y datos procedentes de diferentes fuentes como el Diccionario de lengua catalana del Institut d'Estudis Catalans, el Idescat, el INE y normativas oficiales, entre otros - que ayudan a no dar por v叩lidas las generalidades y estereotipos que afectan a la ciudadan鱈a extranjera.
Con el fin de contraargumentar las opiniones desfavorables a la inmigraci坦n, el `Manual Desmuntant rumors卒 recoge informaci坦n y datos procedentes de diferentes fuentes como el Diccionario de lengua catalana del Institut d'Estudis Catalans, el Idescat, el INE y normativas oficiales, entre otros - que ayudan a no dar por v叩lidas las generalidades y estereotipos que afectan a la ciudadan鱈a extranjera.
2. En aquesta imatge observem la immigraci坦 a Catalunya. En la primera imatge
observem que en el 2001 hi ha menys immigrants que en la segona imatge que
辿s del 2007.
4. Comarques de Catalunya on abunda d'immigraci坦:Alt Empord, Baix
Empord, Selva, Maresme, Barcelon竪s, Garraf, Tarragon竪s, Baix Pened竪s,
Baix Camp, Ribera l'Ebre, Baix Ebre, Montsi.
Don provenen els immigrants que emigren a Catalunya?
Aquests provenen del Marroc, tamb辿 hi ha asitics, africans, de Turquia, etc.
On es situen els immigrants que venen a Catalunya?
Al litoral perqu竪 hi ha les grans ciutats i on es troben les grans ind炭stries i els
llocs tur鱈stics.
Com 辿s la vida dels immigrants?
Els immigrants marxen dels seus pa誰sos ja que on vivien tenien molt mala
qualitat de vida i venen aqu鱈 a treballar molt per almenys menjar cada dia.
Els que no troben feina es dediquen a robar ja que si els enxampen com no
tenen res no tenen res a perdre.
5. Qu竪 en pensen els ciutadans de Catalunya dels immigrants?
Hi ha a molta gent que est a favor de la immigraci坦 a Catalunya pel
benefici que rep Catalunya ja que omplen els llocs de treballs m辿s durs i
tamb辿 els menys desitjats per la resta de la poblaci坦.